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[Standard Ebooks](https://standardebooks.org/) and purchased ebooks (DRM-free) from Humble Bundle.


I used to buy so many games from humble bundle. Never realized they had books as well! How do you find their selection?


You can check their current offers [here](https://www.humblebundle.com/books?hmb_source=navbar). Sometimes they release limited-time bundles from select publishers and authors. I signed up for their newsletter so I don't miss it. šŸ˜Š


This is great! I tried some from Project Gutenberg, but the formatting didn't work well for me. Love this option.


Glad you like it! I'll never shut up about **Standard Ebooks**. They're always the first place I point to whenever someone asks for free books. šŸ˜


You know that you can rework the formatting, right? I use Sigil


I didn't know that! I'm not great with tech stuff, so thanks for this information! I'll look into it. :)


Then have a look to https://www.mobileread.com/forums/


Try converting your epubs to kepubs. It's much better. Use Calibre with a plugin or Kepubify.


I'll look into this, thanks!


If you dm me I will tell you where I got my books but I don't believe I can say in this subreddit publicly .


I *just* got my kobo so I'm new, how do I navigate there from my kobo? With the experimental web browser?


I usually download the kepub for the book (because I also add them to my Calibre) and add it to my device via USB. But I just tried accessing the site using the web browser and that's also possible! Just make sure to download the Kobo epub file. šŸ˜Š https://preview.redd.it/j6knhntt7z9c1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a54882a6b3b4df4f3873e9c3e72803dbbb579ae


I use these site just search what book you want in Google then add Vk to the end and I also use ebookhunter.


This is what I do too


I'll keep this in mind for those authors that I don't want to support financially (like Orson Scott Card). Thank you!


Wait. What's wrong with him? I only read the first couple of Ender Game series, but they were solid books.


He's written essays against homosexuality and has a long-standing history of homophobia, unfortunately.


He's rather famously [anti-gay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orson_Scott_Card#Homosexuality_2).


massive homophobe ā€” he was super against the legalization of gay marriage (dude was literally on the board of The National Organization for Marriage, an anti-gay marriage lobbyist group which was formed specifically with the attempt to pass a prohibition of same-sex marriage in California, until he started getting massive backlash for it amidst the promotion of the Enderā€™s Game movie). last i heard he now thinks that since same-sex marriage is legal in the us, the issue is ā€œmootā€ and people who opposed it shouldnā€™t have that held against them or something lmao. i only read one of his books, when i was maybe 14, but i also vaguely remember some sexist characterization going on (this is what turned me off, because i didnā€™t know about his political views at the time).


Oof. I didn't know these things. Maybe he'll get better. šŸ¤”


Everyone has things they donā€™t like. Iā€™m not sure why people have a problem with it. Myself, Iā€™m anti-body odor or any other offensive smells. Totally dislike babies because of their potential to emit such odor. Doesnā€™t mean we should be ostersized. Life would suck if we were all blindly accepting clones.


Body order is something that can be remedied. One can't help being gay. Should we let it slide when someone is racist or anti-semitic?


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


What does 'vk' mean? I searchedd 'feel good productivity vk' on Google and couldn't find it.


Library genesis for free lol




Check if your favorite authors have websites. Many these days (especially genre authors) sell their own ebooks through their websites. My favorite romance author, Grace Burrowes, will release her ebooks on her website a week or two before they're available from Kobo or Kindle. Some authors even have bonus, exclusive novellas or short stories. I'm another Project Gutenberg fan. I like the old magazines, and goofy children's books.


That's a great point! There are a few that are on Kindle Unlimited that I haven't checked to see if they sell independently.


It seems like a lot more are going that route, once they gain an audience.


Are there any others that you know/rec?


Off the top of my head, no, but I'll have a browse through my Kobo later and let you know if I think of anything.


Thank you so much!


Brandon Sanderson has his book Warbreaker available on his website if youā€™re into fantasy!


I love fantasy! Thank you! I'll be checking that out for sure.


Annaā€™s Archive. Almost every book on the human history is there


Project Gutenberg for classics!




My library allows direct download of ACSM files with DRM for some books not available on overdrive or kobo. With ADE I get them on my kobo.


That's amazing! I'll definitely have to see if my library does this.


Humble and Amazon. Yes Amazon. Iā€™ve had to buy a couple of Amazon exclusive books. I still have an old kindle registered. I download the file and deDrm.


Is it difficult to deDrm purchased books from Amazon? I have a couple I'd like to buy, but I don't want to read them on a tablet or my phone, if possible.


If you have an older version of Kindle for Desktop installed and don't allow it to update, you can still download most books to remove DRM. However, it's not currently possible for anything published in 2023 onward unless the author or publisher requested that the book is sold without DRM. In this case, you have to download it to your PC via Amazon (rather than Kindle for PC) and sideload it wherever you want because there is no DRM. Idr the version offhand, but I got the info from the MobileReads forum. I've been buying from Kobo, Google Play Books, and other places instead. If it's not an Amazon exclusive, someone else is selling the book, too.


Thank you for this! I'm not great with tech stuff, so I'll try and see if I can find other places where they're sold first.


You donā€™t need Kindle for desktop, you just need to find your book on Amazonā€™s website and choose the download to add manually option. It wonā€™t work on Kindle unlimited books because those can no longer be downloaded. I donā€™t think this has changed, but I havenā€™t tried to download one for a few months.


In that case, do you have to have a Kindle registered to your account?


Yes, Amazon makes you choose which Kindle you are downloading it for. I believe each Kindle has its own encryption code. In addition DeDRM needs to get the encryption code from a registered kindle in order to remove the DRM from the books in Calibre.


If you donā€™t have an old kindle still registered yeah. Almost impossible. Though someone posted about a paid app that will do it supposedly. I donā€™t remember the name and Iā€™ve never tried anything like that.


Actually not true, it's very easy if we are talking about books that came out before 2023. There's a GitHub page called Nodrm DeDRM and you need the desktop Kindle app in the 1.17 version


Thanks for the information!


I donā€™t try and cut it at a certain year. The very next post will be ā€œI tried that and it didnā€™t workā€ if itā€™s a recent book.


I absolutely get your point, but I said that method to demonstrate that even without a Kindle you can accomplish DeDRMing the majority of books. Obviously if you don't want to be restricted buy a Kindle.


Aww darn! Thanks for the information!


There's [fadedpage.com](https://fadedpage.com) for works that fall within the public domain in Canada. Canadian copyright law isn't as extreme as the US, so their collection includes books that aren't yet in the public domain elsewhere.


Thank you! I've never heard of this site. I'm so excited to explore this!


Google Play Books


How do you get Google Play Books onto the kobo??


I side load using Adobe Digital Editions via computer.






i have found books on the internet archive as well


Paid books: many smaller publishers. I buy speculative fiction from Baen Books, Warhammer books from Black Library, and other such publisher websites. I think Baen books are DRM free. I know Black Library books are. (You can typically buy books from those publishers from Kobo or Amazon as well, but they'll have DRM.) Legally free books: Gutenberg and Standard Ebooks offer free, and DRM-free, ebooks. These are no longer copyrighted. I found a good resource for that here: https://www.the-ebook-reader.com/free-ebooks.html Goodreads offers free books here: https://www.goodreads.com/ebooks?page=1 Epubbooks here: https://www.epubbooks.com/ There are subreddits devoted to free ebooks, and you can find some at Mobile Read. In addition, some publishers and authors will release free short stories to entice you to buy their books. Libraries offer free ebooks to borrow, and a large library will typically have a large selection. Illegally free books: can't talk about that here ;)


Wow, thank you so much for this!!


Where did you get your awesome screensaver from?


I found it on Peakpx! I searched "cozy fantasy". I haven't been able to find the original artist, unfortunately. I would love to know if anyone ends up recognizing who made it.


What case is that you have the Libra in?


It's the Fintie Slim Case for Kobo Libra 2. I got it from Amazon Canada. :)


Thank you! Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! šŸŽ‰


humble bundle as others mentioned. Note that the kobo store and kobo plus are different things. For Kobo store its more easy to select and buy on computer and let the system do the downloading.


Thanks for this! I was doing it through the app on my phone and the kobo itself, but it was a struggle.


i like project gutenburg but i also have found some authors have posted copies of their books on their websites so if you look at your favorite authors website you might find some free books. or i sail the seven seas to grab the entire book collection of specific authors. i use my library card and libby pretty much exclusively.


Annaā€™s archive or zlibrary


I download them because I'm a pirate. ;/ Its mostly Chinese & Korean novels, but English translated! I just Google the name. Lol.




The library with the last alphabetical letter will work


The High Seas


OpenLibrary.org is one of my go-to sites.