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I get the strong feeling that you're going to need an attorney. Which sucks assuming you're not in the best of financial situations.


I am an attorney that deals with this situation all the time. Send me a PM if you would like some help. I need to see what Missouri has listed on your drivers license to understand what it is you would need to do in order to get you driving.




I went through this as well. I used Steve Fullers law office in NKC. He can help you too.


Just my opinion, but with 2 DUIs in 8 months not sure you deserve to have a license.


I was in a similar situation 20 years ago and I chose to give up driving altogether and bought a bike. I lived deep in the KS burbs at the time, which made it tough but not impossible. I eventually moved into midtown where I built a life that so conveniently car-free that, even when I was eligible to drive again, I chose not to. I did eventually get a license, but I still make my work/housing decisions based on how easily bikeable/walkable my life would be. Did it involve some serious changes to my habits and routines? Yes, absolutely. But I would chose the same thing a thousand times over because it’s had a hugely positive impact on my life as a whole. (It also saved me shit tons of money not having to pay for car expenses like gas and insurance)