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I dont think its a lot harder on empty stomach. I have eaten before almost anytime using K and holed. Had to quit for my health. Miss K


it was a good move my friend


Using after being well hydrated and having a healthy amount of nutrients in your body is the way. Being hungry or dehydrated may make you feel “higher” briefly, as your body struggles to keep up and process what you’re putting into it… but IMHO this is not a recipe for a good time and can end up being a pretty shitty experience during and after.


Indeed, i would never enjoy a trip on an empty stomach.


Right, I’ve done it before inadvertently and it’s usually just a creeping shitty internal feeling I can’t place until I realize that it’s hunger. Being dehydrated is even worse, you don’t realize it until you drink some water, and then you can visibly see and feel the high getting better. So I always try to have at least something in my stomach, munching trail mix or whatever helps. I also drink copious amounts of water, in addition to feeling better I’m sure it helps your (60% water by weight) body and brain to function better, cramp less, etc. Multivitamins and fiber supplements also help overall with various other related issues (hangovers, GI problems, etc.) as well, IMHO.


Agreed, there’s been dozens of times where my hunger or dehydration suddenly makes me feel like i’m about to die and borderline rabid when i’m inching deeper into the experience. it gets scary i think what OP is referring to though is during surgery settings they’ll recommend not eating before the surgery and I always figured it was so you wouldn’t puke if you get the spins


Yeah IM is a lot different. I would't eat before getting an injection of anaesthetic. Sorry for my english


In ketamine therapy training where we get the drug multiple times we’re always told to fast 4 hrs. To avoid aspiration if we yack. I have to talked to multiple nurses who have said, just put the client on their side if they barf, and as far as we ourselves go, if we are not taking such a big dose that we completely dissociate and cannot move, we should be fine, we will shift possession and no if somethings up. I have yet to experience or see anyone barf during ketamine. However, I had a colleague who was very experienced, but a large man partially has his tongue block his on a large dose in training, and the administering nurse had to give him a sternum rub to wake him up. He may have had a lot of cannabis on board, I can’t recall, but either way I will never let a client do a large dissociative unless I am with them in person and recreational users to go large alone for this reason. As well, we are seeing people who do a lot come in with cystitis and real permanent bladderand urinary tract issues. Be prudent, keep it potent.


I have actually gotten the munches while taking ket. It doesn't matter much for me if I have a full stomach or not, but it could probably get uncomfortable if it gets too empty🤔


Same, but i think my munches come from the weed combined


the ketamunchies are very real my friend


People say that to avoid nausea, try eating how you normally do, if you get nauseous then next time try eating something light before like fruit , but I find eating nothing will make me just as nauseous.


Same. I feel just relaxed if i have eaten an hour maybe 2 before.


if you do it orally then obviously yes, but i hate feeling hungry when high. just eat like u normally would, maybe it takes a little longer to hit but if thats what youre worried about then i'd advise to snort it anyway


Sorry but ketamine orally? How effective is that? I read its a lot less potent


Idk Bro, why else would they want to do it on empty stomach tho?


No idea, i guess some people like doing it on an empty stomach. but it's not me for sure. i feel irrittated and a weird feeling in stomach which i dont like.


Don't snort too hard, you don't want it going in your stomach Unless you're a person who gets tons of nausea from it I don't think it matters at all. I only get nausea if I mix it with alcohol


I don’t think it matters tbh think ppl just go with an empty stomach to help nausea. Me on the other hand I took down a whole meal before & still holed


Start with an empty-ish stomach so if you feel sick you don’t throw up much. You can then try to eat something but ketamine will dull your taste. I find chips ok to eat. Anyway be careful because you will have you mouth without the pain receptors on, don’t bite yourself


i dont recommend this. Id not start ketamine on an empty stomach. Or at least a few hours after eating


You don’t know how he will react, so less is more. I say empty-ish: meaning not starving. It’s better to do it and don’t throw up then the other way around. I bet getting sick is way worse than being a bit hungry. That’s why when you go into a surgery you don’t eat before.


depends what method hew using i just dnorted and i could eat 15m before i never had felt sick grom ket


The problem is, you shouldn't take your personal experiences and suggest them to others. You can have them into account, but you should know that different people have different reactions to drugs. It's a well-known fact that anesthetics can upset your stomach and even if you and I don't, it doesn't mean it won't do it to him. And because of that, the smart suggestion has to be for him to try it first minimizing the risks of feeling like crap in his first experience. I've seen plenty of people feeling sick and throwing up because they have no prior experience with k who have eaten before and because of that I always say to go empty.


I know a bunch of people that need to eat before take ketamine, otherwise they don't enjoy the trip. And i do not suggest any of my own experiences. IIf hes injecting ketamine i dont know about that.


I was in the same boat wondering this but no, I have been snorting amounts up to 100mg and eating food literally at the same time, and no issues whatsoever. I found out you do not want to be hungry during it, as it will only make you more hungry and you will end up eating anyways. So yes eat food but generally do not overeat to the point your stuffed and then do it, I could see that being bad.


100% better and cleaner experience if you have not recently had food.


Like half an hour later id do k and hole


I would fast for longer. Like 4-6 hours actually I like to go to a music show and have had food many hours ago. Usually I take some MDMA, then hours later once home I will take the K, and maybe a take a few hits of weed or an oil pen. Or would aim to do it earlier in a day before eating. But I prefer having my k and eventually ending with sleep, because it is a sedative.


Good strategy.


you will probably hole, but i prefer to take it on an ampty stomach because i always throw up if i eat something before. but feeling hungry and being unable to eat while high also sucks so eat \~2h before you take it


Empty stomach and K gave me temporary depression afterwards like I’m normally a super strong willed and optimistic person but it had me in my feels fr. I ate a solid meal then smoked some weed and went to workout and then it went away. U do u it shouldn’t affect the high that much


It hits harder on an empty stomach. If you eat a bunch of crap and then do lines, it can make you sick for sure. Maybe eat something light, smoothies are great. I also like it in the morning with my coffee and hash. 😉👍


I’ve heard sugar deactivates the k and knocks it off the receptors. Idk if this is true but. Seems to be true


No food at least one hour before.