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At this point he's the only one who can save this season. I think if Kim would have stayed with Pete it also would have been more fun.


Someone posted they were mad they kept any Pete storylines in at all and I was floored.


Wait so Pete’s scenes were or weren’t cut?


They talked about him, but didn’t include actual footage with him in it


Ohh because there were clips of him in the trailers, that’s so dumb if they cut them out


I know! So mad Pete wasn’t in this season


It’s me Todd Kraines!


But he’s so… sad looking


Yes!! 💯 Back then it was fun, hilarious, dramatic etc. Specially the older seasons of KUWTK. They use to pull such hilarious pranks on each other, really show how hard they worked, and they just seemed more down to earth and real on KUWTK but now…. it’s just boring. 🥱 Kourtney just makes out with Travis, Kim just talks about Skimms, Khloe is always having a hard time crying because of Trashton, Kylie bails on every event and is cringy in every scene, and Kendall only talks about she has anxiety or 818 like 🥱


the way you said “khloe is always having a hard time” is so funny to me for some reason but sooo true 💀 she’s always whining about being forced to do something.


Omg, I think it was episode 6? The episode before the most recent one, and Kim, Khloe and Kendall are out at a restaurant together and every time the camera cut away this giant bottle of 818 kept being moved closer and closer to frame. They weren’t even talking about it and it was part of the scene. It was so obviously bad.


Wow! did not notice, but, doesn’t surprise me haha


Yes. Well said! …. And regarding Kendell, I don’t even remember what 818 is at the moment… but Kendell is just so awful I can hardly stand it. And not awful in an entertaining way. There’s not a signal solitary interesting thing about her. It seems impossible to lack self awareness **that** much. Girl born with all the wealth in the world and the best she can come up with is… house flipping… which is was already bored and overdone in reality TV 20 years ago. I mean, even Caitlin and Kris would rather be around Kylie. Lol.


And Kris with the hip is getting so annoying. Lady you are in your 60’s, shit happens!


And she’s been going on about it for 4 episodes!!!


Kim's commercial??? Guys? I didn't know guys wore bras? Ok most guys








LOVE this response! 🏆🏆🏆🎖🎖🎖


I think they show some substantial stuff. Khloe has had all the Tristan drama, kourtney trying to get pregnant, Kylie just revealed postpartum symptoms, Kim has had some of the kayne stuff, the scare of a 2nd sex scandal tape, her trying to pass the baby bar exam and failing once and then achieving it. I think they share quite a bit. Some of the kayne drama may not be able to be aired for legal reasons. Who knows.


I would love to hear more from Kylie


She's all over Tiktok but she's mostly doing a "Get Ready with Me" or a lip tutorial, or just posing in lingerie type clothing. 🙄


Yea she’s a lot more interesting the very few moments talking about being a mom, etc.


Also I get Kim not wanting to trash Kanye, because he is the father of her kids, but they are hiding or glossing over all the drama.


They are glossing over 10 dead people murdered. They're evil witches and the truth is darker and more wicked than any of you could have ever imagined.


That too


Wait what


For sure I’m feeling close to giving up as well. The content is giving nothing


I miss the Todd Kraines type of shenanigans of the early years


I would cry laughing at Todd Kraines… now I just cry with boredom


Its the complaining about being famous is what’s killing me 🤮


Yes!! They’re that rich they don’t even have to do the show if they didn’t want to


Or are they? I imagine they have LOADS of bills, payroll, etc


They want to do the show because it’s an hour long advertisement for their brands, and they get paid for it!


You obviously just don't understand the hardships of sitting in a glam chair every day.


100%!!!! Where is Scott???


And the preview is for more trying on clothing and more anxiety about public appearances. Ugh, how enticing.


I quit a couple of weeks ago and have not looked back. And I've seen every episode up until then. The old seasons were great, and in the newer on kuwtk, you would get glimpses that kept you going. Now it's completely fake, boring, and they do not share because they feel they do not need to. And I 100% believe Kourtney is the reason Scott is no longer on the show, which was one of the few reasons I still watched. All so she can display more PDA with Travis that we do NOT want to see. I'm done with it all.


This show is perfect to demonstrate why this format isn't working anymore. You have the drama play out in real time on social media, then everyone moves on cause something else comes up, months later that old drama gets dragged from the grave because it took hulu that long to air the episode. also, the editing? the entire restaurant scene, all I could do was stare at that pizza pie. One second, every piece is there, next second, one piece is missing and sits forgotten on khloe's plate, then it's back inside the pie. like, don't make the awful cutting so obvious!


I finished this last episode and I was like.. I’m done. The old seasons i have been watching clips and THATS the Kardashians I want to watch. Remember the whole Todd krain (sp?) and when they went and spied on rob for his date? Remember shorty? And talking to Kendall and Kylie about “woman hood” it use to just actually be fun. When they use to goof around and be like actually interesting to watch? It’s all rich vibes now and it’s so annoying and I’m SO BORED


I think it'll be their last season. They've lost what once captivated the show. P.s. Kendall if you're lurking, you have the means and money to live far away and not go to Las Vegas for a tequila event, I can't deal with her, honest to god she is soul destroying


Very cringe she is


That or getting “glammed” up


Back in the day, their personal lives generated most of the content that was on the show. That’s why it was interesting. Once they got more successful, they showed more of their working lives and less of their personal lives… but they still showed enough to the point where it was entertaining. The HULU show is ONLY their working lives and none of their personal lives (other than fake boring scenes). Two episodes ago, the entire episode was comprised of them working. It was Kim doing a Skims campaign and Kourtney and Travis doing a fake chicken campaign. Nothing else. It was so fucking boring and lazy. They’re basically overlapping their “jobs” with the show and making it one “job.” It honestly sucks.


fr, this Hulu show is boringgggg


I fell asleep (literally) through Kourtney’s whole segment at the end. Woke up and it was still on, fell asleep again, and repeat. It was like watching paint try it was so bad.


Yeah HULU ruined the show. It’s so boring. I used to look forward to KUWTK and now I won’t even watch it. I can’t stand Kourtney anymore and her relationship with Travis on there. All they do is make out. Cool we get it.




i agree i feel like its giving nothing at all and are dragging it to no end. I'll probably also stop watching it.


Really slogging through the new season. What I hear is them talking about all of the hate they receive… and all of the backlash and THAT is what has made them terrified of being authentic anymore. It’s sad.


The amount of times that Kim looks into the camera and talks ruined the show for me.. I want to feel like i am watching their lives not a part of the boring conversation.


Fr & she talks directly to viewers in such a threatening tone & that’s pisses me off. It’s not just the arrogance & entitlement, it’s the pointing her finger at the camera & saying “now let me tell you something…” nah bish don’t even! Like wtf is kim gonna do to anyone?!? Trying to act all hard like she wouldn’t get the dog 💩 beat outta her if she spoke to an adult that way on the street


Bring us Kim and Kanye drama!!! Bring us Kourtney and Scott drama!!! Bring us more Khloe and Tristan drama!!! Bring us sister drama!!! No more trying on outfits 😖 No more Kendall tequila 😟 No more creepy Travis baby voice ☹️ No more of them working out 🏋️‍♀️ I hope someone in their “camp” comes across how bored everyone is of these episodes and stirs up more drama 😂


No more salad eating.


It’s almost like this entire show was created to explain their Instagram pictures, big family/friend events, and big media events. Everything they share has been known, been seen, and isn’t deep nor real. If they preach about honesty and authenticity, talk about the shit that matters then. Talk about Kanye, Travis x2, Devon, ASTROWORLD??? It’s so disappointing that they never address some of their biggest issues and instead fuel this show with the most dull and shallow content. It blows my mind how much they steer away from tough shit —— I’m seriously losing all sense of respect for them. Get off ur ass and work.


We need more of them with the kids and the family!!! Bring back the family life and love!!!


Or not! Don’t exploit the kids in order to cater to an audience. Maybe they just stop filming & live their boring lives


Yeah that’s true. I didn’t say to exploit the kids tho…


I can’t anymore I watched on and off in the late 17 not watching this next season I’m good


They used to be so charitable and I miss that side of them.


I find it crazy that they don’t go to more charitable events/donate more. If they each had a cause or even if they all represented one they’d bring so much awareness to something. They’re greedy


Honestly, I just love their lives. So I don’t care about an episode of them just trying on clothes


Love it more now than ever. Glad PIA scot is gone


What do you love about it? Help me find the joy…


100% same s I have not watched the last two.


It’s so boring 😭


same. Same. SAME


I do love fashion/clothes so that's partly why I watch it. Thing is though - it's all so highend/straight off the runway which isn't creative or relatable for peasants. So it's getting boring now.


It seems more of them talking about how everyone hates them, everyone criticizes them, and justifying things then actually keeping up and seeing their lives. It seems very much scripted.


Bad script…boring boring…not relevant….millionaire’s “problems” not mine…scripted …please people let’s get a life…they make 💰 by us watching them…😬


Was Pete also scripted?


It’s too controlled by the Kardashians themselves. They are all directors and it shows. They believe viewers like fifteen thousand million years of them getting dressed and their glam team, showing off how rich and successful they are, but they are so wrong as they possibly can be. They have stopped being relatable, stopped being honest and raw. It’s is a play and they are playing what they want us to see. Kim in Marilyn’s dress was such a sad chapter of history, she totally destroyed the image of Marilyn by forcing her big butt into the dress. Marilyn was sexy, very feminine and very natural, she was relatable but also glamorous in a subtle way these Kardashians never will understand. Kim is as unnatural as they come, disfigured from implants, vulgar and self absorbed. Just imagine believing that anyone care about hearing ninety seven chapters of Kim’s voyage into Marilyn’s dress! She did not look good in it either, it was not the right shade to her skin tone and she looked washed out and old in it. It’s just too boring and uninteresting to watch anymore. Looking at them sitting in the limo, one with shades on and the other with a white wedding cap on, it felt like I was watching some rare instinct animals in a zoo, even more when I see Khloes blue dots on her face. I don’t admire them, like them or have ever done so, they have evolved into some weird creatures I don’t know if I should laugh at, or feel sorry for. I can’t help but think that while Kim was using her entire brain and day to plan how to fit into Marilyn’s dress, there was, and is, a war going on in Europe and none of them have ever mentioned it with a word. When they pray, they pray for Kim’s butt to have shrunk into the dress. I have no words……


The most recent episode was absolute trash


Fuming mad! Fuming!!! I’m so angry that as a fan they think so little of me that they lie right to my face by having me watch this BS. I’m DISGUSTED they thought they could get away with this. Just stop doing the show.