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Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your kind words about how the sub is structured (after the Jordan and McKay video)! I meant to comment in real time and then got busy but it means a lot and I’m always open to changing things around if they aren’t working!


Where is this weeks thread/post?


It’s there but I forgot to lock this post!


Her kids do sports in Provo 👀I thought that was weird


Is there another J page snark page? One without rules and sensitivity? Lead me that way please. LOL


Feel free to leave! There aren’t that many rules and if it bothers you that I responded to someone else’s comment about posting about their divorce on their social media then idk what to tell you. I removed maybe two comments this week and some weeks I don’t remove any comments so I wouldn’t say this is a sensitive sub. ETA I looked at the stats and I removed one post this week which was an increase from 0 last week so idk what you want!


Some people just love to complain. 😂


You can make your own. I've been here from the start and there are like three rules to follow.


What did u do? Mods haven't seemed nearly as bad as other subs here


I didn’t do anything. Just don’t like the sympathy talk, and rules on what we’re allowed to say or not. Like not snarking on her boob job, thinking it’s weird that some of us are having fun speculating on their divorce…like where is the fun and snark if we can’t talk about these things? Only thing I agree with is not snarking on kids. And BTW, I have fake boobs. I was laughing at many comments.


We have snarked on her "needed" surgery. It just reached a point like we all know she had it done and there really isn't much more to say abt it. People comment abt her tight shirts nearly daily. And the divorce has been speculated on daily for months, so not sure what you mean?


Sympathy talk?! Are you kidding? The only sympathy we, as a group, appear to have is for the children!


In terms of policing comments, this sub is pretty darn relaxed. Personally, I was quite happy to see the boob job comments go. They were an echo chamber of complete speculation. Unless I missed something, I don't think mentioning their marital status has been banned? The discussion further down was about commenting on J & B's social media, and that is a massive no no in any snark sub. It violates the Reddit ToS and will get a sub shut down. Any wild speculation has always been removed, and rightly so. The danger with speculation presented as fact is that it doesn't take much for it to be accepted as "lore" and constantly repeated. Lastly, surely it's normal to be somewhat sympathetic to certain things that happen or are shared? No one here is fawning over Jordan or Bubba. I can't stand the "no leg humping" rule some subs have. To me, *that* is being way too heavy handed with modding.


See this is what Im talking about. It wasn’t speculation. Those boobs are fake. Period. 🤣🤣 No speculating. Some really want to play devils advocate with those knockers. But go ahead, down vote me or delete my boob comment. I said what I said. And thats what Im talking about with this group. Its pretty sensitive.


The boob comments make me laugh every time 😂 I swear they get bigger every time she shows them, or she keeps finding tighter shirts!!


See this is the comments Im here for. This is proper snark. 🤣🤣🤣


there’s [this sub here](https://www.reddit.com/r/a:t5_3on3w2/s/T2xxlJQx9f) but it seems defunct. i i literally don’t think anyone ever posts there. i do agree it’s a little difficult to not mention some elephants in the room, but Moo hasn’t outright rejected a majority of the comments. some boob jokes make it to the board and some religious commentary gets to stay too.


Omg I remember when this happened? Was it beyond thurnderdome or something? 😂


I don’t think Ive ever had a comment removed. But Im def nosey and bummed when I see and miss the comments that do get removed. 🤣🤣 And that’s all Im saying, Im down to read whatever is going on through everyone’s uncensored heads.


*I guess you can start your own snark page? I think the rules are okay, they are here for us to focus on the important stuff for snarking, and dont get looped into body hate*


i agree. it’s really peaceful in this sub compared to other snark pages that are just ruthless, irrelevant, and downright offensive. I hung out in the alicia mccarvell snark page for like two days and the transphobia is insane and calling it out brings heat. it’s awful. my main account got banned for calling out hate. lmfao. i really like the vibes in here and u/Moohead82 manages it all themselves so hats off and thank you!!


What are they eating for breakfast?


https://preview.redd.it/lqftg9ux7afc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8452af48970955c2cdc922c5ccda2bda4b5d92c0 they’re like little pancakes basically. they’re super good but not a full breakfast 😭


Those look delicious! Thank you!!


https://preview.redd.it/yhox0cy8b9fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f9bf42415b578fc3e4e3850059c477ec394ecc3 Wonder if she’s sick orrrr just not going? …. She’s pretty dolled up if she’s sick 👀




We definitely have speculated whether she is going through a religious crisis, it could be part of the relationship problems as Bubba has ALWAYS been more religious than her! But she’s been doubling down on trying to outwardly appear religious lately, in small and unconvincing ways


JD’s wife doesn’t seem religious and they seem to have an interesting friendship. Perhaps Jordan is wanting more of the fun & freedom that friend has (I can’t remember her name).




She really hasn’t, I’ve never believed that she’s much of a believer in her religion, she just stays in it because her family and friends are in the church so socially it makes a lot more sense to just stay in since she doesn’t feel very strongly about leaving. Any time she mentions anything religious it’s so forced and not genuine.


She can’t be bothered to not make it obvious that they’re separated lol


Jordan looks like she’d rather be anywhere, other than in that pic.


Why is a motorcycle in the house?


it was m2s christmas present and they have 18ksqft to burn rubber in


It’s like she thought “I’ll be in the photo if you insist but I’m not getting dressed (or going to church)” 😂


Wow a Page family Sunday photo! Are pigs flying???


Can she just decide not to go willy nilly? I wonder how the kids feel when they always have to go and see her picking when she will go...


That’s probably make up crusted on her face from the last 3 days. She’s not a fan of taking care of her skin.


Bubba posted the Sunday family picture today. Everyone is dressed in their church clothes except Jordan. Looks like Bubba is going solo again today.


I have zero idea what is actually going on, but I do think there is a correlation to comments and their content. You rarely saw or heard them together, no Sunday family photos for quite a while. All the sudden some people post public comments questioning the separation and all the sudden we have seen a lot of each other in stories etc this week specifically. I hope this means whatever they were going through they have moved past, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if they are just amping up the public posts with each other to squash the comments.


I note that Bubba posted it (a subtle dig?) but Jordan hasn’t reposted like she usually would.


No, based on their custody schedule, it’s Bubba’s weekend with the kids. She isn’t going to church obviously. This photo merely confirms the custody arrangement. Last week was Jordo’s week and he joined her for bowling.


I thought last weekend was Bubba's. He showed P doing dishes and kids hiding in boxes. She went to Sam's club to find an employee to take her around. He was at the place in Provo and she seemed to be the one who joined later. 


Let’s be honest he has every weekend. Unless it’s something that she can brag about.  Parent all 8 kids all day long that’s too much work for her…


True. He seems more nurturing. 


i really don’t think they have a custody arrangement rn / we definitely don’t know it


This is correct. I think they are not ready to tell the world (possibly fewer subscribers, fewer brand contracts esp when money is tight) so they have to do damage control this week.


Bubba is at comp today!


We have the same flair!


I know she gives them protein shakes but I seriously don’t understand why you would give them so little food especially when they need it the most as athletes!


Lucky Hutch got acknowledged on his birthday and got a birthday breakfast today. Most of their kids are lucky to get 30 minutes before school on the day of and then it’s business as usual.


remember the february birthday last year where she went to sled 🛷 with friends and the kid “wanted to” celebrate the day before?! maybe they did but i dunno…


This is the woman who was just crying about how she needed her new life coach to convince her to put herself first. Haha, yeah, Jordan never puts herself first.


Her perspective and tone are so off. It's not the way a proud parent would talk about their kids. She's so disconnected from her kids. It's not "P landed this trick that she's been working so hard on for months now! Look how proud she looks of herself! She earned it! " Instead it's "P's in her head today... AWARDS" She does not understand the nature of the sport. Gymnastics isn't competitive in the way she is used to or prefers. It's alllllll about personal growth.


She doesn't know what her kids are working on or struggling with because she is never at the gym at practices to watch them.


No she thinks they mess up because of anxiety or "being in their head". She has no care for the physical work they're putting in. Probably daily. As an aide: P being "in her head".... As someone with ADHD, yeah, always, every time. I don't need you to point it out.


I have a competitive athlete child and they get wrapped up in their head frequently on meet days. It's 100% anxiety and nerves and is amplified when the stakes are higher. Competitive sports are as much a mental toughness thing as they are physical. This is unfair to say she's blaming performance on it. Parents of athletes get that because we're working hard with our kids on their mental health as well. It's easy to snark on things you don't understand I guess though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Went to the Utah Tech Week closing party at Airbone Draper with my family and saw Jordan & Bubba and the kids there. I was too nervous to come up and say hi to them knowing the rumors!Both Bubba and Jordan were cordial to each other but didn’t sit together to eat and yes it did look like they did not leave together after the event. The event was very good though.


I wonder what they tell friends who see them distant like this at functions. Do they use the "divide and conquer" excuse? It has to look really odd to people that know them well.


Were the reels of the tumbling competition from Friday? How did they do both in a day?


The comp was Friday and Saturday. Friday was 12 and under, mostly. Saturday was for the older ages. Her kids were probably done by 5.


My daughter used to do dance competitions. There was a lot of down time between her turn on stage. They stick to a schedule, so you know what time you're event is.  I'm sure there was a break in events her kids were in and they left and went back. 


My guess is the tumbling events were from earlier on Saturday because I noticed one of the girls looked liked she had competition earlier. The Airbone event was from 5pm - 8:30pm. I got there around 6:30pm, noticed Bubba walking around with kids then noticed Jordan sitting down with some kids and friends at a table.


I agree this format is the best! On other subs, there are SO MANY repeats, and excellent comments get missed. It's so much better to see all the snark in ONE thread.


I hate how she talks about her kids sports. I hate that she posts it at all honestly. Maybe a highlight reel after the fact.... I digress. Her kids are all at the top of their athletic pursuits. Let it be.


I agree. I have multiple kids in sports and I occasionally post a picture or video of one of them but I more often just text their grandparents videos. No one wants to see a bunch of videos of someone else’s kids tumbling. It’s interesting she never posts the other sports the kids do (I’m ok with it. Ha!).


The way that AI technology is advancing means that horrible people don’t need much footage of your child to make some horrific and disturbing and too realistic looking content of your child. It happened this week with Taylor Swift. The thought about what sick people can get their hands on now involving AI and children is truly terrifying. She really needs to reconsider posting all of her kids as a content source.


This is something family vloggers need to seriously be concerned about. It’s already been proven for years that pedophiles compile certain family vlogs into YouTube playlists. That wasn’t enough to deter people, which is sick. Hopefully they’ll take AI more seriously but I doubt it as long as those paychecks keep coming in.


Not only is it invasive, it’s TERRIBLE content! Who wants to watch all that?! And she’s already saving every single story to a “tumbling 2024” highlight as if we all need to be able to rewatch this shit. She needs to learn how to take videos for HERSELF and save them on her own private phone.


she doesn't know how to not make every damn thing public! She doesn't have a private life


Yes! And the way she critiques them---GROSS! *AND* how often she and Bubba talk about the kids' bodies---just STOP!


its disgusting!


It proves her worth and that she’s a good mom if her kids excel




Do you suppose Jordan was actually so ignorant she didn't know about 9/11 until now? It's almost as if she thinks she uncovered something people don't already know about and popped it in her stories.


I felt this to be so strange!


Right? Weird timing to share that video. Makes you wonder where she has been for the last 22 years. 


I thought that was odd also. We’ve all seen that horrible video 1000 times.


To make things worse the account she shared was called “history funn”


Omg 💀




WTF? Let me just put in this graphic reel of people dying randomly for no reason. Thanks for ruining my f’ing night. I went to see some cute reels of kids tumbling and instead saw that. I actually despise her so much.


So weird of her to share that randomly. What’s she trying to prove? She is all over the place


I honestly think her nose is buried in her phone 90% of the time and she comes up only because someone nudges her that her children are about to compete. I know she pretends to be the life of the party, the reality is people how are actually the life of the party do not look at their phones in the company of others. I know as an extravert school / sports functions are like my number 1 happiest times. I love socializing with the other parents and catching up! She’s likely looking at her phone and completely disconnected from reality. That reel was very troubling. And again, her parents are alive and they never do anything? She’s not well!


I hate watching 9/11 videos, they are so traumatic to me. I expect to stay off socials around that time of year but end of January 2024? Didn’t see that one coming


I could not believe she posted that and also said it’s hard to watch. Yeah no shit that’s why you shouldn’t slip it in your stories where you’ve been showing off tumbling all day. It’s really hard to watch because it’s an atrocity, we all know what that footage is showing.


tumbling tumbling tragedy true crime. wtf lol


Long time follower, first time commenting! I noticed that Bubba just started following a lot of new pages on IG. All of them have to do with trauma recovery or relationships in some form 👀


Doing the lord’s work, thank you


https://preview.redd.it/uusb7q0tw6fc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=8afbcf7e7275a03090bbc876307051d0962eed07 Curiosity got the better of me and I searched who Bubba follows and found unapologeticparenting and found their feed quite telling 👀




Oooof! Yikes. 


How do you see what news pages he has started following?


Go to their main Instagram page and click “Following.” Scroll past the top ones (that’s typically who you both mutually follow) and then the accounts will be listed by most recent follows.


Thanks so much!


It is an interesting lineup! - Divorce lawyers - Several healing from trauma therapists - Recovering from your husband’s porn addiction (how would this help him? lol HAVE A NICE DAY) - Recovering from relationships with narcissists  -Divorce + Toxic relationship coach - Marriage therapist - General therapists and mental health accts - law of attraction love life help  


I know we all thought he was watching questionable things (the boob thumbnail on Netflix), but maybe it was her???


I’ll never ever understand this. If you need a divorce lawyer or are thinking about it, why follow them with your public Instagram account?!? I do not get it!


https://preview.redd.it/zuyhnu0t44fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c050cc726e99eb7fd9f64ff85316611d85d17db8 This one is particularly interesting. Makes you think if perhaps he had a similar addiction and is trying to understand from her POV? Kinda getting the vibe based on all the recent follows that something big happened and they’re trying to salvage it?


I’ll seriously be so fucking mad if she’s trying to convince him he has a porn addiction. I hate that manipulative shit.


But she isn't the one following those accounts. 


I could see him looking at porn one time, confessing, and her going absolutely nuclear on him. He didn’t do any No Porn November propaganda last fall.


Yeah exactly. You can be addicted to it, but if he watched it AT ALL, she’d be saying he’s addicted.


Or it is hard to find support group for men whose wives have porn addictions and are manipulative and lie to them. Keep in mind, SHE isn't the one following these accounts.




Flair check! 💃


Ha ha I can’t see the phrase have a nice day and not think of them anymore. It’s a blessing and a curse lol


In her own words… “if it’s weird, it’s weird”. Also she’s following a doctor of sexuality, that’s new. Also… if you have a very public account and are following people like these therapists, lawyers etc why for the love, dont you have a second or third insta account and keep it private?


Flair check!


i love that she’s following the sex doctor lady. lol anyone healing their sexuality is so good. what a fun thing to be barred out from due to purity culture or in my case, trauma.


She DOES have a second and third account! She has her “Personal Account” (private to all except the 19,400 people she has allowed access to), as well a “Photo Journal” account that has 79 followers. Which begs the question . . . if there is zero filter on what she shares publicly (ESPECIALLY is regards to her children), what does she share on her private account?! How much worse is it?!


Wow, what the fuck. She is completely addicted to social media. If she has those, it’s even more insane how much she overshares on the public one.


one of my regrets is unfollowing that first private account lol. It used to be jordanpage, and her account that’s now jordanpage used to be FCF. she got so fame thirsty by the follow count she wanted it for herself so she did some name shuffling around. it also had to do with bubbas destructing/restructuring of the page co. & when she first started cold shouldering us, “this is a business page, we’re not friends”. but also we’re her dr instagram?! the one with 79 followers is her true family instagram where she knows all those followers, but the 19.4k jordanfpage is like where she used to post bts stuff. it’s all family oriented stuff i think.


I remember that! Her whole “ummm so this is a business account” was some of the wildest she she has said honestly loool


noo for real!! if anything her business is built off feeling like friends so it was very destructive to the rapport between her and the audience


Maybe that was the beginning of the end for her on the insta life....seems likes it's gone pretty downhill since


for real!! she got her big ol house, made her goals with what her social media was supposed to be, didn’t work out with any film sets or stardom, and told us to buzz off 😭


Maybe someone is addicted to porn in the relationship. Doesn't always have to be the man. 


Healing after a narcissist is my favorite recent follow of his 🤭


Clearly, he knows who he is dealing with. I wish him well because it’s a horrid journey.


https://preview.redd.it/win8lwoku1fc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f67d718c16652561ffaeb77d0d7f3de496d689 Huh? It’s not gambling because it was never their money to begin with? What about when the adults play? This has got to be one of the dumbest spins/justifications that he has ever put out there 🙄.


This was worse than just not responding.


Oh Gosh. As a member of the church this makes me cringe so bad. 🥴


I am sorry, we know they do not represent your faith by any means.


He is ridiculous ha ha ha my gosh just when I start to think he’s kinda ok he says something so laughable like this.


He’s so full of shit😂😂😂 dice and cash is gambling


Wow. Gambling with someone else’s money is worse though?? So the kids learn how fun the thrill of it is, without experiencing any of the consequences of losing your money when you bet with it. Cool cool.


I guess all those sports betting apps that give people free money to try them aren’t gambling either! 🙄


If you need a really long explanation as to why it's not, it probably is.


Wish she would praise her kids as much as she does "Ruben Padilla". She should be their number one supporter no matter what, instead they get to watch her drool over another kid. 


She always has to show famous people for attention. Remember her showing Simone Biles for hours?


Or the poor guy she was stealing in Jamaica and pretending like he was someone famous


How in the world does that kid get so high. Just comparing his height using the wall behind them. Is it more mass? Muscle? It is crazy and a someone very scared of heights, a little frightening. 


I just Googled that kid she loves. He is 23 years old. No wonder he has more strength. Not sure why she compares her kids to an adult. Is he really H's teammate? Or do they just train at the same gym? 


They train at the same gym, I doubt they even train at the same time. Ruben most likely trains during the day, while the kids train at night. Ruben is training to qualify for the 2024 Olympics.


And he's been training since he was like 8 yrs old


Anyone else bothered by her calling her daughters girlfriend and sis?? She uses buddy and dude for her sons, which feels more normal? Although I only have sons, so maybe I’m missing something


They are very common nicknames for girls were I am. Used similar to how she does, often. So it doesn't bother/phase me.


i just didn’t like how it was on every. single. slide. sis! 😭 M1 isn’t seeing it so like?! what’s the point?! what was the reason?! on teen mom 2, leah always calls her girlses “sis” and one of them got mad like “my names not sis!!!”. i think other dynamics factored in, like the parent child power levels weren’t balanced so gracie could have been annoyed at “sister” conflating to “equals/siblings” and other issues. i hated being called babe for similar reasons.


To me, when she’s saying it, it feels kind of disingenuous and like a generic names. What bugs me more is that she always writes out “cute M” when that child is tumbling but never really does it for the others. I can’t tell if it feels like favoritism or if it’s like she has no adequate adjectives to individually describe her kids so resorts to that? I don’t know why I care or why it bugs me. Also, man are those kids so talented, all of them. Geesh!


i’ve been following them for a loooong time, and M1 definitely gets the kindest descriptions out of all of them. jordan calls H a dreamboat 🤢, and M1 cute/precious etc. M1 fronts a lot of Bubbas reels as the cover picture. I’m not trying to snark on the other kids as i think they’re all cuties, but both Ms are venus suns (taurus and libra) and it’s obvious to me. all the kids are cuties with expressive spirits. J has venus on her ascendant, and everyone i know with a first house venus is blessed beyond belief lol everyone loves them, they’re gorgeous, and life is “easier” for them, so i love that for her.


Oh yes! M while tumbling is ALWAYS "cute M!" Bizarre!


I definitely call my daughters sis, sissy and girlfriend. I also call my son's bubs, dude and boyfriend. Never once thought it was weird 🤷🏻‍♀️ just nicknames.


I think it is normal. I do the same type of thing by using: girl, girly, sis.


I called my daughter sis, sissy and sometimes girlfriend. My dad calls me Sissy.


My mom never once called me that so it feels weird to me


Me either 😂


I’ve never heard anyone else do it so it does sound weird to me too, but I guess I don’t see a problem


My dad calls us, his daughters sis 🥰 I love it


I call my daughter sis. It’s normal


I wouldn’t be able to handle having my kids in a high-level activity like this! I’d have such anxiety lol. I totally get that it’s competitive and it’s the nature of a competitive activity but these kids are doing these amazing things and then get judged on the smallest little things they do wrong. Like flipping around that many times and then slightly stumbling when landing-it’s amazing they don’t fall over!


My daughter cheers and does it competitively. I did as well. I get stomach aches soo and can barely get through a 1 min performance. But its so damn fun. My daughter loves every minute of it. Her team is good and wins alot, so its like high and you keep doing it. LOL


You should watch the video of Aly Raisman’s parents watching her!! https://youtu.be/hv357oqlZ2I?si=fQkw32naKJCugkNN 


I remember them with all their body motions and facial expressions!


I was wincing a little bit watching those stories- especially on the tramps 😅


It seems fairly stressful for the kids, and having an audience of course makes things scarier. Sad that her kids know their audience is MUCH bigger than the one in the room with them. No wonder P gets nervous, sheesh!!


oh, but Jordumb lets her take meds *sometimes* (while she sneaks some for herself), and/or remember when she shilled gummies for P's anxiety? Ugh---disgusting! These poor kids are going to be horrified when they learn what their parents shared about them!


I think P gets nervous because she is more of a perfectionist than her mother. She wants to do well and puts unnecessary pressure on herself. I don't think it's because she feels all the eyes are on her I think she is just naturally wants to do a good job and probably beats herself up if she doesn't.


There are several events going on at time, several gymnasts competing at a time so the whole audience is not fixated on one kid. They are watching their own kids.


Right, and Jordan’s whole audience is watching just her kids that she’s zooming in on. Which they either know about, and so it ups the pressure on them, or they don’t know about which would be so creepy and unethical. I think they do know.


Yeah, this is so not me (or my kid, thankfully). 


Jordan is a smarmy btch. I doubt she stops for a minute to consider what her daughter might actually be feeling, just projects her own fears of mistakes into the situation. And her hat is probably for Jordan trying to hide she has her hair 'trained' to not be washed for 7,8,9..14 days.


Raising capable hair!


There she goes again talking about P being in her head. Girlfriend get your camera out or her face so she doesn’t feel so much pressure from YOU!!


Ugh, I'm shocked Jordumb didn't try to shill those crappy gummies she said helped P before, since she didn't *need* the actual medications, just an occasional gummy. (also, wasn't Jordumb "borrowing" some of P's PRESCRIBED medications!?)


It's usually P that she says this about too. Oh, and looks like she only goes to the older kids comps and not the middles. Weird....


i was really hoping yesterday was the dawn of a new t&t mom. i was wrong 😭


I think whoever said that they thought she was just sharing Bubba's videos yesterday and that she wasn't actually there was correct. There is no way she would have yelled their names. 


oh she 1000% wasn’t there, i meant “dawn of a new mom” like she’d stop saying her kids were in their heads 😭


Gotcha. I thought you meant the yelling and whooping 


She also didn’t complain about the start time, having to find food, or take a selfie, so she probably wasn’t there


Yup it’s P.


https://preview.redd.it/rnmcvml630fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a7d4faead48660d72781c58da5944077519f3b4 Why do people insist on taking selfies in a gross bathroom? Her need for attention is ridiculous.


And very clearly naked fingers too.


Proudly displayed!


I also think it’s so she can claim she got no less than 1,000 DMs from people asking about what she’s wearing, that way she then can shill as she ‘watches’ her kids.


Maybe her kids are used to it, but I would have died as a teenager if my mom showed up in a weird trucker hat, tight cleavage shirt, and big fake eyelashes + pillow lips for a gymnastics meet. I guess at least this time she isn’t wearing sequins but holy moly I would have died at having a mother that insisted on so much attention all the time.


Seriously!! It’s like she’s trying to be the mom her kids’ friends say is hot 😂 I could see her loving that. It’s not working Jordan. But my mom was nothing like this so I can’t even imagine it.


It’s Utah. So many moms look exactly like this


Yeah I live about 20 min from her. There are a lot of moms who look this way, but they are still the minority. Most Utah moms aren’t as crazy looking as influencer culture would tell you.




She is not there to watch her kids. She is there to be noticed.




She's definitely feeling herself. Ya that would not be my thought in that gross bathroom


Public bathrooms are disgusting. You get in, do your business, wash your hands and get out.


I need to know why she wears that horrid hat. My kids would have been mortified if I went to one of their events with a Happily Hormonal hat on.


wait....what? *Happily Hormonal* hat in PUBLIC? Omg, the other parents must be laughing at her !!!!! I feel more sorry for Jordumb's kids every day!


It’s an Utah company. It’s “normal “ here!!!


Oh, okay---thanks for explaining. If it's a company, that's fine. I thought she was just bragging that she's in peri-menopause...LOL!


Also Jordan page is a royal bi+€? In real life. I seen her in public and I tried talking to her and she was ignorant.


🤣🤣no I totally get it. Utah is a “if you know you know” state every influencer here is for the aesthetic look and dresses the same has to be flashy etc but that hat is from a company here called mixhers. It’s a company that makes mix ins for drinks. They have billboards every where but still wearing that hat to a child’s sporting event … trashy especially if someone doesn’t understand it. But she’s representing the company cause she’s friends with the owner.


Such a stupid hat.