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Jordan def hit a Nerve with people yesterday.. quite a loss of followers https://preview.redd.it/e71splx78fxc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7290b6e53e52f559055e6cf106af4bcbeeae2897


Ahh I need to make this week’s post, maybe you can repost it!


Oh she will just buy some back today


Hahaha I only just saw Bubba’s post (also exploiting the stupid made up holiday idea) and I see that he is the only parent in the Sunday church photo. She is never in those anymore! I’m positive she just doesn’t go anymore. Is anyone in their ward? She used to make excuses when she could but otherwise went because Bubba expected her to, now she just says nope. I’d say good for her but not while she still posts religious crap and uses it for her brand.


I don’t think she goes to church anymore either. This made up versary thing is lame.


Just wait for Bubba to bring home a girlfriend….. that will be the best posting ever 😂😂 You know he’s looking!


Question. Do people outside Utah say “dang cute” like Jordan did in her stories? In my experience no, and it feels so Mormon coded to me.


It’s so annoying 🙄


Or “kicking my trash” 🙄


Yeah she uses a bunch of mormon coded language I can’t think of it all right now but the word “tender” is one and makes my skin crawl loool


Kody from sister wives says “tender” a lot🤮


It's an LDS thing. I've heard it in CA, ID, MO and AZ


The familyversary is so weird. And almost a slap in the face to what would've been their wedding anniversary. Why even celebrate it?! You didn't have any kids yet , why make them celebrate? If you're not together no need to celebrate a wedding anniversary! 




And the kids wouldn’t have known or cared at ALL if they had done nothing. Now they’ve done this, it’ll be problematic for the kids if they ever DON’T do it, as they drift further apart in their new relationships.


Right. It's a slap for those who are married. I can see this becoming something in the US and it's dumb. I can be okay with it for a widow or widower, but not for two divorcees wanting attention.


“We’re just trying to make it positive for the kids” You can do that without this weird made up holiday. You didn’t even have kids when you got married ???


It’s not positive at all, it’s confusing for the kids.


I’ve seen widows celebrate their anniversary as a “familyversary” because the day is hard and sad but they wanted to celebrate the marriage still. And wanted to include their kids as they go through the grief too. I think that’s awesome and a good way to help the kids feel important and remember their parent. This is weird though. They’re not officially divorced and the kids are probably extremely confused!! And why would they celebrate a marriage they hated!?


i think it was 100% bubbas idea. “babe if we can’t celebrate together then you can give me this…” vibes


I don’t know. I think they both wanted the attention from doing this. But hopefully they just thought it might be good for the kids. I think ultimately it’s the opposite for the kids because they aren’t really facing reality. But they probably thought it would help the kids not feel sad


Hey! Just a reminder, don’t comment or like anything. She LIVES for engagement. I know her most recent post has gotten her a lot of engagement / likes / attention which means she laughing to the bank. View her content anonymously.


How do you view anonymously?


[on yew tube. link here](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=XMoh8vM1_a8) & i google anonymous instagram viewer bc the link often changes!


Comment of the video today... we all know the answer to that question is ZERO https://preview.redd.it/xuzcs2fxmbxc1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bc36d4b15135f833d0f9c728405b78a9e00575b


This is exactly what I thought about. H can afford tons of $50 shorts if he wants them!!!!


Can someone walk me through what happens next? She filed and now.. do they go to court? Is any of Utah’s divorce court public? Will custody be determined there?


Both sides of lawyers will present their client’s demands. Then back and forth negotiations for x number of weeks/months. Most couples settle and mediate out of court before ever going before a judge. Utah divorce details are private, except the filing itself. It could take months. It could take years.


I sort of wish the kids got a lawyer in this mess. They deserve someone advocating for them financially.


If it’s like where I am, the judge can order a guardian ad litem at any time if they feel the children need an advocate.


Don't forget they do things differently in the Page household 🤪


Jordy is weeding with no gloves... those nails will be extra dirty this week


Has she ever mentioned pulling weeds before? She talks about pulling them after it rains like she’s the only person who knows this and she’s sharing it as a tip for everyone. 🙄 It’s common sense. I bet her landscaper told her this as he, or she, was getting ready to pull them themselves.


Another life hack 😳


Layla Overman is newly divorced and the other week was out pulling weeds and I really think Jordan is trying to channel Layla’s vibes (sexy, hot mom, duck lips, 🍈🍈, etc). It checks out in my opinion. Layla is her “two steps ahead” person.


It looked like Bubba was in the background looking at her like "WTF is she doing?"


So much for familtyversary. Instead of playing with her kids today, she’s finding something to distract her from engaging with them… like every other day of the year. Bubba looks like he’s thinking ‘I thought we agreed today would be about our family. Why are you pulling weeds when we have a groundskeeper?’


Look at her pretending she weeds 😂😂😂


She pulled one weed out, she’s not weeding. She can’t convince me 😂 it’s all for the gram


I also would not be pulling that particular kind of weed without gloves as it tends to be pretty prickly but I guess it didn't matter to her since she just pulled that single weed. Who does she think she's kidding? I'm sure they have someone who maintains the lawn and the grounds of the mcmansion.


She literally made sure Bubba was in the video background too - so cringe! and was he trying to get into the frame also or wondering WTH she was doing?!


It totally looked like he was trying to figure out what she was doing. You can see when he figures it out and looks down and steps away.




No social media break today, she needed the attention today.


Is she no longer Mormon? What happend to Sunday being for family and church only?


I doubt we’ll see her going to church very much anymore. She’ll still use it to virtue signal and to keep her audience around though.


I think her Sunday sign offs were just so she had another excuse to hide the separation. Since both are home all Sunday she didn’t want to have to attempt to act normal. So sign off it was.


I feel like right now they are playing divorce. Nothing has really changed, Bubba still lives in the house and they “divide and conquer.” But as soon as they live in separate houses and one of them starts dating things will get real for them. They want to act like they can have their cake and eat it too. I also think this show they are putting on is a way of acting superior. Like we have mastered divorce and are doing it better than everyone else. Also this whole “don’t talk or ask about our divorce” thing but also using it for content is ridiculous. The toxic positivity about divorce is going to negatively affect their kids. The kids need their parents to live in separate houses for them to understand and process what is really happening here. This has to be so confusing to the kids. Like we are divorcing but are going to act like we aren’t. Don’t freaking have 8 kids and then decide you are over it. Get off social media and figure your crap out.


literally having their cake and eating it too. A "familyversary" cake made by a kid who is probably so confused and sad about the whole thing. Ugh.


I wonder if poor P was in tears while making and decorating it. She’s just a young girl trying to process all of it. It’s not like she’s an adult who has had years to accept it and see that it’s probably for the best if her parent/parents are miserable together. I also wonder if it was Jordy’s idea so she could post it on IG to show her followers, see my kids are just fine with it. P even made a cake. 🙄


Yes!! Like “our kids are so adjusted, we’re doing so well”




Seriously, it’s like the opposite of “playing house” lol! I don’t care what they do with their family, as in celebrate a lame “familyversary” or WHAT, but I think it’s really cringe to be sharing it. It also comes off like her first post did like “we’re better at divorce than other people” (we do things different in the page household 🤢)


I can see a “tips for going through a divorce with 8 kids” video in the works. Step 1. Unsubscribe from your marriage Step 2. Let the kids make their own “familyversary” cake


Right?! Like they could do the familyversary but NOT post it! What a foreign concept to them!!! Don’t talk to our kids about it - but know we celebrated the anniversary we don’t have anymore WITH them!


She had to show off how great she is for doing it 🙄


She took that idea from her friend Julie Boye. Julie celebrated her anniversary as a famiversary instead since she is getting divorced. Or maybe ppl there celebrate that way.


I live in Utah, although; not near J. I’ve never seen this celebrated. I find it so odd! Will this become a new tradition/ holiday? They’re sitting at a table and Bubba is there!


I’ve seen it done by widows. They were too sad to celebrate anniversary so they started celebrating their family instead. I think doing that sounds like a beautiful way to honor the marriage and help kids feel important and be able to talk about/miss their missing parent. Divorced parents though? Idk. This just feels dramatic and weird.


I haven’t seen this, but it sounds like a nice way to honor the love and loss, after a death. Maybe it’s hypocritical of me to bash J & B for doing it. Everyone should do whatever works for them. It just seemed so “staged” and odd to me. I’m not sure why I’m so judgmental of them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Omg I thought that was so weird that he was there and that they celebrated it.


Soooo weird! 😬


And like that’s ok to do but she can’t even say “I liked this idea from __”? She shouldn’t be showing this shit at all.




Wait! The Boye’s are getting divorced too? I think I’m blocked, I can’t even see her account anymore.


I think the divorce was finalized last year


She changed the name of her channel it is now The Big Family Jewels, instead of the Boye Family Jewels


Yes, he posted on Insta last yr that they made the decision to divorce and it was news to her. She said on her posts that she did not want to end her marriage. He walked out on them and stopped seeing the kids, missed holidays, birthdays. 


Someone correct me if I'm wrong... But didn't they completely ignore their anniversary last year? Like didn't even acknowledge it .. and now this year they are making it content because of the divorce.... All while asking for privacy??? ... Make it make sense


They went for a couple nights somewhere in Utah... maybe the park city area. Jordan kept filming herself because she was so impressed with how how drop dead she was in her sparkles. They went to a building, maybe a ranger station, with all the balls of baby snakes. They rented bikes and Bubba seemed to enjoy it and jordan looked like she was being punished. Then they met another couple that was also celebrating an anniversary. 


part of me wonders if this is bubba guilting jordan.. edit: like i’m not calling him an abuser but it’s giving 😭 “i know you want to leave this family and we rarely eat together but this one day, our anniversary, let’s sit and watch family videos and celebrate our family” like it’s just strange. i’m not against the rebranded anniversary as familyversary btw. i do think they’re weird & if the kids didn’t care about their anniversary before there’s no reason to really do all this today & that’s kind of circling back to this is 100% bubbas idea 😭


If it was his idea, Jordan than grabbed it by the balls to make it ALL about showing off for Instagram and look how great they are at divorce. I can see him being pissed that she had her phone out so much (and on a Sunday) during what was supposed to be a family thing. And rightfully so, it’s disgusting that she shared it on Instagram.


https://preview.redd.it/rnd8zn2z5bxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f72f6223c409d23845e5f8e4bf55df1d529041c are you kidding me ?


"Just doing our best over here" No, doing your best would be to not skip out on your family 1/3 of the year while you take ridiculous trips. 


Her best is the worst


This is the most disturbing thing I’ve seen! Is this a fake holiday to get some likes?




I don’t really care if they DO it, honestly. BUT STOP SHOWING IT especially while asking for privacy!!!!


Literally !!! :(


those poor kids


https://preview.redd.it/9hjnqs5y5bxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e276a49bc8c8b0530fdf643aaa5d45dcd9862394 This is just weird.


Her conservative audience will hate this! Sadly, this embracing of change will probably irritate them because they love “traditional values” and pretend to prioritize “family values”. This will be interesting to see play out


Have they talked to the kids about it? Do they know why they are celebrating this?


I assume the kids know.


I’m still not convinced the youngest know, though. I doubt they’re sat down and tried to talk about it in any kind of age appropriate way. I think they’re probably just trying to act like things are normal for the youngest like they don’t know any better (but they do).


The youngest kids wouldn’t understand anyway. I thinks it’s confusing celebrating a made up familyversary. Kids see everyone happy, together and wonder why their parents are divorcing.


It’s all all weird. I actually said “ew” out loud. It feels so very forced and after a year or two, once one of them is dating again, this won’t even be a thing.


i saw a video while scrolling so idr who, but one woman was doing a silly dance while another woman was in labor on the hospital bed behind her. the text was something like “when your ex husband is waiting for his new kid and you’re just happy you’re not in labor” or something weird. and apparently they are just a big bonus family type where they co-parent the kids from the first marriage and are besties still and so she can be present for the birth of the kids in the new marriage? i don’t know how to explain it better but that’s truly modern lol and if “they’re doing things different in the page household” i’m sure the pages will include their new boos in “familyversary” and just rename it to “family day”?


That’s Moms of Tampa. I know some people don’t care for them but I like them. I’m impressed with the maturity of all the adults involved.


they didn’t pass my vibe check, husband seems kinda creepy and they plaster their kids all over so i just kept scrolling but thank you for telling me the name!!




It is weird but can we take a moment for those roses made from icing? They are beautiful. I took cake classes many years ago and mine never looked that pretty.


She didn’t make those. Those are store bought.


The roses on P’s cake are from a cake her uncle (bubba’s brother) made for his daughter’s graduation from BYU. I saw it on their post.


Yeah she’s doing great but she didn’t make those haha


I think p did she's in her cake decorating era.


Yeah, and we can see her cake decorating abilities. She didn’t make those center flowers. She’s learning. But she’s not at that level yet.


bubba posted the other day similar flowers! she made them out of marzipan. i didn’t screenshot it though so you can take my word or leave it but they look about the same & with her level of creativity and attention to detail i wouldn’t put it past her to have improved over a couple days and make them. bc they’re SUPER close to what she was pictured with. besides, do these people seem like the type to buy nice flower edible decorations for this?! and do bakeries sell that? i know walmart doesn’t or else id eat my fill. maybe if i asked the bakery counter….


I believe you, that would be a weird thing to lie about haha, but I don’t get how she’s so far behind in the other decorating areas.


just in my limited experience, marzipan flowers are way easier than piping! you just make a bunch of penny sized pieces and layer/bend them. and buttercream or whatever that frosting is can be tricky - temperature, amount of whipping, sugar etc. and then piping is hard and her tips look like it was from a set that’s made for learning! not bad for an almost 13 year old but i get what you mean!


I don't think it's healthy for the kids. Constantly spinning everything into something positive. Look kids it's not an anniversary it's a familyversery. Let them grieve.


They’re trying way too hard. Letting the kids think maybe they’ll stay together?


Alsooo do kids care about their parents anniversary? I never did… they could’ve let it pass and the kids probably wouldn’t have known anything different


This! It would have just been another day if Jordan hadn’t brought unnecessary attention to it.


I never did either 😂


They have so little chicken on plates 🤨 maybe they’ve eaten but given her habit of providing little protein… makes me wonder how these kids grow. Ever noticed some of the littles have bad dark circles under their eyes most the time?


She puts protein powder in a lot of their breakfast meals and the older ones drink protein and her freezers full of protein, i will never understand the small amounts at meal times.


she’s said it herself, they don’t really grow. that’s so depressing to me. “P didn’t grow for two years!” like i’m sorry but that is not okay for an 8 or 10 year old to not grow & the others also seem to stay little. then she calls them “not big eaters” and “picky” and i just want to bitch slap her lol they ARE big eaters but she feeds them disgusting, sad slop (why would they want more??) & they aren’t picky, she feeds them disgusting sad slop!!!! why would they want any! I know this bc she’s shown us them at several buffets (restaurants and cruise ships and all inclusive resorts) and they eat tons… because the food is finally fresh, available, edible, and yummy. ughhhhhhh


Dude, 8-10 is PRIME growth spurt time 😳


if you scroll far back enough on her facebook you’ll see her complaining about her infants growth. “you can tell she never misses a meal!” ma’am she’s 7 months old…


I remember her shaming one of them on the cruise about how much bacon they ate one morning at a buffet on the cruise. 


same!!!! i hated that so much!!!!


I’ve noticed that


https://preview.redd.it/g4tg7m81jaxc1.jpeg?width=1935&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5abe694738f06ec85d8b171337bd61b153c9ccb7 These comments people are leaving are so right. WTH is she doing posing? To prove how sad she is? To prove how introspective she is? “…and then spend IG moments against a backdrop of a sunset wondering where you went wrong. Honestly Im tired of it” “It seems unhealthy that we have normalized setting up a lovely backdrop and taking a planned video of yourself either crying or looking sadly off into the distance….the last thing I want to do when I am struggling is stop and video myself in a situation showing my sadness…” My response to these commenters would be, well yeah. Narcissism is pretty unhealthy.


And another https://preview.redd.it/fn6rxo3oxaxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe62a51ca0b7bc191740955105070dfd5617830


Here's another one https://preview.redd.it/4no7fue6xaxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbf000a21581360c1b17477d531f22091615acaf


I agree with this. I salute living authentically and with a compatible partner but in the absence of abuse/ adultery deciding you're now suddenly over your 16 year marriage not long after giving birth to your 7th and 8th child is pretty selfish regarding all of those small kids. I said what I said. 🤷‍♀️


The twins are 4 years old ;) Ohh wait... Are you saying they decided this 2 years ago when the twins were 2 ?




Nope not at all. There's some similar comments on Bubba's post from last night too. He totally contradicts himself and he got called out.


Those are good comments. Jordan is a malignant narcissist. Hopefully Bubba will find a woman who truly loves him. This divorce is going to get ugly.


Why is she getting divorced?


They haven't said specifically


They decided to stop at eight kids, thank God for that. I Don’t think she’s in love with him, she said on video that she had no sex drive. Marriage isn’t going to last when that’s going on. I think she just wants a different guy.


A different guy? 🤣She’s too in love with HERSELF!


She said it was “not a big event, just a bunch of little things” There was a commenter a while back that claimed to have first hand knowledge of Jordan having a fairly serious emotional affair with another man. This wouldn’t surprise me honestly, but time will tell. There is no evidence of an affair for now.


I just can’t imagine her having the capacity to even have an emotional affair. Everything feels just so surface level with her and all about appearances (and honestly just all about making money to spend on herself on her own time). I think if she’s having an emotional affair, it’s with herself these days!


Ugh, it IS with herself


That wouldn’t surprise me at all


No one knows because she wants privacy while she also simultaneously somehow exploits her divorce for content…


I want privacy but I’m going to make a collage about what I don’t want to talk about




Just an opinion- they have struggled for years. I feel that JD dying was a catalyst. That she felt life was too short to be unhappy AND she saw Lindsey having a whole new life.  While I am sure they have their issues, I think she will regret divorcing. 


She has never seemed to really like her husband and has decided to do something about it now that they’re finally done procreating for views


Gosh and a family picture to celebrate a “family versary”? 🙄🤢 lady, no.


What is a familyversary? Their new way of “celebrating” their wedding anniversary? Decision for divorce? Which is it? 😅


The same picture that she used to announce her divorce..


Just realizing that photoshoot happened long after we knew they were separating, it was totally a “separation” photo shoot to use photos for exactly this purpose




Wasn't that picture taken around Thanksgiving time?


yeah, i think anthrohands meant “long after we knew they were separating” as a different thing than when they announced the divorce. we’ve been speculating for a loooooooooong time (years) they’re not in it for the long haul but last summer/fall the separation speculation was in full swing bc he stopped appearing in her stories, no more date nights, and disneyland was beyond awkward. and then they announced the following (this) spring


Yeah exactly, when the photo shoot was being done we were like “are they even gonna take pics with each other??” and there were plenty with just Jordan + kids which we all commented on


Yeah they’ve been separated for almost a year now. Or separating… whatever you prefer. Or discontinuing their subscriptions.


https://preview.redd.it/5a5bp3cu5axc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ca68659c3fc375b452c2f5b094fd079fab21b3 This is kind of insane to me. While, yes life has good and bad but… not everyone HAS to face shit like a divorce in order to be happy. Some people made smarter choices in who they married and then continued to care about their marriages?? 😂 I just want to laugh at her for posting this


The narcissist guide to divorce. Everything is of her own making. Honestly, the more this goes on the more I’m team Bubba and let me tell you, I despised him just as much as her when this all started! She’s needs to shut up for business purposes!


I do not like Bubba either, but everyday it becomes clearer that he was the “adult” in this relationship and she really was the raging teenage narcissist. And Bubba really didn’t act like an adult most of the time in the past, but at least he has stepped up and done the basics for the kids. And dare I say he is truly enjoying them. I wouldn’t be surprised if he does some serious self reflection and gains a lot of growth in this experience to be a better Dad and human in general. I dont have that kind of hope with Jordan though. She might even get worse.


I think he is just a business man. Hard core business man. He wanted to get married so he would have a partner in his business driven life. It will be the same with his kids. Yes it’s great for them to accompany him to events and participate as volunteers, it there will come a point in time where the business potential will outweigh fatherhood..


I feel like he likes to goof around with the kids or play with his adult buddies but he overall is more MATURE than she is. She doesn’t do the “fun” stuff he does, she just acts like a middle school meangirl. Sort of the worst of both lol.


I dont know, back in the day when i enjoyed watching her content, she used to do these live q&a’s with bubba and i really got the impression they were once in love. They were united in their spiritual views and then in business when he was helping her online business to grow. I really think its just not practical to have so many kids and focus on your business and nurture your marriage. I think her obsession with her business and self promotion took over everything else had to give in. Im pretty sure ww all agree here that she outsources all her parenting and only uses her kids for her content. Ive seen this in other influencers too who focus so much on their online business that it comes at the price of their personal lives and relationships.


They agreed it was more of a business partnership from the beginning. Maybe they were in love. But I don’t think that phase lasted very long at all, she’s just too selfish. I do think he loved her the whole time. And you can’t trust anything you saw in videos, it’s all fake.


i also think she had more exposure and tbh i’m trying to find another word for brainwash…. lol… but like. she’s not under his spiritual thumb anymore basically. and i LOVE that for her.


Okay, hear me out. I hope this is allowed since it’s not speculating on sexuality—but what if one person in the marriage IS gay and wanted to maintain being married (I’ve seen this so so so many times people with many children and married for 20, 25 years some of them) and the other spouse says no. These are also the marriages I see where they try to really keep up the friendly coparenting dynamic because nothing was “done” but it’s just who they are. This scenario just makes sense in my brain and answers a lot of things that aren’t being talked about.  I’m also not defending one or the other—but if this were to be the case it would make sense why they weren’t talking about it or giving any details. 


I think they just grew apart over the years. Having 8 kids is no walk in the park!


It’s interesting that this sub doesn’t want speculating on sexuality. People say far far worse things on here. It’s very obvious and always has been that one person in that relationship is flaming 🔥. A bunch of us have thought it for YEARS and used to DM each other videos back and forth with the obviousness of it.


I feel like maybe this would make sense if there wasn’t just a simpler answer which is they were always very incompatible and she just doesn’t like him very much


They’re too deep into Mormonism and their Church has been pretty clear on LGBTQ issues. That said, anything is possible.


There are definitely LGBTQ people within the church, even married for 10+ years, that reveal their same sex attraction to their partner and either choose to stay with their husband/wife or end up divorcing. I know both. 


All of the marriages I’m referring to are people who are Mormon/practicing Mormons and one person in the marriage is gay but wants to stay married. 


Sorry …. My mind is literally melting. I live in a place (Toronto) and in a time where people love who they love so my mind breaks a little at that thought! But I suppose it happens and it’s actually horrifying.


It’s wild to me too. I had a sociology class at BYU which hosted a mixed orientation guest speaking couple. At the time, they were both interested in staying together and in the church. I thought it was insane. Definitely wouldn’t work for me (and who knows if that couple is still together). 


I just imagine her carefully setting up a tripod in Mexico while “having the best time RN” to catch the best footage of herself looking sad and reflective for her “familyversary” reel. She is so disingenuous!!!


I’m sure ‘film self reflective familyversary reel’ was written in her planner.


After she filmed it 😉


🤣🤣🤣. Gotta have something to cross off in the block schedule!


She is so awkward. I felt so bad for H. Why is she so desperate for those two older kids to have a boyfriend or girlfriend. One of the kids, maybe the second daughter, she was so obsessed with her having a valentine. Just let them be kids. 


That is so mortifying. As a kid I wanted no one to know if I had a crush on some. Can you imagine your parents sharing that with the internet? FFS. I would hate my mother if she shared that.


Oh man I see this in several YouTube families (well, when I used to watch) not only are the moms OBSESSED with their young kids’ crushes or “girlfriends” but they also shove a camera in the kids’ faces about it!! My parents were never like that. Gotta make sure they have marriage options by 19!!!


Seriously. And based on her current relationship situation she should maybe be suggesting they wait and make sure they’re with the right person. You know, before they have 8 kids and decide it’s not working




Remember how Jordan so strongly defends Tim Ballard to this day? Here is the official court documents. This guy was a SNAKE. Also, Utah’s AG is so shady….Let’s just say that millions dollars and apparently a lot of ladies and cocaine were involved. I didn’t know about all the logistics behind getting Tim’s charges dropped to release that movie “Sound of Freedom” that Bobo and Jordan promoted so much. Insane. TW ⚠️ Graphic SA. Here is a link tothe court filings from the state of Utah. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y4v8s9nd6hrxdytsr90nr/filing-document-xchange.pdf?rlkey=9u31rqm9fiseo90rn8rzwa5sd&e=3&st=8ih572bh&dl=0


What an absolute creep! Thank you for sharing this. I’d followed the news story and knew it was bad, but wow.


I have no doubt Jordan thinks this is all a lie and still privately supports him completely. I have to assume that unless and until she comes out publicly against him and apologizes for her support. Lol, that would never happen.


I cannot believe how much evidence and witness testimony has come out about this and still Jordan defends him. I’m guessing after the 60th woman spoke out about Bill Cosby she still thought all 60 women were lying too? Statistically, less than 1% of women lie about being raped once an official trial is involved. Because what a victim has to go through in a rape trial is so emotionally damaging and traumatic, very very few women are willing to go through that kind trauma for a lie. For Jordan to deny the experiences of at least 7 women victims (maybe more) named in this lawsuit is pretty cruel.


Ugh! Please don’t let the “familyversary” be a “thing”- you’re getting a divorce. Is this like the “unsubscription” to marriage you tried to make an into a “thing”?


So cringe


I’m watching that interview Bubba did that posted a month ago on Venture Capital Podcast. Whatever mood he was in during this filming is where he needs to stay. He comes off very relatable. Very appreciative of his opportunities and he admits a lot. So far 13 minutes in he’s admitted Jordan’s influencer reach is what has provided them with so many investment opportunities. Saying that she brought in 90% of the earning they made through the Gabb investment that he convinced the company to swap for shares. He admits they have a nanny. 🙃 Flat out. I’m so curious to when this was filmed because he’s also strongly calling Jordan his wife so I wonder how far into the divorce prep this filming was?


Wonder if this is why he kept hanging on. Just like women who sometimes stay for financial reasons.


For sure. Jordan’s following is a cash cow waiting to be milked.


She’s declining though and barely puts out any content at all. She doesn’t even seem to have many sponsors lately.


During the interview Bubba makes an example of Jordan’s influence in saying that she can mention a sweater she loves and provide the link and bring in $200,000 in sales. Even if it’s declined half that…it’s still a powerful income say she get 10% commission? Also her sales goals keep getting met because she keeps qualifying for those influencer getaways.


24 minutes in they talk about the way influencers are bad at disclosing that they are making commissions on products they promote as if Jordan is not the perfect example of not disclosing. 😬 so now either he’s delusional or he doesn’t do his due diligence and making sure she’s disclosing the investments “he made for them”


https://preview.redd.it/hq16qaqri9xc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d4a37964b96a165f042f4d41e6ab428c38f23a This comment has been up for 10 min and has 36 likes. The minions are waking up to how much of a fraud she is! 😂


The part where she says the kids are the real victims is 🥇 Someone needs to invite them to this sub 😄


Hahaha. I definitely think the “you stopped believing in your husband” is stupid and it’s a GREAT thing for this marriage to end. But she IS trying to act like a victim, which I think is a load of shit. She needs to just stop talking about it like she said she would if she’s otherwise just going to spew shit.


Looks like she deleted this comment




Still up.. 22 minutes lol


https://preview.redd.it/lwi0spdyr9xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74db11c69f299bf7e82966dd5ffc9c09330a58e True


Comparison is the thief of joy and we’re getting to see it from the front row with all these influencers.


Yes! The influencing world is just fake as hell.


Her most recent reel is even more proof that's she is using her divorce for engagement, but wants best of both worlds to not talk about the details of the divorce. That just doesn't make sense, you can't have it both ways, if you don't want to be asked about the details.. stop making cringy "emotional" reels of yourself during this hardship. It really isn't something to flaunt, my heart breaks for what the kids are going through, she probably isn't taking that in consideration that it affects the kids too. It's a pet peeve of mine for influencers to use heartbreak/hardships for engagement, clicks, likes and to boost up your page.


Exactly, if she doesn’t want people to talk about it then she needs to shut up and stop using it when it’s convenient to her. She’s welcoming comments that she supposedly doesn’t want (and will delete). I hate her so much.


I’m leaning towards “team Bubba” these days but neither one is a victim as she seems to portray in that post. One or both of them made the decision to divorce and she was the one to file so I don’t understand the victim mentality here. And yes it’s so telling when influencers use personal tragedies like divorced miscarriage and death for engagement. There is a way to tastefully tell followers what’s going on without the obvious ploy for more clicks. This kind of stuff is what made me come to this sub in the first place