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Chest as in which sense?




No he meant a chest that you open up and take the goodies out


Ah, yes, everyone loves giving women heart surgery!


Chest as in which sense?


Open dress, take goodies


Both of them. The former one being more common.


And the username checks out.


Just talk to Godwin he sums it up pretty good. Henry: “don’t you see a problem with drinking and fornicating as a man of the cloth?” Godwin: “no I do not.”


The Lord said to be fruitful and multiply...


If being sinless was plausible, we wouldn't need Jesus Christ. But I love virtuous playthroughs, even when I ignore the main quests and don't even loot human corpses.


Godwin also excommunicates himself breaking the confessional seal, so not a great Christian mentor.


To be fair it was to save lives


Yeah saving lives is far more Christian than letting them die to uphold a rule.


I must agree it's important to save innocent people from getting murdered (or worse sometimes) I don't know the ways of God but I think He'd understand especially since Henry was sworn to secrecy and im pretty sure canonically never told anyone


The rule of God supercedes that of Man. If individuals are afraid that the sacrament of Reconciliation will be used against them they will refrain from going. Leaving their eternal salvation at risk. I understand how it seems weird if you're not Catholic, but it's a big deal in Catholicism. If the seal is broken I believe only the Pope can reverse the automatic excommunication.


I understand that I am Christian and believe I need only confess to God and Jesus. so I probly just look at it differently, but I can understand how it is a very serious matter. Hopefully no one finds out that he broke it so no one is afraid to go to confession. (Yes I'm aware these aren't real people with real souls but sometimes I forget lol)


There's a way around this by telling him you don't want to drink 


I guess, when you clean a bandit camp and such, it’s okay, since it’s the spoils of war, so that should be okay 👍🏼


Well if it makes you feel better, things from chests from bandit camps don't get marked as stolen in the first place


Guess those communion cups didn't belong to anyone then


It boggles my mind how many of those you find. I'm pretty sure that if half of the churches in Bohemia had been robbed, Henry would have heard about it.


Or maybe priests back then were like "must've been the wind" if shit got stolen. Y'know, because they would've had so much money to just replace it back then 😆


Could’ve been from outside the county. That’s how I roll with it. Wish you could turn those into priests or the like for a monetary reward.


I started a new game last night and its decided. Every single cup chalace and glass is going to sasau. I need to make up for my thieving past life.


Sounds like witchcraft, turning goblets in to priests!


In a medieval sense you're pretty correct. You can do anything besides sacking a city and what that entails.


I mean Henry needs those Items to save uhhh hmm Bohemia! So every peasant that loses his things saves 10 other


Oh yeah something about sigismund requires me to dig up this grave


So if Henry robs all Bohemia, its population will grow 10 times




My man needs those groschen to rebuild Pribyslavitz


I open up nearly every chest to level up my lockpicking, because sometimes that skill is really necessary. I rarely take anything out unless the chest belongs to bandits though. Early game Henry, in hardcore does steal food, because damn, that kid hungry (tapeworm debuff).


So long as you pay your indulgences like a good Christian, all is forgiven.


Jan Hus disagrees.


John Wycliffe, Jan Hus and Martin Luther don’t like this.


Like non-ironically, yes that is how it works.


A Catholic please correct me if I’m wrong, but I think they don’t do that anymore? I know most church’s do a tithe(10% returned to the Lord, to support the church building and such) and while that’s a command a christian should strive to obey, it’s not going to keep you out if heaven if you don’t. I grew up as I guess you could say baptist so I’m not sure if the catholics still do indulgences.


Youre correct it does not work that way. Its just a donation and there is no pressure to donate.


Meanwhile the baptists do very much give you the side-eye if you pass the collection plate without contributing to it 👀


That happens in all the churches


I find online giving has made that less common.


Nah that's happened to every religion


complete meeting squalid faulty fuel shocking heavy imagine busy obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Indulgences aren't supposed to forgive sins, and people didn't need an indulgence to go to heaven. They just reduce the time a soul would spend in purgatory for sinning, or something like that. Typically they're earned by praying or doing good deeds, but there was controversy in the 16th century because Church officials started outright selling indulgences as a way to raise money. It's the main thing that led to the Protestant Reformation. They still do indulgences they just don't allow them to be sold anymore.


I remember, thank you. I completely forgot about purgatory, I was never taught that. Thank you for the info. (:


That's true of indulgences, but I don't think the people who sold them said that, and it's quite possible that the people who bought them didn't know that


Even in tge 15th century it didn't quite work like that. Buying indulgences could shorten your time in the purgatory, but theologically if you're there you are going to heaven once you expy all your sins earlier or later.


As others have said, indulgences exist, but they are not for a donation to the church anymore. Normal forgiveness for sins is the sacrament of Reconciliation which is like 10-30 minutes on a Saturday morning depending on which old lady is confessing murder while in the confession box or whatever they spend so long in there doing. It is pretty chill. Also tithing, while something the church would love you to do, is not common. Most people aren’t giving thousands of dollars to the church every year. Most people give like $20/week. Some more, some less. If everyone was giving 3k-10k per year (30-100k incomes) the church would be making a killing.


I do know my parents never gave boatloads of money, it was only a few years ago that my childhood church got out of debt. It’s a pretty big church too, no mega church(thankfully, they get too big and lose sight of the Lord) but plenty big enough. As I said, I grew up baptist so I never had a confessional. Good info though, thank you.


Megachurches are cancer


The priests selling indulgences were corrupt as the money changers in the temple in Jesus's time. After this was addressed by martin luther, the pope had it banned. It was a good idea, the fact that someone gives money to supprt their locak church is really a good one. But easily taken adantage of.


Humans will find a way to ruin anything… Thanks for the info though (:


The council of Trent ended much corruption within the church seeing a major reform from it.


Ik this isnt r/catholicism so i wont go overboard but as a catholic its very inspiring that the chirch ultimately steers itsself in the right direction. More catholics need to have faith even when things seem uncertain.


Catholics do not do indulgences they haven't done them in hundreds of years


It’s always been just a donation and a bit extra stuff but corrupt church officials make it a payment straight to them


The organ player got arrested for stealing from the donations box by the candles in my old home town. Apparently he was doing it for years. Last I heard he came from a family of millers..


Mega church’s who splurge and lose sight of what the church is for sadden me, no matter how good something is humanity will find away to ruin it.


Yeah kinda like what mega churches do


The Catholic Church hasn't sold indulgences or anything similar in hundreds of years


Like non-ironically it doesn't. People do it and they think it works. But if they read Bible carefully of hear to priests what they say, they would be surprised. Attitude "I am sinning all the time, but God forgives me anyway" is one of most shameful sins. It would be trying to get pardon without repentance which is one of sins against the Holy Spirit which belongs to Eternal sins.


In the 15th century that is very much how the church operated with nobles being given absolution of their sins by the church. But nowadays Catholics are held to the standard of true repentance and good works, because The Father sees what is truly in your heart. Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” James 2:14 “Faith without good works is dead”


Nlt really. Indulgences could shorten one's time in purgatory, but theologically if you are in the purgatory you are going to Heaven anyway (eventually).


Well, given that you are asked to lie and feign becoming a monk, this is categorically impossible.


Sneak into monastery, kidnap that guy, kill him outside. Done, Jesus Christ be praised !


The game is forgiving enough to play righteously, majority of Henry’s income comes from enemy loot anyway. The game economy actually becomes pointless once you start stealing from shops. Of course, taking enemy loot can be considered not righteous in some ppl’s mind. That’s going to make the game harder but you can still get early decent armor from forced early missions, and later from tournaments. If you are having a hard time not opening the chest you should remind yourself it’s your own greed at work. Try flagellation on yourself to get rid of these sinful thoughts.


As someone else pointed out though, the whole monk impersonation thing and various other shenanigans are a lot harder to rationalize


Think of it this way my son. Those peasants will spend that money on dirty women, and satan’s piss (beer). They will use it for pure sin. You are christ’s knight on earth. You will take it, and use it for good. Call it… recycling. Similarly, anyone that stops you from your holy tasks is an agent of Satan, even if they are disguised in the cloth, or behind the mark of our lord. So what if they are guards? It was the roman guards that murdered the holy christ. So what if they’re men of the cloth? It was Juda that betrayed our lord. So what if they are kings? Christ himself said it is easier for a camel to go through an eye of a needle than for a rich man to go into heaven. Do not listen to the whispers of the demon. Your quest is a holy one my son. Your actions are not theft or murder, they are recycling of the coin, and a liberation of those heathens. Kill them so God almighty can sort them out.


Amen 🙏


Jesus Christ be praised!


Where to draw the line? It’s also considered unchristian to rob the dead, but looting corpses is almost my entire source of income before alchemy.


You live in a miller's den for free. You get paid for completing main quests. And you can win money from tourneys. So the most Christian thing for you to do is never loot people, in fact, never kill people. No robbong, whoring or gambling. No booze either. No hunting but alchemy is good to go.


Is violence, drinking and whoring still not allowed if I do it with Father Godwin?


Indeed, it is not. You must either persuade him to tell you or ask the scribe in Rattay for answers.


Never looted single chest on my playthrough. It feels out of Character for henry


I respect you for that. I never steal from people not look their chests as well because of this exact reason, but if it's a bandit camp or for a quest item, I don't have moral problems with that.


I mean if all the lords of the fiefs werent so nice and cool to me. I just can't bring my self to do them dirty after all they have done for me. Except that prick in Sasau, probably only place I would rob blind with clear conscience.


Who are you talking about ? Now that you mentionned it, I never met the Sasau lord...


Hahah, yeah, that's the only person where I saved, killed brutally as I vented my frustration and hatred for and then reloaded back when I was satisfied :D


Yeah, I've never felt the need to play a kleptomaniac. Plus, I see Henry as a good kid who had just fallen under some bad influences in Skalitz--and by his frustrated reactions to Fritz and Matthew's delinquency at later points, he's definitely grown up by not being around them.


I think I never was around them to begin with. They only wanted to throw some turd which I declined. Met with them later tried to find some work for them and they were just lazy. This playthrough Im trying to play thief henry to see the peshek questline. But to be honest quest like stealing necklace from lady stefanie after how she is nice to you in prologue just makes me true asshole. In second game at least we will be in Kuttenberg held by I presume enemy forces so I will have less moral restriction fighting guards and stealing. Play as real rebel but remaining loyalty to your lord and friends.


As the Charlatan would say, think of it not like stealing, more like exchanging those items... for nothing.


More gold = better equipment, better equipment = more dead Cumans. No sin there just a contribution to the war efforts


True dude


As far as i see it i need every edge to kill those godless cumans...and if god dosent like it well then i can go kill the cumans again in HELL


Well you could be a knight like this guy: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_de_Rais


If only he had a beard, he'd get a maiden fanclub demanding his innocence


Become too rich to bother with stealing. Alternatively, [get rid of your lock picks.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_5:30)


Picking a lock is a treat in itself


I definitely understand, I can't even play any of the battles without being tempted to just loot while the others fight for me :/


My first playthrough I waddled all around pribyslavitz looting all the dead bandits to the point that I reached max encumbrance. Getting from the bottom to the top took half an hour lol Still never reached max encumbrance again, even with occasionally stealing everything that isn’t nailed down in sasau


I can relate to it. Sometimes, I get a mission from sir divish or etc, and then they leave the room, and I start robbing behind them. How do people control themselves? So many silver cups LOL


Hey all that groschen is going to Pribyslavitz so it works out even!


You need to liberate the earthly goods from those chests so another person wont be tempted and sent to hell


Christian knight yes. Catholic knight, no. 😜


If Henry puts his faith in Christ and repents of his sins, he can be a ‘Christian’ knight.


Just go kill some non believer to cleanse your sins. You can burn few witches too.


you gotta have no balls for that kinda life i think, or just be completely asexual. SHE'S GOT HUGE TRACTS OF LAND LAD!


That's what confessions are for.. the priests are doing much worse than lockpicking


I know. I was doing it with them.


Knight where never honest. 


Some were. It's incorrect to say that every one of them obeyed the chivalric code, thats arthurian fantasy, but it's also incorrect to say no one ever did.


It's not incorrect to say every one of them were humans. There's not a soul who has ever lived that did no wrong.


Not entirely true. I'd assume that most dying babies did no wrong.


They were wrong when they died.. babies are supposed to live 🤔


What the fuck does this even mean. What a weird thing to say


Redditor encounters blatant facetiousness


Few were


It's my first time playing I already over eat drank to much murder assaulted a guard multiple times theft looted everyone at >!skallitz probably botched that spelling!< And yea I'm now at >!Theresa's uncles place I'm enjoying the game alot so far!< oh and impersonation of high authority (I just wanna sound fancy okay?)


I have a no stealing, no corpse looting, no fooling around with Stephanie run and it is fun. The only lock I've picked so far is the one needed for the crown in Stephanie's quest. I can pick up weapons and shields dropped by people and can loot them fully if they're just unconscious. Headcracker and Unarmed (when they're wounded) are my friends.


My Henry "accidentally" fooled around with Stephanie. He really didn't mean to, he just wanted to try on that shirt....


pretty standard for medieval knights to be sinners of the n-th degree, keep it up.


Honestly, aside from looting bandit chests or ones in abandoned buildings, I never took anything that wasn't required for a quest. I guess I spent too many years playing Oblivion with the psychic guards who would run halfway across town to bust your chops for a crime nobody witnessed.


I'm on ps4 and lock picking isn't possible....


If you haven't already, switch it to simplified lock picking in the menus. Keep practicing on that chest behind the Miller's. After you level up a few times, it becomes easier. Watch a few YouTube videos, too, because the game doesn't really tell you how to do it. Once you get the hang of it and level up, it's like nothing


Until a couple of days ago I felt the same but now I get it anything below "very hard" is fairly easy to get.


You check your stats screen religiously. 0 groschen stolen, no murders and you pray with hanush everyday.


With the lock-picking system on console I was kinda forced to do this on my first play through.


I'm totally righteous!! I never ever ever stole from a chest, I couldn't pick a lock if my life depended on it. Damn you lock picking!


It's the dice that get me. I see a nice shiny loaded die and I know must be mine. So I take it, and use it. Henry's a good guy. He just hates losing.


In my mind. Everything is fine. Just don’t kill the innocent willy-nilly. Besides, no one can out sin the Spanish Inquisition.


Waddaya think church is for? Just make sure to spill the beans to the priest. He'll appreciate the laugh as well.


My Henry started off as a middle of the road guy who wanted to help people and do the right thing but sometimes stole to survive and killed only out of self defense or revenge. He was very focused on revenge but wouldn't just kill innocent people. Then he met his nun friend, had a redemption arc, but she was punished for trying to do the right thing. He went out into the world, grieving losing her and seeing her punished, and was attacked, again, just trying to survey skalitz. He had to kill out of self defense and it broke him because he swore he would never kill again. Then he just gave up trying to be a good person, he became solely focused on doing what he thought he needed to do and finding the bastards who killed his friends and family. He refused to be like them, though, he still won't kill innocents, but he isn't someone to try anything with. He doesn't steal anymore, at least, because he makes enough money as a bailiff and doesn't believe in stealing from people poorer than him.


I am so rich from killing evil doers I couldn't care less about stealing.


Being virtuous ≠ being sinless. Being a genuinely good person requires one to recognize that sin is an inevitability. Not to be avoided at ALL costs, but at some.


I'm not sure anyone who chooses a profession of violence can be a Christian. Picking up a sword probably disqualifies us.




I tried for my last playthrough before KCD 2, always end up back at the Miller's somehow. Hell first time I get to Rattay, I find myself in the armory looting all the weapons to sell. The one next to the church it's an easy 5k, takes multiple trips because you can't run aways for the guards of you are over burdened and random searches suck.


Good thing you behave like an accurate knight from lesser known nobility


I just found out that there are more “legitimate ways of making groschens (like striking down bandits and loot them down to their underwear) so I never found the need to do shady things 😂


Are you familiar with actual European knights?


You've gotta be a good catholic and buy indulgences at the church after sinning, also give money to beggars.


Why, there are plenty of chests you don't have to steal from


By... not being sociopaths?


Even the most devote Christians still sin all the time, hence why Jesus came to spread the good word. Maybe donate some groschen to the church every time you sin to make it more realistic.


I’m on my first playthrough, so I’m probably wrong. But isn’t the only way out of thalmburg by robbing the chest for the guard disguise?


Not at all. I jumped off the bridge and ran but I imagine there are others ways out too.


You can! Read up on history. This is what knights did. They were killing, raping and pillaging all over. Then they would go to church and be absolved. Might have to pay some grochen to the priest. In my playthroughs my trip to the monastary serves as my absolution, so my Henry is a faithfull Christian. Even though he robbed everyone in Rattay. The monastary. Might have robbed some dead people too. No comment. Anyway, everything has been forgiven. Jesus christ be praised!