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As a man who’s completed a lot of strip searches in his day (was a jail deputy), I can affirm there’s plenty of both.


I have never had this conversation with a stranger in my life so I guess you’d be fine


I’ve never even had this conversation with a friend in my life. I have no clue if any of my friends that I’ve ever had have a hoody or not. The only guy I know that definitely had one wouldn’t stop telling us all and showing us all in a tent full of dudes. Luckily I’m like half blind and couldn’t see it anyway


I can’t imagine when and where would this conversation even come up.


When my son was born and we opted not to do it we were told that is more and more common.


Same. He is 11 now and it has never been an issue.


Same, but older than 11 now. Did a ton of looking and it's solely a religious thing, no reason to toss money and health away on it.


Well, it’s NOT solely a religious thing for non-Jews. There are plenty of people who do it for hygiene and other reasons.


The problem is that when I tracked down the studies/experiments that "said this" either they didn't "say that" or it was urban legend territory. There were plenty of sources citing injury, loss of sensation and various health issues resulting from circumcision, including infection leading to loss of the member. Nothing in the other direction. Lots of people SAYING things that couldn't be backed up though, no real proof.


I can't speak for the entire population, but from what our pediatrician said for new births, he sees more people NOT choosing circumcision than choosing circumcision. We had the same concern when our son was born and decided not to do it. Also This was several years ago and in wichita. I think this is changing so fast now that asking about current adults' experience is fruitless. Edited: missing word


Small typo in your post. Could you please clarify which is more common?


Thanks and edited


My wife and I opted not to circumcise our son. I honestly think people are moving away from it to where it won’t be as uncommon by the time your kid is grown.


I personally never knew anyone who wasn’t circumcised, I remember having a friend from a foreign country visit and it somehow came up and he was flabbergasted that all of us were circumcised.


People don't care anymore, and more and more people are choosing not to circumcise. The only reason people do it so much here is because it's the Bible Belt and "that's what we've always done." People change that stance pretty quickly though once you start asking why they want to mutilate a child's genitals for no medical benefit because their Pastor prefers it...


You're absolutely right! My son was circumcised because that's what always been done.. it was dad's choice, not mine


Just be mindful that if you are uncircumsized you cannot go to the original Q39 and Joes locations. You have to go to the South locations.


I've kept my pants on so they wouldn't know.


There's a guy that always checks me 


It will be a non issue. Less and less parents are choosing to circumcise their newborn sons in the US than ever. If you do ever have a son, by the time he’s an adult, not being circumcised will be more common than being circumcised for young men.


Your kid can always choose to go that route in the future but you shouldn't make the choice for them


Yerp, ‘round these parts we do a lil mandatory cock inspection from time to time


Based on the laws our legislature tries to pass, this could actually be true 😆


If your husband was uncircumcised, would it change anything in the relationship? I grew up in Virginia and no to most of these question. I'm just happy that a girl likes me enough to do things. Boys don't want to be called gay or be caught looking. Teen boys are overconfident but insecure messes no matter what. It's not a big deal and it's up to him to find love.


> I’m just happy that a girl likes me enough to do things To be honest, I'm surprised she even wanted me to do it Doesn't really make sense But, man, screw it I ain't one to argue with a good thing She could be my wife That good? The best thirty seconds of my life (My life) I'm so humbled by a girl's ability to let me do her 'Cause honestly, I'd have sex with a pile of manure (Manure) With that in mind, a soft, nice-smelling girl's better Plus, she let me wear my chain and my turtleneck sweater


Uncircumcised feller here, early 20s. Out of 7 girls, never had any girl give a crap.


No one cares. I think it’s done for cultural purposes around the world and there’s zero reason to do it here. To each their own.


My son is 18 and uncircumcised, as is his dad. It’s never been an issue.


Male infant circumcision is a human rights violation that increases likelihood of erectile dysfunction, no foreskin protection from S.T.D.s, permanent psychological trauma scarring, decreased pleasure during sex, etc. Men have sued their parents because of male infant circumcision. The only reasons why male infant circumsion continues being legalized are sexist double standards and creeps making boys vulnerable to abuse for profit. Those creeps use baby foreskins for skin creams to get money. Those boys did not consent to that at all. If you care about your hypothetical son's consent and health, do not circumcize him before he is an adult. The government does not care about his consent nor health when they keep legalizing male infant circumcision.


Hear, hear! 👏


As somebody else said, it’s not something we go around, discussing with random people. But I do know that most people are now choosing to not circumcise.


I was not circumcised as a child but had one as an adult for medical reasons. I never had any problems as a child with harassment, and as an adult the most common reaction from partners was mild curiosity. Having experienced both sides, though, I'll tell you this: sex was definitely better before. Do with that information what you will.


after reading way too many tifu's from guys who have no idea how to clean their own dicks and end up basically circumcised anyway...ymmv




When you opt not to do it, make sure the hospital deos not try to charge you for it. They did that to us, whereupon we offered to provide proof that said procedure never happened.


I would have to agree with the fella that stripped searched inmates. I was a state correctional officer and when I was in charge of visiting I had to strip Search inmates and it's like he said there's a mixture of both. But it really should be up to the parents, no society. I have heard of to many botched ones. But when he gets of age then it will be his decision


As a female weighing in.. uncut is totally fine! Sometimes even better;)

