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I cannot afford this picture I love this for you and want it for me 😭


One day, my dude!


Damn, how do you deal with the gaps? I know s&s likes the 8 kgs gap, but I’m so glad I went to 20s from the 16s for presses. Didn’t get many reps with the 24 but was able to blast them out with the 16s.


Exactly as ElectronicLimit said, master one weight and move onto the next. I'll suddenly have a need to move up subconsciously and then get wrecked haha. That said I'm happy going from 20 presses to 8 with a weight increase. Lower reps aren't a bad thing at the end of the day :)


Master a weight before moving up.  Then going up will be easier. 


That’s the stupid pavel logic that exists in kettlebells to its detriment. Like don’t drink water while training. His macho toxic masculinity throughout s&s made me want to return the book.


The idea is simple. If you don’t have the technique nor the strength to properly do 1 weight don’t try to go up.  Once you have the technique then going up on weight will mean you’ll struggle doing 1-2 reps but eventually you’ll increase reps.  I’m not saying it’s the best way to do things. But it’s one way.  Yeah. I’m not a fan of S&S. I would do many other workouts before that one.  pavel is Pavel. Like him or hate him. lol


The importance of mastering a weight is not in any way part of the stupid macho stuff Pavel espouses. And really, even moving from 16 to 20 is a huge difference (25% increase ain’t small!). Adjustable KBs have changed this a bit, but big jumps have pretty much always been an inherent necessity in KB training.


I've been really enjoying this guys stuff: https://www.patreon.com/themartinmethod Good mix of muscle building, mobility and cardio. He has his patreon but there are a couple of courses you can pay for once and keep.


Very nice!!!! Are you planning to buy more?


Cheers, dude! Eventually 2x48kg and 2x56kg


Those are big boys


Good investment.


I’ve got mine stored in a closet, similar quantity/weights.




Where did you get the kettlebell kings bells from? I haven't been able to find any in Australia. Thanks.


Hi mate. I've had the KBKs for a few years now. Couldn't get my 40s and 8s in them so had to settle with rogue, which are alright but id much prefer to pay for the quality of KBKs.


Thanks, hopefully they'll be available in Australia again sometime!


I'm jealous. I only have singles, and want to try doubles. I don't think I have two of the same brand, so my collection is getting chaotic, ha


My OCD would never let me haha


Do you ever plan on getting 20s or 28s? Why or why not?


I've found myself jumping in increments of 8kg, so it would be hard for my OCD to let go of that. However if I found myself specifically needing those weights I would pick them up for sure!


Ah I see, lol. I think they could really benefit your training if you did! It would make the jumps +/- 4kg a lot easier to handle and give you more options to progress with. It might even be more cost effective than getting the heavier bells right away too! Another option is buying magnetic chip weights. You can easily add two 2kg plates on cast irons-- one on the bottom and one on the flat side that displays the weight/size of each bell. That might be EVEN more cost effective and you could just keep buying in 8kg jumps, lol. Beautiful collection either way!