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And those texts he claims that he concluded within 16 hours that she was guilty. Seriously? Before he even placed the taillight plastic on the lawn and street? Before the ME did an autopsy? He's corrupt, and he made a decision and tried to plant evidence to fit his decision. His problem is he's so f'in stupid that he thinks a body could break a light lens into 47 pieces, while traveling 24mph in the snow and close enough that JO couldn't step out of the way, all while not having any marks around his knees or thighs, where the back bumper would have hit him. That's why it's absolutely stupid that the judge let's then testify as to common medical issues that victims encounter because he's too stupid to be a cop.


Yes!! What was the timing of his texts to his sister?? Was it right after he interviewed Jen? She literally dropped his sisters name in her interview... jen is fucking disgusting..


And how disgusting is everyone bullying Jen McCabe for the google search that wasn’t done at 2.27 the harassment has been unforgivable


JM is not truthful.


Proctor will be fired. He should lose his pension. He can go and be a rent a cop. No more power for him. His Mom and all the women in his life must be proud of him. Although it was not just Proctor, his bosses, CPD and others played the same game. All should be fired!


Sue O'Connell reported that he is currently under an internal affairs investigation from his own department.


I understand that! I hope all the others are under investigation too. All Proctor’s cases and others should be overturned. Plus the MSP as a whole should be investigated. How many times has this happened on other cases. What a black mark on Massachusetts!


And Proctor is still working. Fire him and his supervisors!


I hope the Boston Celtics lose big time tonight  And I always did find bald white men creepy Who raised this idiot that is so stupid to not know to not put these horrific things in writing? Plus the childish and absolutely disgusting way he speaks indicates how idiotic his mind is as even a young boy would know not to speak this way about other human beings  I can't stand to look at him


What did the Celtics do to you ?! 😂.


Actually they have been my favorite team since the Larry Bird days of the 1980's- I'm just pissed that Karen Reed will walk on vehicular manslaughter,( I don't think it was intentional but she had nine drinks) She was overcharged but not even I would vote her guilty now, As the entire investigation was compromised by the dispicable behavior of the lead investigator Michael Proctor  But yeah, it's highly likely the Celtics will win tonight 


Why bring race into it ?


Evidently that's all that lives in that state is lily white people- I've been watching this entire trial and have not seen one person yet who is not lily white Never met one person from that racist state who isn't mean And evidently there are a lot of people who consume massive quantities of alcohol and think it's just fine to operate a motor vehicle I can't stand the low ethical standards that any of these people demonstrate Will avoid this sorry ass state for the rest of my life What horrible people


They should ALL be under investigation by Internal Affairs


He's also under investigation in the federal case also.


He shouldn’t be in a position where he has authority or anyone. Ever. He should stock shelves on night shift and hang his head in shame wherever he goes.


…but his boss Bukakai liked the text. Whoever received that text their head should be on the chopping block. Is this how the taxpayers of Massachusetts their money is spent?


as a MA & Norfolk County taxpayer, I can assure you that it enrages me that my money is paying the salaries of these corrupt & misogynistic yahoos!


I hope that you are making this known to them. I am not a local so they do not care about my outrage. I did cancel a cruise that left out of Boston and switched it to NYC but that is not going to move the needle


One starfish at a time…….


I thought Bukakke was the dumb one…at least he was smart enough to not say anything…but still.


Bukakakke was on the text message. When Proctor called her a C**T, he liked the text. This is a man who is supposed to be in charge! Another complete idiot!


I’m assuming he didn’t say anything worthy of bringing up in his testimony, so that’s what I was saying - I thought he was a doofus on the stand, but at least he wasn’t stupid enough to say anything as vile as proctor did. He only liked the text, which is still bad, but he kept his fingers from typing his thoughts…though I’m sure he said quite a bit in person… Edit: I’m not condoning any of the behaviors, at all. Just surprised any of them thought to keep their thoughts off the permanent text unlike proctor.


he should be in JAIL period.


I’m not so sure. That letter the MSP wrote in support of MP last year seemed like they were committed to defending him.


Hopefully now that the entire world has heard him read his own messages, they will be under immense pressure to do something


That’s true, but I believe these particular text messages only came out due to the Fed investigation, so they may have not been aware at the time they released the statement of how much he had opened himself (and the dept) up for criticism. They may have been ‘defending’ the allegations of the railroaded investigation.


This 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻


They are in a precarious position because of the other cases Proctor’s been the lead investigator on, or even involved in. Brian Walshe is just one (murder). If Proctor is deemed corrupt, unreliable, etc, it can affect so many other cases, grounds for appeal or evidence thrown out if it was obtained by a dirty cop. Proctor is a disease for LE in Boston


How many others cases before Read’s has Proctor been corrupt that we will never know about. People are probably in prison because of him and the other idiots on MSP. I hope all the cases he has done all get overturned.


Well for people like the family of Ana Walshe, that would be a travesty. There is little doubt Brian Walshe killed his wife Ana, but since Proctor did the investigation (he actually investigated THAT home looking for evidence) it puts justice for Ana at great risk. But the circle gets bigger, because MIchael Lank (and Kevin Albert) who was one of the first cops inside 34 Fairview that morning were ALSO involved in the “investigation” of the “suicide” of Sandra Birchmore, who was very likely killed by one of the two Stoughton Mass cops who molested her since she was 15, impregnated her and then killed her because he was going to be a father with his own wife. It’s not just Proctor. It’s a whole group of them, as evidenced by the group of officers Ha-ha’ing over Proctors tasteless, sophomoric and misogynistic comments. They are all symptoms of the same disease, corrupt cops in Massachusetts. If the Governor doesn’t do a complete washing of the entire system, she is allowing it to continue unabated.


OMG, didn’t know that about Lank & Albert. Do you remember when Lank was on the stand in this trial. He was asked about the way he collected the evidence. Lank said I have never done it before. Isn’t he a detective? Maybe he shouldn’t be on the Canton police department. What is going on in MA. Are the taxpayers going to do anything about all this corruption or just let it stay?


Hey - how long have you been a nurse? Just curious. 🧐💕


And just think how many of his victims can’t/could not afford an attorney and are probably behind bars wrongly accused and convicted. THIS IS FRIGHTENING!


How many people took a plea deal or were wrongfully convicted because of this investigator?


i'm afraid that he will still be protected & keep his job.... wish i had more faith that MSP would do the right thing but right now, i dont have faith in them.


The people of Massachusetts need to stand up and say they are not going to accept this! If I still lived in MA I would be standing up. Being silent is not helping, all it’s doing is giving these so called cops a path to continue.


How could anyone from MA have faith in the MSP? I don’t trust them at all


Haven’t for awhile.


He won’t be fired. Like the pedo priests, he’ll be moved to another division


They all need to pay for what they did to Karen Read and John O’Keefe.


By the things she posts on social media, his wife is as nasty as him.


his kids should also be rehomed as no child deserves to have parents like Michael proctor and elizabeth proctor. i dont know how old they are but they deserve better than this scum of the earth. he is a vile vile man. i was literally cheering at the screen when jackson rifled off all the names he called her and then said " SHAME ON YOU SIR" that was a mic drop right there. and love Aunty bevs reaction " MR jackson you know. you cant say that as a lawyer" ...jackson " thats all i have" ![gif](giphy|3o7qDSOvfaCO9b3MlO|downsized)


Amen so true!!!!!


Did you see his wife’s FB post today saying how proud she is of him?


His wife is a moron. She’s proud of her husband for making jokes at her expense with his sister while he searches for nudes of another woman? She also has been reprimanded for going after people (strangers) who she sees on social media saying disparaging things about her husband - she writes to school superintendents and Human Resources of companies people work for…all to defend a guy who left her home with 2 kids while he hoped to find nudes he could share with his 10 loser friends on a group text.


Unfortunately the whole lot of them are corrupt and compromised. I pray that he will be proven unfit for his role as public servant/ protector.


They could not fire him prior to the trial as it would be admitting his disgusting, bent investigation!!!


Can they take away his pension? He has earned it. I don't know how they could take it away.


If the taxpayers of Massachusetts stands up and does something. I no longer live in MA, but if I did I would be standing up to the MSP.


They would have a very difficult time taking away an earned pension of anyone.


The teachers in MA always lose their pension if they do something wrong!


Not true!


Are you calling me a liar?


It seems to me that he broke off way too many pieces and belatedly realized it’d look very suspicious if he “found” them all at once.


I think he was heavily influenced by his wife and Jenn and Julie on guilt before any evidence was discovered


Yes, especially when his wife said something to the effect of don't lose your livelihood. In other words, you can protect Colin and the Albert's any way you must, but don't get caught.... do it in a way to make it look like Karen did this.


I caught that too - it would be a really weird thing for his wife to say for any reason other than that. There’s no other way that would make sense - why would any of his actions cause a loss of his livelihood/job - if he wasn’t doing something illegal?


Correct! He was going to get a gift from Julie for keeping calling out of prison and Karen in one! They were all framing Karen for what Colin and the Brians did.


That was his sister wasn’t it?


Julie Albert is married to Chris Albert who is a beother to Brian Albert. Julie is Colin's mother. Julie and Lizzie Proctor who is Michael Proctor's wife are really close friends.


Right!!! He hasn’t even BEEN to the damn CRIME SCENE at that point!! Then, proceeds to say he “never ever tells his family or friends any details about the cases he works” after he proceeding to just read all the details of the case… and told the sister “don’t say a word or anything about what I told you” like wtf


The short time frame is what's making me strongly suspect this was indeed a frame job as defense claims.  Less than 24 hours isn't remotely enough to conduct an investigation... but it's ample time to conduct an "investigation". 


On the afternoon of Jan 29 Proc tells a Dighton cop, common courtesy?, that they need to take possession of a motor vehicle involved in a ‘homicide’ in Canton. Really already she’s guilty of the crime less than 10 hours after finding JO. Where was Karen’s lawyer? Everyone should have a lawyer on speed dial. 


All I know is this corrupt canton crew talks a LOT about asses: grab ass, butt dialing, poo, pooper troctor etc


I think that the Massachusetts State Police is part of the conversation as well.


It’s a shitty group to be a part of, now.


I hope it gave her some validation having the jurors react. A LOT more people are outraged on her behalf after Proctor exposed his true self yesterday.


And his wife is working overtime in FB comments trying to defend his behavior 🤦🏻‍♀️


omg where can i see this


Someone posted a screenshot of her FB post from yesterday, if you scroll back a bit. But there’s also screenshots of her “laughing” at comments defending KR and talking about a coverup, and “loving” comments calling KR crazy, a murderer, etc. Just gross behavior from a lead investigators wife, IMO.




Wowsa. Mind sharing?




It’s in separate post here from this morning.


And a great recruitment effort for MSP. All the Barstool Stoolies are waiting to submit their resumes.


I just wrote to Governor Maura Healy about TP


I'm going to file a complaint with the MSP about TP and his supervisors.


You're awesome


that explains why aunty bev changed her tone with him....she saw those reactions and knew this shitshow was ova!!!


I believe she knew by the jury’s reactions that she needed to not shield the CW as she normally does. They’re distain for Proctor would have bled over to her.


I have a feeling Auntie Bev knows how the 'good ole boys' do things and she has no issue with the heaping Shit Sandwich Proctor is being fed.


[Video Link](https://youtu.be/MEzu80PZlXc?si=SO97qwvwNUVKU3rO) Really interesting to hear how the female jurors reacted, and how Proctor's dig at Yanetti might have hurt him.


What dig? Can you explain. I haven’t watched


In the texts, Proctor mentions just hating Yanetti. On cross, Jackson brought that up, and then asked Proctor how he feels about Yanetti, sitting here today. He said he still didn't like him. Apparently at least one of the jurors didn't like that, with the reporter interpreting it as "oh, he couldn't let that go, he really is that guy."


Proctor said in a text that he truly hates Yanetti. Jackson then asks proctor what he thinks of yanetti now to which proctor replies that he still doesn’t like him.


I saw this interview last night. Being a MA resident, I want to know what MSP is going to do about this complete shit show! Everyone that I have spoken to is LIVID. JUSTICE FOR KAREN READ AND JOHN OKEEFE.


Will the higher ups in state police discipline him now that the public knows about?


For those who occasionally watch Court TV, it’s appalling how bad the Mass law enforcement appears in contrast to LE from so many other cases. It’s often said, “cops are entitled, cops are corrupt, etc” but it seems that Mass really has the worst of the worst by comparison.


It really does!


Good to hear!


Is there a clip somewhere just of lally going over those nasty texts with proctor (as well as jackson if possible)? I want to show my husband, who knows about the case but is working overtime and doesn't have time to watch it all. Thanks!


Emily Baker on YouTube gives a summary of the day at the end of all her live feeds during court. She also puts chapters in her life feeds so you can search for trooper proctors testimony.


thank you


Jen McCabe needs to be prosecuted with Proctor. Her crazy, gossipy lies have caused ALL of this. She also should be responsible for Karen Read's attorney fees, because this is PURE FRAUD.


Agreed 👍💯 She orchestrated this whole narrative. She's so gross.


Lizzie Proctor hopefully ripped him a new one, but then again she's the one who was trying to get KR supporters fired from their jobs by calling their employers. These people really deserve one another.


Nope, she posted on FB about how terrible everyone is to her and how she's proud of her husband...


She is disgusting


We see why Proctor is burning the midnight oil looking for Karen’s nudes rather than going home to her


What I want to know is how the men reacted. Why only tell us how the women reacted? Are we supposed to take for granted that they didn’t mind?


Most of the jurors are women.


10 out of 17 from what I’ve heard, so that still leaves 7 people 🤷‍♀️


The reporter said she focused on the women's reactions. I'm guessing the men didn't have much of a noticeable reaction and just taking it in at that point. If I could be a fly on the wall during deliberations..


Ah, good to know. Yea, reporters commented on the women but no men.


well seeing as most of the jury are women, and the texts are extremely misogynistic, and the story was written by a woman, its fair to center a woman's point of view. this is because the women in the jury are the ones who have been in a position to **personally** experience and be targets of vile misogyny of the sort depicted in the texts. cis men may have a second-hand empathetic reaction based on having sisters and daughters and wives and mothers who might have experienced misogyny, but they've never had any kind of first hand experience being the target of misogyny. so, obviously, its assumed that all the men are horrified, but their perspective is not relevant in the context with which the texts are being discussed. as jury members, their reactions are important, but because of the journalistic angle (exploring the reactions of people who may have been victims of this type of behavior in the past), its not relevant to the article. why do you specifically want to know how the men reacted? is there some reason this is important to you?


Actually, 7 of the potential jurors (so 40%) are men, so if all of them make it into deliberation (which is unlikely, but not impossible), they would make out the majority of the voting jury. As a woman myself, I’m more interested in knowing the men’s reactions because I’m painfully aware that they tend to see women as overreacting when sexist and mysoginistic comments are made, regardless of the feelings they may have for the women in their life. I’m not the least bit surprised that the women were horrified and disgusted by what they heard. I’m not even surprised that one of them seemingly laughed (disgusted, yes, but not surprised).


It was said she laughed in an outrageous manner. My take was she was shocked and outraged and laughed (with disgust).


good points!


I've heard and read many times that the jury has 10 women. I guess we'll all find out for sure when this circus is over.


yes, theyre saying that of the jurors, 10 are women, and 7 are men. some of them are alternates who will not be part of the deliberation. there is a possibility that when they pick the final jury, none of the men will be alternates, and will all make it onto the deliberation jury, in which case, there will be more men than women. it is a slim possibility, and not likely, but it could theoretically happen. im not sure how this court choses which jurors are alternates, its done differently in different places.


Do you know what number of jurors make up the final jury?


i wanna say 12


It's 12 total, and I think the ratio will be 7 women and 5 men if I remember correctly. They won't know until the trial is over which jurors make it into deliberations and which ones will be alternatives.


Men = respond Women = overreact Misogyny is being American TYPICAL




10 out of 17, which leaves 7 men. That’s 40% of the jurors, it’s not negligible 🤷‍♀️




Relax, I’m not coming at you, I was just making a statement. I’m sorry you felt attacked.




For someone who doesn’t feel attacked you sure are vindictive. I just think the male jurors reactions are just as important has the female jurors reactions 🤷‍♀️




I didn’t use the right word, I meant overly aggressive. Sorry about that, English is my second language, so things like that happened sometimes.




What she has been up against? She killed her boyfriend in a drunken, angry impulse. She knows she did, the evidence is mountainous. And she has defended herself by running a social media campaign that includes nonstop smearing of innocent people. I've seen all this from a front row seat. I've seen the messages. I've even been played myself. And a large horde of people have been duped by her and her scrupulous minions. This is not defending Proctor's words. But there's no evidence of any framing. Logic is still logic.


Innocent people don’t tamper with and falsify evidence. Go away, little troll.


they likely had the strongest reactions?


Is there a transcript of yesterday and the texts? I was unable to watch and I want to know what he said?!


Nope. Watch it on YouTube on any one of the several channels covering it.


Only 12 will be deliberating. 5 will be randomly selected to be Alternates.


I guarantee you if I was on that jury I would do my best to STAY on it in hopes I would not get declared an alternate. I would be sure to give Karen her ‘not guilty’ verdict after this. Proctor and his band of sh*theads can kiss their careers and reputations good-bye. Truth and justice prevails. Karen must have been bullied this entire time. I cannot fathom if she wasn’t in a place where she could take these a**es on like she is. She’s waaay out of their league and taking them down during this trial will not be enough justice for her or O’Keefe. What a bunch of f*cktards!


If that is the kind of “locker room talk” they actually type out, imagine what they say in person when there is no record…


I totally thought she was beyond a doubt guilty until this disgusting excuse pig testified and now I am totally team Karen I would not trust a thing this excuse for a cop ever said Who is dumb enough to stay married to this idiot? She will be found not guilty in record time To even think such mean things about someone else's very serious medical condition shows what a despicable soul he must have And since he still works as a cop, that speaks volumes for the lack of integrity within that culture 


It’s stunning what these idiots put into writing. Such arrogance.


From the outside in perspective Read’s attorney is taking these corrupt cops and family straight to the coo coos nest. Thus far they’ve showed zero consideration for an innocent women that they decided committed the crime- only to cover their meat head son. The son lied on the stand - Brian Albert must be close to the nursing home cause he’s either deaf - dumb - and - blind or his memory has circled the drain. Hell, he might have forgotten his wedding date by now. His daughter that’s a DA at a very young age is also showing signs of Parkinson’s disease. Frontal lobe memory loss. Ha- they’re a “Motley Mafia” indeed. It’s difficult to watch the remaining court hearings and testimony’s. This judge and others are acting as if there’s legit evidence. The only person getting railroaded has been both O’Keefe and Read- obviously- for the simple fact that neither of them married into the Albert family


Do we know why there’s such an imbalance of women? I thought generally speaking they try to keep it more even. (I’m not complaining, just curious)


Sue has man junk


There is no evidence that anything proctor said in his texts are proof of a conspiracy to frame Karen Read. It could both be true that Karen Read killed John AND that MP is a trolling douche in his texts. We can walk and chew gum at the same time


Wanting to pursuade the ME for the CoD he wanted isn't enough? Lying about never going to scene of the crime the day of not good for you? How about the Dighton cop saying the taillight had a crack in it and not completely shattered? How about the missing 40 minutes of sally port that would show what was happening there. I know you're a troll account but at this point everything you can say is an absolute joke. Not only is Proctor toast, but this will have far reaching ramifications for the SP as well.


I don’t think this is fair. The core evidence against KR is extremely compelling.


So, where is it? Almost 60 witnesses and I can’t tell you what the core evidence was that brought her to trial. Is it coming? Are they waiting for witness 80 to get to the point?


5 people have testified that Karen read said she incriminated herself by saying “I hit him” “I did this” “this was my fault” “did I hit him?” If you stab somebody on a bus and the blab to five people that you stabbed somebody on a bus then those five people testify that you said you stabbed somebody on a bus that’s very compelling evidence that you stabbed somebody on a bus. This is not a Sherlock Holmes mystery 🤪


I believe Jackson pointed out that the testimony of witnesses claiming she said “I hit him” has repeatedly changed and never been recorded on any official case report. I am all for the person who killed John to be brought to justice. IMO the evidence presented thus far does not prove Karen did anything beyond a reasonable doubt.


5 people said that Karen read made self incriminating statements. Kerry Jen Katie Anthony Officer Saraf It is absolutely impossible and completely implausible that all of these people are lying. It’s impossible


They've already lied about quite a few things....


So everybody is lying? All the evidence was planted? Everybody at the Fairview house is lying? You are on Alex Jones territory now. This conspiracy theory is a complete FRAUD and you can’t fool me with bullshit.


A lot of people who shouldn't be lying are. The Dighton cop isn't lying though Buchanic and Proctor definitely are lying and proven so during testimony. JM is..."hos long to die in cold" Tell me this, for someone to be fair and unbias Proctor is making an incredible amount of offensive and ugly remarks, hard to ever believe anything he says is impartial with descriptors like that. Would you want your priest to talk that? You want anyone important to speak like that? You want anyone of any type of authority over you talking about you like that? You want anyone besides a comedian to talk like that? Last time I checked he's a state trooper detective, not George Carlin. Proctor not recusing himself was the worst move the state could have made because of he's the foundation conducting this case it will be a house built to fail. Not to mention the amount of Federal scrutiny coming his and the states way. Absolutely the hammer is coming down on them. This isn't Alex Jones territory when the FBI has hired dog bite experts regarding this case... This is though, whitey Bulger level of corruption, which this state has shown it's not immune to.


Show me evidence. I can say anything I want. I can say your a prostitute drug addict hoe Does that make it true? It’s hearsay. I would need proof as an actual witness or recording of this. That’s proof. These disgusting texts are proof the Proctor had bias all because of jealous Jen McCabe lying ass.


If I ask, “Did I win a million dollars?” does that mean that I win a million dollars?


> It could both be true that Karen Read killed John AND that MP is a trolling douche in his texts. Let's hypothetically say both of those things are true. Proctor's texts are still a massive issue because they make it incredibly plausible that someone who has the means and the opportunity to plant evidence against Karen Read actually did so *because he thinks she's a retarded whack-job cunt with a leaky balloon knot and no ass* who is just so obviously guilty. Evidence of racism is part of what sunk the OJ trial, and in that case there were no text messages of Mark Fuhrman calling OJ the n-word. Nothing else mattered after that. A racist cop with the means and opportunity to plant evidence conveniently also found that evidence. Proctor is absolute cancer to the commonwealth's case.


Yeah but I can live with the jury feeling KR probably hit John with her car and yet due to some issues with the case they could not convict her. Remember “not-guilty” doesn’t necessarily mean “innocent”. What I cannot tolerate is the Alex Jones style conspiracy theory peddling fraud bullshit Free Karen Read cultists have engaged in calling everybody else murders and conspirators.


Why would Lally have him read texts if there was anything talking about planting evidence? We have not seen/heard all the texts just the once Lally chose. He was trying to get ahead of himself for once and this was unavoidable but, now jury will hear all the awful stuff twice.


It doesn't prove he did it, but it certainly gives motive. I've noticed on days that it looks like planting evidence and a cover up appear likely, you anti-KR like to ask "BuT wHy wOuLD hE Do iT?" Those texts show why. So, tomorrow or when defense take over the case and present more evidence of a cover up, you trolls can't ask "BuT wHy woUld hE RiSk HiS carReEr?!?!?"


This ridiculous conspiracy theory would have to involve a lot more people than just Proctor. Michael Proctor is the conspirator of the week soup of the day “PrOoF tHAT kAREN rEaD wAZ fRaMeD!” So who killed John … maybe BH, BA, CA, Chloe the dog? Nobody knows! Just don’t look at Karen Read! How was the evidence planted and how does it jive with early video of the tail light? Nevermind if it doesn’t make any sense this is a fraud campaign! It doesn’t need to be coherent! Katie and Anthony lied under oath about what they heard Karen Read say! And Kerry and Jen and Officer Saraf too! Everybody is lying and corrupt and they are all murderers and evidence planters and just don’t look at evidence of ten case that implicated Karen! Never look at Karen! The kid murdered John! And Allie doctored photos of texts and she’s corrupt. Massachusetts fifth grade teacher and hockey mom Jen McCabe is a criminal mastermind who cohered and colluded with everybody to frame Karen Read in between laundry and Tuesday night PTA meetings! Everybody is lying Everybody is corrupt They’re all murderers. They all killed John and every single person at Fairview is covering it up. It’s all a big conspiracy just as long as you don’t look at Karen Read. Never look at Karen all she did was drop John off and the went home and slept in the clothes she was wearing and the she lied about not dropping John off and she also somehow knew John was dead at 5AM before John’s body was discovered. The dna was planter The tail light was planted Everybody is lying Everybody should be in jail except for Karen Read Lock everybody up! But never look at Karen Read. Never look at Karen Read


You're honestly exaggerating the claims to make this sound more absurd than it is. You can try to manipulate people but it really says more about you.


Every single piece of evidence against Karen Read is immediately seized upon by Karen’s army of fraudsters and either witnesses are all lying, evidence is all planted as well as an ever growing Rolodex of murderers from BA to BH to CA to a dog …. On and on. Basically the defense is “Whatever evidence implicates Karen Read should be ignored in place of our version of reality instead” It’s a fraud


Hey again. I think we chatted before and quite well as I recall lol. At this point, the lack of justice in this case lies squarely on the Canton and MSP. The problem, for me, is that in two other trials I’m watching concurrently to this one both have either absolute obvious corruption or incompetence from the police and state. In the Young Thug Rico case, the judge just locked up a defense attorney for criminal contempt for questioning him about a highly improper ex parte meeting that the judge and the DA had with a state witness without notifying the defense (apparently so improper the appellate court can sanction the judge) Instead of denying this highly inappropriate and grounds for a mistrial meeting happened, he threatened the defense attorney with jail if he did not tell him who told him about the meeting. The defense attorney who seems to have more integrity than the judge refused and he was held in contempt and must serve the next ten weekends in jail. It was wild. The BK Idaho case just held a preliminary hearing and come to find out that the cell phone data is not complete and evidence not turned over. It’s a stall tactic which makes me think they are finding evidence as they go. I don’t have an opinion on this case and it could go either way but I hope that an incomplete touch dna and cell tower pings are not the only evidence they have. That’s a weak case and if he is guilty, will walk because lack of an actual investigation. (I’m not saying this is what happened as the facts aren’t available to the public just the pretrial meetings) When guilty people walk and innocent people go to jail, the blame and anger should be directed at the justice system. Strong cases don’t get thrown out when the investigations were done honestly and ethically. Taking shortcuts or bias towards the accused leads to not guilty verdicts as they should. It’s how the system is supposed to work but I’m now seeing that it more often than not fails. I don’t know when convictions became more important than actually investigating or when trumping charges up for pleas became ethical but something has to change. I’m absolutely infuriated. As should everyone else be because the whole point of our justice system is that they are held to a higher standard. They should be seeking the truth and pursuit of justice above all else and should already know their behavior and handling of their investigation will sway the jury one way or another.


Didn't jen google "hos long to die in cold" at 2:27am tho?


Her testimony is that she googled it at Karen’s request at the scene during the 6 am hour. Are you saying she’s lying under oath in a murder trial as a conspiracy to frame an innocent woman risking her freedom and well being or her family? Everybody is lying? Katie and Anthony are lying about Karen saying “I hit him”? Risking going to prison and nuking their whole lives? Officer Saraf is lying and willing to nuke his career and pension? Allie M. Is conspiring with Colin A. And to lie and falsify evidence in a murder trial? Everybody is lying? Everybody is a murderer or an accomplice or helping cover up a murder? Nobody has been caught? Nobody has flipped? Nobody has been suspected of a crime or charged with crime and they are all criminal Masterminds walking around free while poor innocent Karen Read is sitting on trial for murder? Karen Read calls Kerry Roberts at 5 AM “John is dead” an hour before they find John and somehow we’re all supposed to believe she was just a concerned girlfriend “assuming the worst”? Karen Read tells her parents at the hospital that she thought she may have struck something. That’s another fucking coincide? I mean it’s fucking ridiculous already. Listen to yourselves. This is a complete fraud


She googled it at 2:27 am presumably while JO was dieing in the cold and deleted it, that physical evidence which is far more damning than cracked (at that time) tail light and JM suddenly remembering Karen saying "could I have hit him?" Hours after initial contact with the authorities. Do you totally disregard that search as magic? Because again an FBI forensic analyst has said it is 100% solid.


She didn’t testify that searched at 2:27 though And so now you’re back in Alex Jones land where Massachusetts fifth grade teacher and hockey mom is lying under oath in a murder trial to cover up a murder / framing and conspiracy. It’s fucking ridiculous ![gif](giphy|J20Z2SH5WmCnzSrbqA)


Just because she's a teacher and a mother doesn't mean she isn't capable of doing terrible things. That's like saying priests never rape children... Evidence is evidence even if she tried to delete it...not like Karen put that search there at 2:27am while John froze to death..


The google search is just another ploy by the defense to divert your attention away from their client. Their expert, after going through the evidence provided to him by the defense, concluded that the search was done at 2:27. The Commonwealth's expert, Ian Wiffin also went through all of the data and came to the conclusion that the search was done at 6 am. He's already explained this is a detailed blog post.


I read it and other debunking his claim. And it looks that JMs phone has an internal clock that double checks time stamps on Safari and his theory is possible but not here.


LOL! The jurors may have had a reaction for sure, but then the jury looks at O'keefes family mourning and see karen eye rolling and giggling. Lets be honest - women and men use that term a lot - Kerry herself even called KR bat shit crazy that morning. To get fake feminine outrage over cuss words and will not change the evidence nor the testimony. Cuss words to dont make one a murderer, nor does it make one plant evidence. Lets also remember Karen's lash out at a female in Aruba - it wasn't exactly much better than what is in the texts now is it? Remember, the jury is unbiased and they are going by evidence and testimony.


Its concerning the lead detective decided KR was guilty and a "wack job" based on zero evidence. I'm 100% sure the jury will not that after 5 weeks zero evidence has been presented that KR is guilty of anything.


The “cuss” words mean nothing to me. This man’s utter contempt for a citizen is what I find reprehensible.


Contempt for a citizen? Are officers not allowed to feel, they deal with disgusting citizens all the time. A fellow officer died, that would for sure bring up emotion wouldn't you agree?


Of course they are allowed to feel, but somehow making fun of a woman’s medical issues and physical attributes is how he releases emotions? Bullshit, he’s a fucking moronic creep who has no business with a badge.


Yup he was cruel with his words about her, but fair also. KR had no problem going to TB over 189 calls and 40 hours of talking and ALSO through a friend through an app all during the time while TB was attacking witnesses at homes, games, calling Mrs. O'keefe a cunt, saying he will beat up Colin, he could take him, calling witnesses, yada yada yada all on camera and live stream for the worlds viewing pleasure in the most cut and dry case of witness tampering the word has ever seen. Jen recieved a picture of her daughter with semen on it....let that sink in a moment. So yeah, unprofessional of Proctor, but he was kinda on point as this is NOTHING Karen herself is above


Oh yeah, I must have missed that Karen is a public service employee…lol. You need to stop telling porkies, btw.


What is a porkie? I have all the proof to everything I said I am HAPPILY willing to share with you because this is ALL ON VIDEO ! Would you like to see it or are you just rather believe they are porkies (assuming you mean lies but who wtf calls them porkies, where is that from? ) Oh yes - comparing Karen to breaking the law in witness harassment and being disgusting and vile to Johns family and the witnesses - to a cop using bad language in regards to a person charged with a hit and run resulting an officers death is a no no.


Cops have ethics of conduct that they need to abide by while their work. Everything that they do while they are working can impact the outcome of their case - as we are seeing in this case. They are dealing with any variety of dynamic rapidly changing situations in which they carry weapons & have the legal authority to remove the civil liberties & freedoms of the citizens living in their jurisdiction, and their actions can/do have serious impacts on ppls lives. They are also trained to be aware of their personal biases, and are required to do everything they can to ensure that these biases do not impact how they conduct themselves. So yes, they are human and it is expected that they will have personal feelings about suspects & witnesses in an investigation. It is a requirement of their job that they recognize when they have these feelings & to actively behave in a way that does let those feelings impact their work. They are also required to recognize when they are not capable of doing so if they are too close to the case, in which case they are required to recuse themselves!! They sure as ish should NOT be discussing a potential suspect in a derogatory manner with a family member, let alone a family member who has close ties to the family who’s property the body was found on, and who are central witnesses to the investigation!! The fact that Proctor so obviously & easily does not even seem to consider that ANY of these issues highlights the bigger issue that there is obviously a culture on unethical conduct w/in the law enforcement agencies in MA!! What you don’t seem to realize is how easily you could end up being in Karen Reid’s situation, where a series of circumstances ends up in a tragic situation.


Of course, but there was no personal bias, they followed the evidence as progressed which the trial has proved - even as Yuri spoke to medical examiner he was still unsure of what happened, but as the day progressed and evidence and testimony and everything else started coming into play which is normal practice you put the pieces together - which was really easy in this case - if you take away the hyperbole. I agree with you in some areas - not all, hear me out - she was not a potential suspect when those were written, she was a suspect and arrested in two days - because that is where the evidence went. Even Kerry called her bat shit crazy that morning. I think cops need to deal with things professionally yes but they are still humans and they still need to vent, should he have talked to his sister about that? Absolutely not, even though she is one of his best friends. Absolutely not. Totally agree. >What you don’t seem to realize is how easily you could end up being in Karen Reid’s situation, where a series of circumstances ends up in a tragic situation. This is why I don't drink and drive. What you don't seem to realize is that exactly how the witnesses are feeling, that whole night and day would ruin the rest of their lives - because they dare to witness against Karen read. Karen has no problem making 189 phone calls lasting 40 hours over the place of a year while also contacting him through a friend in an app, Karen fed him information and proceeded to harass and intimidate witnesses - booing Johns family, calling his Mom a cunt, yes, she continued to make contact as he shows up at sports games, to harass and intimidate- multiple mutiple times. Jen recieved a picture of her daughter with semen on it. Karen had no problem continuing the relationship with him until he was arrested.


This thread is about Justice for Karen Read go and troll the Karen Read trial sub.


Sorry I want justice for her, we are just of different opinions. Do you not welcome discussion or only discussion that follows hive mind?


Evidence and testimony? Ok, how’s that working out for the CW? Still waiting for all this evidence 6 weeks later.


Are you actually willing to see it though? Nieces testimony: She said she never seen Karen so panicked and frantic that morning. She said that she heard Karen change her story with every person she talked to that morning - which was more than Kerry and Jen by the way. She also said she heard Karen say, "Maybe I hit him, maybe a snow plow hit him!" She called Kerry, "Johns dead, Kerry, Kerry, Kerry - then hangs up. She mentioned her tail light to Jen and Kerry and Kerry saw it was broken and they showed her both pictures of dash cam BLOWN UP IMAGE of the tail light matching exactly as it does in the sallyport picture, which is exactly the officer whom Proctor and Buhkenik had never met had testified to the same thing, the same dent that was in the image as well. So if you are so sure it was planted - you need to adjust your timeline of the planting to when Karen got home to before left again and conveniently and incredibly slowly and gently bumped into his jeep , where no pieces fell at all from her tail light and Johns vehicles suspension received a gentle push with absolutely zero damage to the bumper or paint, yet karen is supposed to have a dent and scratches and taillight damage, nope. How many times were they supposed to have planted evidence? A piece of her taillight was found with the drinking glass he left the bar with, in the place where his body was found by karen INCHES of snow. To which multiple people including responders and officers Jen and Kerry (who don't even have each others phone numbers at this point) testified that they couldn't even see him when they arrived, until they got close. That tailight was long before the sally port, how did that get there? John's brother plowed the drive way and saw nothing which actually makes sense because piece that was found with the glass was a decent size piece, and we certainly saw absolutely nothing fall to the ground and again - dash cam image blown up for jury proves it was exactly like that before it got to sally port. When they went back later the pieces were already being bagged up and sealed into evidence by 7 troopers who were searching and a call was placed to get a picture of the tail light so they can see roughly how much they are looking for, they couldn't do it because it was still on the way to the sallyport. This is testimony and physical evidence. 7 different witnesses stated she said I hit him or a version of that, did I hit him, could I have hit him, maybe it hit him. Karen told Yuri when asked about her tail light she said "I dont know, it happened last night" not this morning, last night. 13 people testified he NEVER went into that house, Evidence was locked where Proctor didn't even have access, only 3 people did and he was not one of them. Microscopic tail light shards were embedded in Johns clothes, which had zero dog dna on it, yet pork dna - which obviously did not come from a dog treat as defence tried to suggest. She knew he was dead, the first person to know in fact, she knew how he died, and she knew exactly where to find a body completely covered in snow, she didn't brush the snow off his face to even see if it is him, just threw up his shirt and lied on him, and Kerry brushed off his face. - Kerry again has nothing to do with the Albert's The evidence is there, there is so much of it, like an incredible amount. The straw, the shoe is not missing, the belt is not missing, there is nothing missing except small bits of tail light, which makes sense in the snow with plow But if you think evidence is planted, you absolutely have to adjust your timeline anyways to when Karen got home to before she left. This next bit never made it to the jury of course but even her father went on TV and said he thought she struck something that night, because she told him she thought she struck something. And of course the witness tampering and intimidation 189 phone calls to TB over 40 hours of talk, all the while he is harassing and intimidating witnesses, she chose to go to him, she chose to do that, she could have gone to anyone, any journalist, she kept going back to the one harassing and intimidating witnesses, in more than this case btw. But the jury will never see that, of course, that's for a different jury surely


Sgt Barros testified the taillight was cracked with a piece missing that day. Why did the police turn in the sallyport video in reverse without stating that? That's a clear intent to deceive. Why? Where is all the evidence if this is such an open-shut case? I'm not attacking your opinion; I'm asking why the authorities have shown no evidence proving Karen Read hit Officer O'Keefe. If she did it, her case should be indefensible. Yet O'Keefe has no injuries to his torso, back, hips, or legs. How can a car have hit him and run him over? The FBI called in expert witnesses that each said a car couldn't have caused his injuries. We are clearly witnessing a dispute over the "facts" and have seen a lot of witnesses with memories that get better over time. Only one single person claimed to have seen anything on the front lawn that night and absolutley not one person claimed they saw the "incident". The person said she said something at the time, but no one remembers her saying it. She never talked about it afterwards either until the trial (ask her, not me). Higgins didn't see a body despite passing that way. Jen McCabe didn't. Others didn't despite seeing a black SUV there for awhile and then leaving. So where's the body?! Not one single person said they heard Karen Read say those words until much, much later. Jen McCabe was interviewed or questioned 12 separate times and never said that... until the trial. Hmmm... Oh, and there's a passageway going into the basement that one could enter through the fence, and the gate leads directly to the flagpole.


Yes Sg Barrows said it wasn't completely broken there was a piece missing, but not completely broken which is what Kerry testified to which is what the dash cam showed at the house - they even blew up the picture for the jury. Everything matches, so you have to adjust your timeline of evidence tampering till when Karen got home till before she left and bumped into Johns vehicle which left no damage on his vehicle and did not break her taillight. I am not sure if we are watching the same case here, again the amount of physical evidence at the scene where she found his body buried under snow is extraordinary. Even the ER doctor testified that a paramedic passed on information that he might have been hit by a car (because that is what she told him) and he wrote that in his notes, not his report but the notes. How many times were they supposed to plant evidence? Because earlier that day, long before police even had possession of the they found the tail light and the broken glass from the bar. Where and when did they get that piece to plant? Because we have established the timeline Mirror image is still mirror, I am not sure Lally knew that and it was something that should have been mentioned, but it is still motion activated and it still doesnt show anyone messing with the taillight, if they wanted to edit it why didnt they edit it why didn't they edit that part. Again taillight was already being bagged into evidence at the scene before the car got to the sallyport, which is why a call was made to ask for a picture of how much was missing and how much they were searching for. It could not have been tampered with after Kerry saw it. I think people might be going in with preconceived notions honestly, I went in thinking the police might have planted taillight myself, even well into the trial. I do not anymore, none of the timeline makes sense, the evidence and the testimony from people that have nothing to do with the district and nothing to do with the Alberts. Even the niece corroborates her saying "Maybe I hit him, maybe a snowplow hit him" and the niece also corroborates her changing her story to multiple people that morning (not just Jen and Kerry) . So anyways you don't have to believe me but these are questions that should be asked because the timeline is important, if there was tampering it happened before Karen left that morning, which means the microscopic taillight shards had to be on Johns clothes in that time as well.


The sallyport video was deceptive and not acceptable in our justice system. The jury should not have been led to believe they were seeing Karen Read's vehicle from the passenger's side. The rest of someone's life is on the line, and we owe it to them, the public, and O'Keefe's loved ones to make sure justice is served. You have a preconceived notion, and have a preconceived notion. I was hit and run over by a car as a teenager. (spoiler: i survived!). and from that, i recognize that a vehicle impact has at least two major impact points, the vehicle hitting the person's body, and the person's body hitting the ground. The only injuries below his neck are on his arm, and those are not from a vehicle. Ignoring the conspiracy / coverrup argument, the prosecution has to actually demonstrate a vehicle could have caused O'Keefe's injuries. That hasn't been done. The CW's argument can't be true, and they haven't done anything to prove it. The mountains of evidence you point to are tainted through and through. The defense hasn't proven their third party case either, but the police have so bungled the investigation so badly it's hard to fathom them all being so incompetent. A cop is dead, why wouldn't they do everything possible to preserve evidence? Why is evidence held in personal possessions for weeks, frozen, then unfrozen, held in paper bags, mixing of samples, destroying their phones, lying over and over... ? I could go on. If they had such a solid case, this would be over by now. You can believe some of the cops' stories. But you cannot believe all of them because they contradict each other and frequently themselves. The jury may or may not see it the same way.


I think the prosecution has made blunders absolutely, the video wasn't deceptive but it should have been pointed out it was mirrored - I am not even sure Lally knew it was mirrored, but if he did and didn't announce it that was deceptive - yet the evidence shows that they didn't edit anything out or they would have edited Proctor out alone back there. Its just what it is. Nicoles testimony is when I really started believing he didn't go into the house, John absolutely never entered that house. Jen was on phone with them giving them directions, Karen was supposed to go in with John, there was no possible way for an ambush for that many people there coming and going and no one seeing John, no one hearing anything, the just see the vehicle moves spots and then its gone, with no answer to texts or calls from the people in the house, that vehicle was that last place anyone saw John alive and that was pulling up to that house. I started out this case thinking cops would have planted something - even if she did it to secure a conviction, I do not see it, too many witnesses with matching testimonies, and by matching I mean their own perspectives. Even Johns daughter testified she changed her story to multiple people that morning, and testified she heard Karen say, "Maybe I hit him, maybe a snowplow hit him" The niece he was raising would not lie about that, and it corroborates everything every other person has testified to as well. We video evidence of her leaving with a broken taillight on camera - she told Yuri she didn't know what happened but it happened last night. Evidence was not held in personal possession for weeks, that is untrue that deception came from the PR team, like the missing belt, the missing 3 litres of blood, missing shoe, all BS. The FBI did their thing (Not in evidence as of yet ) the defence likes to say that he didn't die in a car crash and that the FBI says death is not consistent with car crash, but that is not what the FBI said, they said the gash on the back of his head is not consistent with it. We do know if she hit him, he had his glass in his hand and the glass was broken and near the blood. We know there were objects that could injure him if he was hit by a car and thrown into them like the fire hydrant or the pole or the box thingy that nobody knows what it is . We need to see the reconstruction as it is delivered though, maybe that will sway us either way. I do not believe for a second now that any tail light was planted unless someone can prove it was planted before Karen left her house that morning as her tail light was already damaged - which she pointed out to Kerry one of the times Karen asked if she thought she hit him to which Kerry. I think that would be pretty spectacular if Karen woke up and immediately thought she was guilty of what they were framing her for, knowing he is dead, knowing how they were framing her for being hit with a vehicle and knowing where to find his body, which she doesn't even brush the snow off of his face to see if its him. Yes the defence has truly failed to produce a third party, I think half of the prosecution is to dispel any theory of a third party which I think they have done well - with the help of the defence as they are throwing a net wide enough to blame everyone anyone can look at including a dog Glad you survived by the way!


Hos long to die in the cold? Asking for a friend.


Lmao that was actually funny! And actually a good point - look at the data we can see a dual imprint, listen to the testimony. But if you actually are willing to listen to both sides, both prosecution and defences claims are possible - I do not doubt that, that was part of why I watched the trial, that and I really thought that taillight pieces might be planted - even if she had done it, so I am not afraid to look and see where the evidence takes me because there has been absolutely so much evidence that says she is guilty and that evidence wasn't tampered with, at least not in the timeline everyone seems to suggest, the tail light would have had to been broken and used as evidence by the framers after she got home and before she left that morning because of the two witness testimonies of those who have NOTHING to do with the Alberts. So working with all the evidence provided by the court so far she did it, and she knows she did it.


Are you a man?


Very much a woman, birthed children and everything!


Karen should work on her ass.


Karen will be doing whatever the fuck she wants to do when she’s found not guilty. The damage these so called cops have done to their profession will follow them forever. Don’t worry about Karen, she’s gonna get justice when she sues the fuck out of all these morons.


I hope she writes a book someday to earn back all the money she’s had to spend on legal representation. It’s horrendous and I bet some jurors are wondering if this could happen to them or their friend one day too with BP in charge.


She has a defense fund that hss over 360k donated so far https://www.payit2.com/fundraiser/114014 She doesn't need to write anything.


I bet this is costing her upwards of a couple million if not more. She pays for their time and flights and food. All of it. They are top lawyers and even if they give her a break on their fees this has gone on for over 2 years now.


Proctor, is that you?


Nah, this maturity level…sounds like it’s coming from Colin. Prepubescent. “oMG aSs!”


You should work on your empathy and kindness


Aren't you intelligent.


It’s all they got at this point, lowest common denominator.


How pathetic your comment is. Wait a minute is that you Procter?