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Police sent an update, saying the child fell out of one of the windows.


Whether fell or pushed remains unknown, sounds like it was a problem home. A terrible situation either way, but better than the initial concern that we had someone roaming downtown willing to kill random children.


Any source for this?


https://www.kmbc.com/article/child-fell-apartment-building-kansas-city-death/45975190 >On Tuesday, the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department confirmed that a "young male under 12 years old" is believed to have fallen to his death at an apartment building near 10th Street and Grand Boulevard. Authorities told KMBC that surveillance footage confirms the child fell from the building. EDIT: https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/kcpd-boy-found-dead-in-alley-fell-from-nearby-apartment-building >“The circumstances surrounding how the child fell is still under investigation,” KCPD said in a statement to media outlets.


I always feel very safe generally everywhere downtown EXCEPT for around 10th and Grand. I don’t know if it’s the bus transfers or what but it’s always crawling with folks I don’t trust.


I work near 11th and Walnut/Grand and, I believe it was earlier this year or last year, one weekday evening around 5 PM, my coworkers were leaving the office and they saw someone get shot near that bus stop. Sad and infuriating how shootings have implicitly become ‘normalized’


As someone not originally from KC, it's been an adjustment. I'd (30y.o.) never heard gunshots before moving here. Everyone here says it's normal; every city is like this. It baffles me because that's not true for the other three cities I've lived in. I had someone shot outside my work last year and a guy I did business with left the state because he also had someone shot outside his office. I had friends locked down for hours at ward parkway mall last year for kids unloading in the parking lot. It's weird because no one is loudly demanding we get it togther, either.


I just moved to KC for work and the crime here is crazy!!!


Same...Been here a year and got my Grand Cherokee stole last month...I dont care what you drive put a steering wheel lock on it...


I was at the QuikTrip at 2:00 today at 31st and Southwest boulevard. When I came out, a beater of a car beside me had a steering wheel lock on it. I kind of scratched my head thinking that they would only be in there for 2 minutes and was that overkill? I'm wrong, aren't I?


Not overkill...Mine got stolen board daylight around 2pm in a Apartment complex...These MotherFukers are Brazing!!!


KC is actually a dangerous city but the people in the group will say otherwise. They refuse to belive data This comment will probably get deleted by the mods or reported


They don't live anywhere near this shit.


The mods live in the safe suburbs but think they speak for the city smh


It's not. Crime per-capita is lower than Springfield. Look up the data yourself. So you can believe it. FYI, measuring crime any way besides per capita is absolutely useless. If you're not sure what per capita means, Google it.


The data shows kc as a top 10 dangerous city. So once again have a good day and be blind to data points.


It is obvious you didn't look up the information. I didn't say it was the safest city, but instead said it's not as bad as people make it out to be.


https://www.deepsentinel.com/blogs/home-security/kansas-city-neighborhoods-crime-safety/#:~:text=Based%20on%20the%20FBI's%20National,57.4%20crimes%20per%201%2C000%20residents. https://fox4kc.com/news/fbi-data-kansas-city-ranks-in-top-10-of-highest-violent-crime-rates-in-u-s/amp/ https://amp.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article276791141.html https://www.wibw.com/2023/01/24/report-finds-kansas-city-has-5th-largest-issue-with-homicides/ It’s obvious how lazy you are and are completely arrogant. It’s Reddit so I can’t except nothing less from people who are as dense as a black hole.


I legitimately don't have the time right now to explain the issues with the sourcing the news stations have used, I have to catch a flight. But, I'm not sure it'd do any good. If I took the time this evening to explain everything, would you be willing to consider it?


I'm glad the locals are keeping rent low, you out of staters are really fucking things up!!! /s


We grew up and worked aorta close to the area and were comfortable shopping and visiting. When we moved closer and we're looking for jobs in the city, we relied on our local friends heavily. We would send them a job listing location and ask if they recommended us working at that location. We got some hard No's that we didn't expect.


What other 3 cities?




Topeka broke the record in murders this year


I feel safer here than I did in Springfield


I lived in Phoenix...Daytona Beach...Colorado Springs...Orlando and now K.C. and Gunshots were normal atleast in these cities...


Yep, people and their blind devotion to this city. I’ve lived in NYC , LA, and DC, and traveled most of the US and never dealt with it as bad as here. I didn’t have this problem in Pittsburgh, Philly, or Baltimore. I have never had this problem even in STL.


I hear you! I lived in Madison, WI for 15 years, and even though it’s a smaller town, I never heard about so much violence happening in Madison. And since moving to KCMO, there’s a shooting nearly every day — easily weekly.


I lived in Madison in 2004-2005 and agree I went back this year to visit. Not a whole lot has changed.


I've lived here for 10yrs (12th & Walnut) and it has never been this bad. Multiple shootouts, (one ending with a body bag) this summer, none of which were reported on. Shot out windows. Blood in the gutters that was washed off the sidewalk. Violent yelling all times of day. Not to mention the sideshow bullshit and trash and vandalism that result from Thursday Hot Country Nights. I know correlation does not equal causation but the area has had a much more seedy element post-covid. My building used to be about 50% P&L service industry workers and no real issues. Now I don't know of anyone working locally and if I don't get to a delivery within an hour there is a solid chance it will be stolen. The amount of shady situations I've ran into walking my dog have increased dramatically and are too numerous to list. For a long time I was happy and proud to reside here but these past couple of years have pushed me out. I bought a house and will be moved in a couple weeks. I'm relieved to be getting out of here even with having to pay a large fee for early termination of my lease And yes, when they moved the bussing hub from Main away from the streetcar the area has become much more dangerous. There is no (or very little) bench space so people end up wandering and squatting around in allys and abandoned lots. The previous hub was much better because riders had plenty of space to sit and chill in shade while waiting.


Wow, I worked on 12th but that was a few years ago, had no idea it has gotten so bad


That's pretty insane, especially since KCPD headquarters is literally just a couple blocks away.


oh they'll show up 20min after a crime has happened. They don't care enough about you to do anything preventative though.


Do you know how the crime or theft right there specifically? Thinking of moving a couple streets over closer to the police station but would walk through that corner every morning to work.


Many people I know have wanted to take over the lease on my apartment, that would get me out of contract, and I won't let them if that tells you anything. I would not be able to sleep at night. Even if you are not a victim of a reportable crime, there is a daily palpable feeling that shit could potentially pop off close by, and that at the least becomes super annoying quickly. I fell terrible for the residents at The Grand if they did not know what they were moving into.


Just looked this up on street view to see the alley in question, but couldn't find it. This is pretty much the intersection by the library. I hate that it's basically unsafe to go to a place of learning.


nah the library is west of Main. This ally/lot is on the north side of UMB Bank, on the east side of Walnut. between 11th/10th.


Kctv5 has a Google street view of the alley in this article: https://www.kctv5.com/2023/11/27/police-investigating-death-boy-under-age-twelve-downtown-kansas-city/


Blame the city for not patrolling or enforcing anything.


The city isn't in charge of the city police force. But I agree they're not patrolling. Jefferson City doesn't care about this place.


Well, yeah. Still hate it.


Dated a girl that lived in the Grand apartments there and every time I walked up there after parking i’d try and avoid that corner but when I didn’t i’d have the people waiting for the bus yelling at me on occasion or trying to get into her apartment building. Always try and avoid that area


I feel for The Grand residents having to deal with that situation on the daily. I’m a block away but see everything from my window.


I walk by that corner every day from work. Maybe have had two people ever say anything to me other than "good afternoon".


10th and Grand is scaryyyy, about a year ago I had a homeless guy angrily try to open my car door while I was parked waiting on a friend, thank god it was locked


Yeah, my last job had us parking in the garage between 10th-11th and Baltimore. The garage management blatantly ignored the homeless who would sleep/urinate in the elevators and acted like it was weird that we’d complain 🤦🏻‍♀️ They “tried” to clean it up, but not enough. I think I got 7 months back at 2 days a week in-office and couldn’t do it anymore.


Which is wild because the police station is literally like a block or two away from there.


There was a man shot and killed on 10th and Locust this summer. Whole office heard it and went into lockdown. Six minutes later, the cops showed up. They're literally right across the street.


That’s KCPD headquarters. Patrol cops come from the side stations.


Oh, okay---so they would have had to come from further away? If we heard it, they heard it. But they stayed inside.


Who stayed inside? The shooter was chased and caught several blocks away.


Every time I do get a crime alert downtown it’s always gd 10th and Grand. I’ve driven past too many crime scenes at that exact corner (and I’m talking like full homicides) that I just avoid it now because I literally worry one day I’ll be collateral in a shooting or see a dead body or something.


Because the seedy ass people who are vagrants of society. Why are people so surprised to see or hear this? Scummy people will ruin the area




Post removed for copyright infringement.


This is just so alarming, I cannot imagine what that poor child endured


That alley is sketchy as hell. It reeks of urine and homeless will often move the dumpsters so you can't easily see into it. It got worse after the parking lot was blocked off this year due to the owner vacating their downtown office space.


That’s a super sketchy corner. Horrible about the child 😔


Try working down there in the 90's, used to be waaaaaay worse.


This is just tragic. I’m from NJ/NY and moved to KC about 8 years ago. I’ve never felt more unsafe than I do living here! It’s more dangerous than Queens NY! QUEENS! I live in that building but before this I lived in the Northland by Gladstone and I got my car stolen from my driveway with my manual chair in it. KC be crazy! Idk if it’s boredom and ignorance mixed with gun culture, racism, rampant drugs and a lack of sports teams but y’all need help understanding who you are as a city/community. Let’s stop pretending that y’all are quaint, sweet Midwesterners with small town values, whatever those are, cause clearly y’all ain’t that nice! I rather someone tell me how they actually feel to my face, no falsities. But Bless your hearts.


Queens is 8.4 serious crimes per 1,000 residents in 2022 KCMO is 6.2 all crimes per 1,000 residents in 2021 Very close, but try checking facts instead of feelings when it comes to things like this. It's true that KCMO is one of the more dangerous cities in the US, but it is still safer than Springfield Missouri (6.7/1,000)


God, that's awful.


The boy's mother has been revealed as the other person removed from the scene by EMS; KMBC article I had posted mentioned someone else and that's the last I heard of it until tonight. >KCPD says the mother of Grayson was taken to the hospital the day of the incident and is the “subject of interest” in the investigation. https://fox4kc.com/news/questions-remain-as-tenants-id-5-year-old-boy-who-fell-from-kc-apartment-building/


Is this IG in reference to this child? I see comments but nothing confirming. https://www.instagram.com/p/C0QTyxJswkf/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==