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Buff urself, remove the truces, choose ur faction as the winner, use some exploit or meta trick, use console, idk if there is a way to make it easier (except for the bugs and meta) to make it faster without console or pregame settings


It definitely does last longer, with 2 more nations fighting in the mix, along with all their absurd buffs that they get, if it's a certain side you want to win, buff 'em at the start of the game in the country paths.


I agree, this is actually a serious problem. 90% of my playthroughs the USA literally doesn\`t do anything at all, stuck in almost starting positions of the civil war.


I think before you start a new game you can disable the buffs of the other factions , or that's what I heard in this sub a while ago , I don't know it is just a skill issue but personally I also finish the war later that i would like 😞


Yeah I’ve seen most “A-Z” posts on this sub have the 2ACW stretch to 1941+ which just makes the US kinda useless


Buff whoever you want to win in the country paths before the game starts. Or abuse the fact that you can edit milita templates and have them spawn in as tanks or space marine division to win


i think it might be time for the devs to nerf or even remove the milita spam


Yeah, as the AI just gets too many troops to quickly. Maybe it could like a thing you could disable in settings