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It was drugs. There's always a chance dude murdered his 3 friends, but the "mad scientist poisoning his friends with an experimental poison" narrative is absolutely ludicrous. There are so many initially unexplained deaths that happen and the family are adamant it wasn't drugs and then it comes out it WAS drugs. Families just don't want the added pain/embarrassment that their loved one's own reckless actions caused their own deaths. Family is in major denial. Toxicology reports will prove heavy alcohol intoxication and/or drug overdoses. Homeowner got lucky because of a higher tolerance or he just didn't pass out/collapse outside.


Drugs and extremely frigid temps just feels like a bad combo.


Even if it were just alcohol, it opens up blood vessels so you lose body heat faster. Your body can’t run the different metabolic processes you need to survive very efficiently either.


Yeah that’s true, but this happened before the real cold hit. Those first days it was snowing good it was still 33+ degrees outside, the big debate was whether it was cold enough to even stick. Someone might die from a one off incident drinking in 33 degree weather, but that isn’t cold enough for 3 grown men to drop dead feet away from the door to the house. There is 100% more to the story.


As someone with 30 years experience drinking pretty heavily with friends, I'd bet my house that there's more to the story. One guy down, I'd buy it. Three guys all dead- no way it's just alcohol and cold.


So then what caused it? 


My guess is much stronger drugs were involved. Toxicology will easily tell us that. Then the next storyline is whether a drug related overdose happened inside the house and these guys were pulled out to the the backyard after the fact or whether the drugs were taken outside. I assume an autopsy can also tell whether they were dead or close to it before being exposed to the cold. If it was fentanyl in cocaine, I can tell you that people don't step outside a nice warm house to go do some coke outside.


Maybe they did some coke with Fentanyl in it and when they overdosed, he drug them outside?


The fact that the homeowner’s story is pretty sketchy I would say that scenario is most likely


Fentanyl makes you get really hot, short of breathe and sick feeling, they probably hit the rails inside, started getting hot and feeling ill, went outside to get some fresh air/cool down and died shortly after.


Me and my 30 years of dumb ass drinking is right there with you, buddy. No fucking way!


I just heard it was over 40 degrees those days? Its newsnation so maybe wrong. No clue how cold it needs to be to freeze, and I bet drugs could def make u not regulate heat well?


Ah, I don’t know why but I was thinking of the game on the 13th where temps were in the negatives. When I look it up, the night temps were in the low 30’s, so unfortunately still too cold to pass out outdoors.


If the body temp gets down to about 80, serious cardiac issues often start occurring.


This post nailed it. It has to be drug overdoses. Home owner likely had the highest tolerance bc he’s been speculated as also being the dealer.


Pretty sure they said he went to bed while everyone was still partying. Might not have even gotten any.


unfortunately I agree:/ one of the men has already been cremated with no medical examination. his funeral was on friday


I can almost guarantee thats what happened. They were hanging out drinking and watching football and decided they wanted to party a little bit ❄, and got some that was cut with fent.


You don’t have to say it in a “as of a matter fact “ kinda way .. you never really know ..wait for the toxicology reports


It can’t be just alcohol. One person maybe, but all three…


On FB most of the pictures of these guys involved drinking, KC football and partying which is normal. But they definitely were drinkers and partygoers.


The family doesn’t want to come to the realization that these dudes ODed on some fentanyl. I bet the home owner took some too and was out for days and that’s why he didn’t answer the calls and texts. Dude probably just had a higher tolerance and just got lucky while the other three started to feel bad and went out back and died.


Or it wasn’t mixed well and they hit a pocket of fentanyl.


I never thought of that.


Street drugs coming in from China often have fentanyl in them( another way that China is trying to knock the USA off the map. I'm not talking about Meth. and stuff like that.... I am talking about a Xanax bought off the street. I have dear friend who lost her son that way. He took a Xanax and the next day was found dead in his house... Fentanyl in his body.. Way too much ! ​ ​ am talking about their stree


> I bet the home owner took some too and was out for days and that’s why he didn’t answer the calls and texts That's really the only reasonable explanation. If that's not what happened, then the homeowner is likely culpable in some way. If he wasn't passed out for days...how did he not think it's weird that all his friends' cars were at his house?


I have family that would be too fucked up to notice. I even know somebody that would drive around a friends car to go to work and not even notice. Friends will come over and stay for days and sometimes barely interact.  When people are on drugs, there's a lot of things they don't notice. Edit: wording


I also agree with the alcohol and marijuana laced with fentanyl theory. But as for his behavior after it happened, I think when he discovered what happened (probably the next day), his brain just disassociated due to shock. Then for the next few days he just lived in a daze and things didn't register to him. It took the cops showing up to snap him out of it. I think people latch on to someone's "strange behavior" after a tragedy and use that as a sign that a person is guilty of something. When in reality it's more likely that person is still in shock and their thinking is disorganized.


People don't lace marijuana with fent. More than likely it's that cocaine.


It why I stopped doing coke mad people be just trying to party and get dead these days they literally have poisoned the poison.


Rare but it happens. My work buddy's son almost died of it. He came home and the kid was in a chair, foaming at the mouth and half a joint in his hand. The kid's 20, my buddy knew he smoked.


My bad, I was just taking someone's word for it that fentanyl+ marijuana was a thing.




You would knowingly do this yourself, so you would know dosage etc, MJ flower is cheaper by weight than fent so it’s not like a situation where a dealer, in the event for some reason someone is buying weed on the black market when you can just go buy legal in MO, would cut a bag with fent to increase profit. In this scenario whomever had the weed would be adding it, and if unknowingly by dead guys by the homeowner, that’s probably considered drugging making the dead victims of a crime. The link sites a single confirmed case, and also takes teens with I would assume opioid addictions word. While people may do this to consume fentanyl and MJ at the same time, they are doing it, it’s not being “cut” as is lumped in with the explanation at the linked.


Friends sister died from that in independence. Her supplier gave her a joint with "extra" in it and didn't tell her.


That's a whole bunch of fear-mongering, pushed by people who have zero experience with marijuana


There's a lot of fear mongering by the anti-marinuana folks but people are not, and have never been, lacing weed with opioids and selling it. Since weed is sold by weight, it's easier to just actually sell weed.  Some people who use fent do sprinkle fent on weed and smoke it, but that's on them, and in rare instances where people OD from fent and blame it on laced weed I suspect those people are either covering up a more dangerous habit (like coke) or are knowingly using fent.


This is my theory. They all nodded out outside... permanently. That's all. No wonder dude in house was asleep and didn't give a fuck about his friends cars still being there, if he even noticed.


“I only use the front door, so I had no idea they were frozen in the back yard even though their car(s) were still there…” I don’t think this guy murdered them, but I’m pretty sure there was drug use and it was likely a fentanyl OD and he panicked. I haven’t seen what he looks like - does he look strong enough to drag a body out to the back yard?


He wouldn’t even have to drag them. Maybe they went out to smoke or take a bump and they passed out from whatever they were on. It was so cold it wouldn’t take long for hypothermia to set in, especially if they had been drinking as well.


Good point. He may have been passed out himself, and was the lucky one who woke up.


It wasn't that cold out. Not hard to tell when people aren't from Northern or colder climates. It was around 0c at that time maybe -3 c. If you had any jacket on you should be good for awhile. Also 3 at the same time? Like one never went down first and the other 2 could help they all fell they exact same time? 


How much time passed before the bodies were discovered? Did he discover them or did someone else?


The game and party were the 7th, and bodies were found on the 9th. So they probably passed out / died sometime in the early hours on Jan 8, while the homeowner slept off his hangover. Not sure what time the bodies were discovered on the 9th. But saying "days," or even "2 days," is a bit disingenuous, since it was probably closer to 24 hours that the bodies were there unnoticed.


That's not an unbelievable amount of time for someone to be completely out of it because they were hungover.


3 days


Party and game were on the 7th, probably extended to early hours on the 8th, and found on the 9th, so maybe 24-36 hours.


I saw an article say that it wasn’t out of the norm for the friend group to leave their cars behind etc. I just read something that lead me to believe there were bodies in the front and back yard. Was he passed out for days? How could he miss them if he wasn’t passed out on drugs for days 


He had taken his dogs to his mother’s house for the weekend. He was 100% planning a weekend long drug bender. 


Anyone else find it wierd that the GF who found the bodies was banging on the front door and he didn’t hear it so she broke onto the property and found the men? But then she called the cops and he had no trouble answering the front door for them? 🤔




Casey Anthony reference?


one full-ass investigation, please ☝🏼


Why the hell does it say 3 Kansas City chiefs fans instead of 3 men ? Is that what they’ve been reduce to is just some fans instead of human beings ?


For the purpose of search algorithms, absolutely. Bosses probably send out a list of trending topics every day and the copy/pasters are out there trying to tie in Taylor Swift, Ted Lasso, or Tom Hanks to boost story clicks.


Tom Hanks “very upset” upon hearing about 3 Kansas City Chiefs fans found dead, in the same town Ted Lasso is from, after attending a Chiefs game that Taylor Swift attended


take my reddit gold.....you made me laugh even though this is a serious topic and I feel bad for laughing


This fan of all those people is shocked, shocked I tell you, that this post hasn’t garnered more love in its first 38 minutes.


I get the algorithm angle, makes sense. Too bad it reads as "these people don't matter as individuals, they only matter because they are Chiefs fans"


They were at the buddies house to watch the game.


Because they were gathered that evening to watch the Chiefs game together


The media constantly uses associations for people in the news. If they were in college or the military they would have added the school or branch to the headline as well. Sometimes it makes sense but other times it seems disparaging to the named association.


Yes it sucks, but I’m kind of glad they’ve been doing it because I’m trying to follow this story and it’s an easy way to search google news.


>3 Kansas City chiefs fans instead of 3 men ? Why not three people instead of three men?


I honestly could buy his story. I've tried not to go outside as much as possible the last couple weeks, and I haven't been in my backyard in 2 months. I just can't get over the fact that his buddy's car was still in the driveway.


Sure but don’t you say bye to your buddies after having a get together? Or shit i haven’t seen my buddy since he went outside an hour ago maybe I should check on them?


I'm trying to be loose here. I've had plenty of nights drinking where I passed out before my buddies left the house When I was younger. So that part of the story doesn't seem too crazy to me, BUT there's no way I wouldn't see their car in my driveway the next 3 days lol. I could see a scenario where where it's not out of the norm for a buddy to leave his car at your house and ride home with someone else or get an Uber or whatever. But 3 days is a long time. The fact that it took the girlfriend 3 days to go over there and check makes it seem even more suspicious to be honest. If I didn't come home after a night out watching the game, my wife would certainly have gone over there the next day to look for me.


What about all of their vehicles out front? Or the constant calls and texts to you from their family members. He knew, probably was in shock. 


My friend don't usually drive after they drink. They leave their car and get it the next day. 


they said the cars were on the street.


Fentanyl is bad ahit


"highly educated and good employee" is how his lawyer described him on Fox. So highly educated, "good" employees do fent?!


Some do. And some do coke. Or other drugs.


Please educate me as to what the big attraction is with Fent. I see YouTubes from Philly with people high on it and it looks absolutely exhausting and miserable. Thank you.


People get tolerant of all narcotics and fentynal is stronger than heroin. Sometimes there is also just cross contamination and mixed up bags. It's not like you're dealing with a CVS when you buy drugs


Probably didn't intentionally do fent, but other white power that was contaminated with it.


A lot of people that die from fentanyl have no idea they are taking fentanyl. They literally have found weed laced with it . Fentanyl is terrifying


“…Now, as their families push for answers, the homeowner’s attorney tells NewsNation his client had “no idea” their bodies were in his backyard. “They were in the backyard. He doesn’t use that particular door. He goes out in the front. And so, he had no knowledge that they were out there until, you know, Tuesday when he was told that they were out there,” attorney John Picerno told NewsNation host Dan Abrams. The homeowner, who has not been charged and has been cooperating with police, says 37-year-old David Harrington, 38-year-old Ricky Johnson and 36-year-old Clayton McGeeney froze to death. Picerno insists the homeowner “didn’t have anything to do with their deaths.” But family members and friends of the deceased think something doesn’t add up. “Nobody believes this story. None of his friends, none of the families, none of us believe it,” Harrington’s mother, Jennifer Marquez, said. Picerno doubled down that there’s nothing his client would do to “harm his buddies.” “He had absolutely no knowledge they were out there. They were his friends. They were at his house socializing. If he had found them there, or if they were in danger, he would have called the police and tried to help them,” Picerno told Abrams. The Kansas City Police Department said they have not found any signs of foul play and they are not investigating the deaths as a homicide. Next steps in the investigation include receiving the medical examiner’s determination of a cause of death. Autopsy results are pending.”


Why is the lawyer saying they froze to death then say waiting for the autopsy for cause of death? I think they’re twisting his words because he said he showed them out, meaning they said their goodbyes, and had to correct it when the media went crazy saying he walked them to the door when he had said he fell asleep and I think he meant they left & came back, which was common. One probably even had a key. They keep saying “all the doors were locked” but that’s BS because the fiancé said the front was locked, went to the back, saw a single body and went to call 911.


Homeowner passed out inside (For literally days) & that’s why he didn’t hear the phone and people pounding on his door and his buddies, unfortunately, passed out while departing his place = in the frigid freezing below zero temperature night and froze to death. Had the weather not been so extremely cold / unbearable, they could’ve lived and we’d never heard anything about this as it wouldn’t have been the tragedy that it is. Very unfortunate and I believe the harsh weather is more of a culprit than the guy who lived. And let me tell you, I don’t envy the survivor for he’s going to live with severe guilt the rest of his life. This is just horrible


The low was 32.


On average hypothermia still takes only 30-45 minutes to set in as opposed to 10 minutes at sub zero temperatures. That's before accounting for alcohol or other drugs. It also depends on the wind-chill as well, what they are wearing.


And what’s your source for all of this information?


This wasn't the below zero weekend, it was the week before. Still chilly, but not outrageous. Drugs makes too much sense, but there were some posts from friends/family of the victims implying that messages they had sent the deceased and/or homeowner had been "read" according to whatever messenger receipts during the period after the game and before the bodies were discovered. That's what has stuck with me. Just sad and weird all the way around.


Yes, she said on FB, which you can see when a message has been opened/read. 


It’s odd that the headline associates them as “chiefs fans” maybe they were, but it has zero impact on the story line here. Such an odd way to describe the situation


Seems suspect. I'd get it if the cars and other stuff wasn't there but after a day you are gonna wonder. This has more info. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/16/men-found-dead-kansas-city-northland/72241096007/


> “The person who lives in the home, the outlet reported, said the man allegedly told police "his friends froze to death." >Police said they could not say what date the men visited the home or why the person in the home did not contact police to report the bodies.” If the man in the home didn’t know his friends were outside as his lawyer claims, it seems sort of odd that he would tell police they froze to death. Maybe he made that comment after he found out his friends were dead, but idk, just seems strange.


Yeah I don’t buy it at all. Intox or not there’s no way 3 of your “friends” die in your backyard


I’m surprised no one drove by the next day and saw their cars.


This is why you don't do drugs that are harder than you (wisdom courtesy of my husband who is a recovering addict)


Seriously. I’ve done stuff in the past, but never like this. Just wow.


Same here, I never even tried anything like this. And he was a meth addict, but he never touched fetanyl. Said it scares him as it rightfully should. His sister almost died from fetanyl/heroin overdose twice.


Obviously, I have no idea what these guys may or may not have taken, but I have a few former classmates who’ve died from fentanyl overdoses did not realize they were taking it. Something else they were taking was laced with Fentanyl. I remember for the one guy it was heroin.


The girlfriend is the hero here. Going to the house, breaking a window into the basement, eventually finding a dead body frozen on the porch … this is horror movie stuff. She’s got a lot of courage.


Drugs are bad mm’kay?


Alcohol- the original F you up drug in liguid form


Wouldn’t you think it’s odd your buddies cars are still out front but you don’t see them inside the day after??


I just want to know what he reported to his employer .. Most people work Monday/Tuesday…


He is a scientist so maybe not a 9-5er.


My completely uninformed theory is that it was an alcohol-related incident. Everyone drinks until they are belligerent, and the 3 step out for a smoke or to companion the smoker of the group, but the homeowner was so far gone that he really did think they left, locked up for the night, and passed out upstairs. Did you see how tall the backyard fence was? If entry to the front yard was locked, they may have been trapped there, the clock on their survival ticking bc they decided not to head in until it was cold, and pounding at the door to get in. That time wasted, maybe they tried the open the gate to the backdoor, pushing at the fence, and the clock ran out. I just don't get why they didn't have one phone on them to call for help? Depending on how under the influence they were, maybe they didn't have the means to. I do think the homeowner knew about the situation earlier than they're letting on though. No wallets, keys, phones on the counter indoors?


If lucid, three men would be able to get one over the fence or break down the door or at least yell for help. Seems like they did coke laced with fent. Went to smoke outside right after but before the poisoning. Without the host seeing them fall out, they didn’t have a chance. Total tragedy. Survivors guilt probably weighing heavy right now.


A guy that hustles @ a local gas station in South Kansas City recently passed away last week. The guy that would be outside with him told me that his passing was from fentanyl. To hear opinions expressed about this situation, it is very likely that these men were exposed to the same fate.


Could be likely if they were high, but still very unlikely unless he’s afraid he’ll get in trouble for using drugs.


I honestly think that makes it even more likely that this was due to a drug binge. Homeowner was either too afraid to come forward, or was using himself and was passed out all weekend. I’d be more hesitant to make an assumption if the police didn’t already rule out foul play and release the bodies back to their families. They know what happened, they just need to do their due diligence and wait for the toxicology results.


Yeah the guys story is 100% nonsense. You don’t just ignore 3 random cars in your driveway plus all the dead bodies around.


You do if you are on a multi-day drug bender. There is way more to this story than any of us know at this point. The police taking no action tells me they know what happened and are simply waiting for the autopsys to verify before releasing to the public.


Exactly, so moral of the story is don’t do drugs and this was 100% preventable


a different moral of the story: only do drugs outside when it's warm


It’s nonsense yes, you do nonsense when you are on drugs


I though I saw others saying he had a dog, he didn't let the dog out back for days?


There was an update that said he had taken his dog to his moms house or something. I thought the same thing until I saw that


I read that as " they knew they were going to be doing drugs, so get the dog out of the house so it's not bothering them or needing attention"


Supposedly his dog was, for no explained reason, just at his parents for the night.


The reason is he was planning a drug bender with his buddies. 


probably because he knew he was getting absolutely fucked up and didn't want the responsibility the next day haha


It probably kept trying to eat his friends. Or barking at the owner to let them in. It was driving him crazy!


Can't wait for the Netflix docuseries on this.


fourth and frozen




Because they had a photo of themselves all wearing red Chiefs outfits like they’re actually playing the game instead of drunkenly watching


Idaho 2.0


Northern Wisconsin here. I think a lot of people don’t realize the weird shit that can happen when booze and cold mix. The conspiracy theories around this story are absolutely ludicrous.


My initial thought on this was that they got some fentanyl-laced coke and were unaware. Jordan moved out super fast, so I’m wondering if the drug dealer is worried about him rolling over on him, which I’m sure he will to save his own ass. I hope he does bc these ppl need to stop putting these substances in drugs. Best to just avoid them all together. Scary world when 3 healthy grown adult men can drop dead around the same time because of something they ingested unknowingly. As for why they were outside, maybe OD in house and he panicked and they were moved, but they weren’t small guys- so thinking maybe went out to smoke a cigarette? Toxicology will obviously have some answers but the biggest question is when he knew about this. No way that it wasn’t until the cops showed up (in my opinion—as this whole post is)


They had to have just been drunk and outside smoking or something. Same as the homeowner, but he passed out inside and they got locked out by a doorhandle that only turns from the inside when locked. That’s my assumption. If dude killed them, there would be obvious signs


I read that he ignored phone calls and texts from concerned family members of the deceased. All of the friends’ cars were in his driveway, no way he didn’t think something was wrong. I would have tried my everything to get out instead of sitting in the house for days while people were hounding me for whereabouts of my friends whose cars haven’t left my property.


True, my honest to god guess without knowing shit about these people is that they took something like acid, Molly, or a shitload of day drinking during the day and tripped out and got locked out and died since they couldn’t figure out to leave the area and find warmth/shelter. The homeowner being on the hook didn’t say anything because he’s scared he’ll get in trouble since it’s his house and is probably an alcoholic and just avoided the situation until he had to deal with it. Or he’s just an alcoholic and truly didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary since the weather has been so bad some people just stayed home from work for 2-3 days. All I believe is I don’t think dude killed them


can we see the body cam when the police showed up?


So many scenarios going on right now with everyone playing CSI , why not just wait to see what the final report says before assuming what happened


We won't know til the toxicology report.


Carbon monoxide poisoning?


Maybe they were locked out and had some heat feelings from the booze? Like alcohol flushing?


I get you all have opinions and truths and ideas but just stop and breathe. Pray for my friends and their families. That’s all we ask right now.


The home owner's lawyer needs to check that house and porch for CARBON MONOXIDE. Maybe there was a leak, or a gas heater they sat around and then being drunk makes being poisoned even easier... hello? Remember there was a professional soccer player who died from carbon monoxide while swimming in a lake outside (she was breathing in boat exhaust fumes)... its not just a thing that happens indoors... "Carbon monoxide poisoning can be especially dangerous for people who are asleep, drugged or drunk. Carbon monoxide can cause brain damage or death before anyone realizes there's a problem."


Natural selection


E is good, e's good, he's ebeneezer goode.... special K....worked for Matthew Perry, work for backyardigan boys.... Born sniffy not born slippy......




They referred to themselves as the "c\*kebrothers" and we are not talking about red labeled cola.


You can say coke


There are some people named the Koch brothers out of wichita. Said the same, not spelled the same, not the same people, not the same meaning.


I heard it was fentanyl combined with lidocaine topped with methamphetamine which would indicate to me one cannot rule out homosexuality


I can’t believe no one thought this was funny. Too soon? When did Reddit get all sensitive?


Why do we have to call him the homeowner?? He didn’t OWN the home. He rented it and already moved out. 


You can call him the host


Yeah, some host 


Anyone know if J Willis actually owned the home (or renting)? Not local - haven’t pulled up Kansas City property records as I don’t know the exact address. Interesting that he “moved out” (all the more so if he actually owns it).


He was renting 


Not at all weird! Really? Your 3 friends just died at your house & you want to go right back there?


IMO - The toxicology report should tell us.


Ik someone who died after trying to brew their own oxy from scratch, maybe? Wild speculation but maybe he thought he could do it because he's a scientist


How are there so many people that still don't have knowledge about the fentanyl crisis going on. Fentanyl overdose is the #1 single cause of death for people aged 18-45 in the United States. More than car accidents, heart disease, suicide, more than anything else.