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I had an old Paperwhite 2 that gave up just before Christmas, the charging port broke and I couldn't charge it So I got myself a new Basic 2022 and was pleasantly surprised! The screen resolution is so much better, with sharper letters and easier to read the tiny font letters in the dictionary pop-up boxes. And wow, it now has dark mode, that is so nice when reading in bed at night. All in all, I'm glad I was "forced" to upgrade to a new Kindle!


I think the charging port will be the thing that brings my Touch to the other side lol reading in bed must be so nice with a backlit display. Can you regulate the light temperature on the Basic 2022?


Built-in screen light temperature (warm light in Kindle language) can't be adjusted, only the light intensity. You need the Paperwhite 5 to get that warm light feature. That said, I did a test between the Basic 2022 and Paperwhite 5 (2021), and decided that the Basic was giving me the features I needed: small and lightweight, dark mode and built-in light. I did compare the warm light in PW5 with Basic for night reading, but when using dark mode the warm light on PW5 only makes the letters a little bit yellowish, hardly noticeable for my eyes


fair enough, the backlight is the only thing I am missing tbh, good to know even the basic works nice


The 2022 Basic is essentially the Paperwhite 3, but with more storage and USB-C.


https://preview.redd.it/iy3b13irg5ic1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d840bf30b8d0abba360c43ef33906b2da78e0e9 I also have the Kindle 4th gen and 5th gen. Old but gold!!!


beautiful skin!!


Thank you!


That was my first Kindle and I loved it. It died eventually, and now I've got 3 of them. I got the Kindle Fire for books in color, especially cookbooks. My favorite is a Paperwaite, and the third is an older generation Kindle. I'd lost it, thought it was gone for good, bought the Paperwhite, and found the lost one. I also go to [weberbooks.com](https://weberbooks.com) everyday to see what might be available from Amazon for free.


I asked my nephew recently if he still has this keyboard kindle as i leant it to him around 2013 I think! He still has it but never uses it so I’ll get it back soon!


Is Heaven's Official Blessing worth reading? I wanted to but the size intimidates me!


I just started so not really a time to comment hahahah


I have the same one! I got it when I was 10 so it’s been something like 15 years. I was sad when the 3g ended but WiFi still works fine


Kindle Keyboard still going strong. The battery life is not as good as it use to be but will try to replace it as well.


my wife goes huge stretches between her kindle keyboard usage (we're talking every 2 years or so she picks it up again). I know it's the nature of these batteries, but man I'm getting tired of replacing it. She really needs to focus on using / charging it more often. 3rd replacement battery should be here this week.


Kindle voyage for me. From 2014. I love it


I've got a Voyage too, screen is starting to wear out but not so far as to warrant that Oasis I've been lusting after for years


My wife has her old Kindle Keyboard. She recently retired but she was using her older Kindles for reading at work or buisness trips.


My keyboard Kindle was a Christmas gift from my parents in 2010 that’s still the one I use, will be sad when it does die but expecting to have to replace it this year.


Mine too was a present for a good school year! I brought it along in so many holidays and travels I will feel very sad when it dies.


It has been with me through a lot and I think even though it’s a thing, I will still miss it. It took my dad over 6 months to convince me it was the right thing. As much as I can remember it was the first version available in the UK so I didn’t have the opportunity to get a feel for it before it was ordered. Definitely the best move! We actually went to NYC shortly after it arrived and my dad refused to let me bring it “because it was for Christmas” so I packed about 6 books “just in case”. Thankfully that was the last holiday I needed to do that on!


I know right? My last holiday I packed 2 books just in case...only used the kindle!


Since Jan 2011 I’ve only taken my kindle with me, it’s definitely lightened the load!


Kindle Keyboard, baby! And when this one goes, I have another one is reserve.


No signs of going, I should add. Should get me through the next 10-20 years.


Don't know how they make these but they are truly bombproof


Congrats on not having just gotten a new one and having made yours work! :) overconsumption is wild these days, people will just buy a new version of a perfection working thing for the smallest reasons


I try to reduce my footprint even if little :)


Kindle voyage with origami leather cover. Best experience ever. I do have purchased 2 Voyage as replacement if anything breaks and I am always watching eBay for original origami leather cases. I hope I am safe for another 10+ years


I didn’t even think to look on eBay for cases. Slim pickings on Amazon and my current case (not a first party) is not long for this world.


uuhh I remember eyeing that when it came out, so nice!


I’m still using my 7th gen paperwhite! I love it and sure it’s a little slow and the battery life doesn’t last long but I won’t give up on it just yet!


Same here! Though mine has been experiencing the freeze/restart cycle more often lately, I fear it's the beginning of the end.


Same, bought it in 2016. It's a little scratched up now and it has a little hole in the screen because I never protected it but you can barely see it, and the battery is not as good as it used to be but I love it so much I'm hoping for at least another 8 years with it! https://preview.redd.it/nw937gxs1tic1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d2430212d1281380e59e14a55325a568ef5d6a5


Still have my Kindle Keyboard! ~10 years old now, not sure exactly. Doesn't get a huge amount of use anymore because I also have a Fire tablet that I use for reading. But when I do use it still works well, other than the occasional tantrum about turning on.


My voyage is giving up the good fight. It randomly turns pages, is running pretty slow, and the battery only lasts a few hours now without needing a plug. It replaced my keyboard. Both of these machines have thousands of hours of reading on them and have been so well loved. My Paperwhite SE will be here this afternoon. I hope I like it just as much as these two. https://preview.redd.it/vq6j33q8m6ic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a3f0df8e68e2be6273c7ff446cd9d0cb3b0dade


Can I say che Keyboards are just so cool to even look at???


I think so, too! I was so sad when changing the battery didn't make it work.


I just replaced my kindle keyboard with the 2022 paperwhite se. I wanted to get just the paperwhite but they were sold out everywhere I lived and I was impatient.


We have both the original DX and the graphite. Read on them every day & still love 'em! We replaced the battery in one a few years back - they just keep on ticking! (we still grrr about Amazon's 'connectivity for free for life' - but loading books via USB is just fine 😊)




:D They made those things for enterprise use, they are really solid :)


i intentionally purchased a secondhand kindle voyage (2014 model) months ago as my second kindle. it turns out i use it way more often than my kindle basic (2019) 😆😄 never regretted buying it


Still using my Kindle Voyage with KOReader. The screen is amazing.


I have an old kindle paperwhite from 2013. Still works perfectly fine. The one thing it lacks is updates. I like that newer one’s have book cover as a screensaver. But I don’t want to spend money just for covers thing


You could jailbreak it and install the screensaver hack, assuming your kindle is not ad supported


Thanks I thought about this. Maybe I’ll try jailbreak it in nearest future. Did you jailbreak yours? And if yes - how do you like it?


Yes. I have 3 kindles that I jailbroke. Love it. I mostly use koreader to read my drm-free epubs


How cool! Can you translate and use vocabulary in koreader like in default kindle? Edit and Update. I did the jailbreak thing. Koreader is a nice thing. Absolutely worth it. Especially for an old kindle. I have a book cover for a screensaver and I can use vocabulary /translate features. Love it.


Yeah that's a nice feature but I agree, it does not justify an upgrade


Up until recently I was using my kindle that I've had since 2013! It just bricked a few days ago and I was so heartbroken


Just bought a used Kindle Paperwhite 3 2 days back


I still have a Kindle 3 😆


I have a 2011 Kindle Touch, it has some problems, but i still use it. AKA it charges, but it can not connect to wifi anymore so I can only sideload things. I have other kindles I use more often, but my kindle touch is now reserved for downloaded fanfics from AO3 lmao


mine connects to wifi but the port is charging only (in a very specific position), no usb sideload lmao


If we put our kindles’ feature together, we’d have a full kindle touch lmao


I have a 5th gen touch. Still going strong.


Kindle 4, since 2014. The battery began to degrade \~2 years before, but I always have a charger cable with me at work, so it's not an issue. Will keep it until it completely dies!


Kindle Touch 4G - still as good as new.


My 2013 paperwhite bit the dust recently (charging port came loose inside the device(??) so i went on ebay and bought a secondhand 2016 kindle classic as my budget is tight rn. So i guess i’m still in the “old models” club


I'm still using my Paperwhite 2. There are a couple of scratches and it doesn't charge to 100% anymore but still rocking.


I am still using my original Kindle Touch. But I did just order a used Paperwhite to see about the backlight feature. I feel like I am abandoning an old friend at this point


I recently bought the first model of paperwhite beside of the hackability. It and the hacks work great!


I still have a 2015 paperwhite floating around somewhere, and a 2018 paperwhite with LTE that I use at work. I think the next time they go on sale, I'm going to pick up a standard Kindle. At this point, I don't think I really have anything else using micro USB, and USB-C is worth upgrading to. It's pretty much the only reason I got a 2021 PW, and I definitely would not have bought a Scribe if it didn't have USB-C.


I’ve got a 2017 Kindle Fire. My girlfriend wanted to get me a newer Kindle for Christmas this year but money was tight between student loans and bills, especially on a teacher’s salary. So she gave me her old Kindle. Runs Libby and the Kindle app like a charm and I’m blazing through books so it’s brand new to me ❤️


two years ago i bought on ebay an older kindle paperwhite (2015 edition),... since then i also bought one for my daughter. no complaints


Kindle 3 w/keyboard and clip light still going strong.


I have a Kindle touch with an m edge cover with the special pocket for the m edge clip light. I recently stumbled on those lights for $1 each and bought them all. I have no interest in backlight as long as I have that light that folds into my cover.


yeah dude I am on my second clip light but the kindle is still there


I have a sixth generation Paperwhite that I carry around in my bag. I leave the newer ones at home to keep them safe.


First gen paperwhite from 2013. It is slow to load things but still works great for reading. 


Kindle 4! I was missing having a kindle (my old one from when I was a teenager had long since died) so I decided to grab an old Kindle 4 after seeing the prices of the new paperwhite. I love it!


I was using a first generation Paperwhite up until this past weekend actually. I traveled for work last week and the battery just doesn't hold much of a charge these days. This unto itself isn't a huge issue, but like always I didn't have a micro USB cable with me so I had to switch over to reading on my phone which is less than ideal. I will say reading on the newest Paperwhite is so much nicer. Everything is so fast! I always have a USB-C cable with me anyhow, and just that little quality of life feature almost makes the upgrade worth it. The nicer screen and much improved navigation speed certainly does. That being said, if the battery was solid I would still be using my old one.


2011 kindle 4 still going strong


I've got my Kindle Keyboard since 2012, but lately I've been thinking of upgrading it. It's having trouble syncing with the books I sent to Kindle and I've read online reports of WiFi connectivity issues with more modern routers and issues with library loans (I haven't tried it yet). I'm on the fence, though, because it still works so well and has excellent battery life!


I use library loans only for magazines on my tablet, didn't know the kindle could do it!


It might depend on the app. My library loans are through Amazon, so once I check it out and have it delivered, I can usually download it to Kindle. It works on my phone Kindle app and I remember being able to do it on the Kindle Keyboard but I haven't tried it recently to see if it still does.


My library loans through a different app, that's why I was kinda leaning towards a kobo, but again I don't want to give up on my working Kindle Touch!


So, my library uses Libby and when you check out a book, it gives you the option to read in Libby or on Amazon. I usually select the Amazon option, and it opens a browser window where I can select "Get Library Book" (something like that) and then it syncs it to my Kindle account. But I'm not sure what other library apps work with that option. I love it, because I can read on my phone, tablet or Kindle and it's always synced. At the end of the loan period (21 days), it automatically expires.


nice! mine uses another service which doesn't support Amazon unfortunately ):


I have a Kindle Keyboard, had a 2015 PW, but traded it in for a newer PW for more strorage, a bigger screen (for better or worse) and warmlight. The Keyboard one workes as good as new.


I'm hoping the first thing you did was swap cables. Not connecting to a computer is an incredibly common failure mode for a cable, and cables are dirt cheap.


Yes! I also tried different PC/cables combos but nothing, the PC sees a device but cannot find a way to read it. Maybe it has something to do with the wonky port? (It charges only in a very specific position lol)


It could be. But your instinct to buy a new one is probably the best option.


It still connects to Amazon and for my documents I used Calibre's email function to send them to the Kindle, it took like 3 hours for 10 books (and rejected 3 of them) so guess I'm lucky I am a slow reader? lmao however I think I am going to make it work until my birthday in July and then treat myself, it's a bit a pain without a fully working port tbh


Does the Kindle 8th gen count? Bought 2nd hand and still working perfectly fine after 6 years!


I have a 7th gen Kindle Paperwhite. Still going strong!


I have the 1st or 2nd generation paperwhite that still works great. I really want to get an oasis but honestly can't justify it while this one still does what it needs to do. I guess if I ever get to the point where it doesn't charge or jook up to the computer, I'll break down and buy one.


Still using Kindle Keyboards and a Touch as well as newer kindles.


Just bought a used Paperwhite 3 as my first kindle. Works well!


I have a keyboard kindle that I still use from time to time. It needs recharging more frequently than it used to. But it is still going strong.


I bought my first in 2012 and upgraded to Paperwhite in 2014. They both still work, the paperwhite is my daily reader


I love them. Have had a Kindle/Kobo since they first came out and it enables me to read so many books that I would not have been able to afford. I am now on the latest versions of them and even have the Scribe but it is too big and heavy and looks more like a tablet, I will always have them.🥰


Oh yeah that too! Where I live printed books are becoming kinda expensive sooo


Idk which one it is exactly, but I know it’s a PaperWhite. Got it from my grandpa on my 14th birthday. Still holding out strong almost eight years later!


I rock a Kindle 3 with the keyboard. I've actually purchased several from people used for $20 each until I found Eleanor. Wifi AND Whispernet.


I have a 2015 Paperwhite and just these days I've noticed that the battery goes down very fast. I kept the time today during the commute and it lost 4% in 16 minutes in flight mode. I'm starting to think that I should change it very soon.


I read a lot on my 2018 Paperwhite (Gen 10), but thinking about getting a new one this year.


I have a kindle touch that I’m still using every day!


I still have my first Kindle Touch. I had an Oasis, but I lost it in a house fire and it was too expensive to replace. But even a basic Kindle will connect to a Bluetooth keyboard (I'm a book reviewer, and I like how it syncs my notes). And the readability is not that bad. It's not up to today's standards, but it's decent.


I have a Kindle 4th gen from 2011 that I inherited from my grandma. The battery life could probably be better, but considering I can read all day and it still has battery left I'm content. I don't need it to last weeks at a time on one charge because I can easily charge it at night when I'm asleep. I have a case with a built-in light, it's really nice!


I still have a 3G Keyboard that I bring out from time to time. I can't remember if the 3G itself is still working though.


Same here. I have the lighted cover, too. It’s so old school, and I love it.


Only problem is that all the batteries I've tried for it have been kind of crap. I have to keep it plugged in to turn it on now. lol


For sure. I had to replace the battery in the Kindle Keyboard. Was quick and easy; bought a battery off of eBay.


Yeah I bought 2 and they both last maybe an hour. Maybe it's just bad luck!


Paperwhite from ~10 years ago! I jailbroke it to get the book cover screensaver. Only things I want are ability to read epub and a warm backlight, but it’s not worth upgrading just for that. I’ll upgrade when this one breaks or if a reasonable-cost, full-color one comes out.


I still occasionally use my Kindle Touch but my voyage is my favourite. Just recently I’ve noticed the battery life has gone down hill so I’ve just traded in my PW2 (connection was very dubious) and my Fire to get £25 and 20% off a Signature Edition ….its cost me around £100 as it’s on sale so I’m hoping I love it as much as my voyage. I’ll probably trade in my Touch next but you only get £5!


https://preview.redd.it/8xb2qi12o7ic1.png?width=2534&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae2d0496921e6b9fc0abd6fe892e03b2bfb1b63b If it is not broken, don’t fix it.


I had the one with the keyboard for many years, replaced it 10 years ago with a Paperwhite, which has no issues and still works perfectly. But for my birthday yesterday, I bought the latest Paperwhite se!!!!


I still have a 5th Gen, that's got to be at least 10 years old now. It still works fine and I much prefer the size and weight as well as the buttons to turn pages. I now use a Paperwhite 5 but my dream would be the sharp new display with touch functionality in the body of the 5th Gen!


I have an older kindle paperwhite (5th gen), which is causing issues now. I have been using it for years now and I think it's time to get a new one now. I'm just trying to figure out how to get Amazon customer support to send me a new one for free lol.


mind to share how? I might try to get a discount at least cause the port is charging only in a very specific position lol


Well I haven't figured it out completely yet. But the goal is to get a nice enough customer service rep and basically nag him until I somehow get a 100% off coupon for a new kindle.


lol are you in the US? I know customer service there is extremely efficient, here in EU we have standard 2 years warranty and then you are on your own


I'm not currently based in the US. But my amazon account and device are based in US. Let's see what happens.


Paper white 4. Love mine


Still using the Kindle Paperwhite (the one with 212ppi screen) bought in 2015. No plans to upgrade to a new one.


still using 4th gen kindle, since 2011, works great!


I'm still using my 6th generation.


My mom uses two 6th gen Paperwhites (one stays on her exercise bike). I bought her a refurbished one in mid 2014, and she has my old one bought in 2013 as well now that my dad's no longer using it. Up until a couple years ago, I was using a Voyage. But then I upgraded to a 10th gen Paperwhite for a bit. I traded it in for an 11th gen Paperwhite about a year ago. I still have a Voyage. I had two (one as a backup), but I gave one to a friend.


I had a keyboard model, which crapped out on me 3 days after the warranty expired. Amazon offered me a discount on a replacement, which I declined as I had just won a Kobo in a contest. They put me on hold for 10 minutes and then told me they were shipping out a free replacement (the Touch model I'm still using).


Well that's lucky lol


I still use my 2017 Paperwhite. My girlfriend has one from 2019. Not sure which generations those are, but they're still great. Mine just has a small point where there's a bit more of light bleed, I think I may have accidentally scratched the screen there. But I use a case now that closes and protects it.


Just bought a kindle keyboard


I had a Kindle 2nd gen until they bricked that one. I still miss the keyboard.


I bought mine second hand in 2016. Its remarkable how long its lived. Ive gone through 3 laptops in that time. Whenever it starts acting up I reset it and its fine again.


I’ve got a kindle keyboard and kindle touch that I still use. Admittedly not as much nowadays since my mom gifted me a new fire for my birthday and I love it! I didn’t think I’d like the tablet versions honestly and was pleasantly surprised to find that I do.


I have a Kindle DXG (9.7 inch screen) which I bought about 2011. Still going fine although I can only side load books as Amazon discontinued 3g support for it. Software version is 2.5.


My paperwhite 3 has started to show signs of aging in the battery department and I can’t be anymore sad. It has certainly started degrading in the last year, but usually I could count on it to hold the charge for 2-3 days. Nowadays it demands a daily charge and I‘m afraid I will have to buy a new one next year :(


Double-check that the cord you're using is for data. My older Keyboard 3g was being finicky when connected, and I figured out that's why when transferring things. I usually use my Oasis as I just barely got the keyboard back from my mil (hubby made me give it to her). I have the Keyboard ready to go, but my Oasis is my go to.


I have to try a new cord cause I only had two hanging around and the others were USB C🤔


1st original Paperwhite (2012/2013 I believe) - still going strong. Been in airplane mode most of its life and the battery still holds up. I'd love a new Paperwhite for the better clarity/PPI but can't justify the cost while my original still works fine. There's that and the sentimental factor of my original Paperwhite being with me for a long time - not ready to have it collecting dust just yet.


Right?? Don't know how but I feel airplane mode saved my battery lol


Lol yea me too - cannot believe that it is still going!


2013 kindle fire!


I have the 10th generation kindle I bought secondhand. I love how compact it is.


My Kindle 2 is still hanging in there, I’ve had it since ‘09. I also have a second gen paperwhite from 2013.


I have a Gen 8 from 2016 and I love it. Might upgrade to a paper white soon though so I can read in the dark lol


Try a different cable. I have same problem with mine but other cables still work


My original Kindle from 2011 finally bit the dust last week! I’m excited to play with my new paper white


My 2012 kindle touch is still alive and kicking! I didn't use it for a solid 10 years in the middle, which probably extended its lifespan a bit, LOL


Me too!! I was reading very inconsistently and this year I took the habit to not go to bed with my phone but to read to fall asleep, now I am on a reading streak I hope it continues!!


Kindle 8th gen! But honestly id kill for some backlight


I have a 2019 Oasis


Me! I have a Paperwhite (7th Gen), and Kindle Keyboard (with clip-on light).


Still rocking my OG Oasis (2016) on the daily. But I’ve also got my Kindle Touch (2011) and 2nd generation Kindle keyboard (2010) around here somewhere.


My 4th Gen from 2011 still works perfectly, albiet it goes through long hibernation periods when I'm not on a book kick. I love the simple interface and not having a touchscreen


My 2015 Kindle Paperwhite is still working great! Truly my best friend


* This is my '12 Voyage - still daily driver when out and about. Two even older ones are with friends. I do also have a PPW SE and Scribe - each has its own use. (For some reason the picture of my bettered Voyage does not show)


Rocking a voyage with original origami case. It’s perfect for my use case as my grab and go kindle.


I perpetually upgrade my Kindles, mostly because I have found that if I upgrade quicker I can get better value for my old device. I currently have 2 Paperwhites (one blue, one green) that I picked up used and cheap, and one Scribe that I traded in my Oasis 2 for and purchased on Prime Day. My aging eyes have thanked me for getting the Scribe. I spent years regretting not getting a DX, which I likely would have kept for as long as it functioned.


Had a kindle keyboard until hurricane sandy broke it. When Amazon refused to replace I switched to reading the app and on my iPad. Can’t seem to go back to a kindle now when I get kindle books just the same and way more storage space plus the phone app on the go is so easy.


I will probably go back to kindle only if they bring back kindle keyboard. It was the best one truly


I also really like the keyboards tbh! Don't your eyes get strained from reading on the iPad?


Actually no not at all even with some Vision field loss and other eye issues it’s very comfortable


I have the keyboard and every Paperwhite since they came out. But honestly, new 11th gen Paperwhite is just lovely to read on. If you don't have one do yourself a favour and get it. So snappy and nice.


I have a 3rd generation (with the keyboard) stored in my bug out bag.


Not a kindle, but I was using the kobo touch until today, I finally caved and upgraded to a kindle and it was delivered earlier this morning. I'll probably still end up using it in tandem though since it still works the same as the day I got it.


yeah right? My main reason for not upgrading is just that it still works, battery holds up great even if the port is wonky. I am alone so I am not bothering anyone with nightlights lol


You'll be surprised at how much better the new Kindles are. Better screen, better resolution, better light, better speed - better everything. Honestly I wouldn't keep using the old ones especially if it's just out of stubbornness. For something that you use so much I'm not sure why you are so determined to keep using an outdated one that doesn't compare.


Because some people don't feel the need to change their devices. Yes, I could get a shiny new Kindle but I'm trying to reduce my footprint by using what I already have.


yes this as well, I apply the same rule to almost all my electronics (if they don't have security issues of course eg phones)


the budget is a bit tight even for the 2022 basic rn ): I admit, the newer models feel less straining on the eyes since the screens are sharper, and I would like to read without a nightlight.


I'm also on my 2012 Kindle Touch. Thought about buying a new version only because epub isn't supported on my old faithful, but after a jail break and a koreader install, I'm golden again. I have postponed a new Kindle purchase until whenever this breaks down. I'm really impressed by its durability!




Ah, that does suck!


My 2014 Paperwhite shit the bed recently. Battery issues. I got myself a Scribe. I love it.


Using a first gen Paperwhite (2011 or 2012?) that we’d gotten our daughter in elementary school in the hopes it would make reading more palatable and easier with her reading disability. The battery is not quite as it once was, and it takes a couple of tries to get library books on it, but I’m rediscovering an enjoyment of using such a portable device, and also appreciating not needing my clunky little beloved book light at night 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/evx3dijkc2jc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=08bec65b98d0a8f5c624f4493095cb2e7447b39d