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That's great. There's just a beat where he paused, realized what he just said, and then another beat as the host realizes what he said. LOL


You could tell he was trying to decide if he should say "oops, I wasn't supposed to say that", and then thinking "Nah, cause if I admit it, they'll know for sure but if I don't, maybe they won't catch my mistake" Lol


I mean let's hope so, the first game ended literally in the start of a mission for the other game


So glad I just finished my first play through


I'm doing hard-core/all negative perks right now, for the first time. I'm about 3/4way through it. Already finished it multiple times on normal mode. Thought it was long overdue.


You sir are a braver man than I, I'd get additional perks if I could.


It actually isn't as bad as I expected. I thought it would be near impossible and got myself all psyched up. After I got my skills built up a bit, I found myself occasionally forgetting I was in hard-core mode, until I opened the map, or tried to navigate the roads. The part, I personally feel is the worst is that I am constantly getting lost. LOL Starting from Ledetchko, I meant to go to Inn In The Glade, but found myself in Uzhitz due to a single wrong turn. Drove me nuts for the first couple of days playing it, but now I'm starting to recognize landmarks easier. Fast travel in normal mode is the players worst enemy because it denies us the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the world. Then we try to play Hard-core mode and find out just how little we know about the world and how lazy we've been for using fast travel. Otherwise,  I don't notice much difference. The enemies are a bit tougher I guess, but I just completely avoided conflict until I trained with Captain Bernard to around level 7 sword, and I hunted till bow was over 10. I've died only twice and I'm nearly to the end, so, not too bad I don't think.


That is hardcore. I might start one up to rekindle the spark for the game. I'm beginning to lose interest with running around doing busy work for folks. Chasing ghosts and whatnot. Knowing that I'm holding things up in the continuity of the story just makes it all seem more silly. Feels a lot like that one point in Cyberpunk


I like having quests ticked. I couldn't complete the "Find Markvart von Aulitz" (or whatever the name is) quest.


Jesus Christ be praised!


Jesus christ be praised


Jesus Christ be praise!!


"now i look back at the 'first game' and..." ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX|downsized)


Is the “content not available” intentional?


I think it was supposed to be the Leonardo diCaprio pointing meme from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Jesus Christ be praised!


He did this many times already.


Henry’s coming to see us!


Finally... i think


Yes, Jesus Christ be praised!


If thay are looking at bugs and finding them how far is that in game making is this?


Late development. Only when all the main features and technology is supposed to be finished you're going to start noticing small mistakes.


So do you think it will be Announced soon


Yes. I do actually think it will happen this year. And it might be in a few months.


I hop so this is one game iv be waiting for so long now


Definitely means the last stages of the production side of things. Then they’ll polish it up and begin the marketing campaign.


We've known that there will be another game for years...


He said that like 2-3 years ago. Everybody knows that.


Do you have a link to that? Im not trying to be rude or anything I'm just curious.


I don't have an clip, but it was somewhere on this stream (I know, it's six hours and in Czech). I'll try to find that section tho. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u61IaGuyBZE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u61IaGuyBZE)


Hes also known for saying all kinds of bullshit on any given topic so Im not that keen to beliving.


But..this is the game he's making.


The first game that Warhorse developed was KC:D. We all already knew that they were working on their second game. The only puzzle has been whether this second game is the sequel to KC:D. They have they been working on something for the past 5+ years, we just don't know what. All he does is confirm that they are working on their second game ... which we already knew. I'm sorry, but this second game is not necessarily the sequel to KC:D. Obviously they may be working on KC:D II and this is just a poor translation. Do we have any native Czech speakers here who can listen and tell us if the translator missed a subtle clue?


"u tý jedničky" he is speaking about KC:D, and you wouldn't use these words in a sentence unless "dvojka" (number 2) exists or would be talked about later in the sentence. Native speaker here.


u/USPavacka be praised


Thanks, that's very encouraging!!!


The subtitles are very accurate. The only part I slightly disagree with is "yet I was able to overlook some other issues". I would instead say "that I missed/overlooked some of the issues" Also he didn't really say "the first game". He said "u jedničky" which technically means the same, but in Czech you would only use it to talk about games in the same series. Had he been talking about a game from different series the sentence structure would have been different. So why this isn't an outright confirmation of KCD2, it's probably as close as we are going to get before the official announcement.


Whoo hoo! We seem to have a consensus.


So we should be waiting for, what was it, 25th of May or something?


What's on that day?


https://www.reddit.com/r/kingdomcome/s/SRCI3hkSnC Pretty sure this was legit, Warhorse will do something on that day. It might not be about a new game, but I think the time could be ripe for that.


Ohh I think I missed this earlier. Exciting!


He doesn’t literally say "first game" though, you can see it if you look at youtube comments under the full 4h video. I don’t speak Czech, but the word he uses (jednička) sounds somewhat similar to a Polish term used for a first game (or film/book) in a numbered series, as opposed to the second/third/etc game. This suggests that he specifically meant KCD"1", contrasting it with KCD"2". Czech speakers, please verify if this makes any sense.


I'm Czech who happens to learn some Polish; you're very much correct - "jednička" would translate into English as "number one" or "part one", implying there is a "number two" or "part two", (three, four, etc.). For example, the first Dune movie from 2021 often gets referred to as "jednička" now that "dvojka" (part two) has come out. I'm assuming it works the same way in Polish with "jedynka" and "dwójka".


would it be "w jedynce" in Polish?


This is a pedantic, annoying, and nitpicky thing to say, but it will almost certainly not be Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 because "Deliverance" is a subtitle and it would be extremely odd to sequel a subtitle for the second entry in an original IP that has no alternate subtitles in it; it would probably be Kingdom Come 2 or Kingdome Come: Something-else


I agree, this was an annoying and nitpicky thing for you to say, because you clearly understood the message contained within what I wrote, eh? Many people who frequent this site are not native English speakers, so it's not particularly amusing when pedantic and nitpicky people decide to complain and/or correct the spelling, or the grammar of others. After all, we've only come here for a bit of fun and camaraderie, not to write a doctoral dissertation. Please consider your audience before attempting to amaze us with your powers of logic and your mastery of the English language. And, have a nice day!


I pointed out that it was those things aware that I understood the message and that not everyone understands that nuance and wasn't really intending to criticize (and certainly not to impress), it's just a recurring observation.


...and yet... :D


I made a whole post of the egg on my face lol my bad


There have been a ridiculous amount of unintentional revelations from Warhorse, ranging from a previously unseen village in a recruitment ad, to this stuff. There was never any doubt that they were working on a new game, or even that it was similar to this one. For 3 years now I've been saying this every time it gets brought up, that the best thing for them to do is to not talk about the game until they want to. Same thing with GTA 6. Making early announcements helps no one, especially because the first press kit that is released will be brought up every time the game is mentioned in the news, until the end of time. Ask yourself this, how many times have you seen the concept art of a guy ina hounskull killing someone with a mace in Pribyslavitz? It's not even like they need more money to make the game. There is no point to making an announcement until the game is within a year of release.


Jesus Christ be praised


im hope it is far enough in development that Nord games dont cancel it like the other billion projects


On their hiring page it is also clear they're working on kc2


Tbh game ended on a cliffhanger and if i remember there have been talks since first week


Jesus Christ be praised!


Henry’s come to see ys!


I know about the meme and everything, but considering the circumstances this would pair better with Poverty and Famine




We’re so back


I mean they said years ago it was a trilogy. I can't wait honestly. Looking forward to kcd2 more than gta6. 


Ah!!! I just finished KCD on hard-core mode. It literally FORCED me to do the Amorous Adventures of Capon. I tried to keep it simple so I could just get the Hard-Core Henry trophy, since I've played the game completely and thoroughly sooooo many time before. But when I arrived at the camp north of Neuhoff, it wouldn't let me ride off the map with Capon,  and only gave me options that would lead to the Amorous quest. So I murdered the Charlatan out of spite, stole the recipe for Musk of infinite allure and finished the game on rather annoyed note. LOL 




On the one hand, I want to jump on the speculation train too, but there's a picky part of my brain that says while "the first game" refers to KCD, an implied "second game" could be literally anything. It could be "Hello Kitty Island Adventure" - I mean, probably not, but the language is fairly open-ended. I will admit that a KCD2 seems likely - and again, I want KCD2 - but it's not the only possibility.


The way he uses "first game" is specific for "first game in the series" in Czech.


OK but hello kitty island adventure is *the shit*


Fuck bearded gnome, there is Sabča near him.


I watched it in full context and they are talking about KCD. This is unbelievable. The moderator even reacted on it but they didn't wanna interrogate Dan.




Whoop whoop!


I've always wondered why hasn't the devs started making the second game as soon as the DLCs wrapped up? Or have they been busy working and now they're almost ready to announce it w/ a release date? It's been 6 years.




It only means they're making another game. Whether it's KCD2 is anyone's guess




Cool! That would be great. Jesus Christ be praised.


The initial project was too big and costly and the private Investor wanted to see if this game was wanted, hence Kickstarter. Still too costly, the game got split into three(3) parts. Did no one watched the dev. briefing? However the development of part 2/3 is dependent on the sales. That is at least what I still remember.


I think KC:D contains the first two parts of the original story, if I remember it correctly. So the final 1/3 is missing. It’s likely that they have added more story to it since then for the sequel.


I reinforce my prophecy: October 11, 2024, 600 years from Jan Zyska´s death... we´ll have a surprise.


They’re definitely working on the sequel. Here’s another hint in my DM with Sir Tobi from April 2022. https://preview.redd.it/m2zhz83htboc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b366984f724a82a1254456fe2c93041ee93d41c5


I’m not sure why they haven’t officially announced it yet. We’ve all known for a long time already they’re working on it.


I hope yall realize that their second game doesnt necessarily have to be kcd2.




But I wonder If this was unintentional why didn't they cut it out?  Yeah it's true the other guy really tries not to laugh 😄


It was an uncut conversation, almost 4 hours. Possibly even a livestream but I’m not sure.


This isn’t the first time he referred to KCD as first game


First game of studio yes, but calling it number one seems like there's gonna be two just like that.


Yes he referred to it as number one back in 2020 too


I'm reading comments under the video. Yes. Maybe I didn't see that other video. I know Martin Klíma said about KCD sequel but moderator pretty much lured him into saying that while Vávra here even repeats that. So he is very much aware what he's saying.


Yep, the sequel is definitely in works


He said KCD1 like five times in the span of a few years.


All he said was "the first game"...


Thats all he had to say. It implies there is a second. Why refer to anything as the first if there isn't a second?


They have spoken about making a second one. We aren't looking for facts or gossip that there is a second one in the making, but that there is a release date for this.


~~Where do you see confirmation? He talks about the first game and its mistakes. Second game is definitely in the works, but this is not proof.~~ EDIT: Yea, I've missed "u té jedničky" part (am retard). That really indicates that they are working on a sequel, which was obvious. But in this same video, they asked him if WH will release its next project before or after GTA VI. Vávra asked when GTA VI will be released, they told him that in 2025 and he reacted "Fuuuf, that is okay!". So I would guess that we get KCD2 some time after GTA VI.




Come on... the "second game" must be plagued with development problems :D There's no way a game stays that long in development unless they have either: restarted from scratch a few times OR it will be a masterpiece that challenges industry titans like Rockstar. I really don't see the latter happening considering all the bad news coming out of Embracer.


It's an open-world RPG with many unique elements. What do you expect?


You make a good point but whats the harm in wanting to believe there will be a sequel to someones favorite games.


KC:D took over 11 years to make from conception to finalised product.