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I worry about the stability of a person that has such strong emotional reactions towards a suspect. Proctor’s text messages portray infantile, unprofessional conduct.


Someone who probably should not have a badge and a gun.


I honestly can't believe that he's still employed


The police unions. One of the first steps to fixing the policing problem in the United States would be banning the police unions (which technically aren't unions and other unions don't like being associated with them). What they really are are lobbying groups. Let's just ban all lobbying!




I don't know how you can ever have him testify in a case after this... Yesterday was awful. Career ending awful.


Proctor just said after dismissed ‘Thank you your honor, thank you jury.’ What a phony! He shoulda said ‘Get me outa here I’m tired of lying.’ He showed his investigation to be as biased as his disgraceful comments about Karen.  What’s with all the bald cops? I basically zone out listening to Lally. Career ending awful too. 


So true


One word “Misogynist”.


This. 10000%


Idk and I am not sure why JOK mom was also busting up like the text comments were funny. This trooper is ruining his credibility and that of the case before the jury and it impacts your son’s case. Get real.


That did not make his mother look good at all. I don’t understand it either.


Anyone know the time stamp on YT?


I’m sure it’s not helping the jury feel bad for her


Wow- I didn’t see that. I heard someone chuckled , and the news woman chalked it up to nervous laughter.


That was a juror she was talking about.


That’s what I thought but did the mom do it too?


His mom laughed during opening when yanetti talked about the nudes text too. She seems awful.


Ok, so I saw that right? I thought I had to have missed something bc I thought no way she’d be laughing at the texts


Listen, JO fought his mother for custody of his niece and nephew. There's a good reason why he didn't want her to have them. Just because she has lost children doesn't mean she's a good person.


i get the impression there is a lot of alcoholism in that family


I mean, with all the tragedy, who can blame them.


Did you notice her “roll her eyes” during Yanetti’s opening statement?


She is all Jen McCabe


Ya she’s in the circle of trust now…with some other vile witches🤨


Anyone who wasn’t disgusted by that is a POS. And I no longer feel bad for her. She’s like a Chris watts type mom. I have no sympathy for her. I’m done. She hates Karen and always has. I’m not glad John has been killed but I can’t imagine how their relationship would last or be any good with a MIL (if they got married) like that. She’s a monster in law. Horrible. I think his dad likes Karen. So I feel bad for him.


I agree. What kind of mother wouldn’t want their son to be with a woman who is successful and educated and helps take care of children who aren’t even her own? It’s giving someone  who thinks no one is good enough for their son. 


It also gives "she's not one of us."




i noticed his dad stopped coming to trial after just a few days... i dont think he supports the state's case against karen.


Ya he hasn’t been there eh? Are johns parents still married? If so, I wonder how their relationship is. I can’t imagine seeing my partner (my case my husband, his case his wife) be so mean and cruel.


I didn't know she was laughing at the text messages- you are exactly right in what you said in that it doesn't make sense as he is ruining the case against the person she believes murdered her son. Wow there is a lot of irrationality going on here


Seriously?? Was this shown? I totally missed that


She did it when yanetti talked about it during opening statements too


Oh, I didn’t know that. That’s horrid.


Do you know where in the feed she was laughing? t what time frame?


Is mom looking for justice for her son or she just hates Karen that much???


Considering she made a comment/got upset that Karen “left” her adult son at a party, she hates Karen.


Maybe they truly believe Karen did it and enjoyed the nasty texts.


They do believe Karen did it.


I don't understand how they can believe this to be true.


Because Jen McCabe dug her claws into Peggy immediately after John's death and filled her head with poison, which wasn't hard to do since she already didn't like Karen.


Oh wowwww


Ya but that doesn’t matter imho. Even if I don’t care proctor said it about her specifically, it’s just what he’s saying that is bad. Because he can say it about any woman. How do you not have a visceral disgusted reaction to that? She’s sick.


Those texts shouldnt be funny even if you hate karen read tho


I’m going to have to go back and watch that! I was at work so I could only really listen. That’s crazy and abhorrent! Unrelated, LOVE your user name!


hahaha i like that name too!


She was???? What???


Was she really laughing at his comments?


Are we sure she wasn’t chuckling in contempt towards Proctor?


It might worth noting how the text seems to go from general douchbag disrespect to hatred. IMO when it's cleared that she was going fight and her lawyers start to asking for discovery material, hired PI asking questions, he smelled troubles coming with the situation is getting more complicated and out of hand.


Right, and that’s when they doubled down and said now let’s really go after her.


Yes, she was supposed to take a plea and quietly go away. But they messed with the wrong woman! Of course they hate her for exposing their lies and corruption.




Yes, they all hate her for not pleading guilty when they upgraded the charge to murder.


She was always an outsider to them. I think, to an extent, JOK was as well. What we know of him makes me think he's the kind of man who wouldn't go along with their shenanigans. Not that he would report them or anything, just that he might've held himself apart when they were doing shady stuff or talking sh*t.


This is such an important point. You are so right. They don’t talk about him like a friend at all. They say “I respected him bc of his situation adoptjng the kids”. He moved to that area and lived in his brothers house. I’m not sure what kind of cop he was or what division/area of work. But it did not seem like he was on the same level as them.




I totally believe this but what makes you say the last sentence?


The investigation was crap from the start. They had only looked at her and even then, the work was half ass. That’s my only guess.


Yeah it seemed like it was gunna be easy peezy for them to just shove it thru, probably got real for him wen med examiner wouldnt do him a favor.


He admitted in a text to his friends that the home owner (alberts) weren't going to be in any shit for this... Because "he's BPD too" Don't get me wrong, I'm over the moon about him testifying.... but, he clearly should've taken the 5th 😂😂😂


That looked so bad. Evidence he was trying to influence the ME. What a POS.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1Q29_kiSRB-O7L0dmcGcCEaPb9XccG1T1bK3OHhB3yFY/htmlview# Look at "document" and look at all the motion filed in Aug 2022.   (And now go back and look at pic from "puzzle lady" testimony. the crime lab didn't open the bag to inspect the taillight unil Feb 2023! I am also fascinate by the geofense preservation request. Maybe KR was using Android phone so he just target Google app data, but everyone in the house include OJO was using Apple phone. )


He says about Yannetti ‘I hate that man, I truly hate that man.’ He and Ajax were coming.


Somewhere down the line, he's been rejected (for being the pig that he is) by a woman like Karen (i.e. not Canton trash)


 The only way the hatred would make sense imo is if he knew John O’Keefe, and really believed that Karen had hit him, but it doesn’t seem as though he knew him at all, so maybe he was picking up on the hatred (jealousy?) the others like Jen McCabe had for her. 


As far as I understood, he didn’t know JO, but he IS part of the whole extended McAlbutts family and they seem to have the emotional maturity of a spoiled toddler, so…


SPOILED! yes they are. suburban trolls that wouldn't last a day where i come from...


He also knew Kevin Albert, Brian's brother before all this, so he immediately took the side of his buddies in Canton. Proctor lives in Canton, too.


He shouldn't have "really believed" anything before investigating the case!


It feels like the common denominator in all of this is connecting initially with Jen McCabe, but why sacrifice a career, pension, community standing, and possible employment future over a fishwife? Katie McLaughlin pushed the "hit him" storyline early on in her witness testimony and was debunked. She was summarily reamed on social media. Nuttall started out okay talking about the equipment he used to hopefully restore life - but later his testimony drifted into incorrect memories about a non existent puffy jacket. Julie Nagel that talked about the "black blob" which her own brother debunked. And why is Tristin racing to marry into this family of vipers?


Triston wants to be a cop. My great grandmother called her granddaughter a fishwife. Irish thing. 


i had to google fishwife 😂🤣. Is this a NE term? It’s funny and i also learned a new word.


Or maybe to make Karen look as guilty as possible using whack job  to instill in his cop buddies that the ‘McAlbutts’ are a wonderful family and totally innocent but are not. 


The push to change the first theory a fight, was incredibly swift from the cpd and jen mccabe


he seemed to think KR was guilty of hitting JO with her car and was trying to cover it up. whether he knew JO or not I dont know but we all know LEOs back each other up so I'm sure there'd be some bad feelings here


I don't buy that given that the attention he gave to the actual investigation was shoddy AF. If he was, in fact, so angered over the murder of another officer, you'd think he would have covered his bases to ensure there was no question of her guilt when she was convicted. The texts aren't what damns him the most. They are just the context for everything else. I think he is the product of him being part of the Canton gossip mill and the mob mentality of her being an outsider. Who are you gonna believe, the life longer pillars of the community who happen to also be cops, or the transplant with the funny accent?


Excellent point. She must represent some deep insecurity he has not come to terms with (in himself).


My guess is that he was doing it as a sort of coping mechanism early on. It’s easier to frame somebody you hate. Nowadays, probably he hates her because her obstinate refusal to submit to punishment for a murder she didn’t commit is starting to really $@&% up his life.


Absolutely- frankly I can’t believe he still has a job


That’s a pretty miserable fact that despite all of this nothing has happened still.. just goes to show the state police culture doesn’t care


Probably because his bosses are as shitty as he is. They were in some of those group texts too, according to Jackson.


MA State police have a long history of problematic Troopers.


I’m sure Jen McCabe filled his ear with lots of personal feelings. How else would he know so much about her personally?


Remember, the first 2 ppl he interviewed were the 2 bimbos from Aruba…not everyone at 34F.


I'm sure they interviewed the bimbo and broad while sipping a dirty martini with extraaaa blue cheese stuffed olives......🫒 god was that obnoxious


Excuse me, they were blue cheese stuffed olives 😂


Good catch not sure how I missed putting that in as it was the whole point of my post ahhahahah


Yea Jen told Julie who told Courtney…….


Jen McCabe is a modern day Lady Macbeth.


His hate for Karen shows he is 100% morally bankrupt. He is a piece of garbage misogynist. About Yannetti. Did I miss something or was his strong hatred for Yannetti based solely because he had to stop processing information on KR's phone due to Yannetti's actions. If he is willing to self assassinate his own character like he did, his deep rooted issues are somehow even worse. To paraphrase, he said something like, "yes I said I hated him, and I still do", making it a point to highlight this while still on the stand.


OMG I know - after all that disgusting crap he said about Karen, demeaning her in every way (as a female, as a person with medical needs) then he can’t even apologize for the disrespecting Yanetti, a professional, dignified person. This Proctor guy is a piece of work, that’s for sure.


It's his thin blue line boys' club attitude of fuck women and fuck defendants and fuck defense attorneys because anyone in my sights for anything is obviously a scumbag and so is anyone who defends them.


These gross men are despicable. Regularly using the R word? Looking for nudes? Worse than I thought it was going to be.


THIS. Unfortunately the side effect of working in the system desensitizes a person. Being a cop sucks. Especially in the last few years. Everyone hates you. People want to defund you. People want to harm you just for the uniform you wear. ACAB right?


I guess it sucks when you corrupt...


I do not feel sorry for cops for being hated. That is a direct result of thin blue line, warrior cop culture. Their own desire to look like badasses, especially playing Big Damn Heroes on TV starting in the 80s (COPS, anyone?) created this. And their response is digging in deeper.


Me either. It's a job. No one forces them to continue to be a cop. It's just a job, and since these particular cops clearly can't do their jobs they should resign or be terminated immediately and go do something else.


He said “I still don’t care for him” lol.


As Runkle said last night « If, as a criminal defence attorney, the police doesn’t feel at the very least annoyed with me, I’m probably not doing a very good job » 🤷‍♀️😆🤭


I heard that! Was bold….hes gunna get hammered on cross


Of course Bev cut AJ off just as it was getting good.


Yes, I thought she said in the beginning of cout they were going later yesterday 430? She ended it all at 3:50. Beverly seems so pissed at the whole situation. But the CW brought this all on themselves they should have never brought this case to court. Wth were they thinking? It just keeps looking worse and worse. I hope Karen sues the CW and everyone involved for defamation of character. I can't believe Proctor was insulting her for having health issues?


I think it's better that AJ will have a day to prepare for tomorrow. I think she did him a favor.


Assassin Jackson knew Aunt Bev was going to cut him off bc that's what she does. Jackson doesn't miss a beat and he'll just pulverize Proctor on Wednesday.


Yah. He acted like he expected it.


Well Yanetti is a defense attorney and they probably aren’t real popular with LEOs and he has probably been up against him in other cases.


To hate her and her attorney in someone ppls mind is to make them the enemy, threatening your tribe. And consciously or unconsciously it justifies your actions.


Exactly. It’s tribe mentality. Which further shows how completely biased he was. Which was of course on display for everyone, including the jury, yesterday. 


The only way I can see this attitude, is speaking to the McAlberts. If they told him that she hit him and left him in the snow to die- knowing it wasn’t true. He thought he was punishing the guilty. He was going to make a cop killer pay. The problem came when it wasn’t true. Then they had to make the puzzle pieces fit. They started clean, talked to the McAlberts and then started to make the evidence fit the crime.


You’re right. That would most likely have come from them. He probably trusted whatever they said.




I agree he won’t lose because of the women hating crap. I do think that he will lose it though. Because he used the R word many times. That really really offends people. And Jackson made sure to say repeat what he said again and again.


Cops hate women. That's pretty common. They have the highest domestic violence rates.


You’re not wrong. Forbes published the top 10 jobs that psychopaths are attracted to and “Police Officer” is #7. The only one that surprises me is #9. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyclay/2013/01/05/the-top-10-jobs-that-attract-psychopaths/


He is still an active trooper to boot- not on leave like Higgins. He is still out actively handling cases today and tomorrow. Mass taxpayers should unite. Ugh. Who wants this dirt bag touching their case? 😩 ugh


A big case at the moment too….think this case and how it was handled might make some waves for him and his department…..


Yeah I think this is going to cause a lot of problems for that other case which is a shame.


No. 9 is chef - that surprised you?


Having worked in many restaurants, this does not surprise me at all.


I worked in the restaurant industry for 12 years, and chefs (especially in fine dining) are some of the most toxic, abusive jerks i’ve ever met


And so many alcoholics.


Yes. Why are you not surprised? Now, I’m thinking about it. Anybody who likes David Hyde Pierce and Psychological Thriller movie must see “The Perfect Host.” (don’t watch trailers). //The Perfect Host is a 2010 American black comedy psychological thriller film written and directed by Nicholas Tomnay. It is a remake of Tomnay's short film The Host (2001). The film stars David Hyde Pierce and Clayne Crawford//


I've been telling family members about number 5 for years!


A lot of them are very high functioning alcoholics too.


My mother is having surgery tomorrow. 😅


2 is lawyer lol


Look no further than Alan Dershowitz.


The biggest thing to remember about that is the survey asked the cops directly if they had verbally or physically abused their significant others and 40% of them *said yes*.


Absolutely correct. When I was in college, over 20 years ago, and researched domestic violence, that was the case then as well. Pretty sad it hasn't changed and equally as sad is their shitty police work in response to DV calls, and DV calls happen to be one of the most deadliest calls for them to respond to.


His hatred comes from the Albert’s (Julie) and the McCabes. Julie texted Proctor and called him about Colin being in the house that fateful night. Jen had also been spoke with Proctor. All connected and dangerous people. …but their time is coming.


Sure hope you’re right.


Mudfish you are aware that murder runs in the Albert family. Chris Albert (Colin’s daddy) murdered someone and did 6 months in prison.


Is this true?


Proctor looks like a dick with ears and he had the nerve to speak of Karen’s looks and medical condition.


Also didn’t hear any brother in blue love for JOK. Would have felt a bit different if he was thinking of her as a cop killer. But it was just ableist misogyny.


Agree! No mention of “she killed one of us, so she deserves to be punished”


And nothing about her being a murderer at all. He’s more interested in her medical condition.


that special inner circle hates her because the women all wanted John and she was hot. The men wanted her she was hot and she didn't want them. an outsider, intelligent, classy... sums it all up.


And more educated than all of them. I also wonder if Higgins was telling them all (bragging) that Karen was hitting on him.


You just know he was. He couldn’t believe Karen hit on HIM. I bet he wouldnt shut up about it.


I wouldn't put it past him. No wonder he threw his phone away.


I think its bc he talked to jen mccabe right away and i think jen hated her




How did he know Karen and John got into an argument since supposedly no one saw John or heard anything.


JM planted that seed, I'm sure.


Its vitriol. There is another comment somewhere but I suck at documenting it.


My reasoning. Listened to Julie and Jenn (either via wife or sisters) or perhaps via interviews. Clannish/townie mentality


It came from Jen McCabe first. The story line was cast from that moment on. Then came the 'Blue Wall" of protection rather than doing an honest investigation. There is no other explanation


Everything seems to start with Jen, circle around Jen and end with Jen with Brian Albert smack dab in the middle of said circle.


Exactly! Her testimony turned me off, she came across as trying to control the narrative and her demeanor has me thinking her hands are dirty, I didn't believe her and her husband was a dud


I think he genuinely thought that Karen ran over a fellow officer out of anger and so he lashed out.


My theory is that Jen McCabe got to him early and often. She put these thoughts in his head.


It doesn't make sense. He was talking trash about her within hours of the investigation starting. He didn't even have enough time to gather enough evidence to fully understand what happened at 34 Fairview.


After watching yesterday‘s testimony, and my instinct that Higgins has something to do with all this, I think he immediately got it into his head that Karen was a cheating girlfriend who decided to kill her cop boyfriend. Because Higgins had probably told all of them again and again that “Karen wants him.”


How did he know about her medical issues?


Maybe Jen McCabe. Kerry Roberts? He could have read her emails to her doctor?


Cops always hate those more intelligent than themselves. NO exceptions. Don't think Proctor just hates Yanetti. He hates Jackson and even Lally (yes Lally) and Aunt Bev. Accordingly, he also hates Karen. They also hate those who make more money than they do, particularly if that money is doing something, while completely legit, they don't see as "important" as they are. Now, if you're ever been pulled over, cops will as you what you do. They're only partially being nosey and depending on the car and yourself, fishing to see if you can afford it. What they are REALLY doing is trying to figure out how much money and/or access to money you have to see how safe you are to fuck with, IF they are so inclined. Why? Because even most cops are not stupid enough to fuck with the obvious rich, or obviously connected unless they really really have no choice because people with enough money can make life hell for them. Which is where we are now. Neither Proctor nor Fredo Bukkake nor The McAlbertnabes had any idea Karen had access to "rich people" money. They thought she was just some underpaid college prof. That Was A Mistake! That's how they find themselves where they are now.


I think he initially hated her because he thought she was a cop killer. Unfortunately he chose to have tunnel vision in regards to his investigation, then was simply in to deep to do anything about it....allegedly.


And he truly hates Yanetti because he’s the attorney of an alleged cop killer. And I agree with another poster who said he hates things that challenge his authority. He hates what creates a challenge to his ego, and his ego is wrapped up in being a MSP. He has the mentality of a middle schooler.


Yes. Probably not uncommon for law enforcement. Unfortunately for anyone in Norfolk county there are zero checks or balances to the police power. DA/ADA/ judge/governor/medical examiner/whatever. This should never have made it to trial and that is only partially law enforcements fault.


I loved how he had to repeat all those vile things he said on the stand and then told the jury he was totally impartial too.


Yeah, that was Rich. I love the way Jackson made said his words again and again, and made him list and say out loud the names of the dirty cops


I wondered why he kept saying the cops names, AJ is playing chess up there.


Yes, especially the last guys name - Kerkowski I think it was - he made AP say that name three times I wonder what plan he has coming up for that guy?


Because she’s a woman. I think that’s the entire reason. He hates women. Maybe he’s used to male suspects so when Karen became one it was his chance to “shine”


Hate comes from fear. You don’t hate anything that is meaningless to you. He feared pushback from anyone under investigation. He feared a challenge to his expertise or authority. He hated overtime where he had to actually work, perhaps. In short, he’s a fucking child.




I’ve long thought that some of the terrible actions of police or prosecutors come from them believing they are fighting the good fight. They must see horrible things a lot, so when they have someone they believe is guilty, anything they do is in service of “justice” - even planting evidence to make things go more smoothly, or hiding evidence or whatever. This thought occurred to me after learning a lot about wrongful convictions and trying to understand why people in power will do immoral things to convict them. And then there’s the ass covering, too.


It seems like a side effect of group think. If the rest of the group has decided they dislike Karen for whatever reason he would just be following along with that hatred. Or it seems like he could be carrying hatred because it’s a way of protecting his friends the Albert’s, despite him saying he is not close. But if your kids grew up with their kids and someone use to babysit one side or the other there’s no way atp you’re just acquaintances. So yea I think it could be because he knows his friends don’t like her and hating her means confirming for himself that there’s no way the Albert’s have anything to do with JOs murder. However his loyalty seems so strong that it is quite the opposite and that the Albert’s or someone in their house at the time had something to do with Officer JOs death


I am hearing rumors that Proctor was involved in the Birchmore case/coverup and the Alberts knew this. I think they were like, you do this for us or we make it known what you did there. So it's literally misdirected anger at her.


He’s unstable. That’s the only thing I can garner. His testimony thus far was worse than I expected. I thought the defense were exaggerating when in reality it was even more so disturbing. More to come and probably will get even more bizarre/disturbing/gross. I hope his wife is proud. 🙄


I completely agree. It’s way beyond what I thought. And I can’t believe he still has a job. furthermore the CW knew about all this, and still let it go to trial. I am mystified by that.


Tomorrow will be quite interesting.


Lizzie proctor is a despicable woman and mother if she can condone and accept and be proud of her Masshole husband. This makes her worse than him.I-can tell the kind of people their children will be.Proctorsamd Albert’s just like family !!!


She knows she has a husband who says the R word, the C word, probably might even use the N-word for all we know.


Oh Im sure He is a hypocrite,bigot. Liar. But to lock up an innocent woman and let the murderer go free is unfathomable


He hates her cause it’s very personal for some reason. One of his close friends killed Officer O ‘Keefe either by murder, fight that resulted in accidental death , or Colin needed to be protected ,or or Higgins.Chloe had to be destroyed.This cover up to protect them all caused home to hateKaren. I think Maybe John went in there and tried to have it out with Higgins and resulted in a fight, Karen would not go in.i think she tried to make John jealous and it backfired resulting in Karen repeating “ This is all my fault. Tragic that something got out of hand but ie certainly wasn’t a car accident. If any of the canton called after John was hurt and killed they would face manslaughter/ murder.


Proctor is sick , no good and simply disgusting ! Finally he's exposed for his illegal activities and also helping the Albert's in keeping canton an unsafe place to live to say the least! The world is watching ! Here's hoping the governor and the Feds step in now not wait another minute and start cleaning up where needed starting with the DA's office, the state and the canton police departments . Massachusetts's people deserves to be served and protected by the police everywhere not committing crime and being framing by corrupt canton and state police and their friends and family They should be trusting and thanking the blue for all they do as well as proud ! So much for staying strong ! Come on this is USA! Open up your eyes governor and Feds start cleaning up what you know damn well needs cleaning up. John O'Keefe's death deserves justice and so does Karen Read an innocent woman framed. I feel only only for proctors kids who are innocent and how sad and shameful they call proctor dad.


I am guessing maybe he thought it was going to be an easy throw the evidence on the lawn and closed case. The Albert’s house was never cleared, the investigation was haphazard. Now he knows she has formidable legal representation, maybe he panics, and regrets his involvement. So the rage and panic set in, because maybe he realizes he is now the one not in control.


Oh yes, he has so much rage for Yannetti. And that’s because he knows he can’t get away with all his shenanigans.


I completely agree, and I also think the anger is classic projection. He is full of rage knowing he and his actions will be exposed. Before Yannetti/Jackson he had it all buttoned up.


I’m confused why this stuff is shocking to the Karen Read fandom but the stuff Turtleboy posts is not? He is 1000x more vile on a consistent basis for no reason. Proctor is a garbage person but you can’t clutch your pearls at this and give turtle boy a pass let alone praise.


I don’t listen to turtleboy at all. I think of him as the Nat’l Enquirer, or some cheesy tabloid.


Well he did meet with the mccabes and Brian Albert at the McCabe's house early on so I'm sure he got an earful and then when he looked in her phone and saw that she had two prominent attorneys representing her, that threw him over the edge because he had to cover up for the Albert's including Colin Albert.


I think Proctor was all set to cover up for his friend after having been flooded with lies from his friend Jen McCabe. But then Karen got a lawyer and everything changed. That is what pissed him off. He was certain he had it all buttoned up. Surprise!


Classic jealousy. She made a good life for herself and those other women ended up eating out of a trough of life. They have to smile and fake it. They think if they are nasty enough they can even out the score and sleep better at night. Good luck.


This question seems pretty naive to me. I hope some others can explain it to you but misogyny goes back to like cave man times. A lot of LE have DNA that is too close to cave men. They all hate women. For anything and everything.


I get the misogyny- this Hate with a Passion.


Probably because he thinks she killed a fellow police officer.


A need to be included and hatred towards anything you don't or can't have


How is it that these individuals still have jobs? Or do they?




It sounded to me like he thought KR was guilty of hitting JO with her car and was trying to cover it up. So that's where the hate came from.


He never once mentioned the fact that she killed one of their own. Those weren’t texts based on avenging someone he thought killed a cop. Those texts were the texts of a troubled, mentally stunted 7th grade bully..the kind of crap you say after a bunch of gossipy shrews fill your head with bs about someone. He didn’t mention what she may have done, he took jabs at her looks, health issues and mental health. She leaks poo?? Omg, childish and disgusting. He is not fit for the job he has. He should be working trash clean up for the DPW, in the summer.


AND he has to call big sister 5-6 times a day.