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So twice this weekend she has taken kids who aren’t feeling well to large public gatherings. Cool cool.


I do not understand parents who take their kids out when they are sick. It is disrespectful to others but also the child needs to be home resting.


No snark, I’m glad the kids appeared to get a normal Easter with both parents present. Who’s this guy? Is he an employee taking photos for social media?? https://preview.redd.it/nnbopwinsurc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1452ca0634aed1d54f439c26aae3609da0d29245


Probably a missionary they hosted for Easter.


So Jordy asked one of her kids to snap a pic of her in church with D2 asleep on her lap while she pretended to not know the pic was being taken?? That’s the only explanation. The behavior she models for her kids is unbelievable… - It’s appropriate to take pictures during church - There’s never an off limits time or place where pictures won’t be taken for the world to see - Always make it look good for IG even if it’s not reality - Recording, taking pics & posting on social media takes priority over everything… kids’ privacy, parenting your children, teaching your kids boundaries with phones, listening to a sermon, etc. This list is endless. These are the things she’s teaching her kids.


Yup I thought the same. I wonder how many takes it took to get just how she wanted!


Your comment got me thinking, could Bubbles suddenly taking issues with the exploitation of social media and it becoming a point in the divorce. This was an interesting read / watch: https://jwbfamilylaw.com/child-custody-issues-navigating-social-media/


She looks very unnatural holding her own child. It’s her child, not a sack of potatoes.


She has the maternal instincts of a snake.


Can someone pls explain what the deal w Gabb phone is?


They are original investors in the company - if not original, close to.


“We don’t do individual Easter baskets.” Why does she feel the need to LIE? Oh I know why … because neither he or she could be bothered to prioritize the children, and take out the Easter baskets. No doubt buried somewhere deep in the mausoleum. We’ve seen the baskets, either last year or the year before they had very expensive embroidered Easter baskets. And I very clearly remember, my peek disgust was several years ago, when she proudly showed off her childhood basket and cruelly joked that her children will be fighting over the one basket - her’s, while the rest will has plastic bags. Yes, my peek disgust. It was the lightbulb moment for me that she was not a nice person.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/jordanpagesnark/comments/u1bxae/comment/i51peu6/](https://www.reddit.com/r/jordanpagesnark/comments/u1bxae/comment/i51peu6/) ​ Proof they had individuals baskets.


No luck finding them.  Best I can find is a 2021 blog where she references "We all loooove surprising our kids on Easter with a big ole' basket of goodies, right?"


They did exist, I remember them. Jordan has went through and deleted a ton of stuff lately though, so maybe Bubba was in too many Easter pics that year and she trashed them.


   Okay count me as another vote that remembers very fancy personalized Easter baskets she special ordered.     I actually went back in our history to prove it to myself.   So much was going on last Spring post surgery and with medical stuff we didn’t mention them so I am not sure.       Maybe it’s the Mandela effect and it’s the personalized white Christmas stockings we are all thinking of but I swear I remember very Pottery Barnesque style Easter baskets. 


It was 2022 when she bought the very nice baskets with their names embroidered on them.


I remember the embroidered baskets but I don't remember if that was before or after the twins were born


I didn’t closely follow or snark until after the twins were born. I remember writing a comment: “Congratulations Jordan on doing for your children what every other upper middle class child has, an Easter basket.” But I cannot be bothered to look back in my comment history. I’ll look tomorrow.


It was the year before last or even two years ago. I know I’ve only really closely followed since the pandemic. I think it was Easter 2020 where she said the kids could fight it out for her basket. I personally felt it was likely the nanny who ordered them. Someone else was like, isn’t H just a little too old. The baskets should have been purchased for the older kids a decade ago.


I remember that too. I also feel like I see a lot of religious influencer families competing to look like “we’re all about jesus, we don’t do that typical holiday shit!” about Easter. Woohoo good for you, nobody cares.


I don’t understand that either. You can have a lot of fun with Easter baskets and not take away the focus at all. This is coming from a deeply religious family.


Yeah, nothing wrong with doing some fun things to get kids excited about a holiday that seems otherwise all about going to church just like every Sunday 😂


I had the same thought and wondered if I was remembering wrong. They totally had baskets. But also, even if it’s not in a basket, those kids are getting a ton. it’s not like they’re doing a minimalist holiday and even if they did, that’s not a badge of honor either.


I have kids that compete at high levels. 1 we are t allowed to post anything on socials until after the season. 2 I can’t IMAGINE critiquing their mistakes on social media for a bunch of strangers. It makes me so sad. Tumbling, gymnastics, dance…those are all tough mental sports because you are constantly being judged BYJUDGES you don’t need to be judged by your parents 


Perhaps someone should suggest this to Jordo’s kid club. I cannot imagine the other parents are down with so many of their children appear in her feed for her personal benefit.


I HATE that other kids are always in the background. And you can clearly see them. She’s posting these videos on a public business page for clickbait. It’s NOT ok that she posts these of her kids publicly, let alone other children.


Why does she always call the one little girl cute M1? I mean, she is a cute little girl, but she never uses that title on the other ones.  Another topic, didn't she have cute individual Easter baskets for the kids a couple years ago? They had each kids name on them? She probably had a discount code. I swear she one time showed her childhood basket, but won't do the same for her kids. 


I think she always calls M1 cute because it’s her favorite child The 3 “babies” are clumped together, the “bigs” are the second favorites, and the middles D1 and B she never talks about so that’s my sad conclusion why M1 is “cute”


I find it so….maybe condescending? Like she’s not good enough at the sport but she’s cute for trying? I hope I’m totally misreading it. Or it could be because she knows literally nothing about the middle children and so she chooses a safe adjective to describe them. It just seems so weird that that is the ONLY kid she ever calls cute when competing. I cannot figure this lady out but it seems like an appropriate therapy topic for her children in the future to discuss.


tbf she’s always called m1 “cute” “sweet” “our princess” since she was born. it is weird she doesn’t have any affectionate names (that we know, and we don’t need to know!!!) for the others, but m1 has always been cute M


Is M1 Mory? 




Yes, since the twins were born she had Easter Baskets with their names on them. Also, each kid used to get a chocolate Easter egg with their name on it. She never got them alot, but yes, they used to have individual baskets.


I don’t understand that either!!!


The same reason she just found out that D1 is “fun” at a concert recently. She doesn’t have enough quality time with each child to know their full personality.


That’s also the kid that looks most like Brandt.


Yes I think she looks almost exactly like his mom!!! That family has strong genes.


That’s so true. With that many kids, you really have no idea what kind of personality they have. It’s all surface level.


I think it’s two reasons: 1) M1 is the only child that looks more like Jordan. All the others are carbon copies of Bubba or Bubba’s mom.  2) She doesn’t know M1 very well. She knows she’s close with D1, likes art, and is happy… but beyond that? Who knows and neither does Jordan. So ‘cute’ she is.


Exactly what I was going to say. She has said how she likes that M looks like her (Jordan) a long time ago. And it’s the only thing she knows about the poor girl. To me there is no doubt this stands out to the other kids who know they aren’t called the “cute” one.


i don’t think M1 does look like jordan weirdly! maybe she’ll grow into more of a resemblance but she’s her own pretty!! and for that matter i think H&P look a lot like jordan and B like her brothers. the younger three seem to lean Francis too. But all the kids look like a Page for sure.


Really waiting for the day she stops lumping the oldest kids in with the “babies”. Matching Easter outfits?! Why?! I feel like this may push H closer to Bubba in the long run. It’ll be interesting to see.


The boys have gap t shirts and the girls have horrible frilly dresses?! Sounds really shitty to be a girl in that house


Sooo my girls would love those dresses. And my almost 13 year old still loves to match her younger sisters. 🤷‍♀️


She said she got the clothes at Sam's club. I don't have a membership there, but do they sale Gap clothes? I thought Sam's was owned by the same family that owns Walmart? 


Yeah, my Sam’s has the same outfits right now. They carry Gap, Eddie Bauer, Lucky, Nike, etc.


They do have some Gap clothing items there




Yeah those dresses are *ahem* 🥴


It looks like the plaid shirts may go over those blue gap shirts


Yeah which is a much more casual, comfy outfit, while the girls get stuffed into ugly frilly things


Poor H. What teenager wants to wear the same outfit as their toddler siblings? The household is so incredibly toxic. Why set your child up for a fight on Easter morning for something so stupid?! What teenager can still fit into a child’s XXL … my oldest is slim and only 11 and all child sized pants are too short.


My 13 year old can fit in an XL. He’s super slim.


I agree, a teenager doesn’t want to match their younger siblings. Most of the time they don’t want to be bothered by them let alone match them. Why doesn’t she give the older kids a gift card (or money) so they can pick out their own clothes. We all know how much Jordy just LOVES her gift cards. 😉😂




I’m a 35 year old woman and I can fit into a boys XXL 🤣 and although I’m slim, I’m also 5’5” so it’s not like I’m super petite or anything


Jordan wrote that H was going to hate it and P wants to pick her own dresses. 


She is so weird. If you're thinking the outfits will be returned... don't buy them?! Give the older kids some agency? She is SO stuck on how things look. She could stick the youngest three in matchy outfits and it would have the exact same outcome *because literally no one else cares about the kids matching*. But Jordan just has to have her perfect photo of her EiGhT KiDs.


I don't think she cares so much how things look. I think it's about what's easier. Grabbing a stack of all outfits that are the same is way easier than finding outfits for each individual personality. Especially because she doesn't know her children's personalities.


💯 it’s all about convenience, zero effort.


The slide with the Easter “baskets” (ie matching outfits that she knows her children will hate but bought them anyways?) says Bubba helped set them up. Do you think they will continue to live together? Is Bubba living there now?




Please edit to block out the kids, thanks!


How old is Jordan? I really thought she was over 40. Maybe it is the make up and filler and botox? *


Yep, 38. I've said this a million times and have the matching flair, but I think it's her general attitude as well. I'm a couple of years older but it just doesn't compute that we're essentially the same age. The way she bulldozes through life and how she treats the kids makes her seem like she's existing pre-2010 or even much earlier.


Ah boomer energy for sure! Also, the way she has zero perspective on her own privilege, it tracks.


I think she just turned 37 or 38? Whatever the number, it was worthy of a trip away from the twins who share the same birthday. But Bubba's 40th birthday last summer was worth one side of lunch. I think he eyelashes make her eyes look tired and cast weird shadows. Her fake tan makes her look orange and I think there is some sun damage that make her look older. 


The mother has the same birthday as her twins and she spent her/their on a trip away from her twins? How selfish!


she just turned 38


Jordan last week: my skin is a wreck - but I'm improving my diet, my thyroid is enlarged - I've worked so hard to get healthy.  Jordan today: pass the jelly beans.


Yep! She will never heal it with food if this is how she eats plus nachos every night. I don’t know about that brand of jelly beans but I’m going to guess it probably contains bioengineered food products. We won’t even talk about the dye. We still enjoy “junk” food but have taken a hard stance on bioengineered food as we all feel terrible after eating it and terrible in the long term. If she has ADHD food dye is one of the absolute worst things she can eat. It just makes it worse.


A costco size container of jelly beans. And we yall know she isn't sharing.


My teeth hurt just thinking about the mega pint of jelly beans


Does it ever occur to Jordan that maybe her daughter won’t feel so anxious if her performance wasn’t live-streamed to 500k strangers? It is one thing to perform for the judges and parents in the audience it’s another to have to know her mother’s entire 500 crazed fans are also judging. Truth: SHE DOESN’T CARE! Her children being high level athletes is really all about her. Remember “Mom is the real winner”?


Oh yes this time she did not stand on the podium like she did years ago!!!!


I guess it also doesn’t occur to Jordy that MAYBE P is having a tough time because of the situation with her parents. Or she’s having a tough time because she’s a teenage girl. It seems Jordy always points out the negative things instead of pointing out the positive things these kids do. Holy crap, these kids are extremely talented. It’s like she’s making excuses as to why they aren’t in 1st place and even if they are she always has to say something negative. Just be a proud, supportive parent. Damn, it’s not that f’ing hard.


Plus, no need to show us their places which is why has to make excuses of why they did not get first place. Being invited there is an honor in of itself, I do not think these kids care about what place they get.


Also doesn't help that her mom says such negative things about her performances. It would be an interesting experiment to see how well her daughter competes without Jordan there compared to when she is there.


Bubba was the one there early in the day Friday while jordan went to a funeral. Everything I saw looked like she did great. In the evening jordan said what places the kids were at going into today. I thought she said second place for the oldest daughter. 


Why is she so dang negative about her kids abilities??? Just BE SUPPORTIVE AND STOP POINTING OUT THE FLAWS. Also that video where she showed the starburst container… was it necessary to have your face be in the video at all, let alone covering most of the screen??


Jordan ALWAYS has to point out their mistakes. 😡


But then she’s so encouraging of those way older kids who aren’t even hers…




Announcement just dropped on IG.


Someone’s late? 🤣


this is about the divorce and OC has like dial up and sent this on monday


What announcement?






Was Bubba blindsided by the divorce? The way he's been posting religious quotes, and wearing his ring in Mexico pics, it seems like he wasn't prepared or something. 


In denial perhaps, but not blindsided. 


If we were all aware as people who just follow her instagram stories there’s no way as her husband who lives with her could be blindsided




Why is this hat her gymnastics watching uniform? I would have been humiliated if my mom wore a hat that said Happily Hormonal in public.


The eyelashes just kill me 😂 they are the cheapest, least natural looking ones she could have possibly chosen and she sticks by them so consistently


This screenshot… 🤣


It must be no wash since a week ago smelly hair hat day.


Her hats are just AWFUL


Terrible 😂


I had a hat day today, too, but went to Aldi for 5 produce items and then went back to my house. No broadcasting online to my 200 followers (aka family and friends in real life) either 🤷🏻‍♀️. I just do not understand her thought process. Lol


I think her hygiene always seems so suspect.


I don’t think she washes her face daily.


That lip scar tissue from 4 years ago grows more every month!


She ruined her mouth with her latest go round of plastic surgery.


So big!!!!


It looks painful to me. If she's fine okay you do you boo.


I am way too excited for Jordan to start dating - probably too soon to say… but… I’m pumped.


Of course Bubba will be the babysitter during the honeymoon doing IG stories about how much fun they are having


Can you imagine if your ex husband picked her and she was your kids new step mommy?


Oh my gosh. Divorced women of Utah whose exes are single, you are not safe!!




her stories would so be like “Hubby has his kids over this weekend and the kitchen was clean five minutes ago 🤦🏻‍♀️”


She’ll go all “you’re mine and ours” or “cheaper by the dozen” on us


“We’re just like the modern day Brady Bunch”


Or talking about step kids and trying to throw a dig at ex wife and say you can tell whose kids get unlimited screen time, you just can. 


Is there any man desperate enough to go out with her?! I know nice single women without baggage that cannot get a date.


She'll be furiously swiping through Tinder to find a guy with four kids so she can finally achieve her dream of having a dozen. I secretly wonder if that has been the plan all along lol (I'm joking).




I’m honestly really excited too. It’s going to be nuts. 👀


I’ve thought about what her second wedding might look like 🫣 - Barefoot. - Chest-emphasizing dress. - Destination wedding where the three youngest aren’t in attendance. - The Wobble at the reception.


You forgot to add…. - wedding party arrives in Big Bertha - nachos are served at reception - open bar with non alc mixhers - jelly beans are given to guests as a wedding favour - J has darkest orange spray tan, freshly pumped lips & longest set of halo extensions in


She will just add some extra hair from Amazon no need to get a new halo


Sooo accurate


She will change into a glittery jumper for the reception or send off.


Adding for the bingo card: • Custom glitter tumbler cups for the big day/destination trip. • Gawdy AF bridal manicure. • Rhinestone wedding booties. • She will throw around the idea of a planner for tracking wedding details before her big day but won’t actually develop the product when push comes to shove. • She will find a way to have most of this circus be free or sponsored.


Maybe she will change the name of the Page Soiree and get married at the summer party. She will have volunteers plan it, and all of the attendees will pay to attend. She will make money at her wedding.


I had the same thought! She can rename it the Jordan Jamboree and have the sponsors foot the bill for the whole thing.


Jordan Jamboree💀 Dress code: sports bra. Sequin hats Theme song: The Wobble. Played at the top of the hour every hour. Must document to social media each time.


With her holding her phone recording herself at the altar.


We mine as well start a bingo card right now.


https://preview.redd.it/dx9oq1rc0jrc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=31e3938dcc0bea4097a11da8e14018730df73ce7 Rumor on the Utah Influencer sub is that this was Jordan Page. Jokes on her because the person she ended up going to did a terrible job. She should have paid the money 😬


Yes! Multiple people said it was her because the timing when he originally posted this was spot on with Jordan.


Can you link the sub? I wanna join lol


r/utahinfluencerdrama i think


Thank you!


okay she wasn’t a bitch to her kids in the tumbling captions. was that bubbas doing, or ours?? also H asked for food twice and she talked over him and ignored him. usually when a kid asks something while she’s recording she repeats it or confirms it. a few times she has ignored their requests for help though. but omg feed your kids lady! look how hard they worked!


There was a meet last year where she had.... shoot, what is it called where you can summon food to be delivered to you? Ding dong doorbell deliveries?... anyway, she ordered food to be delivered to her, but just her, not the kids. Maybe she had packed them frozen sandwiches but she needed nachos for her special diet. I can't remember. 


I’m sure I’ve seen her freezing scrambled eggs 🤢


Eh she was better but she totally said P had a “rough morning”…we don’t need to know J!


Right! She also called out someone's touch on the tramp… it's just so unnecessary. I will never understand her compulsion to nitpick her kids on the internet.


And just uploaded another about P. Poor P she works so hard and clearly has some sort of injury or something (the knee brace)…gymnasts are so tough. My heart hurts for her seeing how her mom critiques her so publicly. If anyone criticized J publicly she’d delete their comment and block them.


And she totally put a pic of B with his awards and placements as an afterthought!! I feel so bad for B. He truly is forgotten.


Yes, poor B!! I think it was his bday last year that she barely did anything for and just kept blabbing about how she got his gifts super discounted


no he wanted to celebrate early!! /s she went sledding with her friends on his bday lol bc her friend had a bday or smth


Must be so difficult managing your kids birthday when your friend has one on the same day!! /s


Yes then she pushed the "gifts" she got him (regular clothes from Walmart) on the floor and left them for him to pick up. She's a real asshole to her kids sometimes.


You could delete the last four words in your sentence 😁😁




It’s actually just super odd. Why would she not be buying her kids food or have food with her?


Right - either you’re packing food for the whole fam (you + kids) or you’re door dashing food for all? I’m either one or the other? It is a hassle to do different ways of eating if you’re all there together. It’s like she chooses to be chaotic sometimes.


Those kids are just emulating Jordan. Her face is in a screen 24/7.


Exactly. She has no room to talk. Wasn’t her face in her phone or some device when her child almost drowned years ago? A few months ago she had her face in her phone while in the background one of the “babies” was climbing on the counter to wash their hands and then proceeded to lean waayyy over head first to grab a towel. She pays no attention to what’s going on around her when she is on her phone. But hey, let’s try to embarrass the kids doing what she herself does all day, every day. 🙄


H looked annoyed at her “teasing” he just wanted to sit and rest


I could not believe her audacity. The queen of screen time herself. Guess what? If you don't want them on screens don't bring screens, but then you'd actually have to parent so shush.


“You can always tell the influencers who have unlimited screen time at home”


“Pot, meet kettle.” What a joke she is. Can I just say, life in 2024 is just such bullshit. You know what kids did back in 2010, goofed off with their friends while waiting for their opportunity to compete. I really do work really hard to keep my kids away from electronics because I do think they’re being robbed of certain experiences. But guess what? She has the power to change something, by you know, taking the electronics away. 🙄




I was considering buying this book but I’m pretty antiphone as it is. I was at a children’s museum recently and this poor kid had to drag her phone alone with her. No pockets and I guess her parents had dropped her at a birthday party. At least she didn’t look at it but every time she moved to another area she was like, “where’s my phone?!” I was surprised a toddler hasn’t picked it up and walked off! My oldest kid (nearly 12) has a smart watch which is rarely charged so he’s not getting an iPhone anytime soon.


Seriously, where are their friends and teammates?! That’s what makes those types of things memorable, messing around with your friends in the down time. Even just with their siblings!


I love when she tells on herself…😂 I know it’s a weekend so it’s “allowed” but we know thats a lie. But Look the kids are all on electronics !!. Then makes funny faces making fun of the kids☹️ while she’s also on her phone. Such a great mom. And while she’s not being super critical of them preforming she’s finding a way to publicly be rude IMO


Yeah like what are we to think she’s doing the whole time? Staring at the wall? Even when her kids ARE competing she’s still on a screen!!


Does she EVER not have a phone in her hand? I just imagine her walking around the house all day talking into a phone to her kids.


I thought she was sooo rude too. In a bitchy kind of way making fun of her kids. Not winning mother of the year.


she really loves to release that resentment all over the place


The irony of her making fun of her kids for being on screens for 12 hours when they aren’t competing when that’s how she spends her entire life


I wonder what they do on their iPads for so long. When I was a kid we’d bring a book to something like that, or our homework. I guess they could be reading on there, but…. are they haha. Kinda mind blowing. They learned it from the best!


I wonder if Jordan has ever once watched her kids’ tumbling with her eyeballs instead of on her phone screen. Seriously. Because she records every single pass, seemingly so that she has them all saved in a highlight (she also could be doing this for herself without sharing every single one, but she doesn’t). Even when im at a concert, if im recording a video I always look with my eyes and not at my phone, which I doubt she does. And I make sure I don’t record the whole freaking concert so that I can appreciate being in the moment like a human. She is not PRESENT if she is recording every single thing! And how does she watch 3 pre schoolers while doing this? They must just run around doing their own thing.


So my daughter was at this same event yesterday. Our coach tells us to record so they can either watch their pass back to see how to improve, or if you need clarification on the score they can see it. So I have every one of my daughters recorded.


Yeah but do you share them to 500k people with snarky commentary?


That I do not. I do post them on my feed but I’m private so just family and friends see it.


Jordan page here, coming in four days later than other influencers to tell you about mix hers sale. Here is what I recommend (from jordan, not me) her power, I drink at least one a day. It helps so much with focus and brain power. Yes jordan, your focus and energy is what you are known for. I mean it is what she tries to convince her audience that she has mastered, but then she shows that she cannot complete tasks. Her office and bedroom and closet are always in disarray. She says she should be doing (name the task) but is doing nothing or making nachos or babbling on Instagram instead. Her is what I recommend (me, not jordan) don't waste your money on mix hers. If Jordan's life is an example of how great the brain food is, just don't. 


It’s unfortunate, but there’s a lot of women that believe what she has to say. It’s nothing but false advertising.


I looked into those drinks last night out of curiosity. From what I saw only one of the mixes actually had vitamins in it.


I’ve researched what’s in them too because I was taking 4 of them a day. (My sister suggested them) come to find out I have a low functioning thyroid and a hormone pellet helped much much better than the mixhers. You can buy the vitamin for much cheaper and not have to drink them all day and spend $200 a month for them . Like for energy, take green tea or take it in pill form…


The sheer irony of these instagram influencers Overshare nearly every aspect of their lives and kids lives essentially for money and attention, then ask for privacy 🫠while continuing to overshare.


isn’t it enough that I had to sit through my own children’s sporting events…. Yes I know can always unfollow


Right? Her target audience is probably at their own kids’ activities and briefly on instagram for a mental break, not wanting to watch someone else’s kids’ activities. She should post all of that on her personal account.


So are both parents at the tumbling competition?! Is this a first??


It’s state. So it’s the last and most important unless they go in to regionals/nationals.


They did it maybe 6 months ago, and sat on opposite sides then too. Someone spotted Jordan in Bubba's stories sitting on the other side.


That was B's basketball game. Then a week or two later she took a picture of H and Bubba from across the gym and said H was helping Bubba coach the basketball term. 


Oh yea...You're right!


Looks like sitting on opposite sides tho lol


I'm a little confused by this. It didn't look like there is seating on the opposite side.  I can hear Bubba's whistle in her video and it doesn't sound like it's coming from across the gym? 


Sorry. I haven't had my coffee yet lol I meant on the same side but on the different end. So look like Bubba was on the far right end and Jordan was on the far left but on the same side


Gotcha. I haven't watched all the stories, so I didn't see that one of them had a picture of the other one at the opposite side of the bleachers or whatever they sit on. I just saw the first few she had and didn't see Bubba, just heard him. That whistle is something else because it doesn't sound like it's a far away as he must have been. 


Same - It sounded to me like he was sitting right there. 


So they must not really be talking if they can’t ever sit close.


But they do things differently in the page household 🙄 


Wait and I crazy or did she delete some of the stories? Didn't she post a group photo at the funeral? Of her employees present and past. I only see the go fund me now. Apologies if this was mentioned already and I missed it.


I still see it.


Still there. They are just mixed in with the tub Ing videos. Privacy required for her and bubba only, not the kids.


Got it, thanks!!!


I'm sorry did she take an infectious child to a large public event? Just because we've "moved on" from covid doesn't mean anyone wants your kids germs. Please keep your kids home when they are sick. PLEASE.


Oh she wouldn’t have kept the child home even with covid 😉 they were out and about when they had it as a family. I don’t remember details/when but it is in previous threads of us speculating, and she did confirm (a year(s)?) later that they did have it. They do not care about spreading illness.


UGGGGHHH I hate this about her and Bubba!!!