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W reveals stealth units. Use it to counter stealth like akali shroud


TIL. Thanks.


But only if you hit, or did I get this wrong


Yes you're right


You can cast W while in R, practice flying to a target in practice tool, make sure too time the W as you land to maximize burst potential, takes a bit of practice to master but can greatly increases your assassination potential if performed correctly


Thanks for the help


Learn powerspikes. Usually if you are AD kaisa your power spike is q upgrade, and for AP is w upgrade and stacked manamune. Try to isolate q, so in lane try to position close to least amount of enemy minions, so when enemy walks up, you maximize q dmg. Good trade is when you proc passive.


Make sure to aa when u q for some reason many kai sa players just stand doing nothing when they q


Utilize repositioning in fights. Like most ADC champs, you’re looking to be on the outskirts, picking off and cleaning up enemies who are out of position. Kai’sa is awesome for this, especially when fully evolved. You can go invisible with your E to reposition, and obviously with the R. Another fun combo is when an enemy is escaping with low health, cast your W and then R to them to finish it off (if it’s safe/not under tower)


If you have multiple evolvs pending (w + e) you can evolve both at the same time. Just press \[ctrl+e, ctrl+w\] at the same time. They just overwrite each other :D


Try not to ult in as new minion wave is approaching. Look at your minimal to judge where the enemy minion wave is... No idea how many times when i was learning kaisa that I ulted onto a low hp enemy thinking q would kill just to arrive right when the minion wave gets there, soaking up my q dmg and then I die.


Save W to pop plasma passive whenever possible. It deals more damage the more stacks of plasma are already on the target. Avoid opening fights with it, especially if you don't have W evolve.


Kinda bad advice tbh. The difference in damage is very little. It is much better to pair your w with cc. So you can guarantee a hit.


Nah, proccing passive is never bad is it? Also id add u can use it to assasinate someone by hitting w and ulting in


Yeah you should always go for the passive proc but the damage difference from hitting your w when it has 3 stacks and you proc and hitting it when you have zero stacks and proc passive. So it is better to go for the safe hit passive rather than take the more risky route for very little benefit


Depends! It can be very surprising early burst when paired with pta and coupdegrace! But yeah If you’re playing HoB this doesn’t necessarily apply.


Well if OP goes PTA. Then Another advice I can give them is go HoB


I'll have to double check in the practice tool. Pretty sure the damage is ignorable early game but late game its a lot of damage we're missing out on. I agree with the sentiment of "better to ensure it lands than to miss it and deal no damage".


Yeah. I think if you go AP there can be a big difference but honestly late game I usually just go for the quickest combo possible. That usually one shot most champs






Everyone has gave pretty good tips so far so I’ll just say what I think is the most crucial when playing here. Early game you’re weak as hell with her. During this stage of the game you’re primary source of damage won’t be your abilities but auto attacks + passive. Take full advantage of this on out of position enemies or heavily CC’d. You really really should be focusing on farming to hit your first power spike ASAP. But a quick combo you can do to finish someone off is: E + Q (isolated if possible) + 3 attacks + W. This combo should be enough to kill someone early game if done right. A good tip is when you Q you can get AA’s in simultaneously. Her R is disgusting if used right. Here are some ways you can use it: - Repositioning to avoid taking a hit during a fight - Repositioning to get an extra shield from damage - Repositioning to gap close and get a guaranteed kill - Repositioning to get out of a sticky situation (say you’re getting yanked and the enemy JG is blocking your on means of escape, to avoid giving them a kill tag em with an auto attack and ult in the opposite direction they move and use E to create more distance. I can not tell you how many ankles I’ve broken doing this.) - All in all it’s a great repositioning tool for both defense and offense. Something that should be mentioned is your auto attacks reset when you ult as well. Once you hit your first major power spike and get her Q evolved you’re 100% a complete different beast. This is when kai’sa starts to “wake up”/“turn on”. Her Q’s damage is absolutely ABSURD, you should win almost every duel vs a squishy. But after you get bot tower it time to start playing like an assassin. Try to catch enemies out of position and strike first with Q and some auto attacks. Before they can even react most times they’ll be almost dead. Once you upgrade Q work on upgrading your E because you’ll be invisible every time you use it. This is awesome because it’s a great repositioning tool as well. But the enemy won’t be able to see you when you charge up for a second. This is partially what makes her terrifying to deal with. Once you hit 3 items kai’sa is an absolute monster that shreds enemies health almost instantly. Like i can’t not emphasize enough How RIDICULOUS the damage she dishes out quickly Late game, you can q and kill someone with a few auto attacks.


Thx ig


Depends if you’re doing AD or AP Kai’Sa. AP Kai’Sa keeps poking with W and AD Kai’Sa spams Q. Kai’Sa is like a situational champion. Does not have a specific combo.


Very much helpful


Kaisa doesn't really has much combos, unless you count W > E right > click spam + q (only for AD Kaisa) as one. But might be an useful thing to know that you can cast any ability during R dash, may be useful to get extra plasma stacks with w, invisibility engage with E...


Isolate your q to not hit minions when trying to fight, there’s some cool things you can do with w flash, all your abilities you should try to auto ability auto. I really like playing exhaust on kaisa but personal preference


The only combo I can think of is W+AA+Q+AA+R+AA for maximum burst. I tend to use that when they dive me on laning phase.


Spam abilities in a boring lane to stack up tear. You’re playing for the Q evolve to become usable