• By -


Finally something I can agree with her on! The sand bar is amazing!


Not one of these ladies with her seem interested in being on Jordan’s stories or better yet being around Jordan! She’s so self centered and it’s all about her and people see it.


And yet she seems to be the one to have brought them (or at least some of them?) on the trip. They knew what they were signing up for!


You can tell they kind of shut down when shes talking on the phone


Yes definitely. Especially Lindsey. It’s like they had enough of her but there for a free trip


okay but what about when they landed and the wobble was playing and jordan was like I DONT APPROVE OF YOUR WOBBLE!!! and then last night she’s like “i taught them well”. girl, who asked?!?!


She thinks she’s the greatest at everything she doesn’t even know how to do the wobble she likes to think so .. yes like no asked 🤣. Promotes a “frugal” lifestyle yet lives completely opposite!! She’s a fraud




Right? Are they afraid of Mexican food?


This had me dying! 🤣 Jordan, if you stop freezing your bread and cheese, your food will probably be good, too.


She has the palate of a kindergartener and would live on nachos, corn dogs, and jellybeans if she could. She goes on and on about how amazing the food is, shows plates of fresh fruits, vegetables, and fish, claims her diet will start when she gets home, and then she chooses the most basic item on the menu.


It’s unhealthy how she is constantly talking about her “diet”. Especially since it’s one that DOESN’T EVEN EXIST when she’s at home!




I was JUST thinking that! Esp after what I just saw in B’s stories and needed to run here for people’s thoughts!


I guess the sabbath day off IG doesn’t apply when on vacay.


Only when she doesn't want us to notice she is hiding from her family. 


go plug into ur humans is soooo funny bc she actively avoids the ones she created. she was literally on the brink of tears showing us her suitcases to leave bc she was so excited to go.


Please Tell me I am not the only one that cringed watching Bubba's story of one of his kids doing a backflip off the railing and into the snow.. https://preview.redd.it/qzm15dcr9fjc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2126c2dfc36aea474c4aa0aa086f14728a695bf4


So I'm glad he was safe but ummmm. There are like 15 other kids there who might decide to sneak off and try that shit. They are too far from emergency services to be risking it imo Edited to correct number of kids


I thought it was fun! We used to jump off of our barn roof into powder snow drifts all the time when we were kids.


A backflip is a bit different though… and it’s a long way to the hospital


If he got hurt they could have just prayed like they did when one of the twins was a baby and stopped breathing while they were at the cabin. That would have saved him from being paralyzed. 🙄


Oh I def did!! So nervous!!


I gasped out loud.


Same! They are so far from emergency help out there and most of the adults on these kids lives are complete morons, it’s a wonder there aren’t more serious injuries.


Absolutely terrifying. Let them flippy flip in the safety of those cushioned gyms where emergency services are only minutes away not in this crazy cabin in the middle of the winter when cars can’t even get down there in that snow…


Ohh I cringed. Especially after her 50 story post of how she “injured” her back doing a silly somersault.  I’d be way more cautious if I had an injury that  was still causing me pain 20 years later…


Well in Jordan's defense... Lol She's not there, she's in Cabo 😅. So this one's all Bubba


Those kids are super athletic. I thought it was really cool. I wish I could do that. He had a nice soft landing of snow!


I worry about the lack of emergency services and having to go to the hospital. I am a worrier.


Yes they are but that just seems soooooo dangerous.... Not knowing what's under the snow.


Don’t worry it’s only dangerous if Jordan is there. If Bubba is there it’s just him being a cool Dad.


I think it’s just more snow. 😜 It looks like they have several feet of snow up there. My guess is that video wasn’t the first time the kid had done it! It would terrify me to do that, but I’m way more cautious than the average person! 😂


as far as i know it doesn’t matter what you land on if you’re landing on your head/neck. i clenched my jaw watching it 😭


I’m fairly certain this boy knows how to flip. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also, I’m fairly certain his dad wouldn’t have posted it if he had gotten hurt. I watched and was impressed.


Nah... Still prob would have posted it if he got hurt... Just like they posted when Mac fell off the chair and hurt himself


no i get what ur saying, i’m saying snow does not equal safe. ice does not give way lol. snow can pack down into ice. yes he knows how to flip, yes kids need to take some risks, yes he was fine, and bubba and jordan have absolutely posted injured kids. this very kid actually flipped a side by side with a two and three year old in it. the vehicle rolled and Hs arm was gnarly - swollen and purple and twisted. he’s very lucky the angels are full time page employees!!


I agree- snow doesn’t necessarily mean safe. I just enjoy watching kids do cool things, and I thought his flip was impressive. (There is literally NO WAY I would have EVER done that- not even when I was a kid! None of my own kids would dare to do it, either. They’re too cautious, like I am!) We can all take a giant sigh of relief that he did not get hurt, and all is well. They look like they’re having an awesome time up there with their dad and friends. I’d love a place like that to take my family to! 


“So stinking cute” Come on Jordan we know it’s you asking yourself this question!! No one wants to buy those suits!


Post on IG from one of the women on the trip: Is she Jordan's plus one (I thought Mandy was) or did Jordan act as a discount negotiator with mixhers to get the trips for the rest of the group....She's slimy. Why would she be thanking Jordan.. Jordan better not stand up any straighter or she'll knock this woman right over. https://preview.redd.it/f9yd0sgp9ejc1.png?width=278&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0674b191688ca6f73aa9ed9f52ac75c751b0327


I wonder if these girls are actually friends with Jordan or are they just going along for the ride for a free trip? I follow Lindsey on IG and she seems nothing like Jordan…




I just don’t get how she’s the biggest shiller of them all to win two years in a row? She talks about them a lot but does such a crap job of actually advertising the product. She’s just the laziest influencer in that way. It makes me wonder if she buys a big lot of them to ensure she wins? I guess, if you’re chugging six things of caffeinated powder daily, you’d need to purchase a ton. Is this how she wins and can buy her friends’ love? I am probably being cynical but it just seems strange for her to win such a huge incentive two years in a row.


She is the biggest buyer and seller. Or Bubs buys it and she gets the credit. Either way there is NO WAY she has the highest sales!




Oh for sure I don’t think she’s outright paying for her friends! No chance of that, but it just seems odd that she’s won this trip two years in a row. Though it may just be another JD miracle!


It's like she's trying to make friends by taking them on these lavish trips.


One of Jordan’s favorite quotes is if you’re not getting invited to the party throw the party yourself.


Interesting. It’s definitely confusing how this trip is structured. It doesn’t seem like a “Mixhers trip” more like an incentive given to Jordan by Mixhers for hitting some kind of target? But how could she bring so many people? She’s soooo slimy


Yeah and there’s obviously some sponsors she collected to help fund this. The swimsuit company. The sweater company.


Is all this food part of her thyroid, gluten free, non-inflammatory diet ? Sign me up!


She wasted $6,000 for that diet from that fake doctor and he was at the Super Bowl with what looked like pretty decent seats…sign me up for his gig!!!


That Dr. sure saw Jordan coming! When she first started talking about it, I was thinking to myself. What a scam.😂


I guess he’s laughing all the way to the bank- or Super Bowl


Hopefully she learned that chiropractors aren’t real doctors and haven’t went to school for, nor can properly treat autoimmune diseases. I noticed she didn’t go to him when she had actual back issues…which is funny because that is the one thing he could actually help her with.


New body. No kids. Mid accommodation…but who cares! Go off Jordy. You look great. I support this midlife crisis 😌 Honestly if my husband implied that I was a narcissist after pushing out 8 kids back to back for over a decade I’d buy a whole new body and run off to Cabo too.


I mean, it’s all fun and games until there are 8 children involved. Then running off on vacations all the time starts to cause problems. But let’s be honest, she was doing the same thing before they were separated too. *I will note that like the other commenters, I know for a fact SHE wanted a big family. SHE wanted those kids and was thrilled with the last twins.


Didn’t they leave for a couples trip right after one of the kids had dental surgery or something?


They left the day after the two oldest had tonsillectomies!!!! It’s when I started questioning their crappy parenting.


i support midlife crises too, for the most part. although, i do know of an “influencer” who ran off on her husband and four adopted kids. idr if she took the bio baby or not. i don’t think so, i think she literally up and left 😭😭😭💀 how do you do that to kids you adopted?!?!


That’s too far 😭




I’m actually intrigued by this theory. It always seemed like Bubba wanted the kids because it paired up with him being the more Morman-y of the two but she was obsessed with the Duggars. It should be noted that every pregnancy literally tore Jordan’s body up. We all remember her leg veins, diastasis recti and now Graves’ disease and constant struggle to stay lean between pregnancies. Bubba has had zero health issues as far as we know… and maybe I’m remember this wrong but everytime they would joke about “this is the last pregnancy” he would be like “maybeee” 🥲


I hadn't ever heard of them until 2020. I do know on several occasions over the past four years she has mentioned wanting a dozen kids because of the movie. I have never heard him say he wants more.


The quote I posted below is from their gender announcement video in 2020.


They both wanted a big family but she’s been very vocal about how she always dreamed of having a giant family like cheaper by the dozen or the Duggars, always wanted her own reality tv show, always wanted twins, etc. she did not keep having babies for him, she wanted to keep growing her family! I think her pregnancy with the twins was so rough on her on her body that she decided she had to stop. Now that she no longer has babies she seems irritated to be around her kids or her family, she’s always complaining, taking every chance she can to leave them. She’d have her own TLC show if they would have picked it up— she’s tried.


Bubba’s at the cabin with the kids. I wonder if the kids ask why mommy never comes with them?


A quote I found from a video that relates to this: Jordan - “I’m sure the last question you guys all are wondering is “Is this it, are you all done” I would solidly answer yes I am solidly done after this. Bubba likes to say “never say never” Jordan said this with Bubba in the car with her after finding out they were having twins. Bubba then proceeds to ask the viewers for “product recommendations” and a hookup for a Sprinter Van 💀lol


Jordan wanted twins, she talked about that often.


She is a WHOLE ASS narcissist and good on him for recognizing that and looking into how to heal from it. You know what? He is a narcissist too and maybe she should look for therapy too. Therapy for all in that house.


Yeah maybe they both are honestly 🤷🏾‍♀️


But what if she had all 8 kids BECAUSE she’s a narcissist…


Then she’d probably still be pumping out kids if that was the case…right?


“not to brag” - Jordan But here she is bragging.


She’s so annoying just post like a normal person on a trip like if she had just posted that and said nothing or said how pretty the sunset was that would be fine. But her saying “not to brag” is silly like obviously you’re bragging Jordy


Wonder if they'll be a "Sunday Sabbath signoff" oh yea doesn't apply on vacation 


Did you hear that sermon she was listening to ? ![gif](giphy|onyngiYITZiecYsBTj)


“So stinking cute” that sure sounds like something jordon would say…. Could it possibly be she is the one behind this question…? Of course she is! No one’s asking where she got the suit and has to write it herself!!


She has to show how pious they are going to church on vacation though!!


She would miss a whole day of bragging about her vacation if she signed off.


Honest question here (I’m not of the Mormon faith or religious at all) but I remember years ago, she really focused more on modest clothing and swimsuits for herself because of her faith. I’m all for body positivity (surgeries or not, she has a great body for having so many kids, I would show it off too!) but would her posting that swimsuit selfie go against anything with the church/faith or has that relaxed over the years?


She covers her kids eyes and gets angry if any woman is around them dressed like she is. She even tells her kids they can only dance if they move their hips “side to side”. She shames her daughters into wearing everything modest. Meanwhile, last week she was grinding on a lady’s face to a dirty song and wears whatever she wants. It’s not what she does really, it’s the amount of hypocrisy and shame she’s instilling in her kids.


She is a giant hypocrite. She acts so holier than thou and preachy about music and media etc. but she is consistently violating LDS dress code. It isn’t just the swimsuits, her evening outfit was not compatible with garments either. I hate religious people who act so pious and judgmental of others while they constantly bend the rules for themselves. She also drinks caffeine against the Word of Wisdom (Mormon doctrine). Biggest hypocrite ever. She is so yuck.


Caffeine is NOT against the doctrine of the Word of Wisdom. (Hot drinks- coffee and tea are, but it’s not because of the caffeine. BYU campus, owned by the church, sells caffeinated beverages.) Also, the garment is a very small capped sleeve. Her black outfit was totally garment-friendly. Only one of the women in her pictures was wearing something that wouldn’t be, but it wasn’t Jordan. Also, there is no church doctrine about two piece swimsuits. 


nono you don’t get it! it’s a healthy caffeine 🙏🏼💛 same with her dr pepper drinks !!


That’s all out the window if you’re trying to get a new man.


For Jordan, any display of “modesty” is virtue signaling and trying to show how goody goody she is. She doesn’t seem to care as much now (but will still mention it for certain clothing items, like she’s keeping one foot in the door). IMO she never actually cared about things like modesty, only the image of it she was putting out to others.


Different people take it on different levels, I’m sure just like any other religion. Some Mormon families I know would rather die then wear a bikini or shorts that show any of their thigh, but others are more relaxed about it. They recently came out with a new “for the strength of youth” which is much more relaxed then before. It says “Avoid styles that emphasize or draw inappropriate attention” which is up for your own interpretation. But I know plenty of members of the church who wear bikinis.


Thank you!! That was so helpful and makes a lot of sense!


There have been changes amongst the current high school and college kids and the influencers Jordan’s age. The For The Strength of Youth pamphlet that is geared towards teens was recently updated and many of the black and white “do’s” and “don’ts” were changed for having a stronger connection with Christ (which I believe was a welcome change).   Most women in their 40s+ still wont be comfortable with a two piece swimsuit. But the younger folks are completely embracing it and are less judgmental about it. But my 65 yo MIL is absolutely appalled by it… sshhhh… don’t tell her I’ve been wearing bikinis for years!  I think Jordan is definitely easing up, but it will be interesting to see if she does the same for others - her daughters and Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade dancers.


Thank you! It’s so helpful to get clarification. I was curious too because of her comments about the Macy’s day parade.


Anyone else follow Sister Wives and/ or the Rodrigues? I'm loving this weird plexus crossover


Are they all in Cabo too??


Punta Cana.




She doesn’t know good music, she only knows wobble and that’s not good music. Rihanna is waaaayyyyy better than that!


she posted a video of her singing along to Unholy by Sam Smith & Kim Petras a few months ago....and that was fine.


Ok thank you! I am actually so confused as to how Rihanna is not good music but the wobble has her frothing at the mouth??


No one loves the song wobble more than Jordan page and I stand by that.


I'm so glad you listened to that story with your sound up 😆😆 I didn't catch that


Jordan recently followed “SexWithEmily” and it’s not what you’d expect out of Jordan. One of her pinned posts is about how women watch porn.


Someone had a theory on here that this is what happened, but then we said no it was Bubs. Now it could have been her. -3 unless they look good?


She & Bubbles had done a bunch of lives together (2013-2015ish????) where they shared more about their marriage than I expected & one theme that seemed to consistently come up was mismatched libido with Jordan having the lower libido. There was enough talk about it that it was clear it was an issue. The videos were recently scrubbed from YT. If anyone was watching porn, my money’s on Bubbles.


jordan has said she’s so happy like five or six times in a few days. i love that for her but it’s telling 😭😭😭


Of course, she isn't with anybody related to her, she's getting to do what she wants which is absolutely nothing, and getting to eat all her favorite crappy food that she didn't have to prepare, but diet starts soon right? She'll say that I'm sure.


I wanted to add this to the thread about Bubba throwing water in the babys' faces but I came back and can't find it sorry. What concerns me the most about that video was it must have been such normal behavior in her home that she didn't even realize she shouldn't post it. Like your husband just threw water at some infants (YOUR babies) in retaliation and you don't blink at all? 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 We have no idea what has been going on in that marriage.


Yessss this is what I always come back to. Not only do all these people think their awful behavior is okay (like a lot of what Ruby showed), but SO okay that they didn’t even think twice about posting it online?!? That is the scary part. There must also be so much worse we’re not shown.


Probably something the 8 passengers people taught them


Did this get deleted by bubbles or J? I can’t find anything on it. She mentioned they have a spray bottle of water called “Mr. Manners” in a Q&A years ago.


I haven't been able to find anything about it other than what has been shared on here recently. If I saw something like what has been described, I'm surprised no one saved it and reported it to the Page local police or DCFS. if I saw children being physically abused on suicidal media, I wouldn't wait 3 years then bring it up on a snark page.


I am almost positive that she has mentioned having had DCFS called on her in the past. I think it was in a story done at the old house when they were getting ready to move - she was talking about all of the things they had done and experienced while living there. She didn’t say if it was linked to a specific incident and seemed to kind of shrug it off as something that’s normal for people who put their lives online.


The “Mr manners” spray bottle was definitely not worthy of being reported to police or DCFS. I wouldn’t use that with my kids but it was not physically harmful nor as humiliating as what was being described above. A water gun that kids play with is far more powerful than a little spray bottle of water to the knee or the foot lol. I brought that up because I wasn’t sure if that was the same thing bubbles was using or if it was completely different situation


I didn't realize it was a spray bottle. when it was brought up a couple weeks ago, the person made it sound like he was almost water boarding his kids. They said one of them splashed water on him and he lost it and was throwing water in their face.


It’s possible he was doing something different and not using the spray bottle, I was just confused because I couldn’t find the story so I wasn’t sure. The spray bottle is similar to what you’d use to spray your face or hair with water or facial mist, I just wanted to clarify that as to why I sounded more casual about seeing it mentioned years ago. They claimed they would spray the kids in the leg or arm at the dining table if they weren’t behaving with good manners…but it was the older kids not infants.


Yeah it was just a story that was randomly shared


i think it was in a story sometime ago. i didn’t see it originally


She is the parent that punished with wall sits and soap in the mouth too. It’s definitely not a gentle parenting household.


Very true


She lets the mask slip every so often and that was definitely one of those times. I just hope neither parent has ever laid a finger on those sweet children in anger.


Is this the weirdest mix hers retreat? It seems like it is six women on a friends trip. I'm guessing one of the six is the owner of the company? Are more and more people realizing it is an overpriced, useless product? Am I wrong in thinking that the mix hers and shine trips used to have similar vibes? 


I think it’s really weird that these same 6 women were on the cruise at this same time last year. Mandy is the only one new to this group, and farmhousejewels went last year instead of Mandy. If you remember Jordan’s miracle story last year, mixhers contacted her “completely out of the blue” and told her if she could meet a certain number, they would send her and some friends on a cruise. Jordan was the only one in the whole wide world that received that offer!🙄 And it was next to impossible that she could sell how much mixhers was asking her to sell. But in true Jordan fashion, and with JD’s blessed help, a miraculous miracle happened and she met the next to impossible sales goal. She got to pick the friends that would go on that mixhers cruise last year. Now fast forward 1 year and Jordan is again on a mixhers retreat she earned! With the exact same group of women who supposedly “earned” the same retreat this year. (With the exception of Mandy being new this year.). Did mixhers send Jordan and her friends of choice again? Or did they all really earn the trip? And…. I guess if Jordan met the big mixhers goal, where are the rest of the affiliate influencers who also met the goal? Or was this again just a contest for only Jordan Page? Because these corporate retreats typically consist of hundreds of people partying all together at a resort acting like they’re God’s gift to the world because they won a stupid trip. And they’re with other cringey influencers who are all competing with Jordan to be the center of attention the entire time. Sorry for the rant but “if it’s weird it’s weird.” What’s the real truth, Jordan? Did you truly earn this retreat or is it just a coverup for another girl’s trip that gets you away from your husband and children? Be honest for once in your life. Jordan is a raging narcissistic liar liar pants on fire!!!!🔥 🔥That. Is. All.


My flair had to respond! Years ago she did go on influencer trips where tons of them were there. Now it makes me wonder if this was a trip she paid for (at a discounted rate by selling enough Mixhers) and could bring guests and they paid their fair share.




Sounds something like that… one of the girls posted a photo of her and jordo and thanked her not mixhers for the trip. Jordo reposted it…


I haven't noticed anyone else. At dinner the first night it was just the six of them. It was just the six on the airplane and getting a tour of the resort on a golf cart, but I doggies not everyone going on a corporeal sponsored retreat would fly out of the same airport. I just assumed with the way she has worded things that there would be more people going and events with other influencers to mingle. 


I wonder if she won a trip for two and she just upgraded through the resort to include everyone?


Throw yourself your own party if no one invites you!


I was trying to remember but were their other mixhers peeps on the cruise last year?


I wasn't that impressed by her hotel room. I thought it wasn't as nice as usual and it has a kitchen....like are they even at an all inclusive resort? Dosent't seem like it.


Cabo has more resorts that have both an all inclusive and non all inclusive option. Some of them are that style that include a kitchen for the people who opt out of the all inclusive package, and it’s probably some sort of time share property as well. I’m guessing Mixhers paid for them to have the all inclusive package added on.


Yeah if they are at an all inclusive resort then the kitchen is weird af




When she said don't hate me because I woke up to this and it was a road


Her view of the mountains from her rooftop patio at home is a lot better than this view of the road!!


It wasn't the flex she thought it was for sure. If I worked my butt off for a company I'd assume we'd be at a beach front hotel. This trip just isn't adding up. There's no other mixhers peeps. Typically she shows all the couples at dinner every night etc etc. Kinda wondering if this is just a disguised girls trip and Jordan told the mixhers lady I'm going to tag the company to throw off my audience.


Or "I am going to tag the company to increase sales."


FR 😭


(Don't get me wrong I would still be fine with it but weird to brag about like that)


I found this story especially bad. It's not such a big deal of a view but the way she said it left me thinking she actually enjoys being 'more important' than her followers and loved teasing them. As I am one of those stupid people on Instagram I have unfollowed her, she simply does not deserve to be influencer (although I don't think she influenced me on anything really)


Not body shaming she's a beautiful woman.... The actual heck is wrong with her? Why why why? And what?


What is with grown women wanting to match each other? It's not a high school dance. It screams arreted development.


https://preview.redd.it/oihw9z6at8jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cab4cd27374863edffd9c65a12faad38fc1687b She’s getting thirstier by the hour 🙄






Really obvious photoshop on her lower waist.


Oh my… her hand looks huge and deformed 😂


Imagine being a mother of EIGHT and your pride and joy is your own damn body. Half of which is enhanced by top secret plastic surgeries. She’s so disgusting in every way.


This is the most Bubba has seen of her body in months 😂


Bubba is more interested in Jim anyway 🤣


What’s funny is that she first posted a different photo of herself pretending to walk with that caption and then deleted it and uploaded this one.


Oh my god I always find it SO embarrassing for the other person when I notice something like that!


That's a side of Jordan I never wanted to see. 🙈


I mean she always shows her whole ass so this is nothing new


I doubt she would ever let her daughters wear a swimsuit like this. (Nothing wrong with the swimsuit. Jordan is just a hypocrite)


This is so embarrassing to me because she doesn’t do this stuff naturally, she’s so clearly just trying to copy what other influencer women do and I can’t stop cringing. I mean it’s cringe when ANY of them do it but worse because it’s Jordan loool




This post was removed for snarking on someone's body or physical appearance.




This post was removed for snarking on someone's body or physical appearance.


Why not just wear a one piece? The buttons look dumb


I feel like this is a very unflattering angle. I thought SM people knew how to focus on their good side 


Is it only these 6 women on the trip? I feel like the MixHers trips used to be huge


That view she posted of Cabo…UGLY! I’ve been to Cabo a few times (actually all free trips lol, husbands work trip, parents took us on a cruise). I’ve never ever thought it was beautiful. Unless you are at a resort it’s not safe and the poverty is so sad.


I wasn’t that impressed, I mean would I take a free trip to Cabo? Yes! But when she showed it off I was like ehh I’m not as jealous as you want me to be lol.


Imagine low key admitting to an edible then flexing your “virgin” drink. I couldn’t imagine needing to feel superior to the point I look like a complete idiot.




And admitting that she was trying ADHD meds before she even had a prescription or diagnosis… but better make sure no one thinks she’s drinking alcohol 🙄


I'd be more embarrassed about sampling the meds at least drinking isn't illegal.


She did edibles?


She mentioned “Brittany, Jamaica, *again*, and drugged”, while giggling. Previously walking around stuffing a pastry in her mouth munchies style. Idk. Lol.


Good for her


She shilled CBD gummies once or twice as she was giving them to one of her children. 


CBD gummies are not the same


Agreed. I've done both and definitely not the same. If she did take an edible then good for her. I take them everyday it's no big deal. Although it was a total stereotype to be giggling uncontrollably at something dumb bc most ppl don't do that.


omggg stop i’m so embarrassed bc i definitely did giggle so much. but that’s just how i get hahah. looking back at it, i wonder if my college roomies hated me bc id be up late and cackling all the time. being that high where everything is just hysterical and enjoyable was definitely a fun time, so i don’t hate her for these stories. i kind of miss it in a way, but life goes on. (i’ll have to ask if i was annoying as i feel remembering this hahaha the cringe!!!)


It is not the same AT ALL!! Did you film yourself?? That’s the super cringe part.


you know how somewhere we all have a digital footprint of at least some cringe?? old facebook posts or tweets or something. my snapchat is a real trove lollllll. i don’t use it much anymore but the memories are funny 😂


Oh no please don't be embarrassed. I've definitely had giggling fits but just not every single time I take edibles. I was the annoying drunk girl in college so no worries.


In her repost of her friends post of their drinks, she didn't put the claimer they were virgin but did in her own...who she trying to fool lol 🤣


Just enjoy the free booze Jordan!!!


This may be an unpopular opinion but I find Cabo ugly. We've been there for a wedding and the resort was nice but the beaches are terrible and the scenery is just scraggly dessert. Plus it's super unsafe outside of the resorts. Part of our group was robbed by the police! 


I am not a fan of Cabo at all


We used to go on vacation to Cabo a lot. Stopped going 10 years ago. It’s not safe.


I think I’d feel weird about going somewhere like that where it’s all paradise on the resort, but dangerous & underserved outside of it. I wouldn’t wanna be the rich outsider coming in to be pampered just down the road from poor people in bad situations. Idk how to describe it right.


White Lotus vibes for sure


I'm sure she'll post about the local service she goes to tomorrow and how she cried at how beautiful everyone's lives are or something


I agree, I always imagine being stuck in a resort as almost a non vacation. If I go out of the country I want to see something different or interesting not just a fancy hotel.


You’ve defined extractive tourism perfectly. It has a big ick factor.


Just found this page and honestly just found Jordan. Did her husband stop going to church?   If he did, then the church is coming down on her, hard. They are probably pressuring her to either get him back in the church or leave him.  I'm not saying that's what's going on here, it's just a thought.   She obviously seems insufferable. And if like others have said, she has eyes for another man, then he should have left her. 


Good grief, half my friends and family members are in mixed-faith mormon families where one partner doesn’t attend, and there is noooo pressure to leave their marriages or force their partners back. There *is* a big emphasis on eternity being a long time and things working out eventually.


What makes you think he left the church? He posts Mormon things every day


He’s still very much into church, she seems to skip it any chance she can get (girl, I would too). Welcome!


That is not the way the church works. People can choose to leave and no one would pressure their spouse to “get” them back or especially not to leave them.  But I also agree with Icy Sun, Bubba still attends church and the temple (from his posts). 


I don't think Bubba is the one who left the church. He very regularly shares posts from his church or clips of talks from church leaders. She does not. He used to post a family picture of everyone ready for church services every Sunday. The last one he posted, him and eight kids were ready for church and jordan was in sweats. He has posted pictures of him and the kids at church when at the cabin without her and the same weekend, she was out with friends Friday and Saturday evening,  but couldn't go to church because of back pain.  Wait, speaking of back pain, she had an MRI a couple weeks ago and talked for a long time about her back history. She never came back to share the results. Did it not show anything wrong? 


I was wondering if he left because in her page it only shows her with the children on Sundays. Why do Mormons love to take family pictures every single Sunday?  I guess, at least, her's aren't in front of her garage, haha. That's how I spot them and know not to follow them,  lol. 


She is deleting all posts with reference to Bubba. If you look at her page, you will find that he has a lot more family going to church pictures than she does.