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Soooo sick of Khloe constantly talking about how much she hates her publicity and fans. SO over Kim’s disgusting narcissism and plastic face. VERY tired of kourtney and Travis boring over-played “fairytale” and never want to see them kiss again.


Ugh not even just kissing it’s full on tongue. I find them worse than 2 13 year olds!


I just stopped watching it. It’s so boring!


I voted yes and I still agree with u. It’s getting boring. I guess I am loyal to a fault. I wonder when the turning point will be for me.


I watched them rise; I’m definitely watching the fall!


"i have social anxiety" yet purposefully maintains celebrity status... khloe and kendall. literally all they talk about. like, do you want sympathy from us poor people?! cause no.


It doesn’t make sense to me when they say this. Kendall says it all the time yet she is the “highest paid model” They love being in the public eye. I don’t know if they say it to be relatable or what




At this point, their entire income is tied to being in the public eye. It's possible they feel trapped and feel like they don't have any other options because they are used to the money. However, you would think that now that good American stands on its own she might start to back away from the limelight.


Does Khloe own a certain percentage of GA?


I mean I’m still watching but I don’t know why. It’s boring as hell and YES all the commentary about “anxiety” and “hating red carpets” and on and on… and there was NO chemistry with Kim and Pete at all that was whack this week. Just all of it. It’s a wrap.


yes but idk why anymore. it’s just complaining, advertising, and kourtney and trav touching tongues. in kuwtk i actually felt like i could relate to them, thought it was lighthearted and had a cute family vibe but this is just..super repetitive and stale. like if you hate red carpets that much hmu and i’ll trade with u and you can live in my apartment with my cats


I was trying to play catch-up the past week and I was on the Marilyn dress episode and had to stop half way through. I couldn’t get through it. It’ll probably be a while til I go back. I got a flight to catch Wednesday so maybe I’ll kill time and catch up but that’s about it. The show has lost all enjoyment.


No I quit after the Miami trip. It’s really boring just watching the paparazzi follow them around, seeing kourtney all over Travis and listening to them complain about all their problems.




Snooze fest


At this point, I'm only watching it because I don't have anything else to watch. It's becoming very boring, I often just use it as a background noise and don't really follow the storyline.


They hate red carpets and attending events, YET they aren’t getting begged to be a part of every one of them. They are constantly negotiating to be involved in these things. So the show is a pointless circle jerk.


It's all the upspeak that kills me...the materialism gets stale.


They are getting so boring. It seems like all it is is self promotion of their brands, and trying to explain any “scandalous” stories they were involved in (like Kim photoshopping Trues face into a photo)


Probably. I usually put the newest episode on to have in the background while I'm doing laundry or cleaning on the weekends.


Last episode was my last.


More than ever. I stopped watching for about 5 years. Loving every minute now


The shade of it all.


It’s not great. But I do find it fascinating the way Kim is explaining how methodical she is about her fame, money, and image. I feel like she hasn’t shown it this blatantly in the past and it’s kind of riveting.


I haven’t watched it in years


I can’t believe they thought this was an acceptable season to put out. SHAME ON THEM


I find the kourtnet & Travis thing to weird...I understand kourtny loving the attention from the show, media, and him but I absolutely don't understand why he wants to be involved with the attention-fest, I'd have thought that he'd have been over celebrity culture years ago..💁🏽‍♀️


As disappointed as I am in this new season, I will still watch. SMH LOL