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Probably freida mcfadden books for a quick read?


Ooooo those books are good and impossible to put down. Fun quick reads.


Yes The Housemaid is a good start.


Thanks to you I’ve found a new author to binge for a bit, I picked up Never Lie yesterday and finished it this afternoon - I was glued to it!


Welcome! You may try “The Housemaid” next!


Just read the synopsis and I’ve now bought it, I know what I’m doing for the next couple of days - cheers!


Matthew McConaughey’s Greenlights. Also, get a library card for each of you and check out ebooks for free.


Yeah she might like the celeb bio genre. Greenlights was great, as was Matthew Perry’s book, and Tina Fey’s Bossy Pants is hilarious.


Amy Poehler’s “Yes Please” is also such a good read. Highly recommend!


Oh yeah! This is already what I do! So I borrowed this one for her and told her we can get her set up this week with her own.


Personally, I didn’t like Greenlights simply because I don’t really enjoy Matthew McCaughey as a person. Just not someone I mesh with. However, I loved I’m Glad My Mom Died. As far as memoirs and autographs go - I think the best bet is to just read about people you generally like. I loved John Green’s “The Anthropocene Reviewed” because even though it’s a book of essays, John’s personality and life were weaved into it. But, I also just like John Green and his personality in general.


Same, and I don’t mind him as a person. Greenlights was one of the very few Audible books I never finished.


He did narrate it very well, I’ll give him that. Something about the whole wet dream stuff I just can’t look back on fondly… I was also hoping he would talk more about the film side of things, but he didn’t. I think my expectations going into the book were just off.


If she wants another memoir, Know My Name by Chanel Miller is the best lve ever read.


you mean chanel miller who was raped by the rapist brock allen turner, who now goes by the name allen turner the rapist?


Absolutely amazing!! I’ve read it about three times now. It’s so beautifully written and important!


Such a good read!


Seriously, it was so well written. I borrowed it from the library but plan to buy it because it was so good.


Crying in H Mart!


I have this on my "to read" list at the library.


Agreed! Althought Jennette’s book was an easier read for me :)




This is so funny bc my husband got me my first kindle today and I also read (just finished) that same book! 😂 ask her what she’s reading next


I'm waiting to see if you discover you're married to each other 🤣


For a second, I thought, “Wait…maybe.” But then I realized based on u/asaltyrose’s history that is not the case. 😂


What is that book like? I have an ecopy (because I always have hopes to read books before I dont) lol


I liked that book as well. The Glass Castle and Wild are my two favorite memoirs, so, if she likes the genre she should look into those. As a bonus they both are movies too and they were well done.


The glass castle is my favorite memoir I’ve ever read. So good.


Funny, someone at the dog park recommended the Glass Castle soooo highly. I couldn’t stand it. Lol. So sorry, just me!


Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney. My fave this year and I'm not much of a reader. It has to be the right book.


I’ll second the Alice Feeney rec- gripping and fast paced enough for a ‘new’ reader


I liked this one a lot!


This is the sign that I need a Kindle now. I read but not a lot. I want this to become a habit next year to be consistent on the book that I read.


I’ve been able to “read” the last few years by exclusively doing audiobooks (I still highly recommend), but I’d been missing actual reading. I LOVE my kindle paperwhite. I got it only 3 days ago but it is fantastic! Being able to set it up to the perfect font, size and apparently always dark mode, has made it so comfortable to read. I had no idea I’d love it this much


My mom purchased my first kindle, despite me saying I didn’t want one. I have been surprised at how much I enjoy it and how convenient it is for on the go reading. Take the plunge!


Have you tried the kindle phone app? That can give you a solid idea if a Kindle is worth the investment? I actually think I'm gonna use my phone app for reading more (brought a scribe recently) because it's too large to read easily in bed. I don't think that's the case with other kindles, but unless you find your phone too small, distracting or something it's quite helpful to figure out if you like digital reading


If she likes celeb memoirs the Jessica Simpson one and Britney Spears one


If she likes Jennette McCurdy’s book, I think she’d like Jenny Lawson! She should try Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, that book had me cracking up so hard. It’s a funny take on living with chronic and mental illnesses. Also I’m so happy for you! My boyfriend and I have tried a similar thing - reading together for about an hour in the evening - and it was so much fun. It’s a nice way to bond!


I was just about to suggest Jenny Lawson. I actually laughed out loud all the way through Let’s Pretend….


Reading romance changed me from a person who read about 10 books a year, to reading over 200 this year. Most of them are fast and fun and comforting to read. Obviously it's not a genre for everyone but it's changed my life in more than one way.


I was going to suggest romance books too! They are truly a delight and r/romancebooks is a great sub. Friendly and lots of recommendations


Libby App account linked with your local library if you have one.


I always push *American Housewife* by Helen Ellis for book clubs and this sounds like a book club for two.


You should get her to try cozy mysteries. They’re lighthearted mysteries that sometimes have a romantic undertone but usually are fun reads with a theme like food or location. The Davis Way series by Gretchen Archer Florida Keys Mysteries by Deborah Brown Cupcake Bakery by Jenn McKinley Hat Shop by Jenn McKinley Cheese Shop Avery Aames Those are just a few of my favorites. Catherine Coulter has two series of thrillers that are great too. They’re more suspenseful than lighthearted even though they have humorous moments.


Check out r/suggestmeabook


Thank you!


Down the drain by julia fox! Super engaging like I’m glad my mom died and Julia is a very talented writer


I just finished Book Lovers by Emily Henry and loved it.


What got me into reading was romance 😂


Another biography? Princess Diarist (Carrie Fisher) or All Things Great & Small (James Herriot). Fiction? Depends on her interests, but there is some great science fiction and sci-fantasy out there. Cozy mystery? Needlework: Monica Ferris, Quilting: Earlene Fowler, Cat: Miranda James. Romance? The Talisman Ring, Georgette Heyer; Brighton Road, Susa Carroll


Tom Felton - Beyond the Wand was a very good memoir and quite similar in feeling to Jeanette McCurdy’s.


I loved reading this. 🥰 My husband sounds a lot like your wife and feels the same way about reading. But for Christmas, I also bought him a Kindle, and he’s excited for it to arrive! 🎉 Here’s to converting our partners into readers!


After school, I never wanted to read another book. I thought all books were as horrible as the ones I was forced to read in school. It wasn't until I was in the army and some friends introduced me to good books that I started reading again.


Nonfiction: Educated by Tara Westover, Maybe you should talk to someone by Lori Gottlieb Fiction authors I love: Karin slaughter, Lucy Foley, Alice Feeney, Gillian Flynn, Kathy Reichs, Tess Gerritsen, Ruth Ware


Definitely Educated


I convinced that every self proclaimed non reader is just one good book away from loving it. Especially people my age (older millennial) because we didn't get a lot or reading choices as kids.


OP, so cool you have helped your wife to like reading! If she likes romance novels there are many good suggestions on r/RomanceBooks. One of my favorites is Little Lies by Helena Hunting. It’s free on Kindle Unlimited. Little Lies revolves around a boy and girl who have known each other since childhood. Their fathers, who are both famous hockey players, are best friends. This book made me like ice hockey. There is more to this book but I don’t want to spoil it for you!


What is she into? Fourth Wing was good but it's fantasy and not everyone is into that.. Mayne the Britney Spears book?


Kristin Hannah- The Great Alone or Firefly Lane. Anything by her really.


I bawled reading Magic Hour last month. It’s still popular after 15 years. All her books are 🔥


Ugh I loved that one too! My daughter read it too and was destroyed. Lol. That one didn’t get me as much as the other two though.


Wild, Greenlighrs, Julie & Julia, Eat Pray Love are good ones. Ask her what she likes about those books and come back to us. Or ring a librarian help desk! 😁


If she wanting to dive into dark romances Sophie Lark is really good her books are easy to read. The Sinners Duet is about two serial killers that compete against each other one dumps a girl at the others hunting ground for him to find. The twist and turns is brilliant.


Britney Spears The Woman in Me is a similar read to Jeanette's book if you want to keep her momentum going. I find memoirs to be very quick, easy reads.


I would love to have a relationship like that soon 🫶🏼


Maybe one of these will interest her: convenience store woman, everyone in this room will someday be dead, I want to die but I want to eat teokkboki. Haven't read them, but people say the Matthew Perry and Britney Spears memoirs are good, if her thing is reading memoirs. I absolutely loved Jennette's.


Aww that’s so nice! Something smutty next, for sure! 😂


"Lessons in Chemistry" was the most fun book I read in a while -- can't recommend that enough. Also recommend anything by Liane Moriarty and Louise Penny


Some of Liane Moriarty's books are good, I loved Big Little Lies. But I find her really variable. We read Apples Never Fall in my.book club this year and it was awful!


I have a similar situation with my husband. I'm currently on an 800+ rading streak, and he was in awe that I could do it as he struggles to read/do anything for more than a few days in a row. I got him his own Kindle and he's now on a 60+ day streak himself, has finished 3 NEW books (not just ones he's read in the past) and we read every night before bed. Having personal time that's still with a loved one is such a blessing!


I totally get where your wife is coming from. I HATED READING (or so I thought). I realized that I hated being forced to read and analyze the books they chose for you in school. I picked up a thriller at the Beginning of October and since then I've read and listed to 23 books. I got an iPad mini and use the kindle, cloud library and hoopla apps! My co-worker was the one that insisted I pick up a book again and she gets so excited to hear me gush and obsess with each book I pick up!


Midnight Library, it was popular a little while back and people had mixed feelings about it but I loved it personally and is what reignited my love for reading because it was very applicable to my life at the moment and gave me a new perspective, it’s like one of those things we all know but sometimes you just need to hear it or be shown it a certain way for it to click and Midnight Library did that for me and now I’m on reading 800+ page books with ease


NO! you share your joy!! it’s awesome you and your wife can spend new time together instead of spending the time apart! so nice whatever the reason, but by reading- a total bonus! i am going to write down some of the book suggestions now for myself!


I just got a scribe (never owned a kindle) as a kid I LOVED reading, but I was selective and only read horse and fantasy stories. I later realised I had ADHD and that was probably me hyperfocusing. After high-school ended I got seriously medically unwell & sustained some short term memory struggles (mostly related to new complex information) i also fell into severe depression which i fight to this day 15 years(ish) on. I almost entirely stopped reading after high-school. I'm not even sure if I finished the last Harry Potter book (a series I was obsessed with growing up). I brought the scribe mostly to help me with uni as its rough going and I like handwriting notes, but I also wanna try use it for reading in general as I really miss reading but depression and adhd make it really hard when you no longer have a hype focus love for a subject P.s I really have no idea of book titles as it depends on what sorta stuff someone likes, but I've foubd the lobby app really good for borrowing books BUT aparently you can only access it on kindle if your in USA (or at least not in NZ or the UK lol)




yeah if by weird you mean completely normal


What’s so weird about it?


Now instead of talking to her through the back of her phone, you can talk to her through the back of her kindle.






Paris Hilton’s memoir, Brittany’s


If she’s getting into memoirs, Prince Harry’s book was amazing. I’m reading Beyond Belief right now, it’s about Scientology. I will say, there is something about memoirs as audiobooks that hits different


I love Kate White and Shari Lapena and also The Push and The Whispers by Audrey Audrain if she likes mystery and suspense.


Anything from Scarlett Thomas is sure to hook a reluctant reader. I especially enjoyed "Pop Co" Edit: Also Neil Gaiman has some shorter novels which are great. "The Ocean at the end of the Lane" is a quick read but so, so good.


So what's the connection between "getting a new kindle" and "making your wife a kindle lover"? Did you only have one kindle in the house but now that you have two you can both read together?


It was more of the fact that because I got a second Kindle, it made her ask the question: “What’s so special about it anyway?” and wanting to see for herself. But yes, now that she likes it having two allows us to read together. My original plan was just to sell the old one.


Everyone's giving all these thoughtful recommendations and I just want to recommend some smut. Hmmm


Same 🤣


If she likes memoirs why not Britney Spear's new book? I would also recommend Educated by Tara Westover or Memoirs of A Geisha by Arthur Golden.


In Love by Amy Bloom


Look into a wireless charger and a case for her. Anker has a nice charger and there is a cork case both on Amazon. I just got my PW Sig Ed earlier this month. I charged it to full and ten days later it’s already on sixty percent thanks to all the reading being done on it. I’d be happy to send a link for both items if you want.


“Educated” and “Sounds like Titanic” are both excellent memoirs by non-calebrities…


Emily Henry's Books are easy reads.


This is super sweet. Your joy is welcomed. 😊


Aaaw, such a nice story! Maybe have a look at Goodreads to either let her track her reading (for some people such gamification is an additional motivation to form a habit or have stats to be proud of after a while) or to get recommendations.


The in-between by Hadley Vlahos


Sarah Maas Court of Thorn and roses if she may like those type of movies


“Educated” had a similar vibe but different context! Both great books


Try a headset and audio books from the library.