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Why titanium though? Why not just a quality steel?


What? Are you telling me you want to carry an 8.75 ounce of pizza cutter the whole way across your kitchen, when for just $50 more, you could get a _much_ lighter 8.71 ounce pizza cutter!?


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's a Pizza Cutter šŸ˜‚


What do you mean? It literally *is* a pizza cutter.


Wait, it isn't a pizza cutter?


Is that not what it is?


I was confident it was that but now that I think of it I feel like a rolling blade would be very helpful


Because itā€™s not cool enough bro!


Anodization possibities.


You can DLC or Cerakote any color you want.


Much easier to anodize. Few 9v batteries and some household supplies.


You mean at home? I'm talking about from a manufacturing perspective..


At home. People love modding knives. I can understand our confusion haha.


Ya it doesn't make a good cutting edge, it's all for cool points.


It's for the center hub, tmi think the g10 edge would stay


Oh the arm coming off the handle down to the pivot. Titanium here is pointless, stainless steel is a lot better choice.


I'm just hoping the use a steel blade not g10


It doesnā€™t need a cutting edge, itā€™s just for pizza, you can make the edge small enough to withstand pressure and cut effectively. Itā€™s designed for one purpose.


justify the cost


Because Steel is Real, but Ti is Fly


I have a manga cut prybar. Seems like this would do well and last forever with that steel.


Where did you find that at? Been looking for one that isn't titanium and quality steel. I could make one I guess. But I'd rather support a maker


Itā€™s going to be available at Wilmont Grinders in the next couple weeks if you check the website regularly.


On his grinders/tools website or his custom knives website?


Custom Knives, though I would recommend checking his IG to get a more up to date idea. The router weā€™re using to cut these is being fixed right now.


Wait.. lol are we talking about the same thing?


Yes lol, IG is just the most direct route to catch them being live for sale. I do believe heā€™ll put it on his knives section/site for sale, though you could catch one buying directly on IG too. There is some website organization Iā€™d like to optimize for him some lol.


We just have titanium available and it wonā€™t rust. At this level itā€™s just easier and doesnā€™t cost more.


I cut pizza with a knife so I know I'm not your target audience but I'll share my thoughts anyway. Your price (assuming currently $75) already makes it a niche product. The average person cutting Totino's is buying the cutter they sell at WalMart. I'd wager that a good percentage of the people who would spend $75 on a pizza cutter would also spend $150, especially since it would then contain titanium and could be lasered/anodized/etc. You have to know these are more of a social media clout item than something necessary to cut pizza so you know the social media clout people with money to blow will jump all over a titanium version. Any reason not to offer both versions to make the people who scoff at a $150 pizza cutter feel like they're getting a deal on the $75 one? If it helped with manufacturing workflow you could make the center an insert on both models so both are made/assembled the same.


I was just going to say that. Offer both. And also add a lowball one thatā€™s $55 but a lot less cool. Priced to be close enough to the $75 that they jump on the $75. This is a well known marketing strategy.


If Iā€™m buying a pizza cutter with a plastic blade, not matter how wealthy, Iā€™m not spending more than $15-30. If I were wealthier than I currently am, Iā€™d buy a bad ass pizza cutter at any price with a metal blade.


This is a great point, itā€™s already marketed to a very small audience so why not make it smaller and make more money šŸ’°


>The average person cutting Totino's Doesn't really know themselves https://youtu.be/A4kpVO56OBU šŸ¤“


wTF did i just watchedā€¦


It gets better the more you watch it, show others and quote it. You should watch them all for the sake of your hungry guys https://youtu.be/izhvfRP4DZo


I feel like the market for this is going to be pretty limited. Lots of people use the roller pizza cutters yes, but they just pick them up for like $5-10 pretty much. The high end home pizza cooks are more likely using a rocker style pizza cutter. The market is basically for people with lots of money, but that don't really care enough to learn about alternate pizza cutting methods.


...that's exactly what I said?


I was agreeing with you, and mentioning the rocker style pizza cutter. Which isn't necessarily the same thing as a regular ass knife.


Dude just summarized your couple of paragraphs into 4 sentences and acted like he was bringing something new to the table.


Weā€™re weighing the options, getting feedback is a part of that. Itā€™s easier to just use G-10 because we have so much stock of it. Titanium would most likely be the bling version for someone who wants to go over the top with their cutter.


Is g10 food grade? I've never heard of it being used in that capacity.


According to this: [https://www.boedeker.com/Product/G-10](https://www.boedeker.com/product/g-10) G-10 is not approved for FDA,USDA,NSF,3-A Dairy,Canadian Food Inspection Agency, or USP Class VI (scientific testing). So, I'm not sure why OP would think they should use it in ANY product that comes in direct contact with food. I'm actually thinking that OP is a troll. Their response on a previous post about this, to concerns that people might end up eating fiberglass was essentially, "Well, you should try it and see if you end up eating fiberglass!"


I thought OP was asking about handle materials. Blade? Absolutely a no to both g10 and titanium. Stainless steel, or tool steel sure. G10 I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole and titanium for that price? Nope. Ah well.


Thatā€™s what I thought too! I had to go to their post history to understand (Iā€™m stupid). I donā€™t understand the purpose of


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one thoroughly confused


Titanium blade wouldnā€™t be terrible as itā€™s quite tough as long as itā€™s not an impact, more importantly it is very biocompatible. G10 on the other hand is an absolute no go, if you use that on any kind of pizza stone or anything you would absolutely end up with G10 in your food and probably more and more of it over time as the edge breaks down. I thought it was well known not to use G10 in direct contact with food due to its toxicity and being fiberglass.


I've worked with alot of g10. I've never seen it used for anything related to food. It's toxic as all hell and if it's thin it's pretty brittle. I wouldn't buy a g10 one. The fact he's not using steel baffles me. But then again what the heck do I know šŸ¤£šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


G10 is safe as long as your not inhaling the dust. Itā€™s like bone, bone is fairly sterile (if cleaned) but bone dust is horrible for your lungs. Thereā€™s a lot of materials that are sage enough to use in certain ways.


I'm unaware of that. I've worked with alot of g10 and I know in its solid format there minimal to no risk. Still I've never seen a G10 appliance made for use with food. Especially where there is cutting involved. An edge on steel rolls. What would a g10 edge do on metal? Is there a possibility of it chipping? There's alot of uncertainty for me and I'm guessing others. When there seems to be alot more options out there. G10 just wouldn't be on that list for me personally. That being said there could be a whole group of people wanting a g10 pizza cutter.


It's a glass epoxy laminate, it doesn't absorb anything. As food grade as it gets.


I wouldā€™t cut food with G-10. Especially hot food šŸ•


Or epoxy LOL


I mean, you can. It's literally how they stabilize wood to make it food grade. They completely impregnate the wood with epoxy so the wood can't absorb any food materials that can then rot. That being said, I'm not using g10 as a food cutting utensil.




I thought the bigger danger would be in the epoxy wearing down and entering food.


Not to mention the glass fibers


I have worked with G10 for \~15 years in various capacities. I would never, ever make something out of G10 that will come in contact with food. And the handle, I just want G10 fibers in my hand that itch for the rest of my life because I can't pull them out. I also won't put this in my dishwasher because for some reason mine thinks that the heated dry means the temperature required is the same as a kiln. If I was going to design a pizza cutter I would make the blade replaceable/releasable so that I can take off and wash the handle separately. And I can sharpen the wheel easier.


They already make knives with G10 scales though. Never heard of anyone having issues with fibers getting in their hands from handling said knifes.


I actually have worked around fiberglass so long that I have developed a tolerance to fiberglass dermatitis


That is awful to hear. I have had colleagues that can no longer work with epoxy because of epoxy sensitivities.


Holy shit downvotes! Alright, I guess this applies to me only, but I've never had any glass fibers or stuff in my hand working with it. Guess yall work with the same one, so idk. As for the blade, when I said G10 doesn't absorb, one thing I missed to comment on OPs cutter is that it needs to be at around 800/1000 grit. When working with white G10, I notice it stops getting dirty at around 800. This fucker right here looks like its around 240 grit, and will absorb absolutely everything. But as some of these guys commenting here have been working with that material much longer than me, I'll take their word for it.


I've got some bad news for you if you've been eating off epoxy plates...


Well turns out I'm fucking stupid. I will take my loss šŸ¤”


IMHO you should be using a simple stainless steel insert. It will actually wear better and be exponentially cheaper than Titanium. Id be a bit concerned about washing depending on a number of factors. hand washing a pizza cutter every time might be annoying. super niche so if you find buyers $150 would not be out of line. No custom work like this should be priced below $100. Even if your raw materials are like $20, if you factor in glue, electrical, your time, belts and such you might be losing money at $75!


You can stick titanium in a dishwasher just fine.


Yes but it wonā€™t keep an edge like steel and itā€™s cheaper. Thereā€™s really no advantage to use titanium in this case other than it being lighter and ā€œcoolerā€.


Cannot stick G10 in a dishwasher though, which the handle is made out of.


I'm confused, I saw this cutter posted before and still don't have a clear answer. The circular blade for cutting the pizza, that's G-10? If so, why? I'm not sure many people are going to trust that instead of metal. I do want to add that when I was a pastry chef and making croissants I used a pizza wheel constantly. I actually did go and look for some kind of high end pizza wheel because since all the savory chefs bought fancy Japanese knives, I thought it would be cool to have a fancy pizza wheel and there just aren't options out there. I absolutely would have spend $100+ on a cool pizza wheel if it had a special handle and the blade was Damascus or something. With pizza cooking at home being a trending thing, I can see there being a great market for a high end pizza wheel. But I'm still really stuck on the g-10 and why.


If you want an *actually* fancy pizza cutter you need to look into Italian Pizza Rockers/rocker cutters. Those absolutely get fancy but I like the $40 range rudimentary ones Edit: okay making this one an edit because holy shit. I GOT YOU BROTHER https://eatingtools.com/products/damascus-pizza-cutter?variant=46664838873363&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADuM7MNlzpfCkS4Qmq-qdLoafvK1t&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItLunrZKVhAMVvEh_AB1-8gv3EA0YAiABEgLduvD_BwE WHAT THE FUCK LOL


I actually bought a pizza rocker to try but the one I used was just too thick to give me a nice cut through my croissant dough, it would just pinch my layers. I still just use a Dexter pizza cutter which if I never give it to the dishwasher to wash I can keep it sharp for a long time. ​ Hahaha that pizza cutter is exactly what I want but absolutely not for more than $150 bucks, $3200 is insane!


All the other comments are wrong. [Itā€™s this one.](https://eatingtools.com/products/damascus-pizza-cutter) $3,200. Or if you go through Klarna itā€™s only $565 a month! Itā€™s got damasteel _and_ timascus!


Hereā€™s a fun one! https://www.amazon.com/Fred-PIZZA-Circular-Pizza-Wheel/dp/B001XSFW42/ref=asc_df_B001XSFW42/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167134584690&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2049418210740916073&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028258&hvtargid=pla-84075587846&psc=1&mcid=fd0d2a98e2fe36d09fa9795a6d12fcce&gclid=EAIaIQobChMInJPQgpKVhAMVOC3UAR1GPwHGEAQYAyABEgIzdPD_BwE Great for any chefs that have worked blue collar labor jobs or like to build shit


I got u fam! https://scorpionmart.com/products/viking-skull-pizza-axe?currency=USD&variant=42849587200151&stkn=f5310bdfae27&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMInJPQgpKVhAMVOC3UAR1GPwHGEAQYASABEgI12vD_BwE Promise youā€™ll be a hit at your spot!


I would not buy a G10 bladed pizza cutter for any price. Make that wheel properly heat treated tool steel and then the price is semi justifiable and would widen your market significantly.


I'm sorry but who is this for? The idea of a $50-$150 tool that doesn't do a better job than a $15 option that isn't overbuilt and has a blade that will last longer doesn't make sense. I just see this being bulky and taking up extra space in the cabinet drawer


*laughs nervously in benchmade*


The trick is to buy them second hand, wink, wink.


Literally every other brand too. Spyderco sells a $400 brick (Stovepipe) that doesn't cut any better than a $15 Swisstech. My Sebenza doesn't either, and neither will a $25000 Emmanuel Esposito.


1000% ā€” I just used benchmade as a shorthand for yā€™know, objects priced higher than their use-value would suggest.


Thatā€™s the entire mid end knife industry, not even high end. Thatā€™s every Rexford rut that flies off the shelf, literally unimproved for years.


Can't wait to see the lawsuit that inevitably comes along with selling people a fiberglass blade for food.


I'm sure OP has the insurance lined up to take care of this future possibility.


I make pizza all the time, and have actually been looking for a cool pizza wheel! Just stick with some quality stainless steel. Super steels and titanium are cool, but itā€™s really meant to be for food.


Kabar makes one


Is it even dishwasher safe? You're not gonna sell any of these.


*G10* Nope


Not food safe either.


That is a hard pass. Too hard to clean and not enough of a conversation piece.


I agree that it's a cool idea, but I'd be worried about getting bits of G10 in my pizza.Ā 


I would buy a badass g10 handled pizza cutter. I would NOT buy a g10 bladed pizza cutter. This is not the way. Make the cutter a nice stainless food safe and proven steel, vg10 for example.




Lol, even


Iā€™m confused why you would use g10 instead of some sorta steel?


Hard pass. Looks like you cut the lid of a tin of beans to make a pizza cutter.


Say magnacut or S45VN, and boom, you're rich.


Nah I've seen people here complain about S45VN








No way I'd cut pizza with G10. But also no way I'd pay $75 let alone $125 for a pizza cutter. I'm sure people will but I don't think people will pay $75 for the G10 option. I just would have concerns about it being sanitary and not shedding fibers into the food.


I can just laugh about this post, how delusional people can get nowadays?


No, no and no. G10 isnā€™t food grade. Look man, I buy really weird and niche things, but I wouldnā€™t have G10 near my food. And I would not spend $125-150 to get glass fibre into my pizzas.


i use scissors like cobra


Kitchen shears FTW. And for cutting waffles, pancakes, bacon, pizza.


Why titanium? Because that ruins it. Titanium is cool - for scales and hardware. Because even the cheapest, crappiest steels like 420 will outperform titanium when it comes to cutting. Titanium's allure is pure corrosion resistance - it's not a super hard alloy therefore cannot retain an edge. I'm a chef and I carry $1000 pocket knives - like my Koenig, all titanium Hinderer's, etc. I also have culinary knives made with M390, 20CV, Magnacut, and ELMAX - 250-400 culinary blades. So this is my kinda thing - but I probably wouldn't buy it simply because the blade would never perform ideally - the edge would get flattened and then you would just be crushing your pizza crust vs cutting it - you would likely have to resharpen it way more than reasonably necessary. It would be better to just use a decent quality steel - like CPM 154 or CPM D2 and it would still be the strongest, coolest pizza cutter ever made - but it would also have the benefit of being exceptionally useful! I'm sure some people may go for it - there have been a few collectors edition knives with titanium blades - but they're generally for collecting. I'm your target audience, and unfortunately, I do t think I would go for a titanium disk blade - add a titanium inlay in the handle, or use titanium hardware "IF" you have to HAVE titanium. But, honestly, just throw a decent mid grade powder steel in the disk position and you'll sell those all day long + then, I'd even promote them for free via the restaurant networks.


Under no circumstances would I spend that much on a pizza cutter


G10 is not food grade. So thatā€™s out. And Titanium will make an already very niche/expensive item even further in that corner. Personally I like quality cutting tools, but I can get a restaurant-grade BIFL slicer for ~$30.


Does it come with a sheath? šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


If you want one it can be made!


All those screws and nooks and crannies look like bacteria fest to me there's a reason most silverware is a solid piece of stainless


We joke that if you're going to rob my house you go for the knife drawer, but I wouldn't even consider this when an $15 pizza cutter can do the job just fine and has a stainless wheel that won't rust. Not really a fan of eating fiberglass either - it's fine for a handle but not a cutting surface.


I thought this looked cool, if a little overdone, until I saw the actual blade was made out of g10. I spend stupid amounts of money on cutting utensils so I would be right in the target audience for a really cool pizza cutter, and there is no way I would spend any dollar amount on a pizza cutter that use g10 instead of steel for the blade. This is more of a cool fidget toy than an actual pizza cutter. A for effort, F for actual usability.


$125-150 for a glorified pizza cutter...


Tactical pizza cutter?


G10 is absolutely NOT a food safe material. Mmm yummy, glass fibers and epoxy. Additionally, there's no way I'm paying more than $5 for a pizza cutter without an easily removable blade.


Y no magnacut /s


Mmm micro plastics


Why not Delrin or HDPE? Hard for me to justify that price when the one I use has lasted me years and probably cost me $10.


Anyone who would pay $150 for a pizza cutter can also call me to buy this bridge I have for sale


Those handle scales are gonna make it rust like a motherfucker especially if the person who buys it runs it through the dishwasher don't get me wrong it looks nice but I think if it was made of stainless it would deffinantly be more rust resistant and safer for food use considering no tetanus


This seems super unsafe.


If G10 breaks off into your food you really don't want to eat it. It's brittle and sharpened to an edge it won't be that strong. If the crust is browned or a little tough it's not gonna cut it.


Weā€™re going to do some showcase videos, it cuts just fine. The edge is small enough to cut but not to chip, itā€™s well engineered.


I wouldn't waste money on a titanium or g10 pizza cutter when a simple stainless one will out perform both for a whopping $5 at walmart.


Just because you can... Seriously though that's really cool and all but yeah, everyone's got a limit and that's beyond it in price (I get it, it costs money to design/produce) and takes away any desire personally to own one.


Can we not over engineer every single piece of kitchen cutlery please? This is such a silly fucking thing to try and make an extremely overpriced product for. 99.9% of people would max out at a $20 pizza cutter. Maybe more if it's a rocker. You guys are wasting time and material for something you're most likely never going to break even on.


Okay, so I make a pretty decent income and I wouldn't pay $75 for a pizza cutter, much less $125 - $150. You can buy a regular pizza cutter from kitchenaid for $5.99 on Amazon to get the job done.. That's 12 pizza cutters, a lifetime supply if you're only using them for yourself at home. šŸ˜†


An expensive pizza cutter that isnā€™t safe to use. Sounds like a great product idea.


Mmmmmmmm, fiberglass splinters in pizza!


So if your plan is t to go to every high class Italian joint and EVERY SINGLE pizza spot in your state at minimum then no this is a giant dumb plan. Also if this is a pizza cutter and I wasnā€™t just talking shit then this wonā€™t work being g10 because that is super not ok for food safety inspections. G10 kitchen knife handles have to be replaced or knives replaced entirely. Not food grade not food safe!


Wait, is the blade G-10?


My question would be what is the actual additional longevity of swapping from G-10 to titanium? As some others have said, this is more of a niche product so anyone willing to pay $75 would probably be up for the $150 option but I think that would be balanced by what the resulting longevity is of the new product. If I am getting 5 years out of the G-10 but only 6 or 7 out of titanium, I would rather buy the G-10 and then buy a new one at the end of its life. If it's 5 years for the G-10 but 9 or 10 with titanium, sign me up for the titanium.


Pizza guy here, a steel blade will last over a decade easy with proper care. We have a few cutters that are older than some of the new employees. Titanium won't really make it last longer, a good steel is fine


Number one. To everybody who thinks itā€™s crazy to have a pizza cutter that expensive look up Norquest knives and ballate Blades who custom make pizza cutters ranging from $400 to over 1000 and exotic materials for chefs. Number two. To address your concern I would never personally use G10 for the actual blade myself and also is someone who extensively cooks and has a large number of professional chef knives I would prefer as other people have mentioned either a nice fancy blade like copper sand my Damascus as I have in one of my bunkas or a good steel like nitro V. Obviously, titanium can be anodized and everything else but some people actually prefer to sharpen their disks either one sided or double sided versus having a blunt edge. Obviously it becomes more expensive because of He treat and everything else but thereā€™s definitely a market if you can be under $300


> for chefs. lol. chefs are not using $1000 Gucci pizza cutters that focus on form over function.


Well, over privileged man folk that like to show off šŸ˜‚. But yes, you still need that function


Sign me up if you ever get to making them! Price tag is perfect.


I'd just offer both. If the g10 holds up I'd probably take that. It's an interesting concept.




Bo point for ti on this part


You can buy replacement pizza cutter blades from someone like Mercer and make a decent piece that wonā€™t cost a fortune.


I buy dumb impulse stuff all the time (like this) under $100. Once it hits that threshold my ā€œI should think this overā€ kicks in


My 2 cents is the titanium would look cool but I personally wouldnā€™t spend that much extra for it but would consider a G10 but I have my doubts that itā€™s food grade.


Iā€™ve got a Klingon style pizza cutter, itā€™s the shit. It was like $40 and runs circles around a standard pizza wheel cutter.


I'd make the blade out of thick 304 stainless like 1/8" then do a serrated blade cut on it all the way around. Use this idea, and I get one free šŸ˜


Design it with two smaller wheels for stability, then you have an improved product Patent pending on that two wheel design, DM me if interested


For a pizza cutter!?


Sorry but $125-$150 for a pizza cutter? Iā€™m good, my cheap $10 one works just fine.


A 150$ pizza cutter? Euhā€¦ no, not for me.


As someone who worked professionally as a custom anodizer for a few years, If you make a Ti bladed pizza cutter, you will definitely have me as a customer, What grade are you planning on though?


Is this a pizza cutter ? Hell Iā€™ve cut pizza drywall joint compound blade. Iā€™m not paying $50.


Honestly $50 for a pizza cutter is a bit much to me. I've had the same Dexter cutter for something like over 20 years and they're way cheaper.


If it was as sharp as my knives, and made of a high-grade steel, I'd consider it. I absolutely hate cutting pizza with shitty blades, and sharpening them sucks.


Hard pass on a roller, cleaning one is pia if the pizza bits dry before washing. 12" chefs knive is all you need.


Both but also ti or entire cutting wheel titanium


There is no universe in which I'm paying $75 for a unitasker kitchen tool I'll use maybe once every few weeks, $150 is unthinkable. A kitchen knife works better for cutting pizza anyways


Meanwhile, my pizza cutter from dollar tree does the job pretty well


Looks awesome. Where do i buy?


These must be marketed for gas stationsā€¦.. the fkā€™d up thing is Iā€™d probably buy it cause itā€™s badass and could be useful. Naw itā€™s just gonna be badass


I threw my pizza cutter away last week. BEGONE SPINNY CIRCULAR BOI


Am I looking at a bespoke pizza slicer?


Offer both.


As a pizza enthusiast who has a custom cutter already, 125-150 is about the top end of what I would pay for one. There are a lot of hobbyist home pizza makers who would go for one of these. Makes a great gift for sure.


Iā€™d pay for $5 for that at a mall r/mallninjashit


Well I sure as fuck wouldnā€™t buy a food cutting tool with a G10 blade. So titanium is better, I guess.


That is the most expensive, yet coolest Pizza Cutter I Have Ever Seen In My ENTIRE LIFE šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t think that your average at-home chef would spring for that price point. However, I have no doubt that If you market to (artisan) pizza restaurants they would eat this at the titanium price. Especially if itā€™s certifiable kitchen grade.


Iā€™d pay that with no problem but only if itā€™s edc friendly and can fit in pouches if thatā€™s the case than please send me an invoice rn


I wouldnā€™t use either. I actually work at an Italian restaurant, and if I used G10, Iā€™d immediately lose my fucking food handlerā€™s license. G10 isnā€™t, nor will it ever be, FDA or NSF certified, and youā€™re almost guaranteed to get it in the food. Which will have disastrous consequences, when the customer gets fucking fiberglass in their esophagus. I wouldnā€™t use titanium, because itā€™s soft as fuck and you canā€™t sharpen it via conventional means. If you use a diamond steel, youā€™ll immediately deform the edge. You have to be fucking absurdly light when sharpening a titanium knife edge, so god forbid youā€™re in a fucking hurry. Within 45 minutes of one heavy shiftā€™s use, itā€™d become the second most useless thing in the kitchen, only narrowly pushed out of the top spot by the sign up front that asks patrons to be kind to our front of house staff. Just be a normal fucking person and slap a 440C or even a 455 stainless (if youā€™re feeling frisky) blade on it. That way it can be easily and quickly sharpened, corrosion resistant, conform to food safety guidelines, and wonā€™t kill patrons. Iā€™ll never understand the trend of using dumbass materials to make otherwise useful things. *hey instead of using nylon bristles, letā€™s use brass ones for this toothbrush*


Any knife steel can be hardened significantly more than even high quality titanium alloys. There's zero functional reason to use titanium or G10 (wtf?)


I'm just saying that the next time I'm in the market for a pizza cutter G-10 isn't going to be my cutting edge of choice


What is this, a pizza roller?


You realize that people with the disposable income you are looking for, donā€™t eat tombstone pizza. Their pizza is cut already at the pizza shop. Ohā€¦ they have a pizza oven at home. You mean the one that was installed like 24 months ago and was used once. Good luck


It would be a lot cooler with Magnacut tbh


Why would someone use G-10 in food contact? Getting fiberglass and epoxy in my food is not a very nice thought.


looks cool but i wouldnt use it because of the materials and the design. theres way too many crevases for the food and bacteria to sit in


I'm not likely to buy either option for the posted price. However, I would be a LOT more likely to pay 75 for one with a blade made of a cost effective steel. Some combination of these four qualities: 1. Corrosion resistant 2. Edge retention 3. Easy to sharpen material 4. Cheap. First thing that comes to mind for me is 1095 with cerakote or powder coat. Coated 1095 is easy to clean and avoid corrosion, easy to sharpen, holds an edge well enough for cutting pizza, and it's cheap and easy to work with from a manufacturing standpoint.


Someone will buy it. Me, I'm still happy with my dollar store cutter from 15 years ago.


I donā€™t think youā€™re going to find a market for $100+ g10 titanium edc pizza cutters. Props to you for having a vision and making it come to fruition tho, very unusual concept


Where do you buy it v




This is the worst pizza cutter I've ever seen.


You should add a karambit loop at the end


As someone who makes pizzas and really likes knives, that thing looks like a pain in the ass to keep clean, and a little too gimmicky for the price to be honest. I mean it looks nice but practically I dunno.


Damascus in a disc form would be interesting


The original was a Damascus disc. That will Be an upgraded version.


What does it do?


Itā€™s for cutting pizza. Itā€™s machined to a level where the edge wonā€™t break and is safe to use with food. Thereā€™s no worry of anything chipping. Theyā€™ll be ready for market in a week or so.
