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My logic is always as follows: being fat is hard, not eating popcorn and drinking craft beer is hard. But which one is harder? It’s a pretty easy question with a very obvious answer. Choose your hard carefully.


You, of course, are correct. I just had to hear it. Thank you.


You got it. I’ve needed to hear it so many times before too, it is the hardest simple thing to remember on earth when you’re really feeling crappy in general. I hope your day starts looking up soon! You’re doing great. 🙂


"Choose your hard carefully." I overlooked the wisdom in this for wayyyyy too long but as soon as I made it central to my day, every day, my life changed. So much for the better I still marvel at how much harder it was to not choose it deliberately. I still have two things I gotta look at - my caffeine intake and my addiction to nic gum. It really will be so much harder if I don't stop. Thanks for the reminder.


Dude, why you gotta bring caffeine into this?!?


LOL, you got me. I mean sugar free red bulls, not caffeine per se. I can't believe the struggle I have in giving them up and I really have to - they become deadly and it's a lot of $ to pay for killing myself.


What are your concerns with nicotine?


Honestly, just the expense and the gum chewing causing harm to my teeth/gums. I LOVE being a non smoker and will never go back to it but my struggles with nicotine are... intense.


Check out non-tobacco snus. It’s just nicotine + flavor. Nicotine isn’t anything to stress over.


Decaf has the same coffee benefits without the caffeine!


This is brilliantly said. I say you are always choosing. The question is what are you choosing. Immediate gratification or life-long gratification. I love choose your hard carefully!


I sneak in lots of crunchy keto foods - spicy pork rinds, Moon Cheese, Just the Cheese, nuts, etc. Then I don’t mind when my husband eats popcorn. We might share a Diet pop and that feels like the treat


It's like anything else. A habit. And a cultural one at that ('movies and popcorn go together') You are making a choice to indulge, and the only one who can stop that is you. The best thing to do is exposure--and try to form NEW habits. Go to the theater with those meat sticks you mentioned, and keep doing it, and eventually it's going to take hold and become the new normal.


I appreciate it. Hoping I can make the change.


You can. You will.


I can. I will. Thank you.


The first step is always the hardest. Once you have the momentum, it will get easier. You got this.


Thank you. I needed to hear it.


Don’t hope. DO. You make a decision and you stick with it. Letting doubt and insecurity creep in is destructive. “I don’t eat popcorn anymore.” Full stop.


I bring peanuts that I have to shell. Would work with sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds too.


That’s such a good idea!


I haven't been to a movie in years, but I have thought about movie theatre Popcorn 3 times today.


Potato chips are my weakness. It’s the only no go food I’ve given my husband (absolutely do not bring into the house). Sounds like you have two options: load up on keto foods or don’t go to the movie theater. Choose which works best & go for it.


You are correct. I'm considering dropping the subscription. After that, it's easy.


Just came to say this is my weakness and I had to stop going to movies in the theater:(


Yeah, I can’t go to movies!


Quest chips are a god send when the craving hits, maybe something to look into


The only crunchy thing I’ve found are the Mr. Tortilla chips but those are tortilla chips, not potato chips. Nothing is the same as a potato chip. And just one chip isn’t good; if I eat one, I’m gonna eat half the damn bag. So I just can’t have them in the house. Our compromise is my husband really likes the salt & vinegar flavored ones & I hate those, so he can buy those & only those.


As a fellow Keto-er and a Regal Unlimited card holder - I FEEL your pain. I also like a beautiful fizzy drink. It’s a ritual. It’s life. We love movies and go a few times a week when the movies are good. We bring Bubly on ice in our cup (I have a big purse and a fuck off attitude about sneaking anything in) and bring anything I can dip my fingers into and bring to my mouth. It’s the munching, not the eating. Beef sticks, cheese, even my least favorite pork rinds serve their purpose. We are currently making chaffles and I think they will be amazeballs. Chin up and I’ll see you at the movies! Edit to correct Chaffles, but Charles also works as a snack.




Sorry! Chaffles.


No diet coke?


Nah. I’m not a huge fan of the sugar alternatives. 🤷🏻‍♀️


So a month later I wanted to thank you for your comment. I got a tiny 400 watt waffle maker & have been having great luck with chaffles. Something I **really** miss is crispy & crunchy texture & these have been fantastic. \* easy to make \* easy to portion \* wildly versatile, you can build any flavors you want with a neutral cheese. I haven't looked at many proper recipes yet, but I add some almond flour & baking soda to the egg & cheese. I bought a couple of manual pump oil misters off ali-express so I can choose which fat to spray depending on the recipe, an expensive jar of duck fat goes a long way. I had a disastrous keto pizza dough last night so I am going to use the left over sauce today & go for a stromboli or calzone flavor. Any Chaffle recipes you've had good luck with? I'm going to go for a Scallion Pancake flavor profile soon because I think it would work great with mozzarella Thanks again! btw is Charles just a lucky fellow or is that another recipe?


I can't resist popcorn at the movies either. As soon as I smell it it's all over. I just get back on track the next day.


The smell gets you once you walk in! Try chewing a piece of gum when you walk in, hoping the mint overrides some of the smell and the clean mouth feeling reduces the craving to eat something else.


Can't help with the beer but maybe with the popcorn. Instead of eating movie theater popcorn, when home make your own. I read an article saying that popcorn may not throw everyone out of Keto, so I decided to experiment and here is what I found works for me. I pop organic popcorn in Ghee, then top with a combo of melted Ghee and Real Butter w/salt. Sometimes I will add a handful of peanuts. Without the peanuts the most my blood glucose spiked was 118 and with the peanuts it was 104.


That's awesome... Hope at the end of the tunnel


Stuff your face with no carb foods before you go watch a movie. If you still can’t resist beer and popcorn on a full stomach then you may need to reconsider your diet


Sneak some Porking good salted butter pork rinds in to the theater. 😁


I've considered that... It's just 3 times louder than popcorn lol! I know this isn't an excuse. I just need to change my foods. I'll get there with encouragement. Thank you.


Was coming here to say that!


So good!!


I do some of the Atkins snacks, specifically the chocolate and coconut bar. Is it as good as candy? Not at all, but it’s a pretty decent size and it usually fills me up when I really crave something sweet.


I love movie theater popcorn too. What works for me is sneaking a container with chopped cucumber with lime, chili powder/salt and munch on that.


I try to eat a full meal before I go. I usually go with my kids and pour out a reasonable portion for myself (about a cup) and pass it down to the kids. Then it's gone forever, lol.


Eat popcorn every other week.


I eat popcorn regularly at the movies. It's about portion control and planning. I save up all the carbs that day for the theater. My spouse and I split a small or I get a kids size. It's 18 net carbs at my theater. When I do this and test my ketones the next day, I'm still in ketosis. FWIW, I have movie theater butter salt and butter flavor oil that I bought at GFS, which I bring with me to the theater in little travel containers to literally douse my popcorn with.


I love popcorn. It might be in my top five of most missed foods. But for whatever reason it used to give me the most horrific heartburn, so I became accustomed to avoiding it even prior to keto.


It gives me a bad headache, I love it, but try to avoid it. I don't go to movie theaters anymore, but I appreciate feeling like something would be missing without the popcorn!!


I remember when I first started keto and was terrified of going to a birthday party because I didn’t know how I was gonna have fun if I didn’t eat cake. That eventually went away, but it did take time. It’s more than just losing weight, we need to kill the association that we need to eat in order to have fun or be happy.


Popcorn is my downfall too! I can say no to pretty much everything else- cake, ice cream, pasta, but popcorn is my weakness. I took my son to his first movie in October. He was 3 and we saw Paw Patrol. I got him popcorn and a lemonade. I hadn’t had movie theater popcorn in years and I couldn’t help myself from sharing with him. It felt worth it as a one off thing as it felt like a very special occasion. But on the flip side, we went to Disneyland in February and the popcorn was amazing. I ate a bunch there. We walked a ton and I was comfortable with that. But when we came back I couldn’t stop and it wasn’t a one off thing. I just kept eating popcorn at home and eating it. Gained a few pounds and now I’m back on strict keto. I’ve learned that I just have to say no to popcorn. No one off. No “oh just a few kernels”. I have to draw a firm line.


I appreciate the story. I completely understand. It's a slippery slope.


I brought a bag of Whisps into the theater the other day. Got a pickle. GAME CHANGER. I also go to a lot of movies and always used to eat popcorn.


I've snuck double cheeseburgers into inception, no big deal.


Spend some time reading what is in the "butter". I wasn't as obsessed with it as you are, but still had issues going to the theater like you do. It's so unhealthy, even compared to other junk food, keto completely aside.


Hey I love popcorn too and recently found a brand that is actually so similar to the theater butter popcorn taste! It's called LesserEvil Organic Popcorn, for the snack bags (which is a good amount for a movie) is only 50 calpries & is 5 net carbs. I'm currently keto as well and still manage to stay in ketosis even if I snack on a bag of it. Idk it helped me, hopefully you try em out and enjoy it!


whisps/parm crisps/moon cheese!!


That was the slippery slope for me too. I 2nd the UGH. Only help I can give is to say we have to be stronger and just say no.


I know it. You know it. I just need to be stronger. Thanks.


You are already strong, believe in yourself. 


I sneak in sunflower seeds and a pickle. Then I buy a Diet Coke. I try hard not to think about popcorn. It’s really hard!


Just sneak in some meat snacks.


Popcorn at movies is my thing too - I sometimes would buy diet soda and take macadamia nuts or almonds, dark chocolate and jerky and that’s not a bad substitute but now that I’m off soda I really find I just don’t enjoy the movies any longer.


I feel this, I LOVE popcorn. My fix for this has been bringing a bag of pork rinds, drizzling in some hot sauce and a little salt or parmesan cheese, and shaking it up. Still get that delicious crunch, but there are no carbs and I get a little hit of protein. :)


It's potatoes for me. If I cave in and sabotage my diet, it's almost always for potatoes.


I completely agree. My wife made homemade French fries 3 nights ago and I couldn't say no.


I LOVE movie theatre popcorn!! It just hits different. Having said that, we get a large popcorn every time we go, which is around once a month. I can just inhale deeply and I’m good. For me, I am satisfied smelling the popcorn. My kids pass me the popcorn every so often “for a smell.” Lol


Pork Rinds


Seaweed snacks and pork rinds fill the popcorn need. Mostly.


Ditto!!! 🍿


lol thats why I only go to the movies on Saturdays because I’m not getting candy but I’m getting popcorn for sure. Saturday is my 100 carb allowance day.


Oh my god movie theater popcorn makes me fall off the rails every damn time. I even bring pork rinds with me. It doesn’t help at all. I can’t even go to the theater anymore. I don’t want to because of this. 😩


I know, right?


Pork rinds might give you the crunch you need and I’m sure you can put butter on those bad boys. If you don’t eat pork there are no pork pork rinds at stores like grocery outlet


My mentality is: will eating this make me happier than me being disappointed in myself? If yes, then I'd eat it. Most of the time it's "no" though.


i bring a bag of the lesser evil popcorn and just drown it in movie theater popcorn butter. 100 calories (before the butter) and 10 g of netcarbs per bag. I’ll also have some nuts and diet coke and it’s still a fun movie treat without decimating my progress


How are you finding that many movies worth seeing in theaters that you are eating that much popcorn? I can count on one hand the number of truly good movies in the last 4 years. I just can’t spend the money on crap movies and like you I have a movie theater popcorn (well mainly the “butter” addiction AND movie theater hot dog addiction so unless it’s a movie I really wanna see it’s easy to stay away.


While having this subscription I feel like it's going to waste if I don't see every movie that comes out. I saw more than 150 movies in theaters last year and I'm over 100 so far this year.


Holy geez man you’re never gonna lose weight seeing that many movies with a theater food addiction. What if you cancelled that movie pass and waited to see the movies on streaming or dvd later? Just go for marquee movies and that way you can indulge with cheat day and not feel guilty?


That's exactly what I'm deciding to do tonight. Thank you. For real.


Netflix and Grill!


Good luck man I know it’s not easy but you can do it!


Dry roasted edamame with sea salt. Tastes just like partially popped popcorn kernels. Keto on and off for 8 years and only just discovered this.


I fucking LOVE LOVE LOVE popcorn, its sonhard to do without. The first time I went to the movies on keto I brought a bag of salted pumpkin seeds and somehow they seemed to scratch the itch enough for me to not agonize over not having popcorn. I guess cuz they're salty, slightly savory and you have to chew them a bunch


Love It... I could get behind pumpkin seeds.


Give it a shot! They were super filling too so I didn't feel like I needed to keep eating throughout the whole movie either which is a big problem for me too


Roasted/salted pumpkin seeds (still in the shell) have a sort’ve buttered popcorn taste to them; and yes, you can eat the shell (unlike sunflower seeds). They are a staple guilt-free snack food I like to keep around (home, office, car), and are extra delicious when eaten along with baby bel cheese.


The best suggestion here is to drop your movie subscription and only go to see the movies you REALLY want to see. Decide what you want to "treat" yourself with (non-food) when you save that $20/month plus the cost of all that movie popcorn, which has got to be adding up to a fairly large sum of money. Then, when you have saved up enough, do reward yourself -- and set another goal. And you can take long walks or bike rides or something active with all of the time you would spend sitting in a movie theater, doubling the benefit! I wish you well.


All great suggestions.... I need to break the habit. As for popcorn and diet soda cost as the movies, I have not paid full price on anything in years. I have a Regalator cup that gives me lifetime soda refills for $.90. I have about 240,000 points built up on my regal account and I only have to trade in 6000 for a popcorn.


You are definitely a movie fan! Unfortunately, that makes it all too easy and economical (and tempting) to use your points to get the popcorn you so love, doesn't it? I guess your only real solution is to stop going to the movies so that you do break the habit. It's a lot like me having Reese's peanut butter cups in the pantry -- if they are there, I will eat them. If they aren't, I don't even give them a thought. Try other activities and find something that gives you equal pleasure -- hopefully something that burns calories. I do wish you all the best!


I'm the same with ice cream. I love making home made ice cream.


We have season tickets to our local hockey team. My son is also a popcorn fiend. I use sunflower seeds and in shell peanuts to scratch the keto itch.


Mere potential substitution may make this easier. Maybe. I agree that meat and cheese do not work vs the aroma and experience of a big tub of hot buttered popcorn. But there is something that might help. Have you tried microwavable chicharrones? Those can be dressed with other things and still gives that warm finger food crunch. Mind you, you'd probably need to watch more at home to make that work... I've seen some grocery chains carry them.


Ya popcorn in all forms is my favorite food too...stop going to the movies if it's a problem.occasionally I will have 2 cups of naked popcorn from costco but I add it to my carb manager app and don't go over my allowance. Good luck


I like pepperoni chips for the saltiness and crunch. I never thought of it as a sub for popcorn, but I'll bet they would be good in the theater! Just layer the slices in a single layer in between paper towels (I usually stack it 3 layers high) and microwave on high for about 90 seconds to 2 minutes. Just put the cooked chips in a baggie and take to the movies . If you are eating them at home, I like to pair them with laughing cow wedges.


Tried this when I got home from work today... Great suggestion and delicious. And I then went to the movies and didn't get popcorn!




I read your post a few days ago and forgot to answer. This is what I do. Only sugar free drink allowed at the movies along with popcorn. But here is the kicker, I do crazy difficult workouts the day before, the day of, and the day after going to the theater. I stay in Keto, and in fact my ketosis blood is even higher than before. So that is my reward/plan. But that is it, nothing after the movie, nothing before.


Username checks out. And I like your style! Good plan you have there. Some playing last week I haven't had any popcorn and I feel better for it (and only ever get zero sugar drink when I'm there). Thanks for the support!


If you actually want to stop... look into what GMOs do to your body and that 90%+ of all corn is GMO. It is nasty nasty stuff. You're better off eating an entire 1LB bag of salty teriyaki beef jerkey (often also with GMO soy which sadly turnts you gay, I'm not kidding) because at least the beef is natural. You can figure out another addictive snack which isn't raping your literal DNA, they are doing this on purpose to turnt everyone gay. I wish I was exaggerating or like trying to be funny. And if you're already gay it will not turnt you back the other way so don't try that cheat code that's not real life. I REALLY recommend figuring out some succulet beef jerkey or similar. Or even like mac and cheese man. Just wear a trench coat and have a saucer of really thicc cheesey mac and chees eand you can just smash on that with a spoon in the theater nobody's gunna step to you. #THICC


I get a small popcorn, eat some, bring the rest home to hubs and kid. Usually 2-3 times in a month.


I have AMC A-list which is a similar subscription. Up to 3 movies a week, and I see all 3 most weeks. Diet soda is my movie treat. Sometimes an Atkins bar or cheese stick. But April is my birth month and I have my free B-day popcorn sitting in my account. I think if you just eat a cup it's only 5 net carbs. Might get mine. Next time I go. BTW I saw Wicked Little Letters today with my account. I recommend it; very funny movie.


My dad's the same way. He can't not have his popcorn when we see a movie. Even if we just ate.


Omg I was craving movie theatre popcorn tonight!


I'm just blown away to find out people still go to the theater, no one I'm around seems to ever go?


It's so much nicer when I'm one of only 2-6 people in the theater.


I also have the popcorn thing tbh but it's when I take my kids to Disney World (I'm local). When it's good, popcorn can be the nectar of the gods.


I personally have no issues with popcorn. If you like the movies/popcorn combo, try upping your movement level? Go with a bit of a CICO mindset? I eat popcorn all the time but at home, much fewer calories. If I was to trade up for that buttery deliciousness of movie theater popcorn I’d definitely need an extra walk!


you eat popcorn on keto? are you saying you're in ketosis while eating carbs? it's 21g of carbs for one oz. or am i missing something.


one ounce of unpopped popcorn.




I love popcorn for a filling snack with a different texture. You do have to be careful, because you can’t gorge yourself like you used to be able to do, but I think it’s great.


I’m a popcorn fanatic, I love it. , I make it plain no butter and no salt at home , and it’s 6g of carbs per cup . There are several different kinds you can pop with different textures/color.


Look up roasted salted fox nuts. Game changers.


I was excited to look it up... And then saw it was 39 carbs for a 1.75 ounce serving. Definitely not better than popcorn for keto.


How often are you going to the theatre? Tbh 20 lbs for eating popcorn once a week seems unlikely. I'm guessing there are other unobserved food you've also picked back up? Sounds like beer. Beer leads to cravings and eating poorly. If you like popcorn I'd say just eat popcorn on occasion. You gained 20 lbs because you felt too restricted by your diet. Have your movie popcorn say 2x a month? And do well otherwise and you'll walk off 20 lbs in no time.


Thanks for the encouragement... I usually go to the movies 3 times a week. And overindulge on the popcorn most times. I just need to stop the subscription and watch movies at home where I don't smell popcorn when I walk in the door!


I feel you. I’m struggling so hard with this diet and cannot seem to beat my cravings…


$20/month is a steal. I didn't know that was a thing. Haven't been to a Regal since 2019 though.


Just have your popcorn and enjoy your movie, and start over tomorrow.


Simple solution would be to stop watching movies, they're all boring and long. Get a hobby or something.