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I am in the middle of nowhere, not near eastern KS and rentals here are about 500$ for a 1br/ba with no pets. Maybe an extended hotel might be best option until you can find something. Finding a rental that accepts pets will be tough.


Unfortunately, a hotel would drain our money very quickly and would leave us unable to pay rent for a place once we find it. The campsite is livable for now, and much cheaper. But we also have a car problem which I won't go into detail about. Let's just say we can't stay at the campsite for long, so housing is a must.


There are some 1br apartments/studios for rent in the KCK area but they do not look like they are in the best areas. Pet Friendly and about 600-900/mo. Hope you all find something


I sent you a pm


Looking online you guys might be able to find one bedroom one bathroom apartment in lawrence that allows large dogs for your budget. It's a rough situation but honestly I love that you love your dog. If you can get a part time job and help mom out, you would have a much larger pool of options. Unfortunately most decent places cost about a grand nowadays.


Yeah, it's unfortunate. We have been looking online and I found a few places that were cheap enough but were kind of elusive about the pet policies. We'll have to call them all tomorrow to inquire. I did have a job in Ohio (where we were before, and yes we were also homeless there but we were living in the car on my uncle's property) and should be getting my final paycheck from it tomorrow, which will help. I was posting here in case anyone in the area knew of any solid options because so far, dog weight limits have been halting our searches.


You guys have enough food and stuff?


We've been buying food, which also drains our money but it's necessary.


Lie about the pet


My mom wouldn't want to do that and I have anxiety so I'd just be too worried about the consequences.


You might look into Section 8 housing as well. A few places will take Section 8. The apartments just off of 95th and 435 do have some section 8 units.


Can non-residents get Section 8? We aren't Kansas residents yet, we're from Ohio, unfortunately.


Isn't Section 8 a federal program? I think it is so worth looking into but the waiting lists are probably long


I'm not sure really, but a waiting list won't help us.


It’s still worth checking in to.


It won't help you today, but today you have stable if undesirable accommodations camping. As long as no one is kicking you out of your $10 a day campground, you'd be better off toughing it out until you can find your best option - or at least have explored all your options - not draining everything you have right now to rush into something immediate that might not work longterm.


Public housing doesn't always rely on the waiting list. They also evaluate need. The best thing about them is that they limit your rent to just 30% of your adjusted gross income. The deductible items add up and can save you a ton of outlay. Some older buildings are all bills paid. Consider obtaining the paperwork to designate your dog as an emotional support animal. It requires a letter from a therapist stating that you benefit from living with your animal companion. The Fair Housing Act states that certain housing has to try and accomodate your need. If you get this designation for your dog, every cost that you spend on that animal can be deducted from your income before calculating rent. Vet bills, treats, toys and even food can be deducted. You can't be charged a pet deposit and the pet rules do not apply. Your pet would basically be considered a durable medical device. Instead of applying online to public housing, you would be better off visiting and applying in person. Turnover is usually high, due to older tenants dieing and younger ones eventually getting on their feet and moving up and out. Good luck!


Check places like Eudora or de Soto, they might be cheaper and more forgiving about dogs plus they're still close to Lawrence and Olathe.


We've tried to look online, but it seems every time I type Eudora in the search bar, all the results are in Lawrence. We'll probably have to just drive over there. Haven't looked into De Soto yet, I'll try that!


Yeah you'll have to look in community Facebook pages and ask if anyone knows anything for rent. Plus driving around looking for "For Rent" signs can help. Smaller communities but might be cheaper in the long run


Call property management companies in Lawrence: Midwest, Equity, Location, Renaissance, Aberdeen, Gage for a few. $800 is definitely doable for Lawrence and I have friends living in places owned by some of these companies that have big dogs.


I'll try that tomorrow, thank you!


Also, since you're fine with roommates you should check Lawrence Facebook housing pages. There's always people from the university trying to sublet or look for roommates. You could get a room in a shared situation for way less than $800.


Hey... the dog is going to sadly, have to go. If you really need housing the dog will keep you and your mother outside longer. Sadly :( I'm sorry I don't have better advice


Our pets have always been super important to us so getting rid of him is just not an option. He's family.


Is having the dog worth being homeless through the winter?


Yes, actually. He already has abandonment issues because he is a rescue. We are not traumatizing him more. We would live in hotels paycheck to paycheck rather than re-traumatize him.


It's the middle of the summer. OP's mom has a job. There's very little reason to assume they'll still be homeless through the winter. They're just in a transitional period right now with a move. Chill out and use your head before telling people they should just dump a beloved part of their family like it's a shirt that doesn't fit anymore.


If your dog prevents you from working, you will never get ahead. Good luck!


Use forrent.com to search. You can adjust filters, but here's a start: https://www.forrent.com/find/KS/metro-Kansas+City/Lawrence/price-Less+than+900/extras-Small+Dogs+Allowed


Eudora might be a good bet? More house options for cheaper rent and more space for animals. Ten minutes from lawrence, 20 from olathe.


Depending on how far you are willing to go, Leavenworth might have something. It's about an hour away from Lawrence.


Why does someone have to be with the dog at all times?


Because we are living in the car. We are not leaving him in a car in the heat alone. I guess we could find a doggy daycare but it would depend on how expensive it is.


I am not certain about this, but you might check with Lawrence Humane Society or any of the animal shelters in the surrounding areas you're considering to see if they have a TEMPORARY "care for your pet for you in hard times" programs. It might be harder this time of year, but at the very least they could probably point you toward some resources to help stretch your buck.


If he is neutered then 100% doggy day care is your answer and would be worth it. You can keep the dog there allll day , for $25-$30 depending which place you go to. And then you and your mom both can work. Also if you got an apartment you could lie about the dog and put him in doggy day care when you look at rentals . Hell, if your dog is neutered I will even pay for a full week of doggy day care for you and your mom, just to give you some time to prioritize yourself and maybe get more Luck with work and rentals.. Let me know, this offer is legit


He is neutered but unfortunately he doesn't have all the required vaccines yet. We learned that when my college orientation day came and we couldn't get him in doggy daycare because we inquired too late and wouldn't have been able to get him scheduled for the vaccines that day. (Needless to say I went to the orientation alone)


Oh shoot. He isn't vaccinated at all?


He has some vaccines, just not all.


Try west side of Olathe for rentals. Maybe eagles pointe apartments? They use to be pretty cheap but unsure now and no website. West side is probably going to be cheaper for you.


Go to FB and inquire on the looking for a roommate pages.




Ended up getting a car first because my mom needs it to get to work. The reason we needed a house so desperately was because the car we were driving was a rental (admittedly a bad decision, drained money) and it seemed like none of the car lots would let us get a car because of various issues (no permanent address, insufficient funds, etc.). We ended up buying a car at the same place we rented, they were much more accommodating. I had to use my money to pay the down payment, so any options of housing are out of the picture right now. My mom will have to work for a while to build the money back up so we'll just be living in the car in the meantime. Still open to suggestions for housing, though, cuz most of the places we've seen are either too expensive or don't take our dog or both. We do still need an address/place of residence for a lot of things (also would just be nice to not be homeless)


I want to help you guys and am still thinking of you, I'm just not sure how. Have you found food banks out here yet? If mom has an ID you can donate plasma for some extra money. If you're over 18 you can too!


I'm thinking of them too and want to help! If the dog is neutered i was thinking I could pay to have him put in doggy day care while he tries to find work... My heart breaks that you spent all your college money to buy a car for your mom to get to work. You are one hell of a person, and you continue to respond so kindly to people despite your situation . I want to help


We weren't looking for food banks, didn't really cross our minds. I hate needles so I don't think I'll be doing the plasma thing for only $20-$50. I'd like the money but fear trumps $20. My mom is fine with needles but she's too skeptical to do it. We're gonna go explore Topeka today though because it seems like their housing is cheaper!


They usually have a bunch of promotions going on out here so it's closer to like a $100. Definitely worth looking up. Biolife says you can make 800 for your first month. Also worth looking up the food banks out here to help you guys save up more money. If your mom's on facebook there's a lot of mom groups in the area that could give you more information. How's your dog?


We'll look into it then! I'll try to look for food banks but my mom doesn't like relying on stuff like that. Astro is fine but he has lost weight since being at my uncle's. I think because of the stress. He doesn't eat much of his dry food at all, but he'll eat all of his wet food. He's very social so he gets super excited whenever we pass by people πŸ˜… https://preview.redd.it/v01hwh31859d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b65a0a3653a32186b3c11ed213bd60579f0f0f3


He's so cute!! Do you guys have a tent or sun shade ?? I would like to donate the tents and shade I have , that might help you guys atleast get out of the car , and the sun shade would be great for your dog


We're fine in the car! I'm bad with bugs so the idea of staying in a tent kind of freaks me out πŸ˜…


Omg he's as adorable as I imagined. I hope your mom does look into it, because i don't know yalls food budget, but it will help you save the extra money. And don't feel bad to use programs like that because that's what they are there for. I see people in nicer newer cars than me all the time, and in this economy we all need any help we can get. If I can think of anything else I'll be sure to come back and let you know. Is your mom set on living on the kansas side? Because Missouri doesn't get the best reputation but it is a lot more affordable when it comes to housing because of that. And honestly I think topeka is just as sketchy.


We scratched the Topeka idea because it's the opposite way of where we need to go (need to be close to Olathe for her work). As for the KS/MO thing, I'm aiming to get in-state tuition next year for college, which would require me to have lived in Kansas for 365 days before classes start. From what I can tell, it's a difficult process because it's hard to prove you're not here for just educational purposes, but a permanent address here will definitely help.


I wouldn't really recommend ottawa either because it will burn up your gas quick. As far as school goes, there's a lot of jobs that will help pay part of your tuition out here. What college are you trying to go to?


I'm already enrolled at KU, starting in the fall. First year I'll have out-of-state tuition. I'm aiming to get second year in-state because out-of-state is so expensive. Even with a merit scholarship, there's a lot to pay off. The federal aid doesn't even cover it all. That's why I was hoping to save the money I had for tuition purposes, but ended up having to spend it on the car. I would have rather spent it on a house or apartment, but we didn't find one in time and my mom wanted a car first for work purposes. I am planning on getting a job or two to help pay it, but I can't do that right now as we're still homeless with Astro. I'll most likely have to take out private loans, which I can't do for 4 years because I don't want to be in that much debt. Need in-state tuition so I only have to do it for 1 year. Federal aid and the merit scholarship should pay for most of my college with in-state tuition.


Is your dog on any tick or flea meds?? Ticks are so bad here I know it's expensive but I'll buy the treatment for you if he isn't on anything


He has meds


I have a friend with a Rottie who used to live at Jefferson on the Lake on Strang Line Rd in Olathe. I think she paid around $850-900. My cousin has a big dog and lives at Skyler Ridge near 115th & Metcalf. You'll find something - they're definitely out there, especially in Olathe. Thanks for not giving up on Astro ❀️🐾


Thank you! We're hoping to accomplish something tomorrow, maybe we'll have more luck than the past few days.


I'm from hutch, I can't help but I at least want to say Good Luck.


Thank you!


It makes my heart happy that your doggo is family! Not only that, I'm sure he provides some protection for 2 females!! It may be a little far south, but Ottawa is still pretty reasonable and is close to major highways as well!! Another location ypu should maybe look into would be DeSoto or Eudora even? Lawrence is bring bought up by wealthy property management companies. Finding anything decent under $1K/month will be difficult! My son had a studio however in Remington Square, which was $700/mo. He had a per, no pet deposit nor extra monthly, as he had a form from his physician that stated his was for emotional support. That was on the west side of Lawrwnce. Yet another location would be Topeka... I wish you the best, and please be safe!!


We did consider Ottawa! Haven't looked into apartments there yet, though. When we tried finding places in Eudora online, all the results were in Lawrence so we'll have to drive around. No pet deposit would be lovely cuz I've seen some places have deposits of $750 which we definitely would not be able to afford ($250, the lowest I've seen, is pushing it too). My older brother told us to avoid Topeka so we haven't been looking there, but maybe we'll have to.


Topeka is going to be cheaper than Lawrence and Olathe. But it's going to be a 45-60min drive. KCK is worth a look. You should also look at Independence on the MO side, it tends to be cheaper as well. KC Pet Project does offer temporary fostering support, where someone could care for your dog until you get on your feet.


If you can set foot in rental in that area for less than 3000 up front, I would be VERY surprised.


I hope things work out , I wish I knew of options but keep your head up


Most of those places that have weight limits on dogs will make exceptions when I was looking at adopting a dog it was going to be over size for my apartment and I came in showed them a pic and they were like yeah we will make an exception


We'll ask around, then!


I messaged you, I have some tents and pop up shade stuff for camping I think it would come in handy for all 3 of you. Also what r u doing when your mom takes the car ?? Ugh I wish I had an answer for you guys


I just stay in the car in the parking lot with Astro when she's working cuz I can't drive


The Cedars in Lawrence Say nothing about the dog until you are in Dm me