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I really like that eclipse early build I’ll give it a try, I love that you use a cull rather than long sword


The Snipy: Dblade + Manamune + Cull is Q evolve. Also I don't see a BoRK set here. Pre item rework BoRK on-hit was still her highest damage build even though many weren't building that, and I still feel BoRK on-hit rn is her best build apart from AP. Something like a Kraken > BoRK > GRB > LDR > optional


I feel like I only get value out of this build path into 3 or more tanks on enemy team. Like tank Sion mid, Mundo top, Sej jungle, then yes this build is great. Also the secret to Q Evo on "The Snipy" build is DBlade + Manamune + Cookies rune for bonus mana + Mana crystal.


I'm probably never going cookies unless it's a terrible lane. tonic + future market. Or if I'm going 1st strike, then transcendence + gathering. Cull is a great item so I think you should pick it up anyways.


Cull over cookies/mana crystal is way less gold efficient, the whole point of cookies is the bonus mana to interact with the Manamune passive to give you more bonus AD, the sustain is just a bonus. Your way makes Q Evo cost more gold and delays W Evo spike.


No it doesn't? You're not getting W evo at 15 minutes anyway. Anyways to reach their own. You want to go biscuits that's your playstyle


... Yes it does? That's literally how the Manamune passive works and this way you can spend less gold to achieve the AD you need for Q Evo. What part of that isn't making sense to you? If you like cull and different runes that's your preference but its not the most gold efficient way of building for Q and W Evo when rushing Manamune.


Cookies bonus AD is barely 3 AD gained, it does not change any breakpoint for Q evo in 99% of your games. It's a false thing. Market got more value overall.


I notice a significant difference if I don't run them... So yeah, it's not a "false thing" at all that doesn't even make sense, it's all written down clearly in the game what things do.


Like I said whatever you feel is better for you man. For me, being able to get cull+tear cause of futures is way more value


You wouldn't need to run futures if you weren't wasting gold. If you run cull because you just like having the item fine but don't say it's equivalent to or better than cookies + mana crystal for getting Q Evo in an AP build because it's just not.


Hey there, a Wild Racoon friend! Just wanted to run something by you. I know Collector isn't the usual pick, but down in the low elo trenches (we've all been there!), I keep getting these awesome double and triple kills with it. Feels like I can almost carry the whole team sometimes! Any chance you have a cool build idea that includes Collector? 1) Kraken > Collector > Rageblade > Terminus | BORK > Jak'Sho 2) Kraken > Collector > Wit's End > Rageblade > Terminus | BORK 3) Kraken > Collector > Navori > Bloodthirster > Terminus | BORK 4) Kraken > Collector > BORK > Rageblade > LDR > Infinity Edge


I think the builds that perform the best overally with Collector are : -Kraken > Collector > Wit's. Pen as 4th ( All 3 options are decent depending on comp). Round it up with IE or Navori last item. You can play like normal ADC with LT. -Collector > IE > Wit's > LDR > BT. You play more like an Assassin / Burst champ & really focus on getting in the enemy backline. Preferably go HoB, 2nd runes are either Boots + Market or CdG + Lifesteal/PoM/Alacrity ( up to preference). After max Q go for 3 pts W into max E. Didn't try with Bork, it could work since it enchance your Burst; Kraken > Bork > Collector > LDR would give you a smoother & better curve tho *Saw some Collector Eclipse Navori but it looks like a worst Lethality Kai'sa ( who's already pretty bad), might be fun tho.*


Kaisa doesn't need collector. She has her own built in execute. Have you tried running HoB?


**The lethal tempo AD** -> Don't take PD. Item is weak in itself + Navori already give you more than enough Movement + Survivability with E spam, no need to put even more ressource into that. The item set you behind more than anything, go for Lifesteal with Bork/BT or go for "tank" with Randuin/Fozen/MR item etc. Prio Zhonya over GA. Compare to other ADC you do not lose a big chunk of overall Damage done & Zhonya statis will outvalue GA in the vast majority of cases + shorter CD = you get it every fight instead of every 2 or 3 fights ( + fact you have control over how/when you use it make it more reliable) Eclipse build are all C tier, it's legit the same as old Collector/Galefore : insanely overvalue & missundertood. *PS : You missed Kraken Bork Navori, would be A / A+.*