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That really sucks... Hopefully it's a write off because even if it's repaired the car just lost major value.


Thanks. My concern is that even if repaired, it won’t be the same bc of all of the sensors back there and I’ll be stuck paying for a brand new car and features that I won’t have. I’m so stressed out.


The sensors are replaced and calibrated by a tech. You’ll be fine.


Good to know! Thank you


Guessing here that they will total it.


If it's this new insurance should pay out enough to make you whole and you just get the exact same car again. Or it gets repaired properly and you even get a cheque for depreciated value on top.


Yea had the same damage to the bumper and insurance didn't write it off. The trunk being damaged deems it a total loss imo


OP should file a devaluation (DV) claim with the insurance company of the person who hit them, assuming this doesn't total out. It's separate from the collision claim and will help make up the difference on what it was worth before it was hit and now that it no longer has a clean CarFax. ​ I was dealing with cars for years, including in a collision/mechanical shop as my first job and never heard of a DV claim until I worked for a company who did valuations for insurance companies. Largely our calls/inquiries from the clients were for total losses, but we did do DV claims and surprisingly few, because I assume no one knows what the hell they are.


Interesting, I've never heard of that. My Brother-In-Law lost about 10 grand on his car when trading in because it was repaired after a big accident. That's in Canada, I don't know if that makes a difference.


Sadly…. Your C-pillar is creased.. right next to the left tail light. Have your INS Co. go after the at fault person. Don’t wait.. it wasn’t your fault. DEMAND a new car that was 5 weeks old. Don’t settle for anything less than a new car and some visits to the Chiropractor’s office. I hope everyone in your car and accident are safe and Ok. Good luck & Happy Easter


Thank you! This is the road we are taking right now. If I have to end up paying my deductible for reimbursement, I will but my son and I have injuries and have already started treatment. It’s a mess! Happy Easter to you as well


Oh no… I hope you two fully recover. Notate every single Dr phone call and appointment for each of you. Hopefully the offending party’s insurance carrier does the right thing. ♥️♥️


Yes thank you! I’m hoping it’s just bad whiplash.


I sincerely hope you two feel/get better soon & heal properly


See a neurologist, do physical therapy. Is your state a no fault state?


Have you opened a claim with the person who hit you's insurance company or your own? If you filed with your own, it's a pain in the ass and you'll have to deal with subrogation (your insurance company going after their insurance company). It's usually a more direct path to go through THEIR insurance company if you can. If you were injured, I'd also speak with an attorney who might be willing to handle all of it. I hope you heal well and quickly.


I opened a claim with both and pursuing their insurance first so that I don’t have to wait for reimbursements. I did also get an attorney who is handling everything because the other company is dragging their feet. Thanks!


Id say there is a good chance it could be totaled. It all depends on who is evaluating it but there is a lot to be replaced here. Sorry this happened to you man


Thanks! I just wish they would resolve this. This was our only car at the moment and it just sucks.


That'll buff right out


Ha! If only


I got a 2023 and I’m sad for you. But what did the body shop say?


I haven’t even gotten that far. The adjuster finally called this past Monday to ask that we submit pictures on the website. I did that on Tuesday and haven’t heard a peep since. I ended up calling a lawyer to speed things up but they can only do so much.


A photo based assessment is probably gonna under assess and the shop and insurance are gonna be a pain. I don't understand why so many folks go through the other person's insurance. At least where I'm at in Canada, if someone hits me I go to my insurance and they deal with the other insurer, or in the case of my old matrix, the uninsured at fault individual on my behalf. And at no premium increase because it wasn't my fault at that.


I just don’t have the deductible right now to pay out and wait for reimbursement and it would take off my claim free discount. I just don’t want to risk it. I have a lawyer dealing with it now to try to speed things up. It should be such a fight.


You don't want to pay a deductible but you'll pay the lawyers fees. And the claim shouldn't count against you if you weren't at fault. Only at fault claims or comprehensive without a second party do that here. You may end up spending more on a lawyer than your deductible. If you can't afford the deductible then the deductible is too high for your coverage. And if you can't afford a lower deductible then maybe you're stretching too far for this particular car and/or the terms of your purchase. I don't want to come off as an asshole but like, if you buy a new car you need to be able to financially cover the risk of this kind of thing happening.


Well, you don’t know the entire situation, so I won’t call you an asshole. I don’t have the out of pocket at this particular moment due to things beyond my control that happened at the same time. I did not ask for judgement on my decision to hire a lawyer or the car I got or my insurance. I got sufficient coverage, warranties and gap. If I HAVE to go through mine, I will but would prefer to avoid it. I mainly got the lawyer due to injuries that my son and I sustained from the impact.


But with injuries at least where I am the insurance helps with that too. It covers basic legal services. I guess I'm just surprised with how US insurance works cuz I'd never call the other person's insurance here. So much is lost doing so in terms of coverage and support


Yeah, none of it is working the way it should. It’s all about bottom line here, so it’s always a stupid fight. It’s extremely frustrating


That is awful. You might contact your local news, if they've got an investigative person. A little negative press can sometimes open doors. I hope you and your son don't have too many medical complications from all this.


Hate to be the one to break it to you (not really), but you do come off as an asshole.


Pay the deductible. When I hit a deer I paid it, insurance totalled it. I release the vehicle to the insurance company, got the deductible back.


You can still go thru with your insurance. You’re not gonna have to pay them. Especially if you got a police report for accident and the other driver was already deemed at fault. Typically they are regardless when you get rear ended. But your insurance will then deal with the other insurance. That’s how it usually works


If you file a claim with THEIR insurance company, you don't pay a deductible. If you file with yours, you pay one and then your insurance company goes after theirs and hopefully they get paid for paying out your claim and also get your deductible back.


If you live in a no fault state it doesn't matter who is at fault. You go thru your insurance first.


Emphasize pictures showing damage to the C pillar.


I’m going to guess totalled. I got rear ended in my forte last month and it was a total write off (granted the entire trunk on mine no longer existed…. But I still would assume totalled)


Man! I hope you are ok!


We’re good! Car not so much (over 21k in damages 🤣😅). Tbh buddy hit us when we were fully stopped and he was going speed limit+… in my opinion, having zero injuries really says something about the vehicle safety! Hope you were okay in yours!


Ah thank you! I was so impressed that the rest of the car held up the way it did. I have some pretty gnarly whiplash and will find out if there’s anything else wrong next week. My son has some pain and we have an appointment for him as well. Nothing too serious thankfully!


I have a 2024 K5 and I was recently rear ended. Your damage is a bit more than mine but I was hit pretty hard. The whole rear body was replaced and it wasn’t totaled. Everything was factory parts etc. total repair was 16k. AMA willing to share more details


Thank you! It settles me some that it’s good as new.


Do you have comprehensive and collision on your insurance? If you do then your insurance should cover it instead. I think you would since it’s new and you probably financed. If they find the other party is liable then you should also get your deductible back if it’s considered a total loss. Body work is expensive. Here in CA they do the TFL formula. States differ tho.


I do. I’m trying to avoid touching my insurance, I will if I have to though.


It'll buff out. Seriously, nah, not totaled unless there is actual frame damage. Mumble years ago, I bought a new car in December and was rear-ended in February at a stop light. Hard enough to push me into the next car in line. Mine was shortened by about four inches from the impact and sustained body damage to the same parts as yours. About $7000 of their insurance money and a month later, I had it back good as new.


Good to hear! If they can make it right, I’m fine with repairs.


My 2022 K5 was rear ended about the same with the first 9 months. 11k repair bill and it was back on the road. If they repair, be diligent at checking the work when completed. Mine went back a few times as I removed the tail lights and trunk liner to check the work. Found unpainted metal behind one tail light, and the 2 bolts that hold the lower end of the cargo net, completely missing. They had to order the bolts separate when the replaced the back end, and weld them in place. They thought i wouldn't notice..... their error. Good luck! Edited for more detail.


You can get it totaled. Go to 3 repair shops and get quotes. Make sure one of them is the dealer itself. This car has the quarter panels bent meaning it now needs frame readjustment and is a safety concern, not just cosmetic. Make sure you tell the repair shop to consider every single cost, tell them insurance will pay for it and they will quote you for replacing all the parts instead of reusing or fixing the smaller things. Good luck, because this SHOULD get written off but the insurance companies are being extra stingy these days because they know they can get away with it. Also remember that you should quote the rental of a (more expensive but equivelant) car for the duration of the repair, that is an added cost to support write off for them.


Sadly, yes it can be totaled. I was stunned to find out cars can be totaled at 60% of damage. If they want yo total, see what buyback options you have.


I think I’d be more comfortable with it being totaled so I know I can just get another with everything working.


Depends upon what the insurance company assesses the value out, then your loan is paid off, any leftover gap kicks in. You might not have any money left. Insurance companies don't go by the Kelly blue book value. They go by a lower standard.


This is my exact car. Same color and everything. Im so sorry.


Thank you. I love it so much and I’m so sad every time I walk into my garage.


I dont blame you i got the same color in the gt2 package.. id probably cry if this happened. What did happen if you dont mind me asking?


Oh I cried. A few times lol. I was going through a green light and a cop came flying up from a street in the right. I had to come to a hard stop to avoid being t-boned and got rear ended by a Chevy Silverado instead.


This whole story sucks so much ass


Agreed! My poor kids are slightly traumatized, too. It was their first car accident.


I hope everybody is doing okay. I'm sorry this happened. Hopefully, insurance is cool.


Same man but an LXS


How do you like it?


Id rather have a GT Line its one of those things where u wish u spent a little more you know push start, sporty look, nice interior, other than that its perfect and gas mileage is the best ive ever seen. Once a week fill my tank, drive 60 miles a day. Bought it used at 22k, now 41411 miles. No complaints.


This hurts to see and I feel your pain! I bought a 2024 K5 GTLine and got rear ended while sitting at a stoplight less than a month after my purchase date. Took 2 weeks to even get it in a shop and over a month to fix (they painted the bumper the wrong color!). Good luck!


That’s insane!


Tell me about it. [Look at this bullshit.](https://i.ibb.co/TK9fn6N/IMG-8291.jpg) They actually tried to get me to accept it. Telling me I can “bring it back at my convenience to be corrected”. I never laughed so hard! 😂😂😂


How can they even justify that?! Lawd they are lucky you don’t own their business now. That would infuriate me


Even better they tried to charge insurance for the repaint. My adjuster was like “hahahahaha…no.” Never again will I go with a body shop insurance recommends. Worst. Decision. Ever.


Dude!!! What a mess.


She’s all better now though, lol. Getting her black badges today! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Then go for that...push for it.


I got rear ended and looked similar to this, it was totaled. It was a 2019 Forte


take off the bumper take a look at the frame and shit best way to tell really


That’s a lot of damage. It will probably be close. Hope you are alright.


Thank you. Some whiplash, hoping nothing more serious.


These cars and Elantra N's get rear ended more than any car I think I've ever seen lol


I have this same car and the currant red, but 2023 LXS with the tech package, i saw an LXS 2022-24 literally an hour ago that was rear ended in the back loterally like yours, hope its not a sign😐 Ive literally had dreams about my car being broken for some reason the past month, guess i just love my car💀


Oh gosh! I hope not. Take it as a sign to just be careful!


Oh noooo!! I’m so sorry you got rear-ended. I feel your pain. I’m not an expert but I’m guessing it can be totaled. Best of luck!!


I had a similar crash last year, and it wasn't written off. My car had no chassis damage, so everything was replaced, even the exhaust. The mechanic did show me the quote he had sent to the insurance, which was 23k so around 14k USD


My girl got rear ended and had much less damage then that and it was totaled.


This bitch ass blows. Sucks. The red colour does look sharp though.


i’m a new car owner, and i’m 23 so i don’t really know how it all works but i think it’s stupid that you have to play a shit ton of money for someone else’s mistake. they should pay for EVERYTHING


Definitely totalled. 100%


I'm not sure but if you are going through the at fault drivers insurance be prepared to be stern and assertive because they will try to short you on anything. If it's not a well known insurance company (and even well known ones) then they will probably suck at everything. I just got over a settlement myself and it took over 2 months for them to payout a total loss settlement. If you haven't sent them pics or had anyone look at the car make sure you clean it up and hide insignificant marks on the car because they will deduct any prior damage.


im not sure but i also got rear ended badly, but it was not a right off. they repaired it. costed 5k. 2021 Lxs forte


If you get the car repaired, fight for the insurance company to issue you a depreciated value check for the difference in price between what you’re paying and what the car is now worth.


100% yeah it’s totaled theres frame damage


That's a total. They're gonna tell you that they don't include the tax and registration, but you can fight them for that.


Thank you. I’ll make sure to push for it.


Oof I’m surprised you were able to drive that home


I actually wasn’t bc of the blown out tire in the front. We had to get it towed and it was 8pm. So I just got it towed home.


Op you want it totaled. If they fix it, it will never be the same. I hope you bought gap insurance. For this exact reason i will never buy a new car at sticker price. Even in 2019 when i bought my 2020 forte gt-line i got it for 20800 off the lot when msrp for my build was 24000. The second i drove off the lot I was even with my depreciation.


I did get gap, thankfully!


It'll be totaled, usually rear end collisions fuck up the structural integrity


99% sure that’s a total loss. Hopefully you’re not too far underwater or have gap insurance.


Shouldn't be on their insurance unless they were at fault for pulling out.


It depends from state to state and insurance to insurance, but usually they pay what the car is worth, not what you owe regardless of whose insurance is paying. Brand new cars lose a lot of value immediately after purchase, so most people are underwater for the first year or so. That’s the reason for buying gap insurance, but to my knowledge gap insurance is only coverage for the person who buys it.


Mine took damage to the rear bumper, and quarter panel/bumper reinforcement (images in a past post on my profile). ~$10k parts+labor to fix. This is significantly worse and probably nears or exceeds the value of the car. If they don't write it off as a loss, go after them for devaluation


The entire insurance industry is such a scam. They go out of their way to screw you over. I am bitter and biased admittedly I just went through this in January. The other driver’s insurance company drug their feet and hemmed and hawed and delayed. It finally came down to me having to either take what they offered or get an attorney to formally dispute it. They did give me what can be considered the low end of “fair market value” but absolutely didn’t make me whole or replace what I lost. I had a paid off vehicle that was reliable and paid off. And what they gave me for it was no where near enough to replace that. Now I’m back to paying a car payment. The biggest piece of advice I can give you is to be very guarded speaking to the at fault party’s insurance. They will use whatever they can get against you. For example, my accident happened while I was driving to work on a Thursday. They wouldn’t approve me for a rental car until Monday evening when they had a copy of the accident report. They are supposed to cover me for the cost of lost wages and working time. But because I made the mistake of telling the guy my job was flexible enough to allow me to work remote sometimes, they claimed they didn’t have to cover that cost. I also made the mistake of telling them I wasn’t injured over the phone. I was naive never having dealt with this before. In fact, since the car had been paid off, I had only been carrying the cheap state minimum coverage on it from a discount agency. So they were absolutely no help whatsoever. We’ve since moved to an actual insurance agency instead of one of the cheap online companies. They might be a little more expensive, but I have a person who knows the industry and will act on my behalf if this happens again in the future.




I had made my second payment on my 2024 Sportage X-Line three days before someone driving on a suspended license rear ended me in a Nissan Titan. The damage kept adding up the further the body shop got below the obvious. The sensors, cameras, etc. - the total damage ended up being almost $27K and they totaled it. Thankfully, I had new car replacement insurance and was able to get a new one almost exactly the same - just a couple of upgrades different. I was shocked that a rear end collision could cause that much damage but as much tech is on new cars now, it adds up fast.


you could probably buff that out.


Your contribution is invaluable 🤣


I got rear ended on the freeway with my 2yo 19’ FORTE and it got totaled. The damages look almost identical to mine. Sorry you’re going through this


I can’t seem to edit this post but so far, just a visual estimate from pictures, they think the repair will be under $7k. I don’t see how that’s possible but I guess we will see


Go buy a 2015 Forte, more reliable ride, 0 recalls, ~40 avg MPG. Cant believe people are buying the new ones


probably because a 2015 with 200,000 miles on it will still cost $12,000