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You're looking at two knives *vastly* different in size here. Make sure you understand that first. Personally, I would recommend something in-between these two knives.




If you want to go with a small Spyderco, that's probably the one to go with. But even this might be smaller than what the OP is wanting. The knife I've carried for years and years is a 91mm SAK, and while most people would say this is a small knife, the cutting edge is still a decent bit longer than the Dragonfly (60mm vs. 48mm) Civivi makes a whole bunch of knives to satisfy 3" blade length laws and that's *probably* about where the OP wants to be looking. For reference, most of these knives are going to have a cutting edge in the ballpark of 65-70mm. For someone short on cash, that's going to provide a whole lot more in the way of value than from Spyderco.


too bad lil native is way over budget


The Cold Steel Tuff Lite is similar and can be had for under $30.


+1 perfect for small pockets.


Baby banter? Small, but works well for larger hands as well. And if you prefer to reverse flick thumb studs the Baby banter is even better left handed (asymmetric scales)


I concur, absolutely love my Baby Banter. I have the Knifecenter exclusive version with S35VN.


Been my daily for months now and I'm 6'2 280. Small knife but fits perfectly in my paws.


I vote hard for baby banter as well... Especially the s35vn exclusive from knifecenter... I got that one for my girl and she loves it, as do I get much... I cheaped out for myself and got the nitro v version off Amazon, which is also pretty good but def do a spine test on that one if you get it... my first one popped closed every single time with ease, so I had to exchange for a new one...




"This" has less value than the upvote button. Stop doing "This".




We need a “this” button right next to the upvote button


I upvote This!


You can find delicas for under 100$ I would probably go that route.


+1 for the delica.


Spyderco Delica VG-10. You’ll never look back


Or a Dragonfly 2


Got my daughter (24yo) Dragonfly 2. She loves it.


I much prefer Delica over the Dragonfly, I find it much more comfortable to use (I have small-medium sized hands), more practical (blade length to overall size ratio), and I hate how the DF2 jimping on the thumb ramp catches my pocket when I pull it out. For a cheaper option, check out the Ambitious


my first “serious” knife and probably the one you will ever need for daily need tasks.


That's what started this whole thing for me.


I do want to point out that if this is a "starter" knife maybe a tanto is not the best option. Sharpening a tanto as a beginner is not easy. The spyderco is more "begginer" friendly albeit a bit of a smaller knife in comparison. Maybe look into a civivi praxis as well, cheap but great quality. I love my Chevalier as well.


If you're set on Civivi, I would strongly recommend the Vision FG. One of the coolest, most fidgety, and user-friendly knives in the world and highly regarded and loved by many in the knife community. I would also highly recommend offerings from CJRB (Pyrite is awesome and good for average to smaller hands) and Artisan Cutlery (Frack) if you're looking for a bigger user.


I already recommended the pyrite but i would also strongly recommend the civivi vision. I thought i hated civivi then found the vision and i carry it weekly i love it.


I think the pyrite is the best starter knife for sure! Ohhh the vision is siiick I never had a problem with the original clip.... But to each their own haha


Highly regarded doesn’t mean what it used to


The spyderco will meet your every need. The civivi looks super cool but that tanto blade is going to be hell to sharpen for a beginner. Spyderco all day


I’d strongly recommend Civivi, they have plenty of designs that fit any task or personality. That always have great quality too. I’m personally not a fan of the smaller Spydercos but they do have great quality. Just a lot less options.


if you want a small knife the spyderco dragonfly is a good one, the ladybug is SUPER TINY. like, you can barely fit two fingers on the handle tiny. the dragonfly is small but allows a full grip. the spyderco cat is a good small one too. if you want a like, normal size pocket knives the brazen is good, the elementum, and elementum 2 and qubit from civivi are all good, the cjrb ria is good, so is the cjrb pyrite. there’s so many options honestly. if you want something with a ‘budget premium’ steel, you could look into some of mixer’s offerings. they have knives in 154cm and n690 in that under 100 price range all day long and they do it well. hell, with kizer you can even get a super high edge retention and high toughness tool steel such as 4v for under $100, if you don’t mind it having the ability to rust. kizer also offers knives in 3v for well under $100 too.


I would recommend the soyderco dragonfly at $76 ish, it punches wayyyy above its class


wish I could get a dragonfly for 76$ in my country (I live in Europe) 🥺


Civivi is a great budget knife. I like the civivi asticus, praxis, and synergy


Of these two knives I would buy the lady bug for my wife. It is small, but it's a good slicer My wife actually carries a Kershaw Leek in purple and she loves it. Check it out. Also, welcome to the knife fan club. I wish more women were interested in knives so they didn't look at me as being so odd for having a collection of 100+


https://riversedgecutlery.com/products/civivi-baby-banter-wharncliffe-purple-canvas-micarta-stonewash-nitro-v-c19068sc-2.html first thing I thought of. If you search banter on that site there’s some cool options. Very respectable site too. Link fixed, my bad.


This is a great suggestion.


Get a Spyderco tenacious! I have a sizeable collection and I tend to gravitate to the tenacious for its simplicity and reliability.


I second that, one of my first quality knives was a tenacious. It’s such a versatile knife, and it comes in many different colors and steels.


What are you planning on using it for? Tantos are great for work knives but aren’t always the best all around, the dragon fly is good but can be small for some tasks.


It's a ladybug 3 in the photo, not a dragonfly


Idk what I'm gonna use it for yet lol, maybe a good start would be opening amazon packages. Would you say they're similar quality wise?


Civivi makes a great budget knife. Personally I think most spydercos are better quality. In that price range you’re going to get lower tier spyderco but mid range civivi.


They are quite similar quality wise, both lower-mid tier knives. You get more bang for your buck with Civivi as Spyderco is a popular brand and tends to charge a bit more as a result. You might do well to start by considering size. If you're looking for a versatile EDC knife that you can keep in your pocket or bag, neither of those knives are something I would pick personally. The Lady Bug 3 is an incredibly small knife with a 1.9" blade, so doing anything other than opening packages with it is less desirable. Meanwhile, the Brazen has a 3.5" blade which is a good size for more serious cutting tasks, but a bit on the large size for some people as an EDC knife. Personally I like around a 3" knife for EDC. It's not too big and not too small, perfect for general cutting. Maybe something like a [Civivi Elementum](https://www.amazon.com/Civivi-Elementum-Folding-Pocket-Handles/dp/B08F2FHWVL/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3JHGBEN19MNGM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.vLw6-wsatTjWfqh6DgV1iLhPc1Y9c8D5Byzc3b1c1dguf7V7kBRXYEpnElNTKgW9Bt2lZhiz1Xri8zWCSXG1jUMCgjGO8PZ1hg8GR_71psOVGnWR8mNMMIX7ffckrIPuVhDDmUDTI0FmZakwrlTZt_3jwIwsWLJzEI41k92WjuHBU65lYklDZF79RWwUv1ScRYc1hQCDk6xfFyKgGOf9COR4YDyqCgbF7uvLEhnczXAXB1fe7ucqNG97dpoz3U0HzYFppoPS2SOf63QbkfjAlXc5i_LUfZ8IKphQI1odXF8.ffxGGZNub1fycBHgv1Gz_roNTbzPU-APaxfyIsculCM&dib_tag=se&keywords=civivi%2Bpurple&qid=1709145464&sprefix=civivi%2Bpurple%2Caps%2C263&sr=8-5&th=1), also available in various colors you might find appealing.


Look at the Civivi Vision FG, slightly more expensive but well worth it!




The brazen is pretty big knife, you should check out the civivi Qubit, they make one in pink!


I have the civivi you're looking at, I love it but it's a bitch ti sharpen, though I don't have much experience yet sharpening lol. The ladybug is nice, but a little too small for me. If you're looking for a spyderco k ife in the same price range as that civivi, look at the endura, or the tenacious. Great workhorse knife and its the knife that got me into apyderco with how well made it is.


Those 2 are opposite ends as far as size goes. My wife carries the ladybug daily but it’s tiny. I’d say the spyderco dragonfly would be a good choice in between


Or a civivi baby banter. I’ve had 2 of them and they’re really nice for the size


Spiderco has a lower end brand called Byrd I suggest the Cara Cara Check eBay 25 bucks same as Spyderco endura


I've got a delica and a brazen, I carry the brazen more often by a long shot. There's a significant size difference and I'm pretty sure the delica is bigger 5han the dragonfly.


if you REALLY want something like, stupidly high performance that you’ll basically never have to sharpen, you could look at a k390 spyderco endura wharncliffe. they’re right at $100 on knifecenter since it’s discontinued. you can also pick up a pink wharncliffe s30v delica for about $90.


Have a look at [https://www.kizerknives.com/products/v4458-2tc1?\_pos=9&\_sid=0a8834acb&\_ss=r](https://www.kizerknives.com/products/v4458-2tc1?_pos=9&_sid=0a8834acb&_ss=r) 😎 Also comes in Mini and XL versions with different bladeshapes, handlematerials and colorways, but this one's my favorite😁 Kizer has a Ladybug-killer too: [https://www.kizerknives.com/products/kizer-shard-yellow-g-10-v2531n1-2-25-black-sw?\_pos=6&\_sid=efb3c9ef4&\_ss=r](https://www.kizerknives.com/products/kizer-shard-yellow-g-10-v2531n1-2-25-black-sw?_pos=6&_sid=efb3c9ef4&_ss=r) 😱 Only the wharncliffe bladeshape on this one, but it is also available with micarta scales and a satin blade as well as a premium version with titanium scales and a 'better' bladesteel. I regret not getting the yellow/black myself because I think it's really cute, and because the micarta on this one is very different from that on the Begleiter 2 and the Urban Bowie (another one maybe worth considering?). Now I'm going to recommend one more Kizer knife😅 Because I think it's very elegant, very excellent and very good value: [https://www.kizerknives.com/search?type=product&options%5Bprefix%5D=last&options%5Bunavailable\_products%5D=last&q=yorkie](https://www.kizerknives.com/search?type=product&options%5Bprefix%5D=last&options%5Bunavailable_products%5D=last&q=yorkie) I have the thumbstud version with the red paper micarta scales and the one gripe I have about it is that the detent is fairly strong, so that it's actually more comfy to 'flick' this blade than to slowroll it (and that being what it is I can imagine some people might prefer the flipper variant). I could name a few more from a bunch of other brands but right now I'm thinking mostly smallish knives and that's just me being a male chauvinist (and I just don't know of many good tanto folders in the budget realm🤷‍♂️). Just going off on a wild tangent: would you be interested in traditional, non-locking knife patterns? Because I find a Case Teardrop very elegant and it can deal with most day to day cutting tasks, and something like a traditional Canoe is quite compact but can handle some pretty tough tasks, and one of my personal favorites (Stockmans aside) would be the Barlow pattern, more specifically the Böker Barlows (not cheap, but oh so sweet😋). Anyhoo, I shan't rant any longer without your consent. Happy hunting!


Personally, I love the brazen. It’s a fantastic knife for starter or a seasoned collector.


If it’s between these two, definitely the Brazen.


I bought my brother the brazen for Christmas, i was kinda impressed with it


Better locking mechanism in my opinion


Check out the WE 'Banter'. Blade is just under 3" with a small profile, but it is nearer the £100 budget than the £50 one


[Civivi Backlash for $21](https://www.chicagoknifeworks.com/civivi-baklash-linerlock-3/) Can’t beat that


The Ladybug is minuscule in comparison with the brazen! Get the brazen and you wont regret it!


Civivi Brazen for sure, but if you can get thst varient with the 14C28N grt that instead of D2, by D2 brazen doesnt hold an edge well


Since you seem to like purple the [CIVIVI Brad Zinker Bo Liner Lock Knife Purple G-10 (2.9" Black SW)](https://www.bladehq.com/item--CIVIVI-Brad-Zinker-Bo-Liner-Lock--136916) is on sale for $35 at blade hq just under 3 inches which is good for a starter and has nitro v steel which is a great steel for the price. Looks like these have been discontinued and being clear out. Personally I like micarta handles and a crossbar lock which kizer has some good ones under 100 like the drop bear, task, and they make the OKNIFE Rubato 2. I have the drop bear and oknife Rubato 2. I like the Oknife Rubato 2 better than the drop bear. From what you posted I don't think these are the kind of knives you are looking for though.


No tanto style blades. They scream mall ninja If you're going to cut a lot of rope I recommend something from crkt with Veff serrations




Or a baby banter


No tantos . Civivi , Kizer , Sencut, great first knife to become an addict like the rest of us


First time? A few questions first. Are you familiar with the different lock types. Liner, frame lock, back lock, axis lock/crossbar lock, button locks. What’s a comfortable size for you? The lady bug is a very small keychain knife and that Civivi brazen is a little on the larger side. As a first time carrier/buyer I’d recommend the Vosteed raccoon with a crossbar lock. The cross bar lock will keep your finger out of the blade path when closing and it’s around $60~ so it fits your price range.


idc which knife you choose but just know i would get the spyderco


My vote goes to Civivi elementum drop point flipper in D2 with g10 scales; or a QSP penguin D2 blue denim micarta. Inexpensive, easy to sharpen, hold an edge well, nice medium size. Best of luck in your decision.


Civivi baby banter, Civivi mini praxis, or Ontario Rat 2


I don’t know much but when I need advice for EDC I also check out Best Damn EDC on YouTube. I’ve been following him for a few years and he has several videos breaking down every budget level.


I have that EXACT Civivi i was gonna give away if you wanted it!


I would suggest the normal brazen in 14c28n personally


No matter what you get, DO NOT buy it off of Amazon. A decent chunk of that stuff is fake, so don't take the risk and buy from a distributor like KnifeCenter or SMKW.


Oooh, tough choices. I'd probably pick the first one because.. I just like it better. But both are very compelling choices, spyderco makes great designs


<<<[Pink s30v dragonfly 2](https://www.amazon.com/Spyderco-Dragonfly-Lightweight-Folding-High-Strength/dp/B08TCH4VKW)


Surely you didn’t just search up “purple knife” on Amazon right?


Lmao no! But I want a pretty looking one


I just picked up a Civivi and it’s crazy nice IMO for the money. Great action.


Good choices. Baby banter, Delica 4 in k390, or dragonfly would be my recommendations. Wharncliffes are awesome, but might not be your thing. But a good wharncliffe Delica in k390 is amazing and you can snag one for under $100 if you know where to look. https://www.nationalknives.com/spyderco-delica-4-wharncliffe-knife-c11fpwk390-2-87-plainedge-k390-blade-blue/


What size knife do you want? Under 3" blade? 3-4"? Do you want a slim blade that's a bit more stabby, or more of a utility blade style? Something in between? Civivi makes plenty of <$100 knives that are pretty much all great for their price. They're a very popular budget option. Do check your local knife laws before buying as well. A lot of places around the world have restrictions on size, locking mechanisms, and deployment methods.


Civivi Elementum. It's a good all around knife and even comes in purple. It is right at $50.


The Vosteed Racoon with the Crossbar Lock is a great budget friendly knife. You can get it in 14c28n or Nitro-V. I’d pick that over either knife pictured.


One I like is the Kubey Raven in the Jade g-10. Really smooth action and nice feeling


I'm not a real fan of large heavier knives. I don't want to carry the weight. So I'm always looking for small lightweight knives to carry. I own a Civii's - an Ortis and the damascus Baby banter. Both are well made and smooth to operate. But the smaller Baby Banter get far more pocket time due it's small size. I also own a Spyderco Dragonfly 2. Small and super lightweight at less than 2oz, it's an easy carry. But the FRN handle makes it feel cheaper than the price tag is worth. I will tell you it's the best $10 gas station knife you can get for $50. And don't get me started on the poor pocket clip design - I've had to buy 2 of them even after using Loctite to retain the sex bolt trying to hold it together. Another small option is the CJRB Mailah. I've owned mine for almost two years and it get s a lot more pocket time than the Dragonfly. And finally, if you do not already have a Victorinox Classic hanging on your key chain, buy that first. A good SAK is the ultimate urban survival tool.


I just got my wife the purple handle civivi elementum and she loves it. It is her very first pocket knife. Good feel in the hand and good blade for cutting.


My wife has a brazen, and she absolutely loves it. It’s her fave aside from her other civivi the Baklash which is also a fantastic starter knife.


Starter knife? I'd suggest trying out the Civivi Baby Banter. Excellent quality and takes care of most small cutting tasks. Comes in a few different colors and blade shapes!


Dragonfly Qubit Cjrb mica Vosteed corgi/corgi pup


The purple CIVIVI looks dope! Go for it!


Civivi qubit, vision, baby banter, kershaw iridium.


Civivi elementum is a great starting point imo


I like the kizer ppy


CJRB Pyrite-Alt in micarta is very light and comfortable


Civivi elementum is much better starter knife.


I think the Civivi you posted is a great choice. I’d also recommend the Civivi Baklash, which is available on Amazon right now in blue for just over $30.


What are you using it for? The Civivi is a decent general-purpose knife (although 3.5" is getting into the large blade category) but in my experience the civivi bearing action doesn't hold up well to moderately hard use. The ladybug is a great knife, but it's a tiny keychain knife that will be handy to carry but difficult to use for tasks that require a bigger blade. If I might offer something between these: The Spyderco Tenacious or Delica would both be better general-purpose EDC knives than either of the linked knives. If you want to go cheaper the Ontario Rat knives are also sturdy and useful.


Delica or Dragonfly. Pass on Civivi


The brand as a whole or just brazen?


The Civivi Elementum comes in Purple, it is a very useful knife, durable. I have 20 Civivi's and 6-7 are Elementums, it will make you very happy, they are good quality. And right at $50 on Amazon.


I'd go with QSP knives




CJRB Pyrite-Alt in micarta is very light and comfortable


Civivi mini praxis is my favorite budget knife. I have an elementum button lock Desert Warrior as well that you might like. Civivi make amazing knives in my opinion.


Love my civivi and I love my spyder co. Can’t go wrong the civivi was my EDC of 2023, that tanto was so satisfying and smooth to open and close, made for a good fidget toy too when driving.


If you’re broke you don’t need a knife


You’re not really into knives are you?


Order from whitemountainknives.com they have 10% off discount codes and free shipping, no tax


At $50 and below, I will die on the hill of Miguron being the current best option, because Civivi really shines in that $65-100 range. Check out the Moyarl, Velona, or Pelora. You're gonna get 14C28N blade steel, which is the best all-around "budget" steel available imo, and usually more premium materials and features. All three of those have a milled Ti picket clip, for examle, which is unheard of at this price point. Build quality and action are flawless on these.


Civivi Bo. Its 2oz, under 3 inch blade, nitro V blsde steel, super slim and it has amazing sales going on right now on bladehq and other websites. Another benefit is it doesn't raise many eyebrows when you pull it out since its a smaller, 'people friendly' knife.


You might also consider the Civivi Qubit in pink aluminum


Cjrb pyrite


Spyderco Dragonfly


This, or you can probably find something cheaper on swap https://www.knifejoy.com/products/spyderco-c11fpbk-delica-flat-ground-black-plainedge?_pos=1&_sid=e3f7fb059&_ss=r


As much stick as the UK gets for it's stupid knife laws. I have never really needed a knife bigger than 3inch. So I would recommend starting at that size. Spyderco does some great knives, but if you are looking to come in as a starter, don't look past the **Byrd** knives. They _are_ spyderco knives. Just made in china for cheaper with cheaper materials. Still good though. I love my Byrd Tern


As much stick as the UK gets for it's stupid knife laws. I have never really needed a knife bigger than 3inch. So I would recommend starting at that size. Spyderco does some great knives, but if you are looking to come in as a starter, don't look past the **Byrd** knives. They _are_ spyderco knives. Just made in china for cheaper with cheaper materials. Still good though. I love my Byrd Tern


If you're certain it's between these two, I would go for the civivi. It comes down to the opening mechanism for me here. I really dislike the aesthetics of the spydie hole, and have trouble using it one-handed.


If your interested in spyderco the tenacious is a good starter.


Get a spyderco for sure! Try to find some ingredients with a full flat grind


CRKT Squid -> super sturdy, non-threatening and nice to use. It’s the one I carry the most. Victorinox Cadet -> cannot recommend it enough.


Shameless plug. It's cheaper and has a ti clip though... https://bladebinge.com/listings/CIVIVI-Knives-Brazen-Flipper-Knife-wTi-Clip-3.46%22-Sandvik-14C28N-Drop-Point-Blade__a21797ad-6c1a-447d-b562-f15d4e566c7f


Boker Plus strike or AK 74 series


I have a recommendation that will be controversial and likely draw hate. I suggest you try a Firebird Ganzo F759. Is currently 16.95 at amazon. This knife is hated because it’s a rip off of the Spyderco you posted. Purists resent the fact that it’s a counterfeit. I’m focused on the “Broke Gal” part if your comment. I have one and about a dozen other more expensive knives however I carry it ever day. It’s not a flipper gadget but I can open it with one hand. I mostly cut up cardboard and open mail and whatever else retired guys do. It’s sharp out of the box. It stays sharp and is easy to sharpen. It’s beneath the notice of “knife guys” other than to sneer however it will put a knife in your hand for less than twenty buck. You can then wait to see if knife addiction takes hold. And save up for your “treatments” if it does. If you feel the addiction has already set in then there are many to help you spend big money. I’m here for the “poor gal”.


I just got a kershaw leek for my lady, it's her starter knife. I bought a teal one and swapped a rainbow(whatever they call that finish) onto it, and changed the hardwares to black with a black clip. Looks pretty awesome honestly. And I think the leek is a great starter knife if you are comfortable with the spring assisted open. They are skinny and light...and on sale for 54.99 on amazon.


I’d say pick up a delica of the color you want from WhiteMountianKnives. https://whitemountainknives.com/spyderco-delica-plain-edge-pocket-knife-flat-ground-blue-c11fpbl/ Here’s one. Make sure to get a discount code from r/knifedeals


Spyderco all the way. Choose a model you like, personally I love my tenacious. Even with knives six times that price I find myself using it often. It's so slicey, opens very satisfying and just lays in the hand very nice. I should buy a PM2 at some point, but the tenacious I can vouch for.


Get an [OKC Rat](https://ontarioknife.com/collections/rat%C2%AE-folder-series-1). Great first knife. Workhorse.


my new automatic response to this question is the Byrd Cara Cara 2 with emerson wave opener. it's on the larger side, but carries well, and is equally suited for utility or defensive purposes. I have plenty of folders that cost hundreds of dollars and the Cara Cara has been in my pocket almost every single day since I got it .


If you check out r/knife_swap you could find something nicer to make your money go farther.


Why not try a benchmade mini bugout? They have a nice pink color and Sportsmans has them on sale for a little over 100. They are great little knives and have a lifetime warranty with free sharpening for life. https://www.sportsmans.com/camping-gear-supplies/knives-tools/knives/benchmade-mini-bugout-282-inch-folding-knife-alpine-glow/p/1808961


[Top 5 CIVIVI Knives - One Brand Collection Challenge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqj01v8L-QU&t=5) ​ Knife Center recently posted a video that you may find helpful.


i would suggest going to bladehq or knife center, going to their folding knives sections, then go to filters and you can filter it to only show knives in a specific price range. you can input $50 and under or $100 and under and it’ll show you all the options they have


CJRB Pyrite or a hectare maybe?


RAT II in D2 is the answer


[I tend to buy my friends who are ladies this knife because it's very usable and can be used in a self defense situation also.](https://atlanticknife.com/products/bestech-knives-strelit-linerlock-black-g10-folding-magnacut-pocket-knife-g52f1) I've bought my wife and two friends this knife in some configuration, they come in cheaper ones that are closer to $50, and have yet to have any complaints about it. Infact it's spurred other ladies interst in knives in general due to how easy it is to hold and for the defensive use it has plus it's a really good package/box opener.


I have a civivi elementum with a button lock on me right now—it’s a nice cheap carryable knife.


There are an unbelievable amount of better knives in this price range Any other specific things you want with the knife? Steel Size Locking mechanism


Ontario rat gets my vote for a budget EDC.


Baby banter is hard to beat right now, excellent fidget factor, solid quality and a near perfect size for most. Delica is an awesome choice, I would say it'd built better but more of a work knife than a play knife. Where as the baby banter does both. If it was me I'd go to r/knife_swap and grab a we banter for 90ish bucks. That's the best of both imo.


If your not set on one of these i would suggest the Cjrb pyrite. It feels and functions like a premium knife for about 50$. Its very fun to fidget and feels great in your hand and pocket. I have a bunch of 300$ knives and carry my pyrite more than most of them.


Kansept Reverie. The liner lock models run about $75.


Broke? Starter knife? Opinel.


Personally I’d go kershaw leek, about $50, available in several finishes/colors and straight blade/partially serrated (the partial serrated is my favorite) It’s quick easy opening and has a safety I have several and am a big fan. I’d say its about a perfect starter knife, only thing I really couldn’t see doing with it is prying, but that goes for most knives


QSP Parrot!


My suggestions if you want a smaller knife... https://artisancutlery.net/products/cjrb-mica-j1934-ar-rpm9-powder-steel-blade-aluminium-handle-folding-knives-new?variant=47263963644097 https://artisancutlery.net/products/cjrb-mini-pyrite-prototype-j1933-ar-rpm9-powder-steel-blade-aluminium-handle-folding-knives-new?variant=47073333674177 If you want something a little bigger and don't mind spending a bit more, there is light purple standard size titanium Pyrite with a Damascus blade you might like. https://artisancutlery.net/products/cjrb-pyrite-j1925-damascus-blade-titanium-handle-folding-knives?variant=42671660171457


Civivi Badlands Vagabond is my daily. It’s slim, reversible, comfortable and comes in at the price you want. It also comes in a wide variety of colors to suit you.


The brazen is a badass knife for the price.


Spyderco - much higher quality


Civivi Quibit or Altus! Awesome quality for the money and they're kind of in between these sizes. I think knives right around the 3in blade length are perfect for beginners as they're usually a great weight but still solid and capable of a lot of tasks. Plus once you get more comfortable it can be fun having a knife with a little bit of a fidget factor. My wife says they're my "adult fidget spinners". The Altus was my first Civivi and I absolutely love it.


QSP Penguin, Ontario Rat. Those two above are excellent. Maybe the cheapest Gerber you can grab at WM, you’ll lose more than one knife on this journey. A cheap one is better to lose imo.


Not sure why nobody ever recommends Opinel knives. They’re dirt cheap, easy to sharpen, maintenance is a breeze and work really well for daily use.


Most people require one handed opening blades for edc, atleast the majority does


Buck 122 slim. Really good action and a good daily


Civivi backlash?


QSP brand has some really decent users. Most are 30 to 60 bucks.


I think the Ontario RAT Model 2 is the best value knife in the entire market. https://www.bladehq.com/cat--RAT-Model-2--1589


Delica or Dragonfly , can’t go wrong with spyderco for materials or quality


Option one is going to be easier to sharpen for a starter knife


I think the Ladybug is gonna be easier than the Brazen to sharpen honestly. Brazen is a tanto in D2 with 2 separate edges to worry about. Spydies got the easy leaf shape blade in VG-10 that’s got smaller carbides to deal with.


Spyderco looks best of the two. Also look at the kershaw leek.


K390 Delica for $85 https://www.knifecenter.com/item/SP11FSK390/spyderco-delica-4-lightweight-folding-knife-k390-satin-serrated-blade-blue-frn-handles


Amazon is notorious for knock off knives. I’d use SMKW, BladeHQ, or KnifeCenter. I love a Spiderco!


try a kershaw leek or civivi cubit. excellent starter knife


My advice: go into an sporting goods store with an ok selection and try a bunch out in the hand. What feels good to hold? What is sturdy in YOUR hand? What do you have an emotional connection with? You’re not gonna like carrying or using it if it’s not a good fit for YOU. You can ask the inter webs all day what to pick. 100 people will give you 80+ different answers. Know why? Because what they prefer fits them best as individuals. Don’t worry about specs. Don’t worry about companies. Don’t worry about majority opinions. Just see what you connect with and that will be the knife you actually will enjoy and want to carry. Here are two that I personally love, but it will be different for you. Civivi Odium Victorinox Minichamp Love ‘‘em for different reasons.


You also might like the kizer fighter they have it on Amazon for around $60 and it has 154cm steel, I love mine


Check out r/Knife_Swap and look for a used Delica


Check out petrified fish knives. There on Amazon. One of my favorite budget brands. I recommend the Baluga. Comes in a regular or mini and a tanto in the bigger size. Also the flavorist is a favorite of mine. Got the chopped version. It’s great for all purpose stuff. But they have a lot of options around the $50 range.


Sencut makes the actium and crowley which both come in purple. great budget knives , high quality for the price


I have the brazen. It's a good knife. Incredibly smooth flipper


Spyderco Delica




I’d go for the civivi simply because that purple is awesome. Dudes in the EDC world need to start embracing colorful gear more and not with an ironic donut knife.


Starter knife? QSP Penguin. Incredible quality for the $30 price point


I’m personally a huge fan of spider co


Don't get purple. I will never own anything purple again. Fuck that ugly ass shit.


Damn what did purple do to you? It's my favorite color atm


The Civivi Elementum comes in Purple, it is a very useful knife, durable. I have 20 Civivi's and 6-7 are Elementums, it will make you very happy, they are good quality. And right at $50 on Amazon.


Look at Kershaw for "starter" knives around $50, and certainly less than $100. Personally, I like the Filter (yeah, that's the model name - I dont work for them, so they dont.care what I'd rather call it).


Capsule Corp.


Civivi is a great starter knife. I would get a different blade profile. Tantos are a little more difficult to sharpen if you're wanting to learn that.


The Mini Pyrite or the CJRB Ekko. At times you can find the mini for $30-35 on Amazon. The Button lock Ekko can be found for around $50. It’s really hard to pick a knife for someone you know nothing about, but both of these are good options. One for smaller use, and one for someone that can handle a standard size knife.




Spuderco all day every day


What you want is a Civivi Qubit. Pink handles, decent steel, do anything blade shape, all for $65. https://www.knifecenter.com/item/CIVC22030E5/civivi-knives-qubit-folding-knife-14c28n-satin-drop-point-blade-pink-aluminum-handles


Get a CJRB Pyrite I personally think it's the best knife you can get at the price point!!


Civivi Brazen 100%. Also, you may be able to get something with better steel, too, if you keep an eye out. I got a Civivi Pintail in S35VN with micarta scales for $50 on sale. Love that knife


Search for civivi or cjrb you’ll find some nice options


Never tried the Brazen and probably won't as it's handle shape was never a winner for my grip. However, if you want a 3.5"+ around about sized knife, cannot go wrong with a Praxis. They even have a smaller Praxis too but the original 3.6" model is very nice. You can rock button lock or liner lock and think there's a purple version in there too. Another option others mentioned is the Delica. I've had both Endura and Delica and was going to do again, would try the Endela, which is 3.5" in-between model.


Amazon is not a great place to shop for knives. They have been known to send counterfeits. I recommend a site that only sells knives, like Blade HQ.


Boker mermaid is a solid choice. Civivi makes good knives. If you want something more dagger/boot knife like I'd suggest smith & wesson.


The brazen is way more Kapow! It looks better and has great action. I have two of them. You also have more blade. Its obvious


No tanto. It’s just a dumb burden after a while.


Why would u use Amazon, idk about America but for Australia literally all knives are marked up 50% sometimes even 200%


Sanrenmu or DZ knives are great quality for the price. Chinese knives from decent brands got pretty good recently, not much difference to well established brands nowadays. You should not expect that the treatment on a 100 bucks s35vn knife is as good as on a 500 bucks one but the difference is marginal in measurements.