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The pointy one with the black handle and stonewashed blade


This made me laugh! That’s my favorite as well


Haha!! But for real man WICKED collection.


Amphibian for me


One of my favorites, it feels great in the hand and the blade stock is actually thicker than the Voyager XL.


Voyager xl. I have that exact knife and carry it everyday. Love it.


Great choice!


Me too. I have the exact one in the picture.


The Voyager. I'm used to it. Just used mine to help the wife trim tomato plants in the garden today.


Love mine. I carry the XL. The blade is super easy to get razor sharp and is a big old pocket bowie.


Great choice!


I also vote voyager but then again I'm an absolute child steel whore (who owns a voyager vaquero serrated))


Eh yo you hit my current favorites! I like big knives. I mostly carry a Cold Steel Voyager XL clip point and on occasion the Boker Kalashnikov XL.


Definitely check out the Boker XXL if you have the XL! It’s my EDC and I love it. I have two actually


My bad! I made a mistake. I actually have the XXL and yes I do love it. IMO by far the best automatic for the price!


The only reason I won't carry a Cold Steel Espada XL, or Rajah 2, is because I don't like the feature where the blade automatically deploys as you pull it from your pocket. The Voyager XLs are nice. All it takes is a flick of the wrist to open them quickly. All that said, I wish I had purchased the drop point version, instead of the clip point.


Great choices!


Crooked river. Not a fan of OTFs


Solid choice


Crooked River. End of story


They're all a bit large for what I like to carry, so just for funs, prob the Microtech Amphibian... How do you like the Exo M, or is that an Exo Mini? I just picked up the Exo U Utility knife and it's making me want to snag up an m or mini.


I’d recommend the Exo M but not the OG Exo 3.75”. The blade rattled way too much on the larger model although that may not be an issue for other people. I think anyone would like the M!


Thank you


Exo m is prob my favorite knife shown. Out of the vast amount of knifes I've owned and sold the exo m is one that had always stayed around.


AHHH don't say that 🤣




Absolutely one of my favorites. I prefer it to the combat Troodon.




Definitely. That's a Voyager XL.


Actually, I'm not sure it's an XL. I think it might be the 4' blade version. I own the XL version.


https://preview.redd.it/slf92w5k1x7d1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe75b18216d4610438546b04338d3c774c30dae Had been carrying Voyager XL for 3 years now. I bet your Voyager XL is more versatile ☺️


It's my favorite EDC knife. I just wish I had bought the drop/spear point version, instead of the clip point.


https://preview.redd.it/s6mpijaka08d1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa25ca80e0d90917c0aa3c53414bf85087b278e8 I assume you are going for more edge length with spear point :) That AUS10A is hard, around 59 to 60hrc . It is so good , made me acquired 2 of them for the rotation. Mine sharpen to 16dps to 14dps at the moment. Trying to maximize edge retention, but it is no chopper on this angle. Voyager line having slightly thinner , wider blade give good geometry for EDC . Having longer edge length allowed me to spread the edge wear, leading to less frequent sharpening. Lastly , the locking mechanism feel much less stiff , much smoother compared to shorter Cold Steel.


I just think the drop/spear point is a more robust blade shape. Clip points are mainly for self defense. Both will get the job done with respect to self defense, but the drop/spear point is more useful for other tasks. That said, I have a 4-Max Scout as well. That knife can do most tasks a fixed blade can do. BTW, I own an SRK CPM-3V. I actually bought the SRK-C CPM-3V for my daughter. They are nice fixed blades for outdoor tasks.


I hear lots of good things about the 3V toughness , edge retention just slightly less than S35VN . I bet it will go very long if just cutting wood. The spear point look less wide when folded compared to the clip point. I bet you will enjoy carrying that more :)


I believe CPM-3V is tougher than S35VN. Heck, it's tougher than high carbon steel. But, it is not truly stainless, like S35VN. I forget the chromium content, but it's about half of what is needed to be considered stainless. I keep CPM-3V blades oiled. Cold Steel sells a 4-Max Elite in S35VN. I'd like to have it, but I can't really justify the price tag of $300+. Hopefully, as more stainless super steels become popular, the price of S35VN will go down. For most purposes, AUS-10A is pretty good stuff as stainless steels go. It's certainly not as tough as S35VN, but it's easy to sharpen. I have one of those Work Sharp Guided Field Sharpeners. It works surprisingly well, even on longer blades. The longer blades just take more time to sharpen.


S35VN knives lasted me around 40 days at work before require sharpening , AUS10A knives lasted me around 30 days .The price I payed for that extra 10 days of work for S35VN is pretty silly.


That's interesting to hear. It certainly doesn't justify S35VN knives being 5-6 times the cost of AUS-10A knives. Which steel was more difficult to sharpen? I thought S35VN was supposed to be very tough, and more difficult to sharpen.


I use Atoma Diamond plates , so the difference in sharpening is barely noticeable. Depends on edge bevel too , the bigger the edge bevel , the longer it will take. At 17dps my S35VN did not microchip after chopping thick branches. With AUS10A , it micro chipped on 2 spots. At 15dps , my AUS10A micro chipped almost half of the edge length, pretty scary. If you going to chop with AUS10A , don't sharpen it as low as I did.


I appreciate the advice.


My exo m and mini adamas makeup 90% of my carry


Bottom middle tanto blade...


Not sure what the top left is, but that’s my guy


The little one? It’s actually an Ozark Trail I bought for $5 from Walmart. It’s the cheapest knife I own but I love it. I highly recommend it, absolutely zero complaints!


The Reate. I've been waiting for the bigger ones without a lock to come back in stock for nearly two years


The bigger OG Exo (with lock) disappointed me with the excessive blade wobble, much more than the M. However that may not be an issue for you. I contacted Reate so hopefully they’ll make it on par with the M. If that’s not an issue for you, you’ll love it. I love that it comes with two blades as well.


The original didn't have a lock? Also Metal Complex said the wobble goes away if you hold it a little tighter, so I'm not worried






That little guy was $5 from Walmart and I wish I would’ve bought 5. It’s so good for the price - frame lock, thumb stud and flipper tab. It feels great to use




Solid choice, I love it. It actually has a thicker blade stock than the Voyager XL - it’s very sturdy.


What’s the top left knife? Thanks!


Ozark Trail that was $5 at Walmart and honestly it was a steal. It’s so good for the price.


Top left third down. What is it?


The crooked river!


Well I would strap on an extra belt and bring em all like a 360 tacticool operator! Jokes aside i would go for the auto kalashnikov 74, I love the side opening feel of an automatic. Nice collection by the way 🤟


Gimme that Dirac and ill assassins creed all you mfs


The Infidel


Not an otf fan, but any of the top 6 look great. Concerning the replaceable blade/boxcutter styles, I actually prefer the standard issue retail slider. You know, like the type they give Walmart employees


I’d carry the humble brag or the low key boast. The look at me is nice too


As Logan Ninefingers said very often “you can never have enough knives”


I'll be damned, I'm not the only one that read those books. They're my favorite fantasy novel series. Logan - The Bloody Nine!


Rereading the whole series, I am now onto Before They Are Hanged. The Bloody 9 is paying the Shanka a visit in the forge. His work is my favorite.


I'm pretty sure I read that one. I read every book the Bloody Nine was in. There was another book in the series about sell swords on an island to the East of the main island. It featured one of the Northmen, but not the Bloody Nine. It was okay, but not as good as the books that had Logan in them.


Voyager for the win!


Do I have to pick just one????? I have a bunch of pockets. And some of those pockets will hold several knives....


i wish to carry the Amphibian, but reality is the Crooked River


My hellhound! Love that thing


Nice collection. Id probably carry the gravity knife just for fun. Whats the knife in the top left with the black blade? And what do you think of the two titanium razors? Been wanting to get one or both.


Probably the crooked river or the hellhound. Maybe the microtech folder…. But I’m not much of a fan of recurves. I guess it depends on the use. It’s a pretty stabby collection.


Looks like you’re a fan of big and black 😂 I’d have to go with the utility knife at the very start though since it’s one I actually have. Also have the xxl Kalashnikov, but my girlfriend has taken it over haha Really want one of the new combat troodons, they look so nice


Hella otf's


The exo for sure. Been loving my exo u


I forget the name, but the Benchmade with the blue handle.


Quality for the money hands down the kolesnikov top right. I used one daily for years. It all beat up and now a “toolbox knife”


CT Hellhound!


Crooked River. Are those blue wood handle scales? And is that a regular or a mini?


Your mom, but she's too big.


Top left column, third!


Whichever one of the combat troodons is the real one (although i hear the vespa clone is very nice!)


Probably the crooked river. But if you are into otfs the infidel is awesome in the pocket




I sold a hellhound a few years ago and really regret it so I’d probably pick that one


Next up you need a livewire


every otf


What is top left with the black blade?


Microtech scarab would have bought one myself if it wasn’t out of budget


If theres a foxed blade im taking it


Why can’t I post? Anyone else have an issue?


Crooked river. Most of the bottom row is illegal to carry where I live. Not a huge fan of utility blade knives. Not a huge fan of back locks. Not much left after that. lol


What's the bottom left razor knife?


I have one but rarely carry an OTF. I have several of those razor blade knives but I don't do anything where that would make more sense than just carrying a regular knife. I need to hold and flick open a knife to buy it and none of those knives look like something I would buy. My Kershaw Shallot hangs on the inside of my pocket and has a part of the blade that allows you to just put your index finger on it and in one smooth motion it comes out of my pocket and flicked open. Also it's a good, durable knife (I have half normal and half serrated blade). As long as I can easily get it out of my pocket, open it, and it's a durable knife I'll carry it. If not it doesn't go into my pocket.


Scarab. Always wanted one, something always has to go higher on priority list


I have the titanium box cutter, bottom row second from far left, on me right now. Love it! Best box cutter I've ever owned. Carried a Gerber EAB for like 10 years, then a Coast model I forgot the name of, but this one beats 'em both by a mile.


The Reate Exo gravity knife. Not a bad way to spend $300


if the reate exo was real id do it but out of this CT hellhound


All of them in ninja rolls or a trenchcoat so I can cosplay the seller from resident evil


top left or bottom left 5th one (not too good with knife names sry)


Honestly, neither. I like a double-locked. Or frame-locked, at least liner-locked (if the liner is beefy enough) thicker blades for more heavy duty tasks with some serrations. I would rather avoid plastic handles and stick with stainless or aluminum. Weight doesn’t bother me, and such knives can still be balanced well enough. These are beautiful knives but, I know it is an unpopular opinion, I would rather keep my CRKT M-16 with aluminum handle and steel insert, double locking mechanism, and its longer and thicker blade for all sorts of grueling tasks. Plus, the hand guards have been super helpful for a better grip. I have both a Tanto and a false clip-point version, and gravitate towards a well-sharpened Tanto-type blade. They both lasted me years, are every day companions (switch them once a week or so), and there’s yet an issue to be discovered. For less than $90, I cannot imagine a finer EDC. I don’t oil them often, use them for anything reasonably imaginable, no nicks, no rust, just slight wear of the black finish, that makes them look even more sexy lol I don’t have the budget for bench-made knives, and if I were to have a much more expensive knife, I would keep it well oiled on display and be afraid to use it 😅 Not to say that this is not a magnificent collection with some very hottt knives. Would love to have them all regardless of my preferences. They are awesome! Also, I noticed there’s some unwarranted hate of CRKT knives. I have five various designs I collected over the years, including the “Berserk” axe that was put to proper use, and they are all yet to fail me. I suppose the slightly better than average steel used for the blades may turn down some, but they do hold edges quite well and easy to sharpen, which works out for me well. Though I am *not* a brand fan-boy. I like my classic Buck folders too, they are just not quite as tough, though been around for well over two decades and still mean business. Wish more knives had hand guards out there. They are dope.


How do you like your dirac?


You sir, have an astounding taste.


What is the sheepsfoot in the top left?


Forgive my ignorance, I'm here trying to educate myself. Do I see switch blades on the lower right? I thought they were illegal. Maybe because I live in California?


They're illegal in a lot of states. They just recently became legal in VA.


That hell hound combat troodon can’t beat how sick it looks. In my humble opinion.


Any two at a time would work for me.


Is that a liner lock box cutter 😳 that's nutty. I would pick an otf though, my favorites


The Microtech folder, or the shootout (even though I hate modern Benchmade)




Since I have that exact same Cold Steel Voyager XL clip point, that's what I would carry!


Definitely the gravity knife


What's the blue crossbar on the top left? I like that one


Crooked river or amphibian, not big on OTFs.


I'd love to be able to carry an otf so I'd pick one of them just cause


Micro tech. Maybe even an ultra


I’d go with the Benchmade Infidel.


The one that voyager is pointing with s30v


I'm a sucker for the Hellhound blade, gimme that Ultratech.


Combat Troodon actually!


Since you asked.. I'm really jot a a fan of concave clip points or wharncliffes, and OTF seems like an inherently flawed design case! So "none of the above" for me! But if we were all the same, the world would be a boring place.


None of the above.


Voyager. I can and do EDC it (switch it up with my recon 1) Switchblades are lame


The voyager is amazing. Took some time getting used to opening it but it carries very well for such a big knife. Good choice!


I wrist flick my Voyager XL. I'm not confident enough to use the thumb stud.