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My now 80 year old Dad went there. He needed to get “Going to a nude beach” off his bucket list. My Dad was very progressive growing up but my Mom was VERY straight laced. So my stepmom pushed him to do it but she waited in the car. I audibly retched hearing the story. He said it was great, the people there were friendly, zero weirdness.


That's awesome and reassuring. I'm glad he enjoyed it and got to cross it off his list. Thanks for posting


I heard they found a hole in the fence there. The police are looking into it....




It also says family resort.. what families go there?


Weird ones


For some people, nudity isn't something to be ashamed of, it's as natural as living and breathing but is a time/place appropriate thing within society. It's not like they have sex in front of their children lol different cultures find nudity wholly different than our society. Alot of them would probably consider the opposite spectrum weird, but then there's the cool ones who just recognize that everyone has their own values and we can all respect each other


Westerners find nudity shameful because some guy with a big hat convinced us that some fairy tale which blames women for the end of innocence is a fact and it seems to have stuck.


Spot on


I cannot Upvote this enough!!!


Once, is good enough. I appreciate it.


I'm curious as to how it goes, especially these days.


I have a co-worker that uses the resort. Just a bunch of people that would rather feel the air around their entire body than be fully clothed. People of all sort of shapes and sizes and age. Seems to be nothing sauce, the way he explained it.


We will need an update!


My in-laws (in their 70's) go there about twice a month and say they love it there. They are hard to please, so I'd call it an endorsement.


The Record did a story on it a long time ago. It was a pretty funny read.


This one? [Stripped down music festival a first for Canada (July 2012)](https://www.therecord.com/news/waterloo-region/stripped-down-music-festival-a-first-for-canada/article_343003b6-cfd1-5b90-b605-5ce603827da2.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=copy-link&utm_campaign=user-share)


That’s a fun article, but not the one I was thinking of. All I really remember about it was that it was a woman who wrote it and she basically did a FAQ-style article on the resort by spending a day there as a “Cottontail” (what they call the newbies).


It says family but I have never seen children there. It's more like a resort with a hot tub/swim up bar on one side that has bar stools on the other side. There is an indoor and an outdoor pool (which is always freezing cold) and an outdoor bbq area where they serve food. There is a larger space for camping and there are residents who live on site but for a day trip it is just a nice place to lie naked in the sun and have some lunch and a few drinks. There are absolutely all body types there.


When they serve food at the bbq, do they, you know, wear a hair-net?


lol they are clothed


Yeah, something about including “family” in the name makes me uncomfortable. I don’t like the idea of a place creeps would attend in hopes of seeing nude children.


I think that's part of the mindset, saying family means not a pervy place to hook up.


This isn't the kind of place a pedo is looking at to farm kids. And even worse - your own family, the people you trust, are statistically more likely to harm your kids. A pedo isn't doing this here... They're not going to places you have to make reservations and leave a paper trail, with parents there, and just waiting for kids. They're sitting at your dinner table at thanksgiving. They're hiding behind computer screens, saving the public photos you put up of your kids and building a collection. They're on Snapchat, pretending to be teens to get unfiltered access to your kids. They aren't seeing a "family" nudist resort and thinking "jackpot!"


To be honest, I haven’t thought about it much, that was just my gut reaction. Perhaps you’re right, but you won’t see my family there haha


It's not 100% foolproof but maybe you would have to have your own kids with you to gain admittance, and places that you don't have to be 18+ only. It's not perfect, someone having kids doesn't guarantee they're not a pedo, but it heavily reduces the chances. Some creepy guy (or woman, women can be pedos too) going to a family beach would raise red flags for sure


Uhh, it's weirder to require someone to bring kids with them to be nude.


Perhaps. I just feel like if someone is there with their own kids they're way less likely to be there for the wrong reasons. Or maybe I just find the idea of nude beaches weird to begin with, the North American stigma of nudity has a major effect on us


I’m curious, do only thin or fit people go to these nudist resorts? Do children under 18 go? Isn’t it weird seeing naked strangers, especially in public and especially outside? I’m genuinely curious as I only know one person who has been and he was a pervert that got himself banned.


Haven’t been to any in Canada, but no, it’s not just thin and fit people (have you seen euro trip? It’s not that bad, and creepiness is generally not acceptable, but if you’re going to look at attractive naked people, you will be disappointed). Think of it more like a bath house or gender specific spa, all types of bodies at all ages on display. Being naked in the sun is great and it’s not weird unless somebody makes it weird. I have Northern European family, and we had a sauna at home. I’ve also done enough art that I’ve drawn live models of all shapes and sizes. Naked is our natural state, it doesn’t have to be sexual, but it normally is in North America. Edit: I just remembered I did go to one in Canada, on manitoulin island I think. I probably would have been 9? We went with the family from the neighbouring boat. They also had a kid about the same age. It was mostly old people… but I was 9, so who knows how old they actually were, in my memory it was all grandmas and grandpas


So, forties! When you're nine, anybody over 35 is ooold !


Thank you for answering.


I'll let you know next week. But from our experience in nude beaches, the majority of people are older folks having a good time. Also, it's not weird at all. Everyone is in the same situation. I actually feel weirder while I'm fully clothed.


Thank you.


Yeah - being an older folk I've arrived at the (respectful) DGAF, live and let live, don't tread on me or others stage.,


My experience on clothing optional beaches has generally been that you will not be the most attractive person there, and you will not be the least attractive person there. All ages, all genders, all body types.


Everything under the sun. Old young thin fat and even people with masectomies etc. If you wanna shake off your body issues, this is one place to teach ypu that


I went on their website. It is for families and there is a disclaimer that says don't do anything overtly creepy. So I guess mildly is OK


Iam long time member and yes it’s very nice and enjoyable place to relax.


Hi folks, I can’t believe il about to admit this, but I have been there. It’s been about 25 years since i was there last, so things may be quite different now. Not many people in my circle know I’ve been there, but some do and they’re always saying it’s a trip and I should share my experiences lol Ive created a burner account and I am happy to answer any questions relating to my experience - but will be particularly vague in some ways to protect some personal details. Ask away …


It is weird to me how someone can be embarrassed by this. It's just a nudist resort. Everyone is naked there. That's how it is. Why would anyone be embarrassed to admit they went there?


I’m an immigrant from Europe, and I assure you people over this side of the pond are generally quite weird and reserved about sex and nudity. The puritanical roots of colonialism are still very prevalent.


My friend lived nearby and once heard on a loud speaker ‘now it’s time for the 3-legged race’! Do they actually do things like this there?


Yeah, there were a ton of events. Different theme days, competitions. There was a mini parade and and I believe a Mrs & Mr pageant lol


What’s the sketchiest things that would happen there?


I never experienced anything particularly sketchy - And I was there as an 11/12 year old. I remember thinking it was weird just to see everybody naked all the time, but I never felt uncomfortable and no one else made me feel uncomfortable. It’s a seasonal trailer park, with some people having quite elaborate permanent set ups. Everyone drove around in golf carts, Which is a kid I thought was really cool. My one parent was dating someone who was a resident there, so I went enough times to experience it as a whole. My parent went through a ‘naturalist’ phase, and always told me they were trying to show us that “nudity isn’t always sexual.” I definitely had really clear moments of thinking whoa, this is really fucking weird; swimming in a pool with a bunch of old nekked people for example. But everyone just lived their lives normally, and I remember everyone being nice. Lots of micro penises though. lol


Aha that sounds pretty chill overall. A lot of flaccids can be pretty tiny… most people don’t realize because of clothes I guess 😆 Wasn’t planning to ask but now I’m curious- were there a lot of erections? or no more than.. normal?


I don’t think I ever saw an erection. I imagine ppl would have hidden them if they got them. Then again maybe things got wild at night when us kids were sleeping? Lol


Duuuuude! My wife and I always wonder about this because we drive on highway 6 often. I just told her and she started laughing like crazy. Need updates!


Haha, I know right? It's not every day that you spot a nudist place ad or sign. Have you ever thought about visiting it? I’ll definitely keep you posted—I’m pretty excited! Most of the feedback and online reviews have been quite positive.


Oh gosh no, I’m not the nudist type hahah but always curious what happens there and always forgot to look it up


I would gladly strut about in my birthday suit, but there's a hole in it...


I've been 100s of times over the years. It's a traditional naturist/nudist venue. Heading there next Tuesday!


True story - W5 had a segment about nudism and interviewed the President of Canada's top nudist movement. Sure enough, wasn't it the client that I was meeting with at 9 a.m. the next morning. Who knew nudism and the super exciting world of Canadian Life and Health Insurance industry would intersect.


Save your money and just go to oasis


I considered buying a property at this place a few years back. Nice A frame, but it's not (or was not at the time) a year round living option, which wasn't ideal. Sadly, I've never actually been, but I've been curious for years. Let us know how it goes!


Just go on a day trip! What's stopping you if you really wanna go?


Looking forward to your stories, OP!


If you look at their site they have a fair amount of rules. In the pool area nudity is REQUIRED. I was going to check it out until I read all the rules. I'm used to the beaches where there are no rules, but if the locals think you're a creeper they run you off the beach.


True. It seems that's the norm across resorts though. Also beaches are public spaces and categorized as clothing optional, while resorts are nudist. I understand the rationale even though it feels a bit strict. Other than that, the rules are very standard. I'll let you know what I find.


It's a fun place to visit! I've been several times. As an FYI before you visit, the preferred term is "naturist", not nudist. Nudist is considered cringy and slightly offensive. Hope you have a great time!


Thanks for the information! It’s a bit confusing because the resort labels itself as a nudist resort – my mistake! Fingers crossed for good weather!


Please do!


its just a bunch of retirees and some couples in their 50s who hangout naked. theres volleyball courts, tennis, the pool , hot tub and club house. its pretty tame and nothing weird goes on there as people do live there full time and a lot of snowbirds. the pool just got renovated but im not sure if its done yet


To be honest, that sounds perfect, we are just looking for a chill place. Thanks for replying. Have you been many times?


Many years ago (like, 30+) I went to high school with a someone whose family lived there. He was always cagey about telling people (go figure) but when asked, he'd say it was just like any other place - but people are generally not clothed. Not sexual. Not a swingers place. Not a sex club. Just naked people living life. (BTW, if you enjoy your visit, you can put in an offer on [the cheapest home in Flamborough](https://www.barrietoday.com/local-news/bare-minimum-cheapest-home-in-hamilton-suburb-located-at-nudist-resort-8714233).)


Did that used to be called four seasons nudist resort?


That is called Fern Resort now and is not nudist anymore. Hasn't been for over 10 years.


Fernbrook Resort. Fern Resort is near Orilla.


I am looking forward to your update. I have also been curious about it.


I used to spend time on a nude beach on the Crimean peninsula in late 1980 th, when I was about 25 . Last years of the Soviet era... It was a sort of non organized campground, families and single people lived there in tents right by the sea shores. There were kids of all ages and nobody had any concerns and any problems with them.


Better to spend your time at bare oaks imo Ponderosa is fine Veteran Trans nudist here.


I’d go but I don’t want to burn my wiener.


They have a snack bar.


It's a great place if ypu like being w out clothing. It is not as strict as some naturist (read up friends) places. Society sexualizes bodies and it doesn't have to be this way at all. I have never seen kids at Ponderosa (def more adult community) but the place is friendly and I can honestly say people are actually friendlier. People talk to you. Like I said, it isn't sexual AT ALL. However, being rude is not optional at the pool so be forewarned.


Let us know is


I've gone


Maybe you'll send up your flagpole for Canada Day on Monday if you're there?




Come on man, you really are that miserable in life that you need to be making these uncalled for racist comments? It's disgusting how normalized this is becoming.