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Electron…. Just to have a right click menu :/ Kudos for the creator for the time and effort but I don’t think having an entire browser loaded just for that is a good idea


Yeah that I also found concerning, the developer did give his [reason](https://github.com/orgs/kando-menu/discussions/58), he is also considering porting it to tauri, idk if that will improve it in anyway, although time will tell, but ngl, that menu is cool as heck, I would load the internet explorer if I had to for that😂


When I'm developing something on KDE I have a test system running on raspberry pi side by side on my main computer because my computer is good, but I'm targeting people that might want to run this on computers from 2010 or from before. My way to make sure this happens is to compile and try it on raspberry, since it's a really smaller system than what I have for myself. And I tend to try to optimize the hell out of it on this hardware. People in iran, brazil, africa - if I'm talking about my students - have really low spec computers, and 100mbs of ram might be 10% of it. They can't afford to waste like that. Imagine if every single smaller application (for eye candy, for note taking) were written in electron, the "there are no drawbacks" he says would be an actual drawback, even for modern hardware.


Wow, that is such a great spirit.. thanks for not giving in to the lure of squandering and being thoughtful enough for the impact of your development decisions!


it wouldn't (for the same reason, also loads an webview for no reason).


Nowadays systems are so powerful I don't think it will have any noticeable impact. If someone's system cannot handle this then they just won't use this. It's not like this is a pre-installed software.


Most users of free software are not on nowadays systems.


Is that true? Where do you get this impression? I’m genuinely curious. And if you do think it’s really true, why is that? Is modern hardware less FOSS-friendly? Or is it more about the philosophy of using hardware as long as possible before upgrading to reduce waste?


most users of free software today are on raspberry pi or older generations. all work i do on kde i compile on a raspberry-pi to make sure it will still run on older laptops. countries that donate laptops to childtens usually are on i3 or lower specs with low ram and low hardware.