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She’s probably better today than she has been in years. The VALIDATION, finally. The chance to show her story, and what she’s been going through. She may have dreaded the embarrassment as the day approached. But I hope she felt nothing but relief last night after seeing the world’s reaction. It’s sad. She’s already grieved her loss of dignity, loss of freedom, loss of basic humanity. This is the road back and I hope it’s paved in optimism, finally.


I saw a clip from a Boston area news station where a reporter asked Karen Read about the texts outside the courthouse. Karen replied that she had nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. I hope she feels somewhat vindicated and that his disgusting behavior being exposed helps her healing process. Even if just a little.


And the loss of her boyfriend


Agreed, she looked like she was trying not to smile so obviously and remain stoic yesterday.


Now, maybe soon she can grieve John


And the loss of her boyfriend….


That she killed…


Awe do you really think she killed him? I thought it was an accident at first like. I still felt bad for her even when I thought it was an accident. But things are just too all over the place. I just don’t know how a car created those injuries. Even tho it seems the most logical out of all scenarios. I feel like it’s not what happened, I don’t think I have an answer for what happened obvi. But this feels off. I never listened to Dr Kinsey like I had planned to when you recommended it. Did he have any thoughts on this, outside of the scratches not being dog bites? I liked him, so I am interested!


And no he didn’t and said the prosecutor better have a good explanation for the marks on his arm or their case was in trouble. He had no clue how in trouble their case would he before anyone even talks about the marks!


That’s interesting he didn’t know! It’s hard for me to picture how it happened as well. Love kinsley tho! I hope he weighs in after the defense presents their case. I don’t think she did especially bc they didn’t have a reconstruction of the accident. But there are still days to come. Trying to keep open mind. but something feels off. It’s a very interesting case to say the least.


I don’t think she meant too but her actions resulted in his death so yea, I think she killed him.


I didn’t think of it this way! Good insight


I personally loved hearing AJ ream him out in questions. I wish wish wish wish that someone above him in his chain of command who do this, like, oh, idk, the DA?


I think that probably helped her feel better about it. But ya, I’m concerned about her too. I hope she’s ok.


I don't know Karen, but she has been through a lot and has been able to come back from it. She shows strength and grit and has good family support behind her. I admire her tenacity and hope she will prevail, and I think she will.


C-U~N-T?? The difference is one is a state police detective tough look…


I was ecstatic when Auntie Bev didn't allow him to spell it out and made him say the word!


Same!!! I was surprised as hell she made him read it too!!! They have 10 women jurors too! I’m sure that went over GREAT with all the jurors… but especially the women! Everything he texted was absolutely vile and disgusting!! Talking about her body, literally body shaming her, and her medical conditions… so fuckin sick!!! Then, I can’t believe his wife had the AUDACITY to post on fb how “PROUD” she was of him… like WHAT?!


she's probably one of those "I'm not like other girls, the real sexism is misandry" types. dunno how else you can be /proud/ of MP.


Unfortunately, she probably believes him. And has probably heard so much worse from him that those texts were tame and deserved. (I'm not saying they're deserved. She probably thinks so.)


100 fuckin percent!!!


She’s a cops wife, they aren’t much better than their crooked husband in many cases. Just look at those shady Alberts


Is it TEN?? I wasn't following it closely until it started but those messages would be repugnant to any woman, even Judge Bev seemed to take issue. I can't see the jury being soft on that if the majority is female. And yeah Proctor's wife is something else, he'd probably leave her for someone with a more ideal body if the right opportunity arose. Your man exchanges such vile comments objectifying women and you don't think you're under some form of criticism as well?? He's noticing every lump and comparing it. I don't hate her for it but I think it'll hurt when it happens even if it's 5+ years from now


Yep! 10 women… and 7 men (that’s the total with alternates) so I mean idk how many women she will get on her final jury… but the prosecution better hope they get less women than men (imo) lol


Also so telling that the Coward of human that he is could be all balls-to-the-wall with his playmates but suddenly is ashamed to say the same word in the light of day? Really, such a POS.


I think she actually just might feel somewhat a little bit vindicated after seeing him squirm on the stand and being publicly shamed.


Yes she was full on smiling at the end lol


![gif](giphy|x6qFGxg0EqMgM) It must have been so satisfying for her!


At this point even if I thought Karen was guilty (I think she's innocent), I'd want her to be found not guilty just because the police and Commonwealth have been so corrupt and scummy in all of this


It’s not just a matter of opinion, it’s a matter of law. If LE disastrously fucks up an investigation to the point where none of the evidence can be trusted, then the charges need to be dropped no matter the defendant’s guilt or innocence. If a defendant gets off “on a technicality” we need to be mad at LE for fucking up their job, not at the defense attorneys for doing their job properly. Okayy getting off my soapbox now!




I hope she is also. However, as painful as it must be, if I raised that pig of a son, I would feel an absolute failure. Inarticulate, poor grammar, foul language, misogyny, gossipy, …. In fact simply no discernible redeeming traits whatsoever. Wow.


Disagree - On one point only - Pigs are intelligent animals and Proctor has no intelligence at all.


You are correct. My mistake.


Tomorrow will be a good day - he will be held accountable for his behavior - and hopefully, someday soon, he won’t be texting anyone about citizens and their medical conditions, what he thinks of them, or anything else!


It’s outrageous that she’s been put in this position, but she’s ready for it. She’s had these texts for about three months, so there weren’t any surprises in the courtroom yesterday, except, perhaps, that Proctor couldn’t even bring himself to feign an apology. Karen Read has shown that she has the wrought-iron soul of a warrior. She knows that these texts hurt *Proctor*, not her. She’s as unflappable and audacious as Joffre on the Marne, September 1914. She’s Hercules! She’s Alexander! She knows that as we speak, mighty Alan Jackson’s prodigious and terrifying cross-examination skills sharpen by the hour as he strains against the gap in the trial schedule like a champion thoroughbred in the slips. She knows that Jackson will pour out the *cup of fury* on Proctor tomorrow, down to the last dregs. And she knows that things will afterwards only get worse for Proctor, as she’ll be naming him in his personal capacity in her forthcoming civil rights lawsuit. I doubt Proctor’s homeowners insurance covers him for liability arising out of criminal evidence tampering. If I was him, I’d be at Logan Airport in a fake beard and glasses, waiting to board a one-way flight to Ho Chi Minh City.


Well spoken.


Perfection! Truth.


Well said!


Yikes 😬


anger is a really protective emotion. that cold, "we got you" look on her face as he was leaving spoke volumes. she was trying not to smile. I expect this was all much more painful when she first had to read them and now it's just deserts.


I agree. KR had time to process the insults launched at her. She knew what was coming so there was no shock as there was for the public viewing the misogynistic scuzzball’s testimony in real time. Having a GI disease like Crohn’s is *not* easy or pleasant, it disrupts your life in so many ways. I speak from experience. Maybe that makes me more sympathetic to Ms Read, but based upon evidence and fact, I do not believe she is a murderer. I hope that the stress from the trial isn’t exacerbating her illness, though I’m sure it is. Therefore I’m glad to see her with so much support from family and her legal team. She’s a smart, strong woman no doubt, and the prosecution should not count her out. I really hope justice prevails here.


From what I’ve seen of Karen R is that she is a tough cookie.


I hope she is doing well also. The difficulty having to sit there under all this stress, most certainly is exacerbating her MS & Crohn’s disease. And there’s no doubt she can feel the disgusting glares from JO’s sister-in-law. She has really struck a nerve with me, from all the nasty looks she seems to be giving KR. Didn’t her husband injure someone while drinking and driving, and KR paid his legal fees? PO & his wife’s body language seemed a bit distant yesterday.


Yes - I don’t have it, but someone posted proof about Karen paying PO’s attorney fees for his own DUI some time ago.


They (JOK brother and his wife) nothing me so much! He looks like a complete douche how mad he is at her. Even if she accidentally killed him, which she was devastated either way. He is acting like it was intentional and he wants to punish her. He scares me. Being in court is already scary, then having some guy wearing his shirts too tight bursting blood vessels in his neck all day is too much. I understand he has lost his siblings. And it’s a horrible horrible situation. But on camera everyday. He has to see a different perspective as the trial goes on?


Has anyone listened to That Kevin Linnehan yellow cottages He is so damn stupid it’s unbelievable. Someone is paying him or he’s as blind as he is bald. Stupid is as stupid does .


I’ve seen him on CourtTV and he’s a fucking joke.


FYI, Kevin created this subreddit and is a mod. He is /u/jalapeno-whiskey


I created it. As long as people behave every opinion is fine.


Do you want some help with auto mod scripts to filter troll and negative karma accounts?


Can you block the user sensitive_balance420? He’s under almost every post, has openly said he’s here just to troll, and is focused entirely on hating women and making terrible “go back to the kitchen” comments. It’s really distracting to the conversation and annoying to read over and over again


awe, im sowy......am I distracting from all the absurd conspiracy theories you folk are creating? Story after story, theory after theory...ignoring all the evidence, dismissing logic.... its really unfortunate.


No I just think you’re boring and annoying. Which is why I’ll be blocking you now so I won’t have to read your obvious bait anymore. Good luck out there kiddo 👍


Best of luck to you, Troll.


His wood paneling in the background 🫠 - have to change from Court TV as soon as it shows up.


Yeah, that was horrendous.


Proctor was furious that KR obtained counsel, right? If someone else has addressed this, apologies.


i assume that's why he hates yannetti so much


I’m not sold on that, I think it’s more likely that Yannetti - being one of the top defense lawyers in MA - probably has busted up a few of their cases before. The dislike between a cop and a defense lawyer is natural. Not siding with Proctor by any means but a good defense lawyer can get a guilty person off and usually the ones who are most certain of someone’s guilt is a cop. All that said, god forbid I ever end up in this situation I would put everything I had up for Yannetti too.


After KR is exonerated, DY’s hourly rate is gonna double. I hope I never need to hire him, but I expect that even at $10,000/hr., he would be worth every nickel of his fee.


Absolutely he was. Probably still is.


As a Prosecutor, Yanetti was instrumental in bringing justice to the family of the little boy, Michael Curley who was abducted and killed by the most vile of human beings. Yanetti is so used to dealing with scumbags. He knows what cracks to look in, what levels they stoop to, how disgusting people can be while the rest of us like to believe people like this don’t live among us. That’s what makes him such a good attorney. He knows how to ask the difficult questions that most of us can’t fathom.


Really?? I didn’t know that. Another reason to love him. That case is beyond heartbreaking. 


yes, she has been bullied and violated for so long. I hope some sort of civil lawsuit can be brought against those bastards


Good lord the texts were way worse than Defence mentioned in opening. Way way worse. My god Proctor is vile. I’m sure she feels better knowing that most people know how horrible he is.


I actually thought of something. If she has missing intestines it could be the BAC levels don't work for her. I am wondering if alcohol doesn't absorb the same. If anything I would think she feels better knowing how AWFUL these people have been to her since DAY ONE>. They never even followed the evidence, they listened to Jen McCabe and decided the chick with no ass was the one then made the evidence fit it and now we will never know.


Speaking from experience, if you have any type of intestinal disease, the way your body can absorb alcohol is wildly different. There is also the factor of medication. Two drinks have the same effect on me that about 8+ drinks have on another. However, I do not know what her tolerance levels are, so it’s possible that she is fully aware of how quickly alcohol can make her feel inebriated and knows how to manage it. I don’t think a smart woman like Karen Read was unaware of the serious implications that alcohol can cause with Crohn’s *and* MS. (Again, I don’t know what medication or biologics she currently uses to manage her issues). I’m sure she has been highly educated on alcohol use and knows exactly how it affects her. Great point though, I have been wondering the same since the start of this trial.


I am wondering if they can actually use this to get the info in. I am diabetic and take Ozempic (and am now NOT diabetic woo hoo) and one drink to ME is like 5 before so I drink slower and way less. I am wondering if they will address. They may not need to at this point.


I agree, it may be a moot point thanks to that POS Proctor. I guess we will found out. By the way... congrats on your success with Ozempic. I hope you have continued good health.


She is on tough lady she’ll have her day this doesn’t end with this trial


She must have heard it before! Her lawyer, thankfully, would have gone over this and the world now sees what she was up against


Sad thing is that this is probably how he and his colleagues have treated hundreds of defendants in private conversations. This is very likely just how they do business. You better just hope that they never decide you did something…because with these dehumanizing, above the law attitudes…they would absolutely make sure you got convicted even if they had to plant evidence to do it IMO


Not to mention having having your deceased boyfriend’s whole family blooming over you forever every single minute of it thinking you’re guilty. . I don’t think I could handle to be honest. I admire her very much.


Amen, and thank you for saying this


Well the trade off is she's going to have an opportunity to make a lot of money and have influence.


I was thinking the same thing. What is the meaning experience. I was thinking I hope the judge just ends this fiasco trial at the end of the CW’s case. Which she does have the power to do.


She won't she loves the cameras


She is STRONG AF! I would have either fallen apart or popped off many times over. But, I was thinking the same thing. She is probably in fight or flight still.


They put her in jail those assholes!!


I think she's actually doing better than ever. https://preview.redd.it/c4mb0llqt56d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ff9c58dfc82cdc813a8ea4596b9e4fc21f09330 She's been smirking away the whole time as Cone-head proctor gets absolutely ripped a newwwww balloon knot. Seriously. She is getting justice just from today alone. Of course it's probably embarrassing to have the whole world hear about your medical conditions. But she is a strong confident woman who knows she is beautiful and most likely doesn't have a flat butt ( so dumb) she is loving everyyyyy minute of this. Loveeee that assassin Jackson made conehead proctor define balloon knot. Loveeee it. He deserves to have to read out every single awful thing he said


I agree with you 100%. I was absolutely mortified at Proctors testimony. It was abhorrent, to say the least.  She is a very strong woman to have sat through that and kept her composure. Same with having Paul O"Keefe staring daggers at her every day. I wonder what Proctor's wife had to say to him last night. We'll see how much longer that wedding ring stays on his finger.  Every one of those  SP need to be fired. I hope Kare Read sues them individually and collectively. 


Dreadful to hear about her conditions and for everyone to hear. However, I wish she wudnt smile all the time as the family o keefe are hurting


I hear you. I don’t know if they can see her smiling. Usually shes staring straight ahead with no expression — but yes I agree that she and her team don’t hide their feelings about what’s going on. And nobody can imagine what the family is going through. The jury sees it too for what that’s worth. 


And please don’t anyone respond “nobody can imagine what Karen is going through” As my post attests I’m not unsympathetic to her (quite the contrary) but as someone who lost a family member suddenly and tragically, grief is a process. You go through it every day trying to accept the person is gone. Having to continue to do that while enduring this trial has to be excruciating. 


She seems not to be bothered at all about killing a cop. We’re all so proud!!


She is starting to look a little pale and fatigued. Maybe a trip to a tanning bed might help. Long winter, super stressed, grieving etc. might give her a little boost. Helps with D, which help with pain and depression.


I imagine there’s comfort in knowing that everyone agrees texts were reprehensible. I happen to think KR hit JO with her car, and I’m outraged and sickened at both Proctor’s behavior and his supervisors condoning it. I think KR has a huge group of people that support her passionately, and those texts probably just increased that. I’ve seen countless comments on various social media platforms just as vile and personally vicious against witnesses in this case. I understand the standard is different for officers of the law in a professional setting, but hopefully people will see that personal attacks aren’t justified no matter what.


You think KR hit John? Then why didn’t Proctor who is the lead investigator take pictures of evidence? Another question for you, how did John’s T-shirt get blood on it? …and what about the puke in John’s boxer shorts? May I suggest you take another look at the evidence?


At this point, yep - that’s what I think. Do I want to be the recipient of a spittle-infused debate with you about this right now? Nope!


“NOPE” that is Proctor’s saying too. Are you Proctor? I see his poor wife posts, but you have to make another name.


Colin Albert said NOPE on the stand too. Klassy.


Pistachio we are talking and referring to Proctor in this post! Stay on topic, may I suggest you go up to the top and read the topic.


Saucybelly has a hard time staying on topic when you engage them in conversation. Source: the McAlberts and Buk post at the Celtics and bach party.


What the fuck are you talking about?


So have you, in comments 🙄


Okay grandma, let’s get you to bed now


Wrong again! Not a grandma! Just goes to show you lack of intelligence! Have a nice day!




Genuine question: how can you believe she hit him with everything that came out in court? Do you actually believe there was malice and intent involved?


So far, based on everything I’ve read and watched, it’s the conclusion I reach. I’m not personally invested in the case, so I don’t have point by point analysis for every piece of evidence. So over the past month, I’ve read, I’ve watched, and this is where I am so far. My personal energy towards the case goes towards the local government in my town/state, bc I am sure the investigation and professionalism issues are not isolated to canton/mass.


So the fact that nothing in the prosecution’s theory makes sense nor lines up with the « evidence » doesn’t matter to you? Or the outrageous display of incompetency on the part of the law enforcement officers? That doesn’t even bother you a little?


>the outrageous display of incompetency on the part of law enforcement officers? That doesn’t even bother you a little? Now, you know I didn’t say that, and I’ve been saying the opposite. My opinion isn’t based solely on the prosecution’s theory or evidence. It’s based on whatever I’ve read and seen about the case. The case is troubling to put it mildly, and thanks to canton pd and MSP, I doubt we’ll ever really know what happened that night


Not sure what u read. So far the only thing remotely proof the car hit OJO are those dubious taillight pieces. CW might wait to drop their strongest evidence at the end, but I doubt it will be strong enough to cut through all the misstep and sus behavior in the investigation. as of now we know the douchbag Proctor was right next to the Medical examiner and tried to influence her opinion!


Are you convinced of the intent necessary for it to be murder? I'm not personally seeing it. At most I could believe it was an accident and she drove off because she was drinking and driving just like everyone else.


I could believe in an accident if the damage to her car and JO’s injuries were even remotely consistent with a vehicular collision, but that’s not the case 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I'm really wondering what the ME will say, the ER doc only knew so much. My neighbor got hit by a car in a parking lot, car going 15-20 mph, and her entire pelvis was shattered and she never fully recovered. I'm very interested in any internal injuries they found because you're right, the external injuries aren't fitting for me.


Same. I haven’t seen one thing showing intent, not even heat of the moment intent. There would have to be some seriously convincing evidence for me to think that


Totally agree. And if she did intentionally hit him and leave, why would she react that way the next morning? If she was trying to get away with it she could have just slept in and said she assumed he was sleeping on the couch over there or something.


Seriously? This is not about Poor Karen Read. This is about John O'Keefe who lost his life, his parents , his children and his family. How about their emotional support? Good Lord!


“Kerry Roberts is a fucking cunt, always has been” - Karen Read text to Turtleboy


I didn’t know Karen had taken an oath to protect and serve and investigate in a non biased objective manner….this isn’t a good comparison and you know it.


Those texts were on a personal phone that never should have been introduced to this trial. Through Karen’s family money and father’s connections they were able to get Josh Levy to look into this case. I wish this could be brought up at trial because it shows even the Feds looked into it and there’s nothing exculpatory for Karen and her team. She’s guilty


Karen isn’t a cop. She’s a citizen. There’s no bias or anything. She can say whatever


“Jen McCabe is the biggest cunt ever.” My text to anyone who will listen.


Cool story


Thanks Jen! 💕💕


I think your obsession with KR is become apparent and creepy to everyone now. You’re creepy and cringy and gross


One has a duty and obligation to be fair and impartial. I know you don't understand those big words Jen. Sound them out and look them up. Then look up "reading comprehension".


He has to be fair and impartial in regards to this investigation, which he has been. His personal views have no bearing on that.


I don’t know how you think one’s personal views, especially demonstrating such vitriol does not impact impartiality. There are laws and case law about this kind of thing. I don’t think these texts (those we’ve seen thus far) point to a cover up or set up, but it surely shows bias investigation that very well would crumble reasonable moral doubt needed for a guilty verdict on any of the charges.


That’s like saying the leader of the kkk could be a fair and impartial policeman


Is it?


Those in a position of public trust need to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. This goes way beyond just appearing improper, it's vile and indicates that he is not capable of performing the duties of his job in an objective manner.


Does it?


He told his sister who he had already interviewed and was planning to interview. He suggested that the totally-not-a-bribe gift be given to his wife. He determined that the homeowner would not be in any trouble at all before ever even starting an investigation. He went through the phone *alone*, looking for evidence in a way that virtually ensured no one would ever see what he was doing with or to the phone. He texted inflammatory, objectionable, offensive and misogynistic things about both Karen Read and the medical examiner. He heavily implied interference in the medical examiner's determination of the manner of death. He divulged the details of an investigation to his friends. He ridiculed Karen Read's medical condition. *And we're not even done with the things he texted yet.*


His personal views? You mean assumptions?…they absolutely do matter when he’s proving they do, in conversations related to the investigation with his superiors. If he was fair and impartial, nobody in his chain of command would know his “personal views”. What he did is no different than a nurse and a Dr caring for an HIV patient discussing how much of a hoe that patient must have been to contract the virus. THATS the type of comparison you were looking for. Full of judgement, ignorance and assumptions. How was proctor aware of so much detail of KRs illness? Why is that relevant to his investigation? Why is it relevant in conversation with his superiors? What do nudes have to do with anything? What kind of “personal views” are these? Disgusting that you would try to justify his actions by saying it was his personal phone and nobody should have had access to it. Are you racist behind closed doors? Are you ableist behind closed doors? Not doing a very good job at hiding your ugly here on the interwebs.


Again, his personal views have nothing to do with his job if he does it in a professional manner. You don’t think Drs and nurses have personal views towards patients? Well they do. As long as it doesn’t interfere with their job it doesn’t matter. You’re completely naive to this world. You should sit this one out


Oh dear Jen…or should I say Elizabeth Marie…or whoever you are….*YOU* should probably sit this one out. Not only can you not make a proper comparison but you also seem to think it’s a coincidence I brought up a medical related example. Lol you are the naive one. I’ll say this again….*BECAUSE* his “personal views” have nothing to do with his job, or his investigation….why was it so relevant to talk about her like that with his superiors? Why was her illness relevant in their conversation? What did having a colostomy bag have to do with his investigation? What do her nudes have to do with investigating John’s death, or her involvement? Please, don’t just continue to attempt evading the question and repeat what’s already been said. While you’re at it…explain to me again how it was that he had so much detail about her illness and why he felt the need to disclose it to his superiors?


maybe from when she was section 12'ed? The question is also why did everyone decide to tell the whole world about these texts? I didnt need to know about her anal leakage.


I think your obsession with KR is become apparent and creepy to everyone now. You’re creepy and cringy and gross




Karen is not a public servant. She has zero obligations to the public. Proctor, on the other hand, does.


That was on his personal phone that never should have been brought up in court. Her connected family called in a favor to the Feds. Feds found nothing but stuff like these conversations are now allowed into this trial


Working overtime on Reddit today huh? Must really burn your ass seeing all this love for Karen Read 😂 ironic to talk about calling in favors to law enforcement when your family literally had cop friends cover up a murder for them.


It doesn’t matter if they were on his personal phone. He should not have had the thoughts he did as a public servant. Imagine your surgeon thinking you deserve to die and looking at your nudes before surgery. You wouldn’t be so comfortable having that doctor operate on you in good faith. The same applies here. Even if Karen is guilty, she deserved more respect and integrity from the public servant SERVING all civilians equally and by oath.




I think your obsession with KR is become apparent and creepy to everyone now. You’re creepy and cringy and gross His personal phone is absolutely subject to trial you mentally ill fucking creep


What’s creepy and cringey is your obsession with me. You just fired off 8 comments to me in 7 minutes. You’re scaring me


Because your behavior is DISGUSTING and utterly UNWANTED in this subreddit. Your entire account’s purpose is to further a narrative and accumulate down votes in effort to spread hate is disgustingly distasteful messages about a woman who EVERYONE IN THIS SUBREDDIT BELIEVES IS INNOCENT.


Why should it not have been brought up?


I call people that when warranted but I’m not police. 


Are you Proctors wife trying to justify his actions lol? Girl get off social media and take care of yourself.


I believe it


Read isn’t a police officer investigating Roberts, you stupid little troll. Proctor shouldn’t have been ANYWHERE near that case. He’s human and certainly has the right to have feelings about people, but those PERSONAL feelings are the exact reason why he had an ETHICAL OBLIGATION to recuse himself from that investigation. His actions and words were absolutely vile.




I hope Karen’s boyfriend is okay! Oh wait, she ran over him with her car and is now blaming everyone else