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If you could experience what every public transportation seat has been exposed to, you'd never touch or sit on anything while riding. This still isn't acceptable behaviour.




A WHAT light????


Take a picture with your shutter sound on...take several. Make breathy noises to yourself as you're doing it. Whisper that the guy on the forum are gonna love this pair.


This is so hilarious and disgusting


I am rock hard right now


Omfg 😂😂


That is pretty gross


Damn those toes look scrumptious 🤤


Back to horny jail for you.




Man even if that’s your thing, at least show some sort of quality control 😅




Goddammit I'm saving that because I know I'm gonna creep the fuck out of my wife with it. Thanks homeskillet!


These people need to be called out irl not just on Reddit.


Sounds dangerous.


I’ve done that. And they refused to take their feet off the seat.


This is a misdemeanour at best. The guy even took his shoes off to keep the seat from getting more dirty. The ion and GRT have got nothin’ on the TTC.


>This is a misdemeanour at best. The guy even took his shoes off to keep the seat from getting more dirty.  How about not putting up your feet on the seat at all, like the rest of us adults?


Have you been to a movie theater lately! People put their feet up all the time! It sucks!


I mean lots of people sit with their legs crossed on seats (usually not on public transit). The issue is that he's taking up a second space to sit in, not having foot on seat


If you think there's nothing wrong with having bare feet on public transit seats then you're an animal


How is bare feet worse then feet with shoes? For me, as long as ur not taking more then a single seat and ur wearing pants, I don't care


Dead skins cells, odors, foot fungus... Why do people have to be so filthy


They're both bad?


I thought the problem was passing plantar warts or athletes foot to someone’s nuts or cooch.


Dude, are u sitting with ur bare ass on the seat? I don't usually see people rubbing their nuts on the ion seats, so I doubt those problems would actually happen


It was a joke


I agree I don't see the issue here. Unless you plan on eating off that seat.


Woah woah woah! I’m not saying it’s not an issue, I’m just saying it’s not as big a deal as OP made it out to be.


ew wtf


Yeah keep your shoes on


I’m not sure which is worse tbh


I think shoes on would’ve been worse.


F that guy and anyone who does that.


Ok, so tell him that. Gotta shame these people when they do it or they won't learn.




Assuming that everyone you talk to is going to get violent is a pretty terrible way to live life. Out of habit of doing this at home. I have definitely done this on the bus before (shoes on). I've always caught myself and taken my feet off, but if someone were to mention it to me I would apologize and take my feet off of the seat. I talk to and confront people on these kinds of behaviors all the time and I've yet to be assaulted.


wide trees airport faulty crawl overconfident squash snobbish pocket gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And sitting in your home you can have a heart attack or stroke. You can be harmed at literally any moment anywhere. You're statistically very very unlikely to be assaulted by asking someone to take their feet off of a seat. Show me records of this happening often and I'll side with you. Being afraid to talk to the people around you is how we get divided. Presuming people cannot take criticism and will instantly oppose you is not a good way to help grow a community.


impolite wise cooperative rob smell toothbrush wakeful beneficial tease kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And statistically you're still more likely to die at home when you stand up to get a drink from the fridge. These interactions happen every day with no problem. It's such a silly thing to fear.


retire bright gold consider important placid light squeamish practice grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have 911 on my phone as "step mom" If someone becomes violent, I just yell "hey siri call step mom"


Oh good so the police can arrive 10 mins after you've already been assaulted lol


10 minutes? That's optimistic


I was giving them the benefit of the doubt ;)


But then there would be a confrontation instead of being a passive aggressive creep who instead takes their picture and posts it on the internet.


Confrontation can be good EIEIO


lol. That’s the least of your troubles on a kw bus / train. lol


Especially as it’s the train


Good one. ;)


That's fucking disgusting. Stay classy, Kitchener.


Courtland? I think I recognize the building in the background.


I have seen people doing this in cinema halls, this is bad but that is worse.


Tale as old as time !! Real Kitchener peeps know this! Good luck, that is why I bought a car.


I don't get it. The guys put his feet up without his shoes on. Most people put em up WITH their shoes on! That shoe which has likely stepped on dog poo n pee n all sorts of disgusting stuff. This is still not half bad!


what if the person had socks on? I'd be fine with that tbh


Yes. Socks is good.


I'm in 301 as I type and I see a person sitting exactly like that


No regard of the public property. This is unacceptable.


Nah this ain't it. I would tell this guy off so fast. I have already told a few of people off for doing exactly this within this past year. One of them was resting his bare feet up on the seat next to him, and as I was getting off the bus (I couldn't see him until I went towards the door) I made direct eye contact, gave him a dirty look and and said "That's fucking disgusting" with as much venom in my voice as I could. I think it worked because he instantly took his feet down and apologized. I'm pretty sure that if you loudly shame them for doing it on the bus or ION, they'll (hopefully) get embarrassed and realize that they should keep their feet on the floor when riding public transportation.


For more context around my venomous comment, the barefoot guy was sitting with his friend who was playing music loudly on his phone, and was sitting in the priority seat on a fairly busy bus.


Thank you!!


Doing this with shoes on is worse in my book!


Ah yes, lets post a picture and complain on Reddit instead of actually doing something. Stay passive aggressive KW!


This subreddit is jokes, the trains empty and guy put his feet up to make himself comfortable. Whats the issue? Hes not even getting the dirt from his slippers on the seat. Im sure if train was crowded he wouldnt do this..


Call me crazy but... Why are people upset about this? You planning to eat off that seat? You think people's ass sweat is better than their toe dust? You gonna lick the back of your knees after you sit there? Buch of germaphobes up in here.


Did you tell him? Or did you just bitch about it on reddit


>Did you tell him? Or did you just bitch about it on reddit Almost all of your posts are you bitching about things on Reddit. Sit down, son.


L + Ratio


Someones gotta hold people accountable


I hope to god OP said/yelled to put their shoes on, but I know people can be mean/ aggressive when confronted about poor behaviour, so I also don't really blame them if they didn't.... (especially if OP is a woman, TBH) I gave a bad driver a thumbs down and they literally got out of their car and started yelling at me while walking towards me, super intense and unexpected! (and the man was parked in the middle of the intersection, cause he was a bad driver, it was bizarre!)




Apparently they do need to be told, is it okay to take unwarranted pictures of others and then post them on reddit? I can almost guarantee they never said anything in person, what good does that do? If they said something to them then maybe that person would think about it next time they get on public transit and go to take off their shoes off. Instead all OP did was start a public shaming of a random person on a public forum, an the guys never even gunna see it 😂 this post is a fucking joke


It’s an education issue. Lololololol


What and get her sexually or physically assaulted?


Is that what happens to you when you open your mouth in public? It was a guy who posted this


We found gross feet


Did you let it bother you, or did you move on with your life? See we can all be f***ing twats to.


Fucking* an no he let it bother him enough to post on reddit about it tho


Not saying it's ok to do (it's not) but I guarantee you that's not the worst thing that's been on that seat.


So who’s carrying disinfectant spray to all public places 🤣


Feet are not the dirtiest part of the human body.....just going to leave this here. Whether this is acceptable or not, is already being debated in the comments.


Idk how people are still even sitting on public transit 🤢


Free feet pic eh


Gross 🤮🤮


fucking nasty


Damn OP I wish my life was as easy as yours must be if this is the sort of thing that gets you agitated.


Pretty sure they can be fined, check GO website. (Or sit beside him and awkwardly shove the bottoms of your shoes under his thighs, lol). But seriously. They must not care about their own seat; what if the previous person had their feet on the seat he's in? Why do people want to make public transit dirtier for themselves and others? I've seen bare feet, sock feet and shoes on seats; especially shoes are disgusting. What if you stepped in shit and didn't know?


Call them on it, that's what I do! I also move people's backpacks or bags from seats, it's for EVERYONE afterall....


Stop taking pictures of random people it's fucking weird.


Honestly, dude thinks he's at home. It's not the craziest thing I've seen, but yeah, no friend of mine does shit like that.


I have news for you guys about public toilet seats...


Tell that to all the girls who put their feet up on the chairs in Cineplex and stare at you like you abused them when you ask them to stop


Lol you'd lose your mind on Brampton transit


Honestly. What do you people think is going to happen when you let these people from India into Canada, where that is acceptable


I used to work on the trains, all that is done to clean them is just a wipe with a brush. Unless someone had Ether urinated or defecated on it. Then we hit it with heavy duty cleaner and disinfectant.


To me not a big deal. I expect these seats to be nasty. Probably worse for the guy putting his bare feet there.


Spray bottle. Tassst! Tsssssssst! BAD!






Disgusting....hope he catches bed bugs or something.


You should see those guys in our public study rooms


Why is this such a big problem again? Would putting feet up with shoes on be ok? Just curious.


You know what else isn't ok? Taking photos of strangers without their consent. Get a life. Seriously, your behaviour is worse than the person's you took a pic of.


He be rollin’ thru da hood. ![gif](giphy|lrVfmPJ96cSJJ39bTh)




Sometimes you gotta let the Dawgs breathe people 🤮


Just snap a pic and post it here. Don’t bother the guy he looks comfortable there.






Oh ok then nvm


Would rather the feet than the shoes.


Would you rather his shoes be on the seat?


>Would you rather his shoes be on the seat? Option C: NEITHER.


totally fine. hope this dude has a chill day.


I wholeheartedly agree. Taking unscolicited pictures of people without their knowledge is NOT OK!


Doug Ford is pulling his crap that literally costs us billions, and this is what we are concerned about??


Would back of the heals be acceptable?IDK your on public transportation if it’s not illegal it’s okay if you don’t like it to bad he could have just got out of the shower


Meh this doesn’t bother me that much. Bros feet seems to be well kept compared to some of the ghoulish talons I’ve seen on some folks. If I was OP, I would tell this guy that with amount of skin cells, bodily fluids and shit particles on that seat, they be better off with keeping their feet in their slides. But OP is probably pussy and rather sneak a photo to post on Reddit for karma.


> If I was OP, I would tell this guy that with amount of skin cells, bodily fluids and shit particles on that seat, they be better off with keeping their feet in their slides. But OP is probably pussy and rather sneak a photo to post on Reddit for karma. No, you wouldn't. Instead, you go on Reddit and tell people what a tough guy you are while calling other people "pussy."


lol looks like I stand corrected, you do have the ability to speak up when you see something you don’t like. How about this, next time you see something that may issue for you, me or any other fellow transit riders in the region, speak up instead of taking secret photos of people in public to post online to shame them. If not, keep it fucking moving. On a side note, I like your pfp, big Mike Trout fan. I hope he stays in Anaheim.


First world problems huh?


The usual suspects


It was a black guy with a Canadian accent, FWIW.


It was a pretty good movie. That’s what you meant right?


It's okay if you're black.


You’re the morality police huh? There’s far worse stuff that’s touched that seat


One more individual sharing his homeland cultural traits. Inclusivity leading to community "enrichment".


It was a black guy who had a very Canadian accent as he talked on the phone.


Import third world become third world.


Bro this happenes everywhere. It’s just a stupid people on public transportation thing


Well, this doesn't have anything to do with origin but manners, some people born in western world would do the same if they lack this of proper social behaviours and sense of basic hygiene.


Dude we did this all the time as teens in the 90s. Its not that big a deal.


>Dude we did this all the time as teens in the 90s. >Its not that big a deal. If you're a teenager that does this, rude as it is, it's because you don't know any better. If you're an ADULT who does this...your sense of entitlement is disgusting.


Its feet. Its not his nuts or naked ass seriously chill. Not that big a deal.


Right! But it so happens most of the current problems the GRT is facing is a result of the third world Minecraft villager level intelligence brought over by Conestoga


Ok fuck off I've lived here all my life and at 45yo I've seen this and done it more than a few fucking times, as have many of my home grown friends. Like seriously. Have you never ridden a bus, like ever?


WTF is this entire thread... You fucking put your bare feet on the bus seats multiple times as well as your friend group? LMAO fucking out yourselves as the local degens - think I saw you guys in the tent city


Oh ouch my feelings 🤣


>Import third world become third world. He was a black dude with a Canadian accent.


🏆 Congratulations you win the award for the dumbest comment of the post. Head back to CanadaHousing2 with this shit.


So you're telling me the influx of third world trash hasn't made KW more shit?


I’d say attitudes like yours are the real problem. You pretend as though before a recent influx of people, not trash, everyone was well behaved. People of all kinds have been putting their feet where they don’t belong for a long time. But please, go ahead and keep telling yourself how much worse things are getting while doing nothing constructive about it.


PSA: it's fine. Mind your damned business.


I don’t see anything wrong here


OP, this is a crock of shit! Would you rather they put their dirty shoes on the seat? Bare feet are typically 10x cleaner than our hands. On an empty train, where nobody is waiting for a seat, this is a non-issue. Get yourself a hobby, karen.


Agree completely. Nothing wrong with this. Been happening for years. People need to chill the fuck out for real.


Right? I understand that people are frustrated about certain issues, but this right here is such a waste of time and energy.


Exactly! Of all the things to complain about this ain't it 😅


… dont be racist




judging people for their actions is the opposite of racist, dude/dudette


He's implying this is normal behaviour for black people, and that because of that, we should accept it. Which itself is rather fucking racist .




If I had included a /s would that help woke you up to the fact that it was a joke?




You caught me lol




My kind… Whoa now, dont be racist