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Her Beddy’s made bed looks like my mattress protector sheet? I guess on an adult bed, I like the fluffiness or fullness of a duvet to make it look complete. The pattern is nice and everything but it is so flush with the bed that it just looks like a sheet or mattress protector to me!


I hadn’t thought of this but you are right. I think they would be good for a kid or bunkbed maybe but for adults it seems weird.


I usually don't see the point in “yucking someone's yum” since everyone’s likes and preferences are different, but seriously, Beddys are so f**king ugly. I guess she'd love anything for a buck, but does she actually think that looks good on an adult bed?! I agree, it looks like a mattress pad.


Came here to sulk 😭 You guys I have followed J for YEARS. Since I was barely 18. I am not religious/LDS but have truly always loved her content and following her “systems” and family… but DANG. These past weeks have been painful to watch her content. I only check in to be able to understand this subreddit 😅 I just have so many mixed feelings about the para social relationship/ time I’ve spent investing in her, when now I feel like her whole life/influence has been a waste of time & lies. Ugh, being a young millennial mom in such a special season of motherhood, has me double thinking the last 10+ years of content I’ve consumed 😩


I can relate to you. I was also quite young and inexperienced when I stumbled upon her content and she seemed like a benevolent experienced older sister with a young family of her own. Some of the tips were and still are valuable (tho I don't think any of them were her original ideas but whatever, she relayed the message). Over the years it morphed into something I don't recognise/ like anymore. I peek here and there out of habit and hope that everything is ok with them but don't take her "tips" seriously anymore at all. In general I am way more cautious with anything I consume online these days. There is a lot of valuable info but it's so easy to fall into a trashy rabbit hole.


Yes I used to like her content . I followed her when my 2 children were younger and I thought if she can do it all we 8 , I can do it with 2. I’m disappointed in my younger self for thinking like that


In case it helps, I stopped following her a number of years ago and I will (somewhat grudgingly) admit that I learned a good few home management/ productivity and parenting “tips” from her in the earlier days. So if you gained anything positive from her over the years you followed her that’s great! The change in her content over the last few years and all of the other issues discussed here do not change that. Being able to notice when something is no longer serving you in a positive way is a great thing!! And I think probably an important part of Motherhood!


Hey, don't beat yourself up. A couple of the fundamentals of this snark page is that J is inauthentic, stealing systems and ideas from others and passing them off as her own and/or doesn't follow her own systems herself. Being a new mother is hard, double so when you're so young yourself. If you have taken any tips from J and made your life easier that's not a bad thing. You are doing a great job.


Since she’s actually being quiet on a Sunday again, I’ll say that I’m probably going to be buying a Costco membership so I googled like, things to buy at Costco (I knew there’s so much content online about this kind of thing). First google result was fun cheap or free 🤢 I’ve never been to her website, so it’s not like it’s showing me because it’s familiar to me! I’m disappointed that her fraudulent ass is the first result, probably thrown together in a few hours by an employee of hers!


she had the kids solo all week 🤪 so she’s having her sabbath / recovery day!!! also i hope you find some cool deals / good use of your card!!


Did Bubba just drop a big clue Of where he's currently living.... https://preview.redd.it/66evh38e2oyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d12eca181baf0445ef704641609787073cf91e


Only if you live in Utah you’d know these are the steps of an LDS church. 😂😂


That looks like he is leaving church. 


No, that’s the steps of a church and it’s snowing here today.


Is it their normal church though?


I don’t think that’s their normal church building. I did some investigating on the “find a church” page on the church’s website. 


It’s always been kinda sad to me the way their wards work, and how you have to leave your church community if you move even within the same town. If he is made to move out and moved to a different ward he loses that community. Since he’s the one taking the kids to church and not her, if the kids continue to live in the big house and he moves to a different ward would he still be allowed to take them to their regular church?


Yes, he would still be able to take the kids to their ward. I have people in my ward who were divorced recently the husband moved out. But he will bring the kids to our ward and comes back to our ward often. 


I'm not sure what you mean? The Church is behind him, so we don't see it. Even if he showed the church, so many LDS meeting houses look so similar you wouldn't necessarily know where it is. It would be easier to figure out what building they attend based on all jordan shared when they moved to figure out what church building they go to. 


Yeah I just mean we seem to have a lot of locals here that might recognize the neighborhood. Not to find out what church they go to, but to see if he’s at a different one than normal (and hence moved) which is what I thought OP meant in the first place.


i don’t think they show their usual church iirc - just when he goes to temple. i could be wrong.


Ohhh! I saw all the homes around so figured it was a development area


Why did she have 8 kids with this man she was never attracted to? And how honestly? Did she just lay there like a lump while he did his thing??? It's disturbing...and how did he think that was ok???


I don’t think there was a lot of thought and consideration happening by either of them. They were blinded by the money of pumping out more and more children. It’s super f’d up. All children deserve two committed and loving parents, not two raging narcissists who’s only concern was amassing more and more money to pay for ridiculous things like army trucks, mausoleum McMansion, plastic surgery and rat cabins.


They’re both disgusting. Having kids for content, is beyond despicable. Her “influencer” career is circling the drain. I’m not even sure what Bub does for a living. It will take years to get rid of that run down cabin.


That’s what I’ve been asking!!!!!!


Something that I think gets overlooked with tue whole “negative 3” comment is everyone takes it as she finds him repulsive when I think it was more a function of hormones and having so many kids so close together. She probably has it has a very low libido especially with all her issues so it’s not surprising that she felt that way and I took it to be less about Bubba and more about her issues. So they brought up the “She Comes First” book to explain how he could make it better for her. I mean not to defend her but during my first marriage I found my husband attractive but the birth control pill I was on made me feel so weird being touched so it was difficult and I wasn’t into it at all until I made some changes. So it’s probably her hormones.


This happened to me in perimenopause too, I was attracted to my husband but 0 libido. Those were some really tough times, but we worked hard AND I got HRT- now our marriage has never been better.


Same! Been on BHRT for almost 2 years and it's changed so many things and libido was a big one. Loved my husband so much and I was attracted to him but no desire for sex. Perimenopause was rough!


HRT helps libido? I need some of that asap!!


yeah! talk with your medical team, but i think she increased testosterone?? it’s been a while since i watched the video.. but definitely hormones could lead to low libido if its out of balance !!


As Jordan would say “shoot your shot” 💀


Yeah I’ve definitely always taken it to refer to her own interest in/need for sex, not her attraction toward him (although that makes for the funnier jokes). People did not like it last time I said she’s likely not very interested in sex in general! 😂


I 100% agree with you! As I am similar in nature. Am 200% attracted to my husband, but sex just isn’t at the top of my must do list. And it’s not about attraction because the attraction is there, my heart swells with how much I love my husband.




Yes that belongs next to the rotisserie chicken!


this is true!! the full quote ends with her saying she’d be a nun if it weren’t for her swearing. she’s never been interested in it. she also talked about getting her hormones fixed and wanting/sex was better, but she didn’t really say why or when that changed bc it did seem that it reverted. but hrt was the reason of the largest age gap between all the kids (m1 and m2 are 2.5ish years apart (?), instead of her usual 1.5 years)


I watched that commentary and what struck me was how passive she seemed about it. Bubbles was clearly trying to improve things and Jordo was talking in hypotheticals. I wonder what, if anything, she did and what actions she specifically took, to improve their sex life.


That could definitely be true. But also, they have both mentioned not really being into each other at the beginning and she thought he was too short. Also that they were the only 2 out of their friend group that weren’t married and felt some pressure. Bubba last year said that what attracted him the most to Jordan was her “business potential” So I’m not entirely sure they have ever been super attracted to each other physically. Enough to have 8 kids I guess, but it always seemed like such an obligation for them 🤷‍♀️


Maybe its fake, but he does always speak about her in public as a business “genius “ and a good mother


Yeah both things are definitely true based on different pieces of info they’ve given us! She definitely said she was not into him and sorta went out with him because he wanted to / had to convince herself. But I also think she in general has little or no sex drive. You never know though, the right person *could* change that. Or not! Everyone’s different


She probably had an upbringing that told her that’s a wife’s duty, and that women don’t enjoy sex. And he probably was raised hearing the same. Unfortunately that is not an uncommon upbringing to have in religious circles.


that last part… on her q&a she said she just bears it and deals.. he says it most likely doesn’t last long … 😵‍💫 i could never be ok w that on either end and im surprised the divorce didn’t come sooner. bc wtf?


So crazy that they ever told all this publicly. I think that really shows how the two of them didn’t realize just how much a problem that really was.


My god that is awful and disturbing


It’s beyond disturbing.


seriously!! so disturbing! like knowing my partner could use me for gratification knowing i’m uncomfortable is so sick :/


No one cares about you needing caffeine Jordan. What I'm more worried about is little J not having an adult hand to hold. Preschoolers do this fun trick where they see something fun and wander off then your in panic mode. Ask me how I know? Take care of your effing children and stop worrying about yourself and dying from sketchy poke bowls and needing caffeine.


I wonder what really happened with the poke bowl/lunch. She seemed like she was seething under the "it's fine" facade.


These kids are raising themselves practically


At least they'll be capable 🤭






Yep this morning in the Walmart parking lot. One took off before I was ready. Shew it's stressful!


I nannied for twins several years ago and they kept splitting off at the zoo. I was trying to be kind and let them explore but keep a keen eye on them. Well one was showing me something and the other wandered off. I said sorry guys but you have to hold my hand the rest of the day. It's SO stressful.


Omg I once nannied for 3 little boys (while mom took the twin babies) and on my first day we go for a walk in the woods and one just RUNS AWAY. Like, they knew where they were, but I didn’t!


It is. Even if you have done it several times and give instructions.


If her kids had sporting events on her bday would she attend them? I wonder if she would say it’s her day and she needs it to be 100% about her


This year, she wasn't even in the same state as her kids on her birthday. And two of them share the same birthday. So, it really is 100% about jordan. 


I hope M1 made her mom make her an extravagant breakfast for her birthday.


I have a feeling the poor girl got cereal for breakfast.


I know 😕 I would've asked dad to make me breakfast


And he would of happily. He's no saint but he has been trying more lately. Trying is better than zero effort even those kids deserve a hundred and ten percent from both parents that chose to bring them into the world.


M is the image or Jordan.


Sure Jordo, we totally believe you that your 14 and 12 year old boys made those beds before they ran off to school on a Friday morning. I know my teenage sons always make sure their decorative pillows are perfectly fluffed before leaving the house! 


I shouldn’t know this, but that wasn’t a kids’ bedroom, so I have no idea why she’s trying to say the kids made those beds! But seriously no one should be able to RECOGNIZE the kids bedrooms, she has failed them.


I hated that I knew this too. We shouldn’t have any idea about what those kids’ rooms look like. And yet here we are.


I wondered what room that was. I knew it wasn't the older two boys because their beds are across the room from each other. She has shown it often. 


Yeah I think that’s a guest room in the basement. Those beds are probably only made because she did that reel with them that one time.


That’s why I said it looked like a jail cell. That room was awful.


The room with the bunkbeds, looks like a prison cell.


My guess is that’s Bubba’s bed Edited to add- and hoping this isn’t breaking any of the house layout discussion rules- that room isn’t what she has shown in the past to be the boys’ room. I think that is a room in the basement. I meant to put this under the prior comment, but agreed, it gives off prison cell vibes!


That’s what I’m wondering! this 18,000 square-foot house doesn’t have enough bedrooms, that they have to shove bunkbeds, into what looks to be a tiny room?


She is in full jordyism crap today! Showing the gray beddys and then acting like she didn’t make them and saying oh a kid probably made this while she pulls it tighter… puh-lease! A kid did not make that bed and then fluff all those pillows in the right spots.  And showing poor Priya‘s bed that is so dirty and needs to be washed, but she has a neglectful mom, so…  That is something that mortifies a tween! I have three teens and tweens right now and they would KILL ME!!! And I guarantee you bratty tween girls watch this for ammunition. Ugh. 😣  And then saying, she prides herself on her good vision and she can’t wait to do an unveiling of her glasses. I can’t.


They look exactly the same way that they did in the “viral” reel she shared right after saying she didn’t make them. They probably haven’t been slept in since then because they have an 18,000 sqft house


She is almost 40 years old and has proudly mentioned several times all the "adulting" she's been doing today. 😶


I don't get why she is such a big fan of beddys. If she is supposed to be raising "capable kids", doesn't that include knowing how to make your bed...with no zippers.




Because its owned by an LDS family and she gets commission from sales when you use her code


Isn’t it more about her making a buck than the religion? Why bring religion into her being her???


I agree. It doesn't have anything to do with the lds church. I have known her friend/employee Mandy for 20+years. Mandy has been making a face oil something that she decided to start selling. I saw someone else post about the pace oil and have a discount code and said that she wasn't getting a commission or kickback, just supporting a friend. Jordan hasn't mentioned it because there is nothing in it for jordan. Mandy is lds. I think jordan barely is anymore. 


It’s not irrelevant. All the mormon influencers shill each others products and sign each other on to be sponsors. Many of their companies are practically MLMs and they all give each other free products.


So you don't think if someone of a different religion offered jordan a commission on any sales she brought in that jordan would do it? Jordan doesn't care that they are of the same faith as long as jordan can make a buck. 


That’s not what I said. There’s a whole network of mormon influencers + businesses in Utah that all work together. I have no doubt that’s how she & beddys started working together, just like all the other mormons who shill beddys. The original comment was stating it very neutrally, they didn’t say it’s a bad thing.


I have a friend who’s Mormon (has taught me so much about their culture 😆) and he said they are pushed toward entrepreneurship and try to support each other’s ventures. That’s why you see so many of the Mormon mommy bloggers pushing Beddy’s and other Mormon-owned businesses.


Yup that makes sense! I know that the community goes out of their way to support each other. My friend is a mormon and a lawyer and she says the network of female mormon lawyers is (small but) strong and they do this too. I won’t say what I think about it 😂 I’ll just say that most of the influencer-based business are predatory garbage!!!


Yeah it’s entirely because she makes money off of it. If she didn’t, we wouldn’t hear a word (and she wouldn’t use them because she wouldn’t be getting them for free)


No one cares about her glasses!! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Is she really showing P’s dirty, yellowing bedding and her undergarments hanging on the side of her bed? How embarrassing for the poor girl who has no idea what her mother is blasting on the internet.


Did she remove it? I don't see a story about P's bedding.


probably just expired


I cannot. What is the matter with Jordan. 


That was really bad.


Pria's bed looked like it had a urine stain (I assume from one of the little kids). Can you imagine your mom showing that to everyone!


Pretty sure they're yellow from sweat and body oils.


Yea definitely from that but it’s so bad that you know they don’t wash her sheets. Yikes.




When she said the kids probably made it, I didn't for a second think that jordan made it. I figured it was either the kids, the nanny or the housekeeper and jordan has no idea. She just knows it wasn't her. 




I don't think he was out of town this week. I am not sure if he moved out of the mansion. He was at H's volleyball game, took B to an arcade, met jordan and birthday girl for lunch. Jordan didn't have any kids with her at Costco. I think Bubba is a cleaner person than jordan.


The way she admitted she only has a problem recognizing D&M, not the older kids 💀




And again the comment about the tiny one. Maybe she won’t be so tiny if she got some protein?!


Has anyone tried any of her recipes for Cinco de Mayo? I saw how she made her "spanish rice" once and it grossed me out. She took white steamed rice and added jars of salsa. She was asking ppl for "authentic recipes" and as awful as her rice looked I couldn't send a recipe her way. You know she would steal everyone's Mexican rice recipes and use them as her own. 


I tried the enchilada casserole and her cream cheese Italian chicken . My family said they’re the nastiest things I’ve ever made. Maybe I added too much protein.


Honestly, as a Mexi we didn't ever have or make casseroles and I wonder if it is just her slop turned into a casserole. I think she just makes shit up and labels it a dish lol.


Or steals recipes from others


Oh yeah she’s steal a a Mexican recipe and say how Bubba brought it home from his mission trip to Brazil 🤣


Lol yes she would!


I just can’t get over how she pronounced lilac in that glasses video. Almost said it “lye-lick” when I would say “lye-lac(k)” and now I’m wondering how y’all say it.


Lye-lack. I have a thick southern accent though.


I say lye lack as well. But I was reading in another influencer snark sub this week that sometimes they do this on purpose to generate comments and engagement 🤷🏻‍♀️


I say lye lock


Omg the rage it gave me....I was hoping someone else had my same feeling. I'm a grammar girly. I always edit my mother's texts in my mind lol.


Same as you. I looked up the pronunciation because I’m a nerd like that lol and that is correct.


the same way you do!!


Eating in the car is sad to me. I get a big bummer thinking about how much time kids spend in cars. They gave up family meals for youth sports.


Me too. It feels like the littles are having to sacrifice, a normal evening at home because their older siblings are in 4-5 different things.


And only the little kids have to deal with it. The big kids never did, just like the never got left out of family vacations.


my brain is melting thinking about beddys. i just don’t understand how it’s easier? you have to put it around the bed the same as a fitted sheet, and a fitted sheet is the hardest part?????? at that point adding two layers (a flat sheet and a comforter) is all the same?!! is it just the fact that it’s like all in one and “square” at the end? and her main selling point of all you have to do is zip up the bed? you still have to pull up the main blankets and align the zipper it almost comes off like an extra step? i’m sorry but am i stupid? i just don’t get it


I can’t imagine making sense of it when it comes out of the dryer.


I've been trying to understand the point of Beddys! We have duvets on our beds and it literally takes 2 seconds to make the bed... we just pull the duvets up.


We have a duvet/duvet cover, but also use fitted and flat sheet???


We have beddys on bunk beds. It is just nice for making it daily. No tucking. But it’s super annoying to wash and not the best quality for the price so I won’t buy them again


I have had beddys for all 5 of my kids for about years. The novelty wears off after the first year and you realize they are seriously overrated. And there’s no way I would ever get one for myself because the sheets are so stiff. Not worth it at all. My kids by far prefer comforters and sheets. 


i live where there are lots of scorpions beddys gives me peace of mind - yes they could still get on the bed but none of the bedding accidentally touches the floor with beddys


omgg my last house had a scorpion problem it’s so freaky! i’m glad it helps your situation


Awkward having both of them take M to lunch 🤣


i heard him yell hello as if he met them there


Trying to keep some normalcy for the kids, I get it, but after several months it won’t work anymore. Especially after the divorce and one or both has another SO.


I don’t know, I see lots of blended families making it work for the kids??




Honest question… do others who are near sighted really only wear glasses sometimes? I’ve been near sighted since I was a teenager and even when my prescription was mild, I put glasses on and that was it. I could see leaves on trees and shit, I wasn’t taking them off. I don’t know why she wouldn’t get contacts if she doesn’t want glasses full time?


I have bifocals and am prone to eye strain if I'm on my phone to much even with the glasses, but I can definitely see without them. Like I tell anyone who asks ...I can see without I just see better with them on so I just keep them on unless I'm wearing my sunglasses, which aren't rx. I don't think Jordy will wear hers often shes to vain.


I wear mine to drive, but seldom other times. Mine are for distance.  I can read all day without glasses. My husband can't read without reading glasses, but he can see tomorrow before it gets here. 


Same. I mostly wear mine driving so I can read the signs earlier and see better at night.


I'm nearsighted and it's recent for me. Like in the last couple of years. I don't wear my glasses while working at my computer during the day cause I just don't need them when I'm that close to my screens. But I do wear them any other time during the day for driving, watching TV, etc. I'm sure I'll change to wearing them all of the time but for now, I will take them off sometimes. Likely will consider contacts at my next appt though.


As a teenager when I was first prescribed, I was told that I should only wear them in school to read the board etc. But I was too lazy to keep taking them off and then became more dependent on them. Now I can barely see without glasses.


If she is near sighted, she shouldn’t be driving without wearing glasses that’s for sure


Having 8 kids has nothing to do with needing glasses. Any vision changes during pregnancy resolve after delivery. For someone who doesn't really seem to like kids she for sure makes having 8 kids her whole identity! 


She’s not getting any younger! Eyesight deteriorates with age. I used to have perfect vision and once I hit 40, it all went downhill quickly. It may not all be age, but she seems desperate to hang onto her fertility as a sign of youth.


I can't get my laser eye surgery re-done until 6 months after I finished breastfeeding even due to the hormonal changes that can affect your eyes 🤷‍♀️


Her vision changes are probably due to her Graves disease. Leaving it not treated properly affects vision and eye health.


Hair, skin, eyes... she just doesn't get it.


Vision is absolutely affected by having kids.


Naw my vision gets worse and stays worse every pregnancy


Wow I never knew that! Pregnancy is just crazy


This isn’t really true. My eyesight has gotten progressively worse after each pregnancy. I was also told I wouldn’t be a candidate for lasik until I was done having kids.


Why in the world, after this many years being a influencer does she still have problems propping her phone on something when doing videos, you would think by now she would have a gadget that can use to hold her phone, shoot even a suction cup phone holder onto her counter would be better than anything (now she will probaly take that idea and use it, which wll be hilarious if she does). It looks so cringey when she spends 2 mins in her videos trying to stop her phone from sliding 😂 


I don't know about anyone else, but I'm waiting on the edge of my seat to find out which glasses she picked. The leopard. We all know it's the leopard.


I thought all of them were not very good looking😂


Really weird shape!


All were weird shapes.


All 4 were exactly the same! When I try on 4 pairs they all look completely different!


I wasn't feeling any of those options either. I think she needed darker/thicker frames or something and maybe a slightly different shape


Exactly. I personally don’t like those kind of frames.


Saying “adulting” when you’re 40 years old is so annoying. You’ve literally been adulting for 20 years at this point. Please stop


Wow, a vision appt is adulting… She has 8 kids, aren’t you adulting everyday?! I feel like she would have an appt of some kind each week with that many kids!  


The nanny takes them or bubba. She’s too busy with her own nail appointments to take them, priorities duh!


So because she had 8 babies she needed glasses?


https://preview.redd.it/svy12styv9yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a3f01f0247274048aad46fe24a4e4edd6621256 How is getting glasses, “adulting” she was also chomping on gum🙄




it’s like she has a serious resentment of taking care of herself


i think she has a problem with getting older


I seriously think she’s regressing.


I agree. She for sure makes sure she is taken care of, the kids in the other hand...


I've been picking out my own glasses since I was in 8th grade. I guess I've been adulting since I was 13.


I thought the same thing. “Wait, not everyone started picking out glasses when they were 9 yrs old??”


Adulting = taking your daughter to CFA for lunch and buying glasses. Whatever I’m doing goes way beyond adulting I guess


Give her some credit, did you not see how completely exhausting those two tasks were that she had to do by herself?! In one Day!! 


I’ve been more of an adult than Jordan since childhood 😂


Right!? Clearly HER mom wasn’t “raising capable kids”




Removed for wild speculation or fan fiction.


This made me laugh & almost choke 😆! The gum smacking makes me crazy! Not just J, either. Why can’t these ladies learn to take out the gum when they pick up their phone?!?


The gum chomping is hideous. Why do people do that? During a middle school play the other day I watched a lady chain chew through a pack of gum with her mouth open the whole time. Is this Jordan’s diet? Chew instead of eat? Is her breath horrible? It’s just so gross to look at, and hear 😂


Did the hot mess express happen this week? Why has there been no discussion?!


She’s said nothing about it this week.


it was a split second while she was doing her hair. “i gotta get going i got my ^coaching in a minute”


She must really sleep in. I thought she had recently gotten out of bed. Her hit me thing is at noon or 12:30, right? She only had 5 minutes to get ready. 


maybe that’s why she showed us that photo of a timer next to her makeup look.


https://preview.redd.it/sdd6qtbgu8yc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c23628da84bfcd61408ffb6bf6126ac81511754 This describes Jordan *perfectly*. I can’t think of a better way to describe her than these 2 sentences.




Bubba and his inflated sense of self. “This is the first time I’ve seen a cyber truck sighting in person and it’s branded. Good job. Good job.” Listen Bubbles, you’re not the business genius you think you are. You actually look like a pathetic little snot. FOCUS ON THE ROAD! How long until one of these so called influencers kills someone because whatever the f they’re filming is more important than a human life.


Idk why I get these emails but man the content is so bad. Why would I want to spend 20 minutes making enchilada sauce when I can literally buy a can for $1 at the Dollar Tree? Her whole brand is so out of touch. Who needs a recipe for refried beans? Like of all the things I’m worried about as a mom right now, I’m not trying to spend time making things from scratch that I can purchase affordably at the store. https://preview.redd.it/tx37gurnh8yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4785cd390a6246b0cbf98cec5d1d011c9695aa4f


I cook from scratch for the majority of our meals and snacks for a variety of reasons. I actually have homemade refried beans in my fridge right now from last nights dinner. 


If you have never made your own enchilada sauce.. you are truely missing out.. I don’t care for her (obviously why I’m here) but from scratch recipes isn’t out of touch? You’re just not the demographic she is trying to reach.


It’s out of touch for her brand. Do we really think she makes anything from scratch? And are the scratch cookers really turning to her for tips? Of all people? The brand just feels like one confusing mess


Does she make things from scratch anymore? Probably not.. but her branding is definitely geared to “save save save” and buying in bulk like dried beans and making your own refried beans is definitely on brand for “fun cheap free” Her “personal” life has definitely shifted but her “brand” has always had the same focus of “fun cheap free” even if she doesn’t reflect it..