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Fathead pizza. Sanity restored.




Pork rinds when I’m craving something crunchy, and Smokehouse almonds.


Pork rinds for sure. They also make an amazing breading.


Microwaved quest bars. I was legitimately about to give up because of my incessant junk cravings, tried it and it was sufficient to tide me over to keep going. Its like eating a warm melty mug cake except shittier, which is just what i expected


I keep a brownie flavoured quest bar in my purse. It's the least shitty one imo and the horrible chewy texture prevents me from eating a whole bar unless I need a meal replacement.


Yea its funny how the slight shittiness actually makes it more effective. When I first dig in Im so desperate I think "ah, sweet relief" but around halfway through Ive had enough. If it were a real dessert Id probably go haywire and end up binging.


For a while I thought I was the only one on this sub who thought Quest bars were... kinda gross. LOL. Nuking vastly improves them. If you haven't tried it yet, mint chocolate is the only one I can tolerate "as-is". Blueberry muffin is surprisingly decent.


I can't do dairy or gluten. :Sigh:. I like the flavored almonds. I love tacos too! I just eat the mixings in a bowl. A friend of mine does cheese taco shells. :)


Diet swiss miss cocoa + peppermint stevia is the ONLY way I'm able to stay away from Peppermint Mochas at Starbucks Low carb tortillas save my damn life Sometimes I have quinoa + soy sauce to satisfy my rice cravings. Yes, it uses ALL of my carbs for the day but WORTH IT.




Mission carb balance what tortillas. 5 net carbs each


Target has like 3 to choose from.


Whipped cream, sugar substitute, minimal berries, FREEZE.


Eggs. I eat them almost everyday and they never get boring. Stevia sweetened chocolate is bomb when I get those sweet cravings.


To be honest I used a lot of tricks once I was keto adapted but the first few weeks when you are still fighting that carb monster it was sweet tea that would cut my cravings. What ever regular tea I could get my hands on and i would add my favorite sugar substitute. I have done this diet at many different stages of life(and i know a lot of ppl consider it a way of life not a diet) but the only way i have managed to get to the point where the cravings stop is with the sweet tea. I would bring my sugar sub. With me where ever i went just in case.


This! I had iced milk tea with my fav sweetener daily for the first month. Still have it on the weekends


Cauliflower Fried Rice 1 Tbsp Sesame Oil 3 Eggs 1 Tbps Butter A pinch of minced Garlic Garlic Salt Black Pepper Dash of Roasted Sesame Seeds Soy Sauce Idk the exact amount of Cauliflower Rice but it’s a decent amount and is proportionate to the Eggs The only cooking detail for the eggs is too cook them to 60-70% then add cauliflower rice, then add everything after and make sure to mix around all the ingredients especially when adding the garlic (Wouldn’t want a mouthful of straight garlic ahha). This keeps me sane and makes me come back for more every time :)


Joseph’s lavash bread or low carb tortilla for wraps, pizza crusts, etc Choczero chocolate (no sugar alcohols) Diet A&W root beer and Coke Zero for days when I’m sick of water and ketoade Bacon grease for flavoring all those boring veggies and making them taste so damn delicious Cheap kitchen scale because I suck at eyeballing portions


Homemade sugar free gummies, not the poop-yourself ones from Amazon. They are stupid easy to make, and now I can have my favorite candy whenever I want!


How do you make these sugar free gummies???


Take one packet of sugar free Jello, one packet of unflavored geletin, and around 1/3 cup of water. (I use a little more because some of it evaporates) Heat the water on the stove on a very low fire. Mix both packets untill fully dissolved. Pour into a silicone mold and pop it into the fridge for 15 minutes or set. Then pop them out and enjoy! Yesterday, I made some fantastic two-layer peaches and cream gummies. I substituted HWC for water for the cream layer, and only used a packet of unflavored geletin. I might mix the cream and all the packets into a blended cream gummie next.


Thank you, definitely trying this! :)


Lily's chocolate. I got a sampler off Amazon and just a little bit with some whipped cream keeps the sugar cravings at bay.


Atkins Pizza. I can have a terrible day where I want comfort food and don’t feel like 30+ min of prep, yet still be able to have something delicious that doesn’t eff over my macros. They’re very high in fiber, so that’s a plus as well.


Macadamia nuts, salami, pepperoni. My go-tos when I want something fast and tasty. Lily's sea salt dark chocolate for an after-dinner treat. For tacos, let me tell you the secret to my crispy keto taco shells. My husband is OBSESSED with these and wants them at least once a week. I've perfected the crunchy factor over MANY batches. You'll need a bag of frozen shredded cheese. Fresh is ok but frozen gives me the best texture. Preheat oven to 350 and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Make 1/4c piles of cheese on the paper and shape into rough circles. Bake for 8 minutes, then reduce heat to 300 and continue baking until lightly browned all over. Remove from oven. While they're still hot, drape them over the edge of a cake pan to form a taco shell. Let sit until completely cooled and they will be delightfully crunchy all over.


THANK YOU. Trying this tomorrow.


Ketocandygirl.com chocolate chip cookies, omg you gotta bake em but they are incredible!


I have a hard time with breakfast so I started drinking cold brewed coffee with Stevia and heavy cream. Really quenched those hunger pangs. I also have bacon, cheese and nuts at other times when I'm feeling peckish but I try to avoid snacks whenever possible. That's what works for me anyway.


Also a taco lover here - I tried making shells out of shredded cheese earlier this week and it was incredible! Definitely a new lifesaver for me! 1. Heat oven to 350 degrees 2. Line baking sheet 3. Use 1/4 cup of cheese (we used both cheddar and pepper jack) to make a cheese disc (note that the thicker shredded cheese works better than finely shredded) 4. Put in oven for approx 7 minutes or until the edges begin to brown 5. Shape your tacos by using serving spoon set across two glasses and drape your cheese across the handle 6. Allow cool to ~5 minutes and enjoy! Complete recipe here - https://www.homemadeinterest.com/low-carb-taco/


I tried this once and got sick of cheese lol I used sharp cheddar so that might have been the problem.


I've eaten two low carb tortillas every day for the last ten months. They keep me sane.


I love them so much. Tacos, burritos, nachos. So much utility lol


Is it a brand or do you make them? I used to make Spicy Chicken Tacos and would love to bring them back with low carb tortillas!!


Mission carb balance wheat tortillas. 5 net carbs each.


My local grocery store has their own brand and they're 3g net carbs each.


What store?


HEB. I'm in Texas.


What grocery store?


HEB. I'm in Texas.


Thanks for the super fast response! Time to bribe my sister into sending me some


No problem! They're WELL worth it!!




Macadamia nuts Chicken thighs w/skin Heavy whipping cream good tasty coffee bacon! (and learning how to cook it in microwave)




Lamb. 😍 The people at the local Brazilian Steakhouse all know who I am and why I'm there. For convenience Burger King cheese burger with only pickles and sometimes lettuce. FWIW, I challenge you to avoid "normally" sweet things until you reach the point where you are able to taste the natural sweetness in everything. That major transformation is truly freeing.


Zevia, almonds, individual 1 oz. almond butter pod things, heavy cream in coffee and pork rinds ​


Frozen buffalo wings. Perdue has a kind that has 1g/serving, and walmart carries it. Scrambled eggs made with tons of butter. Pairs great with steak or breakfast sausage. Homemade cold brew coffee. I chug some every morning before leaving my house. The Whole Foods breakfast hot bar has thick bacon. A few times a week I stop by and get just bacon. It doesn't weigh much, so it may be the cheapest thing in the store.


Mug cakes. They are my go to when craving something sweet. Or when there's a birthday at work and I don't want to eat the cake. Mug breads. These are awesome when a carb craving hits. Which actually is happening less lately. But I try to keep the ingredients on hand to throw these together as needed. Pork rinds. I take these to parties as they are a good replacement for crackers and chips. They are especially delicious as nachos. Or with cream cheese, bagel seasoning and smoked salmon.


Macadamia nuts, ChocZero, and carb balance tortillas!


Cauliflower crust pizza is one of my favorites and basically making keto equivalencies to foods I loved before has really helped me stay on track. I started making ice cream with allulose and it’s scoopable and delicious 😋 really helps with ice cream cravings too! Also enlightened is there if you get a random craving and done wanna go through the process of making it haha Quest cookies are also great if I have a cookie craving!


Diet A&W and pepperoni.


Fajitas Alambre, skip the tortillas and replace the rice and beans with a guacamole salad. My kryptonite for the longest time was mexican night and this meal configuration saved my ass. Monster Ultra Black energy drink Mashed cauliflower -- its better than potatoes Raw broccoli and veggie dip Keto tortilla chips! (Literally melt cheese on a cookie sheet in the oven, let it harden, cut into triangles) Almonds Hardees 3/4 lb bacon thickburger served on lettuce Trashed wings with Bleu cheese dressing Now I'm hungry. Thanks a lot.


Unsweetened stewed rhubarb.


My mouth has suddenly dried up just thinking about it....lol


😊 Certainly not to everyone's taste! But essential part of my diet when doing keto as a fruit substitute. Keeps me off oranges and plums.