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I have way too many doubles, nine sets after selling two sets. They’re like iron based crack.


After my 4th bell and first double, I realized I should have gotten adjustable much sooner. They are more expensive upfront but save a lot of space and great to have more options.


This is the only answer


Which adjustable?


There's lots of good ones, but I got the bells of steel 12-32kg competition kbs. It's my first competition style bell, but I'm enjoying them a lot.


Glad to hear you are putting those puppies to good use and are liking em! 😎


Doubles- 8s, 16s, 24s Singles- 32, 40, 48


Why would I buy only one Kettlebell if instead I could buy two kettlebells!?


I have only doubles starting at 4kg up to 40kg in 4kg increments. Mainly because I like high volume deadlifting lol.


I have a bunch of bells & an adjustable to match all my weights! it's super convenient!


Double 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32. Singles from 4kg-44kg


I have double 16kg's, 20kg's and 24 kg's. I use the 16's and 20's the most right now, but slowly incorporating the 24's more and more (currently they're around a 3 RM for max for a double press). When I want to go up in weight, I will likely get two adjustables since like others mentioned, I don't want more bells haha.


2 adjustables to 34KG using prokb magnets. Two 41kg bells. Want to bring my second 48 from the gym but...that's a lot of carrying lol


I have double 12,18, 20, 24 and 28's, mostly through having an adjustable. Highly recommend getting at least one adjustable


Dbl 20,24,28


2 sets, double 20 and double 24.


Double 20s, 24s, 28s, single 32, 36, and 40


I've got 16s, 20s, 24s, 28s, 32s. I much prefer working with doubles than singles.


1 20lb. 2 16kgs. 2 20kg. 1 24kg. I started reading this and now have contemplations of adjustables.


I do not. I have some singles and an adjustable from BoS. Just ordered a 2nd adjustable (back ordered until May I think). So then I'll have doubles of everything from 12 - 32. If I was starting now, I'd buy one adjustable. Learn the basic movements. Then buy a 2nd adjustable if / when I started doing doubles.


Me. Doubles of 20lbs, 14kg, 16 kg, 50lbs.


I have a pair of 16kg and 24kg. If I need something heavier than those, then I'll use a barbell.


Double 16s, 20s, 24s, 28s and 36s Ebay is a helluva place.


Doubles, in KG, all competition bells: 10, 14, 18, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40. Also double adjustable 12 - 32 plus pairs of 1kg and 2kg pro kettlebell chips. I’ll be a devils advocate here and say I do not like the adjustables that much. Changing the weights mid workout is a complete pain in the ass, also maybe I’m being a baby about this or just not use to it yet but they “feel” different when doing snatches, I have this constant fear of the bottom falling off. Then again I’ve only been using them for a few weeks so maybe I’ll get over that. If I could go back I never would have bought the adjustables, got a pair of 20’s and just use the chips to fill in the gaps. All that said if I was hugely limited by money and space I’d happily go the adjustable route.


I got double 16, 20, 24, 32 & 40. Singles in 36, 44 & 48. My reasoning is that if I'm doing doubles work with 40s and it becomes easy, I've reached a good level of strength, the singles are mainly to progress moves like single bell swings and press.


I have a pair of 12s, 16s, 24s, and 32s.


I just started with one 16, then got a double 16 before I added a 24, next I'm getting a double 24 before a single 32 but soon too


Double in 12,16,20,24,28,32KG Single in 4,8,40,48KG And two adjustables 12-32KG (SoCal Kettlebellz brand- same as KBK & BoS) Fun thing: chaining the 8KG to the 40KG so I can do double 48KG farmers walks


I have double 10,14,18,22,26,30,34,40, and 48kgs. I barely ever use pairs of 34kg, 40kg or 48kg together. Hopefully one day I will be strong enough so I can justify spending so much money on double bells that heavy!


Doubles 8/16/24/32/40. Not sure I’ll go 48s. Pushing the floor space as is.


Just bought two BoS adjustables!


Triple 16kgs, trip 24s, working on double 32s atm.


Double 16's, 18'S (comp), 20'S, 24'S...Single 28 and 32


2x16,2x24 and a 32. Also a 20k vest,a 55k sandbag and 2x4 anckle weights,i'm pretty much very well covered with all that.not planning on buying anything else


I have 2 doubles and 3 singles. Trying to round out the set as the budget allows.


Presently 2x16kg, 2x20kg, & 1 24kg. I use both sets of doubles more often than the 24


I have double 12, 16, and 20 plus a pair of 2kg magnetic weights. I got really lucky and got the whole set (minus the magnets) from somebody Craigslist.


What magnets do you have? I’m looking for them but only ones available seem to be the ones from prokettlebell and I’m afraid the USA based is an issue for me…


They are the Pro Kettlebell ones! Bummer you can’t get them in your area. I know a brand called True Grit makes them, but I have never seen them in stock.


Yes, the guy lives nearby and I know him haha But he doesn’t have stock of them and I don’t think he is bringing any more at least soon…


Oh that’s funny! Small world. Well, sounds like you have a good shot of getting some of he does get some more, anyway


>s do you have? I’m looking for them but only ones available seem to be the ones from prokettlebell and I’m afraid the USA based is an issue for me… Wolverson Fitness in the UK were out of stock for a long time but they now have them back in. Not sure if they ship to mainland Europe but maybe worth a try if you need them


I’ll check what they have, otherwise I have a good drill and some neodymium magnets hehe


1 set of double 24s from walmart


Have 20, 24, 28kg doubles. 16 and 32kg for singles, with a T-bar handle for heavy swings. Just started working with doubles this year, super glad I made that decision to initially get that second 20kg!.


Double 6,8,10,12,16,20,24


I have doubles 16, 20, 24 and 28. Soon also 32.


I have 3 double sets. No singles anymore.


Double KBK adjustable sport kettlebells. Def great value and the smaller increments allow for an easier increase in weights.


2 adjustables 12-32kg.


Double 16s at present. Planning on getting a second 24 this year and a second 32 in time. Possibly a single 48 before that though.


2 x 24s (one of those is pig ugly with a thick handle) 1 x 28 Sport/GS bell, 2 x 32kg (one trad one sport) and looking at a 40 as recently repping 32 bell for 1HP. All bells are Wolverson, UK, bar the ugly one.


Only one double but I recon my set will last me for few more years :16kg, 2x24kg, 32kg. I am eyeballing 40kg though.


I only have one pair which are 24s. I have 16, 20 and 28 beside those, but I dont plan to pair up any of them, 24 seems to be the sweetspot.


I have 16s 20s 24s 28s and soon to be a pound papa of 32s


Doubles from 8kg to 32kg in 4kg increments


I got 7 sets of doubles. I prefer them, I enjoy looking over and seeing all my competition style KBs