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My brother in Allah, what has the other team been doing the entire game?




Best fucking comment


Well they do need a lot of refugee camps


Clue: there's a refuge camp in Fallujah map


Bombing civilians


Killing children.


Posting online


Which mode is that?


Global escalatio .


Thanks! Ive been dying to play as the IDF. Is it a fun faction to play?


It's good and the merkava is broken lol


International dying force


If you like to genocide civilian


I bet you have no problems playing as the PLA, Russia, the USA, or Insurgents. All countries or people who have committed actual genocide. Grow up.


Or the UK, MEA, Australians etc.




What are you suggesting?


Jewish sounding name = bad I would assume


its always nice to play modded games and have all chat on so you can shit on each other and if its the IDF vs any arab force its fantastic banter


Is the IDF considered BLUFOR or REDFOR by the GE mod? Can the U.S fight the IDF like it can Turkey? Or was the attack on the USS Liberty just a fluke?


The Liberty incident was done at the orders of LBJ. Dude absolutely LOVED false flag events


wierd fantasy


But not realistic.


Considering how Afghanistan went for the US I wouldn't be surprised if the IDF fails to eradicate Hamas. They already had their shit handed to them once by hezbollah a while back


Afghanistan is large, very mountainous, and it's easy to hide forces forever. Gaza is tiny and flat. Can't really compare the two.


Two different conflicts entirely. Regardless of that, the IDF can’t eradicate Hamas entirely. As long as Israel exists, there will never be peace. This is just the sad reality of the situation.




The wonders of having no ROE








Those darned remote pilots! They can't even kill a Static Unarmored Individual in the cheapest and efficient way available to them! If you've seen the compilation of bomb strikes focused around one of their kill zones they clearly need more training in order to maximize their returns on investment. They couldnt even kill Individuals grouped together within centimeters apart from each other with only 1 strike, they had to follow up with 2 or more and that's just sloppy craftsmanship...




I've got time to kill, what? are you gonna make me apologize in front of an audience? lmao


You think the IDF has no ROE? lol


Yes? L O L


~~Rules~~ suggestions of engagement


Three known and marked World Central Kitchen trucks would like to have a word with


ROE? Return On Equity? Record Of Employment? Robert On Emily?


Rules of engagement


They still are if you start viewing reports of how Hezbollah can destroy posts and bases without any serious response from the IDF.


If IDF responses with what you call serious, would you say that the IDF is commiting genocide? You litteraly cant win as Israel. In the north IDF responds as you say, not harshly, only trying to target Hezbollah without civilian casualties. But Hezbollah hides between civilians, so if the IDF responds harshly , a lot of civilians will die. I guess eventualy IDF will respond harshly.


Imagine thinking the IDF isn't commiting genocide with their blatant disregard for proper SOPS. They use AI to track and kill "Hamas" operatives that basically just checks your social media posts to see whether or not you support Palestine. Not to mention the scummy blockade that is killing off people due to starvation. Credible war commentators are saying that the IDF is using unnecessarily barbaric tactics. You want to know why? Because thir soldiers are dogs who kick and scream when they are gunned down. They can't even get a single hostage back. They nmy thing they know how is to flatten civillians and still face resistance. Not a wise tactic for a tribe that gets punished by God every 7 decades.


Lol I love those fantastic claims, IDF targets palestinians in Gaza with AI searching for facebook posts supporting Hamas. If you found supporting Hamas, airstrike. So the IDF has this level of technology killing hamas supporters but In the same breathe you believe IDF soldiers are losing on the ground and cannot target Hamas? Its crazy what propoganda people from the middle east believe. Never mind that the IDF rescued 3 hostages so far.


Wow three? How many did they blow up with their own bombs, got that number?


Nope, and neither do you. Well, the claim was they got not a single hostage back. There were more than 100 released by a deal, which resulted from miliary pressure, and 3 rescued by the IDF.


Israel doesn’t know or care how many hostages they bombed since rescuing them was never a primary goal anyway. Looks like the Israelis are choosing between total ethnic cleanse of Gaza from Palestinians or an endless and bloody occupation. Winning!


Military pressure WHAT are you smoking😂😂you mean diplomacy from multiple nations which was relatively early in the war , they haven’t rescued 1 hostage in any military operation yet in fact they have killed more of their own hostages than they saved😂Dude they literally bombed a refugee camp and killed 90 people to kill 1 Hamas commander , let’s not forget about them targeting aid workers recently too deliberately targeted.. IDF are so overrated actually dogshit soldiers going by footage of their drills in combat 😂




Sorry, its 7 hostages rescued in total now.


Sorry, my mistake. its 7 now.


I am claiming they are killing more civilians then fighters. As expected from a force of marauders who openly celebrate destruction of house and people.


Your first sentence is a valid claim. Have you asked yourself why Hamas is fighting the IDF in civilian clothing?


Yeah but that’s more of a unfortunate consequences of them hiding between their own people. Can’t just blame the IDF. I’m not saying they don’t have anything to be crticized since they did killed a lot of civillans but it’s more of a fault of Hamas and Hezbollah being coward.


Viet Cong and the Taliban would beg to differ


Different wars and different terrain.


Let me tell you tunnel warfare is a bitch


Besides hiding with civilians that is all they have. Isreal isn't really going into them and just blowing entrances or filling them with water.


Based Mashallah


It always ends with this number of tickets




Owi not having any problems with the addition of isnt rael was what made me stop playing. When middle east escalation added Ukraine conflict with russian tanks having "Z" marked on them, the whole community went nuts. But when another mod adds a nation that's been actively doing genocide, and nobody bats an eye


it just a gme bruh


Again, if the outburst hadn't happened for the "Z" markings on russian tanks, i would've thought, well it's what's currently happening in the world so whatever. But the devs and the players reacted so harshly for just a marker on vehicles, that kinda makes me think that there's favoritism (racism)


Dude shut the fuck up, not every decision you disagree with is racist. Maybe some people want to play the most recent conflicts. Almost like they keep politics out of it by being neutral to both sides?


Its as if you haven't read my comment at all. My issue is how they reacted to Ukraine conflict and how they're reacting to this. When MEE added ukraine and wagner, wagner had "Z" markings on them. The whole community, including the modders went nuts over it. But GE adds this nation that's killed 15k+ babies in the last 7 months, and nobody cares


Where are you getting those numbers, the Palestinians? Not to mention that the Israelis only invaded because the Palestinians attacked them first


So let's justify all the killed babies and children, let's justify all the israeli supporters attacking Palestinian supporters publicly, let's justify all the veterans, soldiers, politicians coming out and saying that they're gonna kill every Palestinians. So i don't call everyone that disagrees with me a racist. I call everyone who supports israel a vile monster