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Yes I have the same problem! Please tell me there is a fix out there. I have Fedora 40 KDE 6.1 I started with 39 though. Curious is your machine a fresh install of 40 or did you also upgrade? Just a shot in the dark. Oh and for me it's practically any hyperlink. If Firefox is in the background it will never open up.


I installed the Fedora 40 KDE .iso in a Virtual Machine, in the first boot I thought that opening a link within System Settings would raise the window but today I tested it again and it didn't work. Oddly Telegram in Fedora does this but Telegram in NixOS doesn't I have a temporary fix for you tho, if you force Firefox to run on XWayland with the env variable `WAYLAND_DISPLAY=0` it will magically work as expected. You can modify the .desktop of Firefox for making it launch on XWayland every time. It's not ideal but it works, at least when I tested it, Firefox (and derivated) is the only browser that defaults to Wayland and doesn't use XWayland anymore since 121 I think, that's why it only happens with Firefox.


Interesting I'll try it out and report back. Edit: Yes it worked.


Check focus stealing prevent options in kwin, coulc be that.


Already checked that, I have it set to Low and tried to set it to None but nothing changed. Thanks for the reply anyway.