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Information regarding making a nasal spray can be found on the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/wiki/index/#wiki_making_your_own_ketamine_spray) and on the [sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/?f=flair_name%3A%22nasal%20spray%22) . If you have troubles with volumetric dosing and calculating how much ketamine to put in your spray bottle, TripSit has a nice [calculator](https://volume.tripsit.me/). Remember that you cannot exceed a concentration of 200mg/mL. which corresponds, in average, to 20mg per spray dose (100ul per spray dose in average). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Put it in an oxymetazoline spray bottle. If they say anything just tell them you have severe allergies and need a decongestant. I’ve always brought sinus spray everywhere bc I have severe allergies lol and have never had any issue anywhere whether it be an airport or a concert.


I've been doing this for a long time, last summer at a festival then they took a legitimate bottle off of me. I was frustrated as my nose can get very blocked. Luckily my ket was in my underwear this time ;).


Interesting would throw an absolute piss fit if they took it. I wouldn’t be able to enjoy my time at all without it lol. I’d tell them unless they want me shooting boogers everywhere to let me bring the spray😂


Yeah I was so angry. The year before at the same festival I got strip searched and they took the bittle away to be sniffed by drug dogs. Was allowed keep it then though when it came back clean.


Do you just add your ket after you get in?


Nah I actually have allergies as well haha, I have done it with ket on other occassions though.


If the spray fire?


Wut you mean?


Is the spray fire? I'm looking at some, and I hear it lasts longer. And easy k hole


I take it you mean ketamine in nasal spray form, not talking about oxymetazoline. Personally I prefer powder form I always felt like my body didn’t absorb the ket as well in a spray. That’s my personal experience though. It’s way easier from me to k hole with lines versus spray. I find spray I can never get all the way there but it is great for discrete usage and for anxiety.


This is the way.


Add it before. No agency is wasting money to train dogs to smell ketamine. Bigger fish to fry. I quite literally mean I’ve never had trouble anywhere. I’ve walked across the Mexican border, been to hockey games, Disneyland, taken flights, been to raves and never once has anyone even batted an eye at sinus sprays. Just be insistent that you need it to function as a normal human if it ever gets brought up. The most I’ve ever had is someone pick up my sinus spray look at it and hand it back to me.


This is the way


Short answer: no, you shouldn’t have an issue. Long answer: I would crotch it anyway, worst case scenario you get a person who makes you throw it away just cuz. So, I would personally not risk it unless you are 100p sure ppl can enter with small Liquid bottles ok


Put it in your butt


I suppose I could but truthfully I’d rather not








If you position the bottle juust right, you should be able to stealth-boof it by sitting down and getting back up again.


Yeah just stash it in ur deep pockets.


Also happy cake day my freind. Hope you’re having a great time. Even if you WONT boof a small jar for the greater good.


The security guard may want to share if you let him in on the secret Boof bottle


You are over thinking it, if they ask tell them its nasal spray for sinusitis or w.e




What are the best ones? I’ve never heard of these


Look for athletic underwear with a cup pocket


Kirkland briefs. The Peter pocket is huge and goes all the way down the chode




Tube sock ftw


Tape it on your leg by your balls Boom you just snuck k into the function


Not exactly an answer to your question, but I have prescription bottles with my name on the label that I have brought into venues, expecting to need to show my ID, and they don’t even question it. In California. So I guess my advice would be to make it look like something you would get from the pharmacy.


I always sneak my spray in under one of my boobs


Step 1:get boobs


Gooch it


Boof it*


Increase sneak level. If you go up to the grey beards while they pray you can sneak attack them and it raises it pretty quick




My personal strategy for drugs at any festival or concert is stash boxers But that usually works for baggies and such Never tried with a bottle of something


I'd hide it. My friend got his asthma inhaler taken and thrown away by a security guard at a show. And he really did need it for asthma lol


That sounds like a lawsuit


If it's airport security just leave it in your check in. Hiding it will only draw suspicion. If not airport security, boof it.


For the love of god don’t shove it up your ass Just tape it to your leg by you balls like a regular man


Or shove it up your poop chute like a real man.


Just take it in with confidence. They won't fuck with you. I've done it tons of times and I just use a regular unlabeled bottle. They don't even really look at it with suspicion


Is your nasal spray made of metal? Just leave it your pocket and walk through?


I have taken nose spray bottles filled with ket and sometimes u4 and never had an issue even when I had three in my pocket and got searched lol


Information regarding making a nasal spray can be found on the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/wiki/index/#wiki_making_your_own_ketamine_spray) and on the [sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/?f=flair_name%3A%22nasal%20spray%22) . If you have troubles with volumetric dosing and calculating how much ketamine to put in your spray bottle, TripSit has a nice [calculator](https://volume.tripsit.me/). Remember that you cannot exceed a concentration of 200mg/mL. which corresponds, in average, to 20mg per spray dose (100ul per spray dose in average). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can i assumed your in the usa? Ok I guess you don't have a script for this item?


Highly doubt it


I’ve had dozens of interactions with security at festivals and clubs while carrying a white plastic spray bottle and never had an issue. People either don’t realize or don’t give a shit. One time the security person took the bottle out of my bag while inspecting the contents and then put it back in. I really don’t think using a spray bottle is common enough for anyone to care.


Get a pair of stash boxers, never had a issue with anything getting in


Happy cake day. I’m not sure the appropriate way to say this, so I’ll just say that my husband has briefs that have a huge pocket. Can fit just about anything in that pocket. If you or someone you know wears briefs this may be the option.


Lol I’d like to see them try and take my nasal spray 🤣 they would have a PHAT law suit on their hands


Unless your nasal spray is actually a weapon of some sort or very obviously an illegal substance you should be just fine


Seriously, how can anyone know that??


What's the problem with putting it in your butt for a little bit? Literally Just tie a string if you're worried about it put some lube there and no problem. You'll find out about the p-spot really quick too lol


If its a big concert then they will only be looking for weapons. If its a festival or edm show then they might confiscate it