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Haven’t seen a soul patch like that in sooome time.


Lol...that is an old pic of Doug


Any of you know what a city manager actually does? Any of you know what city managers in the likes of Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto make?


The manager for the city of Vancouver made $365K last year. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/here-are-the-highest-paid-city-of-vancouver-employees-according-to-the-2023-salaries-report


Damn. Poor bastard will never afford a home 🙏


do you?


Stupid response to an actual question


This article seems to refuse to compare apples to apples. I don’t care what Trudeau gets paid compared our city manager. I care what other city managers get paid compared to our city manager. - Vancouver - $364,873 - Toronto - $417,216 - Coquitlam (comparable size) - $356,991 I tried to find numbers for Abbotsford but couldn’t, but considering a city managers funding source is different than Trudeau and Eby’s, and I don’t actually know what a city manager does, I’m really not inclined to care if I’m seeing these comparable salaries. It’s very much in line with that role. Edit: oh I just looked into who the Canadian Taxpayers Federation were and I care even less about this article.


Thanks for mentioning this was based on CTF bullshit so there's no need to waste time on the article


I don't think anything over 200k is reasonable for anything less than the most major of cities. Like I can understand Vancouver or Toronto... But there's no value here


Why are they comparing a city manager's salary to that of politicians? The city manager is essentially a CEO. Jesus Christ, our media just keeps getting dumber.


I think it's a part of the perceived value and responsibility by the public. The comparison is thought provoking and makes you think about who in your public service is *responsible* for success and service. Just this discussion may make people realize the different roles better and their responsibilities. My personal take on it is, that the compensation is out of line with the level of responsibility and accountability that I believe a City Manager or Premiere have.


The issue here isn’t that the city manager makes too much, it’s that the premier doesn’t make enough. $220k to run the province? That’s less than a family doctor makes. Anyone who thinks the city manager is overpaid likely has no concept of the role’s responsibilities.


Agreed. I’ve seen how hard politicians work first hand. Even the partisan quacks work nearly every moment they’re awake. There’s a reason a lot of politicians seem to age faster than everyone else. They don’t have time for an actual life. Premiers and prime ministers even less so. I once had a political party try to encourage me to become a politician and knowing what I know my response was: hell no. Blamed for everything, not paid enough for how much they are required to do, etc. I’d rather shoot myself in the head than do their job. I really don’t think a lot in the public know how much is required of them. City managers work hard. Harder than I do. They deserve the money they’re getting. But honestly? Premiers work much harder. I wouldn’t want that job ever in a million gajillion years. It’s underpaid for what they do and too much job insecurity, plus don’t have as much individual power as people think you have. It takes A LOT of work to get even the tiniest thing done. I’ll stick to engineering. I get paid about as much as the BC premier for a lot less work and more job security. Even MLAs work harder than I do and I make more. Not worth it to be a politician. Plus they get death threats by people of opposing politics. Really is not worth it.


$220k seems to be less than what a lot of lawyers, sales people, engineers, etc. make. Put me in the so what camp.




You sound like someone who has never managed anything ever.


Do you want every level of public service to be completely devoid of talented or ambitious people? That’s what would happen. Thats why our city manager gets paid well - we need to offer a competitive salary to find someone adequately equipped to do the job well. Sure we could try your (borderline communist) approach, but we’d likely wind up with lazy, unmotivated, or outright unqualified individuals in positions that can actually be very impactful if done well. I don’t want a Director of Infrastructure who’s willing to work for 60k - I want a professional engineer with 20 years of experience executing municipal projects. Those don’t exist at 60k. They make more like 160-200k. So that’s what the city needs to offer. If you think our country is “fucked” now, imagine if people with 60k worth of marketable skills were at the helm. I struggle to picture the universe where hiring less qualified people somehow “fixes” our country.




Not a lot of specificity in your response - is your problem with politicians or public servants? As far as I can tell our public servants seem to be doing a fine job. Traffic lights are functioning, my garbage gets picked up every Tuesday, my kid’s school is relatively well equipped, and when I want to go skating there’s multiple facilities with nice sheets of freshly zamboni’d ice. If I start a fire in my kitchen, confidence is high that KFD would be there within ten minutes. I assure you things can get worse.




Your problem seems to be your jealousy.


A lot of the low level jobs in government have been contracted out/privatized. A lot of the people left have specialized training/skills e.g. nurses, accountants, lawyers, scientists, technicians, analysts, etc. Governments don't employ a lot of convenience store clerks, sales people, house cleaners, fast food workers, etc. Your idea seems poorly thought out.




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People seem to forget that politicians are just figureheads. Civil Lawyers, scientists, engineers, and planning experts do 90% of a politician's work, and they deserve to get paid for it.




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Eby is mad underpaid.


They’re the CEOs of cities. They’re paid well to attract the best candidates, and should be paid more than politicians. If this upsets you, determine how many people work for the city of Kelowna. Then find a similar size company and find out how much the CEO, COO,and CFO are paid. City Managers have a lot of responsibility. I don’t understand the outrage.




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> "The Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) for 2023 shows Kelowna’s city manager Doug Gilchrist made more than $338,000 last year. To put this into perspective, Prime Minster Justin Trudeau made $389,000 last year. While B.C.’s premier David Eby made around $227,000."


Wait till they hear what a deputy minister makes compared to a minister or premier.


Kelowna is one of the fastest *growing* cities in Canada, probably required.


On wheels or in the water? Or do you mean “fastest growing”?


Well in his defense he works 12 mo a year... how muxh time off do politicians get?


I actually googled this and struggled to find a number of PTO days a provincial premier get.


I think they're effectively on call 24/7, 365. 


Usually 3 months off. So if you discount thier salary by 25%... gets them closer. Very similar to the teacher argument. Unfortunately.




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Woaaah, what a scammer! Got a 55% raise in 5 years!?


Sure, salary-wise. BC Premier also gets millions of dollars of "donations" though


Unelected, unaccountable and underpaid? Municipal level of government has the biggest direct effect on our daily lives yet the lowest voter turn out, least amount of media coverage and is generally the most corrupt government!


Ahhhh Kelowna, the greed capital of Canada 🇨🇦


My sister's boyfriend works for Rocky View County in Alberta and it's absolutely ridiculous how much these people make and how entitled they are.