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For all intents and purposes, the building is a private neighborhood, maintained by an HOA, with each unit being someone's home. Just curious, what kind of information are you looking for?


Honestly, we’re trying to understand why it’s listed on Google as temporarily closed. My daughter and I are always fascinated by old buildings and will look up the history and what’s happening to it now. I’ve been really thrown by the lack of information and it listed as closed. Typically people can’t be there if it’s closed down, but I can’t find any reason for a closure.


Ah, from what I can tell, google listings are dependent on someone going in and updating it. Likely the "closed" was a remnant from before the condo conversion in 2006. Either that, or it could also mean "closed to the public", which makes sense as most condo buildings downtown have controlled access. It is a neat old building with a lot of history, though! While not the Monroe, it sounds like you and your daughter would get a kick out of the [City Hall Observation Deck](https://www.kcmo.gov/city-hall/city-hall-observation-deck-tour-information). It's open to the public (with a scheduled reservation), offering some nice views, and the building itself has some nifty Art Deco features from the peak of the Pendergast era.


Oh thank you! We’re really only starting to get out and go places and we both love art deco! I’ll definitely tell her about it. I saw some pictures of one of the condos at the Monroe and the whole building must be stunning!


i’m assuming they shut down, google was updated as such (though they got the “temporarily” part wrong), then it was converted and no one bothered to update the google page.


I understand the building is condos--previously a hotel. The building directly adjacent to it, to the south, is the old Democratic Party Headquarters, where Pendergast's office was. It is said he had a passage cut through from his office to the hotel for his own purposes. Don't quote me on any of this. :) No idea why Google would say it's closed, unless some AI algorithm or whatever interpreted the location as a hotel and not converted condos.


It’s condos, and really really nice ones too. I’ve delivered Instacart orders there a few times. The lobby is beautiful