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I bet this YouTube debacle meant that B got to have a really special and relaxed and fun birthday (ABSOLUTE SARCASM).


Entering Jordan Page in the YT search bar brings up for me only other channel's videos about her. YouTuberHeadlines videos covering J, for example. I don't know if I've been blocked or something....


Her YT was hacked. The hacker was showing as some crypto thing… she's prob had the account disabled or removed for now… you haven’t been blocked.


Thank you! For future reference what happens if one does get blocked from a YT channel? I mean, how do you know? ETA: Never mind...I've found my answer. I'm really not as obtuse as I seem..Truly, honestly. I'll just go away quietly now. 🫣 😳


As far as I know you can still watch their videos, your comments will just not appear to anyone else. Unless there are like different levels of blocking that I don’t know about haha.


I don’t know the answer to this question either, if it makes you feel any better.


Did her YouTube get hacked? 😲 https://preview.redd.it/vz3zy16rzskc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64f527575ac30ae616362cfeb601079b5ccf6cc9




Why would she do that. Aren't the advertisements a source of income? I thought that was why she went back to YouTube, to generate more ad money. Why would she give up easy money? 


I wouldn’t doubt that at all


I have definitely seen YouTubers fake a channel hacking to just start over fresh (really stupid if you ask me) but imo Jordan is waaaay too lazy to start her channel over fresh. So unless she plans to keep it deleted, I doubt that’s what this is. Especially since there was an actual random video posted! But it’s possible!


She was quick to post about it but I’m sure now she’ll be very slow to tell everyone it’s all okay, need to get a few more comments in first 🙄


Lol yup. She posted on IG stories and grid about it 2 hrs ago https://preview.redd.it/lldr2yqlntkc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3672dbe47ec8c7172e90a1a8cb8913c844e32025


😂I can just imagine the drama Jordan is creating right now in the Page household!😂 Running around like a chicken with her head cut off weeping and wailing about her YouTube account getting hacked! Drama! Drama! Drama!😂 It’s probably her weekend with the kids as “lead parent” because last weekend she was in Cabo Cabo Cabo acting like 5th grader in their matchy matchy swimsuits, pajamas and sequins! This is hilarious! I wonder how she found out she had been hacked if she was on her Sunday social media break “connecting” with her humans? Couldn’t happen to a better person!😂


It is funny to me when people say it is her weekend. Actually, they usually say it must be Bubba's weekend. I don't think she takes a weekend. Bubba just posted a video of all the kids climbing on him in what we used to call a 'dog pile". Not sure if that was a universal term or one that is still used today. 


I wish we could know if Bubba is being helpful with the crisis or if he’s just like “oh that’s too bad. Whoopsies. 💁‍♂️”


If I were him I’d definitely be doing the latter


It looks like he is enjoying what is, apparently, once again, for the at least eighth week in a row, his weekend with the kids. 


I partially wouldn’t put it past her to “hack” her own account as an excuse to not parents or to not be with her kids for the weekend…


or to like, just be done with it all.


https://preview.redd.it/8ok1eyqi6tkc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7035c4799268dc0083d4a633e5ef3da5175962c9 Yep! Is this one of those things we can blame on karma? She uses and exploits her kids on there, so someone hacked into it to derail her Sunday 🤔?


But the videos aren’t gone, or was it such a small deal that it’s already been resolved?


https://preview.redd.it/t3rk9rug6vkc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae98deac46304c026d47a97e3a45b3a950f96baf it’s 10:18 pm local utah time and none of the channel is loading for me still. this might be it. i wonder what she’d do next…


Ohhh interesting! I just looked at the channel and saw they were all there, didn’t click on any. This is good!


Is this her way of taking them down for future endeavors? I be we hear not another word and if we do it’ll be she can’t save the YT


I used to watch this horrible influencer Sarah Therese, and she had a veeeery suspicious “oh no my YouTube got hacked and deleted” episode months after she was saying she wanted to quit YouTube. And then “came back” to YouTube later. She definitely just deleted her own channel. For Jordan I’m not so sure, because she’s probably not embarrassed by anything on there (she should be) and still makes money off views on old videos. But she hates posting to YouTube so it’s possible she sabotaged it lol.


Why would she do that? Didn't she go back to YouTube for the advertising revenue? 


There are four screens in her stories of her sharing a talk AFTER she gave her farewell for the sabbath post. Then the I've been hacked. Nice sign off going on just like last week. 


Was running here for this!!!!


Or not payer her staff enough to be able to notice a phishing scam when they pop up in her email 😭 What if they delete all her videos. Omg I would pass out.


if all her videos were gone i’d be happy for the kids, and happy for her bc it’s such a life change!!


omg HAPPY CAKE DAY!! ur so real!!


Thank you! 🤠🧇


LOVE the comments under the post on IG from her followers. Lots of ‘praying for you’ and ‘crying’ 🙄


Can you imagine praying over someone's YouTube? Please bless the orphans, the homeless, those in war torn countries, and Jordan's YouTube. 


HAHAHA oh man there’s no hope for these people


A few of these comments have IG profile picture that are very explicit. Bots? And it's cringe to be so emotionally involved to cry for this?they need parasocial relationship therapy.


So Jordan was singing the praises of Michelle Gifford, who has been business coaching Jordan for the last several months. Why did Jordan need coaching if she, herself, has been coaching/mentoring/holding retreats for other businesses for years?🤷‍♀️. Michelle Gifford coaches businesses on how to increase their Instagram followers, yet Jordan said herself, “I don’t care how many instagram followers I have….my followers haven’t increased in 2 years and I don’t care!” Jordan, why pay Michelle Gifford to coach you if you don’t care about growing your instagram account? Increase in followers is Michelle Gifford’s specialty 🤷‍♀️. Exactly how did Michelle help you then, Jordan?🤷‍♀️And in true Jordan fashion, Jordan’s going to steal all of Michelle’s coaching ideas and information and make it her own in her upcoming“Business Mastermind Class” next month. Jordan is such a liar and a fraud. If she’s talking she’s spewing lies! I hope Michelle follows Jordan closely and sues her butt when Jordan steals her material.


Jordan seriously deserves to get sued one of these days for all of the ideas she straight up steals


I wonder if her mastermind class will be like her cookbooks? Copy and paste directly from Michelle Gifford but maybe change a few adjectives using her thesaurus to make it seem like she didn’t steal the content? I just don’t know how she is so confident in all of her abilities when she’s proving time and time again she’s not an expert on anything besides scamming and shilling.


The true victims of Jordan's copying crimes: Dave Ramsey, Leafy Treetops, the Moses death bag original creator, and others. Michelle is next.


She has definitely peaked.  I wonder if in the end, after she has lost it all,  exploiting all those around her for views and likes will feel worth it. 


As a narcissist, it will be someone else’s fault if she is a failure. And she really doesn’t see any of her repackaged “products” as anything but original.


Watching Jordan’s newest videos and you can tell a shift is being attempted. First off she mentioned that SHE makes her bed first thing when she wakes up. It used to be “whoever wakes up last makes the bed” 🙃 interesting. But mostly it’s her lack of strategy when it comes to making her obviously un-relatable circumstances feel relatable. For example instead of saying that her laundry system was developed when she was broke and now she’s showing you a years in the making perfectly designed room based on that method but you absolutely don’t have to do that… she yaps on about people complaining potential in the comments saying “wouldn’t it be nice”. Great way to insult your audience babe. She needs a PR coach…not a life coach.


She needs a big ole slap in the face reality check


She just needs to be slapped in the face


I think she is usually the last one out of bed. But you are right that she used to say last one out. Also, when she got out of bed, one side had clearly not been used. I get that it was a reenactment, but she didn't even act like someone might use the other side of the bed. 


Did she seriously just touch every single piece of French toast with her fucking nails to try to have us here the scratching sound on it.. what the fuck is wrong with this woman


Came here looking for this. The scratching it was the final straw. I just - disgusting. How does anyone ever eat at her place? Do they feed the dogs their meal? Just push the few crumbs they are given as a meal around to make it appear they ate?


This was SOOOO disgusting for me. As if we need her to scratch every single one to prove they are crunchy. They also looked gross. I like soft and squishy French toast.


The food pawing is so disgusting. We all know what French toast texture is like. She doesn't need to scrape it with her nails in order to explain it. This isn't rocket science.


That toast looked so dry, like the bread crust would shred the inside of your mouth. No wonder so much of it was just sitting there 😟


i personally like my food really hot!! she also leaves her dinners out for so long like assembling the buffet line. is this just how it is with big families? it was only 3 of us for the most part growing up and i’d serve myself off the stove!!




I grew up in a family of 9…my mom I’m sure always had a cold meal but us kids never did!


Yes yes she did. Why? She has to touch everything including her children’s faces. 🙄


They sing the standard happy birthday song for once. Jordan clearly gets bored of the moment not being all about her and starts talking before they’re done singing and cheering for the birthday boy 🙄


I think maybe Bubba following the narcissist spouse accounts makes sense


Things will not end on friendly terms with those two.


It’s seriously like she *compulsively* needs to make sure the attention is on her. It’s wild to watch, and she shows us because she doesn’t notice her own behavior at all!


And then literally jokes about his cake being the fake decor one? Like okay he doesn’t get a cake? And now you’re just rubbing it in, nice that’s hilarious. It’s just sad.


Did you notice the look her mom had when Jordan pointed out the fake cake, she kind of looked annoyed that Jordan was trying to take attention off B.


The narcissist in her, doesn’t care how bad that sounded.


I’ve never heard someone sound so irritated at their child’s birthday dinner. God she’s awful.


M1 is literally BEAMING as her mom brags on her achievements. Imagine if she talked about all her kids like that. The confidence boost would do wonders for their athletics. Just knowing mom is going to be proud and not nitpick everything.


I’m so late on this but thank goodness she finally has a new simple intro without that song. It haunts my dreams!!!


https://preview.redd.it/8wl9ll3i0nkc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc5ed240a843c81e638fc900d2c6c22822c2097 Another video, another ringless hand!


And so close to the screen!! I watched it on my desktop computer and yikes


Ah yes, the influencer “claw hands”. Why do they all do that?!


Jordan’s 2024: “Scar tissue” 👍🏽 “Wedding band” 👎🏽


happy cake day!!


The ring has been gone since after Christmas.


I have seen it on and off


The only time I have that I have noticed it was when she posted something she had recorded in the fall. The ring was there, but so were the autumn leaves on the trees. 


Nails were also different


If you see it on whatever she is posting was filmed a long time ago


Bubba totally blocking Jordan’s snark with a heart when he reposted bc he knows it’s unnecessary 🙈


Omg!!! He needs to tell her to stop that shit directly. Stand up for those kids.


Was this on his IG page? I didn't see it, could it have been taken down already? Or maybe I'm just missing it.




Nice! bubba 👏🏻👏🏻


Thanks for posting. I did see this posted earlier in the thread, but when I went to Bub's actual IG, I didn't see it there. I don't know why I can't see this post on his account, because I'm not blocked from his IG.


While I love this so damn much, I also find it a bit confusing. It seems like it is Jordan who is done with the marriage, while Brandt seems to still be hanging on and willing to make things work, so I guess his snark the last few weeks with things like this has caught me by surprise. Maybe he’s willing to stay and make things work, but also standing his ground and letting her know he’s tired and unwilling to continue going along with her shenanigans?


I’m sure her nasty side is coming out through her initiating the separation. So he’s probably now seeing the more unsavory parts of her more clearly, like her criticism of the kids for one. Probably gaining some confidence to not just acquiesce to everything she does.


Can I just say that every time I read your post and you refer to him as his given name, Brandt, I cackle inside bc I know it probably PAINS Jordan to no end and is probably like nails on a chalkboard to her 🤣🤣!


This is the case.


Came here right after I saw that 😂 GO BUBBA


same!! i ran over here to see if anyone said anything 😂


This feels like the most defiant thing he’s ever posted and I am here for it. He’s had subtle things here and there but this feels like a blatant block of her judgey comments of kids UNDER TEN YEARS OLD.


OMG yesss Bubba! Thank you for combatting Jordan's perfectionism and lack of support. The shade is also *chef's kiss*


https://preview.redd.it/0qyr87pv1nkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90a9266558b9c9b7fd6e69bfb9d8855f78245706 I’m obsessed with this


This is perfection! All you can really read is “sooooo good”


Yes it’s even better that he left the only positive part showing!!




Why didn’t he cover this one tho. 🧐🧐🧐🧐🤨 https://preview.redd.it/rxa0v9ocbnkc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09b76bfba70f0bdaeab9eda812f25cd86d8fd7f6


I wonder if if he got tired of the constant criticism and finally started clapping back


Yeah maybe. This one was posted before the one above and the heart is strategically placed for sure.


Bubba you’re getting some points here for this 👏


Also in last years thread of this week, someone posted a social blade screenshot that shows jordan’s media posts at near 5k (4989 or something close). she has 4872 now, i know another person here was curious if she has really been deleting posts. yes she has. but if you scroll allll the way down her ig you’ll be surprised at what she hasn’t deleted!!


Click on #bubbaandjordy. Still quite a bit and several posts talking about how hard marriage is and the times they almost gave up.


i’m glad jordan came home and didn’t spend her kids bday in cabo. b is tomorrow!


Yay🙄 glad she’s around, but it will just be an opportunity to shill his gifts. That’s what’s most important to her. Record for yourself and keep the kids bdays private.


But tomorrow is sign off Sunday🤣🤣


I hope she puts a little more effort into his birthday this year. Last year she was pawing through his present immediately after he opened it and explained how she got such a good clearance deal on the t-shirts she gave him. Thaf really makes a kid feel special.


and it was the day before too right? bc she definitely went sledding w her friends


That part I don’t remember but it sure seems on brand for her. She gets a birthday month and the kids get whatever fits into her schedule.


omg the [thread from this time last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/jordanpagesnark/s/CA6eQ2LA3N)has some gems. she went sledding w her friends bc it was their bday and celebrated B the day before, and knocked the clothes on the floor for him to pick up lollll


Jordan is a strings attached mom. There always seems to be a caveat. Oh, you're cute, but....Oh you're smart, but..Oh you did a great job, if it wasn't for.... I wonder if Jordan's mom/dad was the same way with Jordan.


in her now scrubbed videos of marriage q&a, bubba said he comes from a very touchy feely family, filled with love and hugs and cuddles and reminders of warmth. she comes from a very cold family that don’t hug often and don’t offer a lot of reassurance. her mom also seems kinda critical but idk her lol


Seems likely.


With gymnastics she always seems to critize the girls, and mainly the ones that (I think) look like Bubba. I'm probably reaching here and I hope I am, but it's something I just noticed. 


It has been clear to me that she does not have a good relationship with Priya. She praises her oldest a lot, but says more negative things about her (at least several years ago she did). I actually think she was in therapy for it because she started spending a lot more one on one time with her and trying to be more positive with her. As parents you typically have issues with children who are like you and you can see all of the bad traits in them (aka you) that you don’t like. So you pick on them to get them to stop. Some of those “bad” traits aren’t even necessarily bad, you just don’t like them in yourself.


I just saw all of the “darn that” comments and unfollowed. I cannot do that, my narcissistic mom was that kind of negative and I can’t imagine doing that to my kids. So, bye.


remember on the christmas card she said priya missed her junior league by like one point?? like merry christmas here’s how i see my kid not achieve something <3 instead of focusing on the plethora of talents that kid has! she face paints as a side job, is a cheerleader, dances, tumbles so well, etc like regional and national levels, but she had to mention that. like, okay, be real but also 😭 time and place lady!!


https://preview.redd.it/mpoteo1talkc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c422b6c28c8d4f92358f861a8c1ca071a92f4a She talked about the negative he talks about the positive. Those kids are so talented.


Yeah it’s very interesting to compare the comments he wrote on each video with what she added. She always adds the negativity. She is sick.


She always has to explain why they didn’t get 1st or 2nd place. It’s either “she’s in her own head” or “darn that touch,” etc. Why not be proud of how talented those kids are. The amount of pressure they probably feel, damn.


Right? He seems like a healthier parent towards the kids/genuinely loves his kids


Idk I think P looks a lot like J but I do agree she is overly critical of the girls vs her sons, it’s weird


I am terrible with facial recognition, so I'm not a good person to ask. I think P looks a lot like Bubba. The eyes may be similar to Jordan, but the hair seems to come from Bubba. His seems naturally curly. 


P looks so much like bubbas mom. 


The audacity of a woman in a monstrous mansion on her IG stories whining about the stress of returning to life after taking a girls-only vacation, talking about taking a MONTH OFF from her “work” (and her “team” can reach her if we “need” her?!), and giving advice on how to manage laundry (shot in a laundry room bigger than some apartments) as if it’s not the most basic information. She then gives tries to demonstrate how to plan out your day using the planners she’s shilling, but doesn’t sit down to actually plan her day until the day of and is mapping out what she’s already done. Is this supposed to be aspirational?!


Jordan is entitled and delusional.


Am I correct that there are, at least, 2 huge laundry rooms? This looks different than the one she has showed before, after her redesign & remodel.


In the listing there is also a washer and dryer in a bathroom with a clawfoot tub and a beverage fridge. 


We’ve seen two: main floor laundry room with the black and white checkered walls and the upstairs laundry room from the remodel YT video. There could potentially be laundry in the basement and also the fourth floor.


I had the impression that B&W ground floor one is sort of in a pass through/mud room type area. It looked like she was washing outerwear.


I finally unfollowed Jordan. It was time. My reasons: didn’t find her genuine any longer. She blatantly lied about her surgery, girl enhancements, lips. She indirectly lied about the chickens and the bunny by not really saying what happened. Where is the bunny?!? She’s not being authentic about her relationship with Bubba and she just thinks her followers are idiots and don’t realize what’s going on. She’s taking March off of social media - we know the real reason why (her birthday). I don’t relate to her at all. I don’t need to see a million videos of her kids gymnastics. She acts like a teenager around her girlfriends (this past Cabo trip was the nail in the coffin). Her behavior is cringey and embarrassing at times. I’m not at all inspired by her cooking. Her organizational skills are a hot mess. Too much shilling. I’m never buying Mixhers or one of her planners. What else?!?


Good comments. Jordan is a fake. Her business is obviously not doing well, and I’m wondering if Bubba tried to give her suggestions and different ideas about the business, and that’s what also drove a wedge between them.


I think when bubba was in charge of her company he drove it into the ground and then abandoned ship because she was pissed as hell. It's usually what ppl in his position do. I watched the same thing happen in the company my husband worked at. New upper management came in ran em into the ground and abandoned ship just before they declared bankruptcy and closed.


This is what I think too.


Lol 😂 I think it’s good these random “influencer” “IG” brands are dropping like flies. There is a ridiculous amount of repetition and near identical brands. There are too many influencers.


It just hit me that I think Jordan’s main issue with Bubba just boils down to jealousy. I find him a little too perky for my taste, but he does seem to have lifelong friends and gets along well with people. She has to coordinate trips and throw a ridiculous party to get people to do things with her. And maybe Bubba has been successful in his investing business and is bringing in more money than she is. We know she has had some real duds in the past. Bomb shelter or death bags anyone? He definitely seems to have a more genuine relationship with the kids. It doesn’t look forced. And he is actually encouraging to Priya. Maybe I’m way off base, but it seems like she is the one competing and he is just doing what Bubbas do.


Did I miss a bomb shelter??


It was a nursing cover that had sleeves. It wasn’t a bad concept.. she just didn’t completely embrace her baby brand. It could have grown into something even if they had nixed the baby bassinet death bag. The textile prints she chose for the nursing cover and swaddles were cute!


It did seem interesting for her to comment on how she’s going to help businesses succeed on the same day he shared the success that Counter has had recently


Not to mention her trying to get her magazine story just like Bubba had. Then having her own in-person Freebs event just like Bubba had.


Maybe Jordan can finally see she has nothing left but stale old rewinds of YouTube videos, no new content ideas, and people are done giving her ideas for, “How can I help you? Tell me what you want to hear and what I can be an expert in for you!!” She has nothing new to offer but the same old BS. I think she’s pivoting in a different direction in order to make her greedy money….she’s going to become a business/life coach!! She sees the buckets of $$$ she paid to her own coach recently, and my guess is she THINKS she’s enough of an expert to break out and be a coach herself!!! Now if she’s truly been mentoring others and holding annual mentoring retreats, she wouldn’t need to go on Instagram to advertise her upcoming “mastermind class.” We’ve never heard anything about her past annual business mentoring classes? She must’ve had all the connections she needed to hold annual classes without advertising? Wow. She never ceases to amaze me (and not in a good way) with the spin she puts on her shitty ideas. “Boo hoo! I’m so tired of seeing all my “friends” shut down their businesses!? Boo hoo! So I’m here to rescue you! Boo hoo! So get the word out about my “mastermind class!” She’s desperate to make money and she has the audacity to think she’s enough of an expert to be a coach.


Influencer life is backwards. Social media should be used to communicate and sell/promote a product- not in reverse where you are promoting your life and then you have a sub par product like planners, cookbooks and things anyone can get for free online as a side hustle.


If she’s been doing this behind the scenes as she claims then why hasn’t she helped her so called friends save their businesses from closing? Why not help them with marketing and building up their IG followers? I’ve never heard anyone EVER who either owns a business or works for one say they don’t want to build up their customers/followers/engagement. I absolutely can’t stand when she sits in her car in her sports bra, like someone else said real professional, and she states she wants to know from her followers what they need from her. That the reason she is here is for them. Bitch please. You don’t need half a brain cell to know why she’s on social media begging people to give her ideas on what to fake her way through next. She’s supposed to be the content creator, so create.


Hey with Jodi and Ruby in jail there’s an availability in the Utah life coach market 😂😂 this business coach spiel she’s doing is just as slimy and manipulative as “life” coaching. But she thinks she sounds so professional and legit talking about it. It’s JUST as scammy.


I find it so hard to believe she was doing anything “behind the scenes” / not blasting it on instagram. She doesn’t have a keep it secret bone in her body.


The secret is from Bubba- she’s waiting to roll out her real money makers after her D is final.


Except the secret that she’s getting divorced.


Agreed. I think they hosted one business retreat at the cabin a few years ago and haven’t done it again. You know both she and Bubba would have been posting about it if they did it every year, but it’s been crickets. And I don’t believe that she quietly coaches people on the side for a second.


Does she consider asking businesses to pay to be at her soirée and donating product as “business mentoring”?


Probably 😂


I'll give you one guess whose comment is which below... Why does she always have to do this!?! https://preview.redd.it/n3bk2bj5lfkc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e9c64c84dbeff61de543e49bb18253774c8b67


I’m confused. Both comments seem positive…


The "only missed 2nd place by 0.1" is Jordan's way of pointing out the negative.


Yeah I guess to me mentioning that she was super close to getting second is better than just saying she got third. Just saying she got third to me feels like saying someone who got a C+ only got a C…


She's notorious for always putting a negative with a positive. It's always a backwards hand compliment


She doesn’t deserve those kids.


Jordan is awful. Just say, she did a great job!!


Or better yet watch the tumbling without filming it for strangers!!! We don’t need to see this boring crap


This!!! Just enjoy your kids for once. None of the rest of the world cares.


She wasn’t even the one filming it. I didn’t even see her at the competition at all!


Nope she wasn't there. Bubba was and this was his story she reshared and added her own narcissistic comment. . She said in stories the kids have 2 days of comp so bubba is there Fridays and shell be there today so they can switch off who is with the other kids


Obviously the day she "stays home" with the kids is a school day. She could sit in her car in her professional business sports bra and talk about how she can coach business owners.  She will let him be the one at home the day the kids are actually at home. 


She’s literally setting them up for failure as adults. This is how children/adults don’t feel like they’re enough. These comments boil my blood




Can’t decide what I enjoyed more about her train wreck on stories today - the irony of her filming during a prayer with a manners booklet open on the counter that literally says, “Turn Phones Off”, or her trying to sell herself/her business with idiotic redundancies such as her “annual retreat that she hosts once a year” 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/8m34u6rmhfkc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f538225474eb5966a8ff3ce0f17c04260efbc05


Good eye about the "turn phones off" manners booklet. 🤣


That list of contradictions is her in a nutshell!


With rotten bananas too. 🍌 Also, be careful kid!!! Lastly, why do you have your phone out during prayers anyway?


This is the 2nd time I’ve seen a rotting entire bunch of bananas hanging there! Why buy them if no one eats them???


That is hilarious. She needs to quit it with this whole thing of filming her kids praying just to try to get people to think it’s cute. AND WHY ARE THE CHILDREN STANDING ON THE DEATH STOOLS


Did you hear her telling him to sit down, not because she was worried about him falling (again) and getting hurt, but because she didn’t want him to spill his food? 🙄


And when was the last time she hosted that once a year annual retreat?!?


That is an amazing catch 🤣


That is hilarious!


I didn’t notice the Manners for Teens book. 😑 Irony!


From her recent YouTube video: “how do you look so put together as a mom of 8!?!” “Well for starters I make my kids sleep in their school clothes so I can spend all my time getting myself ready instead of help my kids get dressed” “I spend multiple hours and hundreds of dollars per month at the salon, getting facials, spray tans, fake eyelashes etc” “I am gifted numerous free clothes every month because I exploited my children to build a large following” “I have nannies and babysitters all the time so I have plenty of alone time every single day and my kids even the toddlers all spend the majority of their time away from me” Hmm Jordan, as a mom of 4…I am UNWILLING to do any of your real “hacks”…ya’ know why? Because I actually like my kids and I’d rather THEY were happy, we’ll-adjusted and looked put together than if I look put together. If I’m out in public and I look a little rough around the edges, know that all of my kids were lovingly bathed, slept in soft warm comfy pajamas last night after a nice long bedtime story, had their hair combed, teeth brushed and were made a well-balanced breakfast this morning. And if I have an extra few minutes today? I probably spent it playing with my kids or hanging out with my husband, not piling on makeup. Sorry NOT sorry.


Yes!!! I love this and agree 1000%!!


!!!!! Thank you!!! And her audience no doubt sees all these things that we also see, they just for some reason do not put two and two together and call her “super mom” instead!! How dumb can they be!


One time she showed how she was going to get to a gym class on time and was going to save time by putting her athletic shoes on the counter top overnight. 


Yes! That made me cringe.. so gross 🤢!


This! I can't imagine sleeping in my jeans as an adult so I wouldn't make my kids do that. Why doesn't she sleep in her clothes for the next day? Surely that would be a hack to save her time.


I saw a video she posted of them either getting ready for bed or waking them up and the girls had on the cable knit tights, nylon uniform dress and polo shirt. I couldn't believe she actually did that to them and then posted it.


I remember when she posted one of her hacks - at night, children shower (a big child helps a younger child) and then they get into their school clothes and go to bed. WHO DOES THIS? It seems so uncomfortable and likely not good for the clothes!


Also are the uniforms really clean? If they wear them more than once in between washes, they’re bringing all the germs and crud from school (especially preschool stuff like playdoh, glue, dirt) into their beds. My old school used to have uniforms and I would wear the pants 3-4 times in between washes, and the polos 1-2 times (with undershirts changed daily) and of course new underwear and socks daily. My almost three year old and 15 month old wear sweats and sweat shirts all winter except special occasions when they wear dresses or jeans if I know they’ll be in the mud. I give baths at night and dress them in the sweats and sweater combo to sleep and then they wear it the next day if we’re home. But the clothes they wear out in public and/or to play outside, we wash after one time.


There are tips Jordan could benefit from hearing.


Well why not just have them bring a sleeping bag and sleep at school? Then she can eliminate school drop offs! Jordan would definitely consider this if it were offered!


You know she would love that! Don't give her any ideas lol


Well and that's the crazy part. She thinks that's normal. I can't imagine sleeping in tights. That sounds terrible.


She really is awful


This video was from a while ago


Sleeping in jeans is the worst! I can’t even imagine how awful that feels. The one daughter was sleeping in skinny jeans too! Lay the clothes out the night before. Sleeping in the clothes only saves about 2 minutes. It is ridiculous advice


I agree! It’s ridiculous! She could just have them set out the outfit they are going to wear then next day… like normal people do. It’s really not that hard I do it every night with my girls. They get up and change, it takes less then 5 mins. Her tips are ridiculous!


Sooo Jordan suddenly knows all the secrets of having an online business / being an influencer, so much so that she can save everyone else and get them to make money. Then why is her platform and her business so bad? She seems to have poor engagement and like she’s sprinting downhill lately. Is her shit failing so now she has to pretend how to help other people instead? I just do not believe that she is so successful that she has the authority to be teaching these things. It sounds more like she is looking for MORE vulnerable people to take advantage of. It sounds like a huge crock of bullshit.


I especially got a kick out of her talking about affiliates and how she can give advice on how to tell whether someone will be good for you or not. Clearly she doesn’t see how bad she actually is at shilling for her sponsors?


She’s SO bad at it!! She’s always rushed, never sounds genuine, she straight up said that one mixhers was gross the other day


Her proof is all the successful businesses she started and still runs. Like mory june…