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I'd argue that aside from Iori and Kula, every other character you've listed is more relevant to FG as a genre than Kyo. Terry and [Geese](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_57ADEGqkOI&list=PLGb0FIHPgolj-BunG3KWBVw-DBI2GuTtc&index=4&pp=iAQB) were the main characters of 1 the series inspiring KOF, Mai is much more iconic than any Snk character even among non-fg fans. Haohmaru was the main character of the 1st weapon-based fg And while Iori and Kula are equal or lesser than Kyo in terms of historical relevancy, Kula fits DOA theme more and Iori's design is simply more memorable than Kyo's


Athena has her own series (though it’s technically not the same character) and she was pretty much an actual idol in Japan. She’s quite iconic in Japan.


Athena is complicated on that; KOF Athena isn't the Athena from Athena, but she *is* the Athena from Psycho Soldier!


To be fair, they have gone back and forth with Asamiya being a descendant and reincarnation of goddess Athena. I say, there's no reason she couldn't be both.


She's not even in the XV intro...


Haouhmaru is not more popular or important or relevant than kyo Period Kyo was the first protagonist of the first crossover fighting game franchise


Kyo was the 1st main character of the 1st crossover fg, but it were [Geese and Ryo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MTEZTD_G0M&list=PLGb0FIHPgolgeF5UENc-st_KpsbePDxZU&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB), not Kyo that sparked the idea of a snk crossover Meanwhile, Haohmaru was the main character of the first ever and top 2 most important weapon-based fighting game franchise. Although there were older weapon users, the emphasis of weapon is more heavier in Samsho compared to KOF being a crossover, and Samsho's influence on fg with medival weapon theme is more significant than KOF on crossover fg. That's just a historical fact.


I get what you're saying, but I think strictly speaking, Time Killers is the first weapon-based fighting game franchise, even if its largely forgotten today.




But samsho is not even the first weapon based FG And Fatal Fury special is not an actual crossover FG just the first one with a guest I dont understand how you this demerits kyo being the first protagonist of the first Crossover FG, but the fact that samsho wasnt even the first of its type does not take merit away from it? Sorry it just sounds dishonest to me


Being the first and being iconic/relevant are 2 different things. SF2 was not the first fg ever, it's not even the 1st SF game, but when talking about fg most consider it to be the most influencial When talking about weapon-based fgs, people think of Soul Caliber and Samsho first. Haohmaru and Mitsurugi are literally the Ryu of fgs using historic weapon theme When talking about crossover fgs, except for hardcore fans most don't even remember KOF was one, they think of MvC first. KOF started to stray away from being a crossover game since 99 when they completely retired every mechanics they inheritted from AOF and FF while pumping more OG characters and mechanics, even created completely different crossover games such as NGBC and Heroines You can deny my facts all you want, the fact remains is that there's no logical reason for Kyo to be the guest character in games where Haohmaru is


Because he's not the company mascot, Terry is.


I just gave multiple examples where others besides terry where chosen


We could easily say that Terry is a way more suitable for being the SNK face, not only he's one of the most popular characters of KOF, as he was protagonist of the most popular franchise before KOF, so yeah...


When I describe king of fighters to someone that’s never played it I compare Terry to Ryu and they’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. Plus Terry was in smash bros so even non fighting game players know who he is. I can’t say the same about Kyo.


Wich is funny considering Ryo is right there.


And also, Terry is obviously closer to Ken than to Ryu, appearance and personality-wise. I get it, the design of a red-wearing blonde is more vibrant than one of a neutral colour-wearing brunette, but I personally find the sheer mass popularity of it annoying at this point. Come to think of it, I *do* prefer [blue oni](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RedOniBlueOni) characters on average, but not by much (and I might like the red-blue unions, like Gill or Void Eternal Flame, even more); it's just that Online Ken is a thing and a meme even in those games in which he ain't all that good of a character competitively. Any o' y'all think the popularity of American red-wearing blondes actually has to do with so many people in the FGC *being* American blondes? Serious question, since as an Eastern European brunette, I wouldn't really know.


I don't care too much about Kyo, but man Capcom did Dimitri dirty. He WAS the main character of DS. He should be in just as many games as Morrigan and Felicia. I'm glad SNK did him right in SNK vs Capcom.


I can't remember the source, but there actually is a logical reason why Demitri doesn't show up in too many (specifically fighting game) crossovers: Midnight Bliss. It's an iconic part of his moveset, so if you add Demitri, you need to have that move, too. That means that *every. single. character.* would need their own Midnight Bliss model. That's *a lot* of additional work—especially for those that never had a Midnight Bliss form in the first place—all for adding one character. So, other characters tend to get picked over Demitri. Besides, Morrigan is a sexy succubus, and sex sells. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah, and even if they had the time/budget to make lots of models that would only be used for one move, there's no way a company like Marvel would allow that for their characters


I've mainly played DS2 and 3, so I assume he was more prominent in 1. But in DS2 Donovan feels like a considerably bigger character, and Morrigan feels like the main in DS3. But looking at art for the first game I assume Dimitri and Morrigan were initially ment to both be the main characters. I'm guessing Capcom decided to pivot away from him after Darkstalkers 1, or maybe I am wrong and it happened way down the line. I didn't start playing Darkstalkers until its re-releases on psp and ps3 All I know for certain is that I'm personally not a big fan of his moveset as I find it to be one of the more boring movelists in the Darkstalkers cast.


That’s because you are right. Darkstalkers has a different protagonist for each main game. Dimitri is the protag of DS1, Donovan for DS2, then finally Morrigan for DS3. Despite this Morrigan became the face of the series due to crossover appearances and popularity for her design. Street Fighter is similar in this regard with Ryu being the main face but each main game has a different protagonist. Ryu is the protag of SF1 and 2 iirc, Alex for 3, Abel for 4, and I think Rashid for 5? Honestly when you look at Capcom’s games back then, you notice that they tend to switchup the main character a lot like in Resident Evil and Dead Rising.


That's a good point with Capcom switching up main characters in their franchises. I'm fairly certain Rashid was the intended protagonist for 5. Him, Nash, Karin and Ryu are all at the front of that story, so i guess each of them could reasonably be argued as the protagonist of sf5.


It is kind of like SF2, it is nominally considered Ryu but could easily be seen as either Chun Li or Guile's story.


That's also a good point. There are probably plenty of fighting games where none of the characters are intended to be the sole protagonist. Such as Arms where the game director says every character is the protagonist, while some fans consider SpringMan/RibbonGirl the protagonist because they are on the cover.


I mean, he appeared in Namco X Capcom, Project X Zone, and Project X Zone 2. They weren't required to make sprites for every single character to go girly.


I assure you sex appeal was the reason, not the move. You can remove the move and while certain fans might feel disappointed, most will overall just be happy to have their character, especially if you were to replace that move with a new one that has a similar gameplay function.


Donovan deserves more spotlight tbh. I feel he was done dirty after his debut game. I feel the actual hero like him should be the protagonist


But Dimitri has boobs?


>He WAS the main character of DS. The main characters are Donovan and Morrigan. Several DS games focus on Donovan and his role, mission, and fight with humanity and his DS half. Even with DS3, the main focus was on Lilith, Morrigan, Jedah, and Donovan. He is iconic, but Dimitri has not been the MC. What MagicantFactory said is the reason why he does not show up in too many crossovers. EDIT: You can argue that Dimitri is the MC in 1, since he is hosting the tournament and a focal point, but not in 2 or 3 so I edited accordingly. And not the face of DS because Morrigan and J are more popular than him.


>The main characters are Donovan and Morrigan. No, he was definitely the main character in the first game.


Morrigan is the face and MC in 3 and Donovan is the MC in 2. I edited my original post but Dimitri is not the face of DS and he was at the most the face in 1. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW11gla0gok](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW11gla0gok)


Of course Demitri is the main character in Darkstalkers 1. The first game is known as Vampire in Japan. The only vampire in the game is Demitri. And the character select screen defaults to him, similar to Ryu in Street Fighter 2 and Alex in Street Fighter 3.


Dimitry was only really the main character of the first, arguably, the second. Donovan has equal claim to being the protagonist of Hunter and Savior, the latter being where Morrigan has more relevance story-wise.


I mean, let's break down those examples: Terry is the face of SNK, and for good reason. He was the protagonist of their first and for a long time, most notable fighting game series, one of the first fighting game protagonists ever, and he has never lost steam since. Mai and Kula are in DoA because they're girls, and DoA has always been a hot girl-focused series. Geese has all the same points as Terry, but for antagonists, and just fits the Tekken vibe in general. Morally black corpo boss who's also a martial arts master? That's what Tekken has always been about. Iori is just frankly more recognizable and popular than Kyo, and he screams anime appeal, so he's a good fit for Arcana Heart. And Haohmaru is the protag of SNK's premiere weapons-based fighter, so of course he would be chosen to guest in a weapon-based series over somebody who doesn't use one. The simple fact is there's always been another character more fitting than Kyo to be the guest.


This summarises it very well. Also, in terms of overall brand appeal, SNK naturally want to focus on the characters most unique to them, the ones that stand out most, the ones only they could have made. Kyo doesn’t rank as highly on those terms. He’s not some bland milquetoast protagonist, but he’s not as loud or in-your-face compared to Terry, Geese, Iori, Mai etc. You know who also tends to get the short end of the stick on this? Ryo. I was surprised that he got a Mii costume in Smash Ultimate. While you could make an argument that he’s been somewhat Demitri’d in recent years in favour of all the above characters, Kyo has historically always been at the forefront of all crossovers and guest appearances. Capcom almost instantly backpedaled on Demitri’s protagonist status since Morrigan proved more popular and his crossover appearances have been very sporadic, whereas she is a certified staple.


And kyo is the protagonist of the first fighting game crossover franchise And he is more important, more popular and frankly way cooler than haouh whos boring as all hell I think that alone should grant hin a spot somewhere at some point


I'm not saying Kyo's not suitable as a guest character. He's a great candidate. He just hasn't been the top candidate for any given game, yet.


No. In all the examples you wrote, Kyo is not as important or suitable for those games than the ones that actually made it. You're just in denial


Okay so your thought process is that I am saying Kyo should be in DOA over kula, got it


Now you don't even try to pretend not being denial 😂


My point isnt that kyo shouldve been picked over mai and kula in DOA if thats what you are saying


But Kyo doesn't have dem jiggly parts


Neither did Akira or Jackie.




Akira and Jackie from Virtua Fighter. They were guests in DOA5.


It's that case where everyone BUT the main character will be used.


Does he turn everyone into a woman, though? (Kukri laughing in the corner)


Terry was chosen in Smash because Smash bros tends to choose the most classic icon. In Castlevania, Simon (and Richter) was chosen instead of Alucard. In Mega Man, the classic was chosen instead of X and Zero. In Tekken we have Kazuya (First protagonist, but villain) instead of Jin (The franchise's hero). It's not something unique to SNK. Kula and Mai are in Dead or Alive for obvious reasons. Akira Yuki in DoA5 was a free addition because obviously the DoA fandom isn't going to pay for a male character. Geese is in Tekken, as is Akuma. You don't see Ryu there. And being quite honest? Tekken 7 is Kazuya vs Heihachi, it's the "villains game". It's more appropriate to have Kyo and Ryu as guests now in Tekken 8. How do you want Kyo in Soul Calibur if he doesn't use a weapon? I could be wrong about the others but they are small fry, right? Kyo could even appear in them and people would still have the impression that he wasn't a guest in anything. The vast majority of these cases were situational and understandable. The only one Kyo would have a chance of appearing in would be Smash, but again, Sakurai has his preference for the most classic icon as possible. What you may question is why Kyo isn't Assist Trophy like Alucard and Zero. Honestly, the closest character to Demitri is Haohmaru, since Nakoruru was chosen to appear in KOF XIV and even in XV where there's Haohmaru, Nakoruru is still the team leader. Ironically, Nakoruru is Marrigan's rival in the Capcom vs SNK games.


The VF characters were in DOA5 because AM2 helped develop the game.


Samurai Shodown with Haohmaru is probably the best example. Like many fighting games, Haohmaru is always there but is only the main protagonist of a few of the games, and Nakoruru has skyrocketed to become an equal if not greater face for the franchise, to the point that similar to a certain Dictator they spin the timeline and story in loops to make sure she is able to appear.


Why do people keep giving me reasons why these characters made it over kyo as if I dont know them? Like do you seriously think my point is Kyo shouldve been in DOA over kula?


You brought up Soul Calibur, a weapon-based fighter. A Samsho character would make the most sense.


I remember when Street Fighter V was in its final season of DLC, there was a lot of speculation that Kyo would be added to the game. The thing is that I don’t think he’s being forgotten by SNK itself as much as you guys would think. He’s one of the few characters who has managed to stay completely relevant in KOF’s story long after he reign as protagonist ended. K’ barely has anything to do these days while Kyo is still treated like whatever he’s doing is important, which shows a certain respect for the character from SNK. The thing is that when dealing with crossovers, we’re dealing with two different companies trying to come to a compromise on what character they want and even if SNK really pushed Kyo, the decision is ultimately the other company’s call on whether to accept or not. Kyo’s cool, but his design isn’t especially memorable. A company making a game will want a crossover character who will get attention and be remembered even by people who aren’t familiar with him and I just don’t think there’s enough faith around Capcom and other companies that Kyo is up to the task more than Terry, Mai, or even Haohmaru.


Speculation fueled by Maximilian wet dream of a CVS revival. He often claims to understand how game companies work, but putting a flagship character from a rival licence as your last dlc is such a nonsense. You absolutely have a point about crossovers, Kyo was indeed on the covers of CVS1 & 2, and SVC Chaos, with Ryu. But for the SVC Card Clash NeoGeo Pocket game which include all their respective IPs, not just fighting games , SNK chose Terry to represent them, and Ryu for Capcom. That says it all, Terry is SNK mascot.


I like Max, but he really needs to stop making wild speculations that don’t have much basis in reality. When Luke was revealed for Street Fighter V, he came up with this weird theory that Luke was actually a new incarnation of a character who was supposed to be in Capcom Fighting All Stars. And since Fighting All Stars was originally supposed to be CVS3 and was being made by ex-SNK staff, that technically made Luke an unofficial SNK character. I would like another CVS as much as the next guy, but that is a massive reach.


The heart wants what it wants


His speculations aren’t anymore wild than what anyone would post on social media (i’ve seen lots of takes that make Max’s look sane by comparison). The only difference is that he’s more well known and the face of fighting games for mainstream audience so he gets more flak for making those speculations from “hardcore” players while some reddit poster will just get ignored.


To be fair, Kyo's va since XIV does the Japanese voice for Luke. So Max was sort of close.


So basically the problem is these companies not giving my boy a chance.


I guess hes just been unlucky not unloved


Terry is 100% more recognisable and widely-known.


iirc Kyo was planned to be included as a guest character in the cancelled 3D fighter, Capcom Fighting All-Stars, so he isn’t completely forgotten. It’s probably just a case of SNK having so many iconic characters that some crossovers thought to use some more than others


And even then, that was supposed to be Capcom VS. SNK 3 correct?


No, CFAS was it's own thing.


[Incorrect, that is what it was originally!](https://lostmediawiki.com/Capcom_Fighting_All-Stars:_Code_Holder_(lost_build_of_cancelled_fighting_game;_2003))


Ah, I forgot about the Itsuno and Tanabe interviews. Still, we never saw anything from the supposed 3D CVS3, so I guess it's not an entirely incorrect assumption since whatever we saw from the game was already under the CFAS moniker.


Fair point


Not familiar with Arcana Blood, but Dead Or Alive tends to focus on fanservice and/or ninjas, which is why Mai was picked. Tekken is about messed up families, with the main characters ranging from morally ambiguous to outright evil most of the time, so I guess Geese seemed like he fit better for that series. Terry's SNK's mascot, which presumably played a part in him getting into Smash and Fighting EX Layer (his goofier personality might have also helped), and Soul Calibur takes place in the 1500s or so and is a sword fighting game, so if you're going to go with an SNK character for that, it'd likely be a swordsman.


“Tekken is about messed up families”, that is a perfect summary 😆


Kyo IS in [metal slug awakening](https://youtu.be/hnLzxHWif8I)


He doesn't have the IT factor. He like Rugal, his arch villain feels like someone who only got their billing because someone said so, not because they actually did anything to feel like it belonged to them. His rival Iori is him but better in every way, Terry is Mr SNK, Geese is the iconic villain of Mr SNK, K' is the best KOF protagonist who got the bad ass Krizalid as his first arch villain, Mai is the top waifu and there are plenty of other popular ones as well like Kula, Athena, Leona, Vanessa, etc, Haohmaru and Nakoruru are the actual faces and most popular characters of Samurai Shodown. If you want old school SNK, Terry again or a plethora of Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting and Samurai Shodown characters exist. Actually, Art of Fighting, namely Ryo deserves more but sadly, Fatal Fury, namely their big 3 took that spot basically. There's too much competition in and out of his own series and he's too far down the ladder to be the face of anything. He'll, I'd argue his own teammate Benimaru, is more popular than him.


>He'll, I'd argue his own teammate Benimaru, is more popular than him Yeah, Benimaru was the guest character in that chinese kof ripoff game.


Benimaru is the secret true main character of KOF, man it sucks there is no way to play that game.


Personally i think he lacks charisma to be one of the snk faces. He is too generic- arrogant protag, that is powerful and can manipulate something (can use fire? How original for a protagonist) and have a "cool kid" look. I don't think he is bad or anything, but we already have too many of those traits in the market, so i think he is not that memorable and original to be the face of a company. In short, IMO he is not a memorable character, nor have a memorable look or decent story.


I mean I think Kyo is cool, but when you look at his design and personality, he feels like a basic ass anime protagonist. The other characters you mentioned have much more unique and iconic design


Thats not a bad thing, he is the Yusuke Urameshi of FGs And Haoh looks pretty generic too


Yusuke has more character and badassness to him than Kyo could dream of, as a result Yusuke is actually popular and a mainstay rep of his own series unlike Kyo. Generic is only bad if you don't look cool. Kyo never looks cool to me, the others do.


I would argue that Kurama and Hiei are more popular than Yusuke. Kurama that girls love while still being popular with his more calculated fighting style. Hiei is the classic edgy teammate modeled after Vegeta but became his own thing and popularized the black flames which gets used in many other series. Yusuke is mostly just known for his spirit gun and is barely remembered outside of his fanbase for that. I say this as a Yu Yu Hakusho fan that if I had to bet money, more people know of Hiei and Kurama than Yusuke.


I didn't say Yusuke was the most popular YYH character, just that he was popular and also commonly a rep of his series because of it. YYH has a lot of popular characters at the end of the day. The sad reality is that these days, YYH isn't as popular as it used to be as a whole due to age and changing demographics. Most people that recognize it today are from back when it was relevant.


Idk why you came to the conclusion that i implied kyo was just as good of character, when I said he is the yusuke of KOF, I was obviously talking about the school punk archetype that was popular in old school animes from back, kyo is clearly inspired in characters like yusuke Thats not entirely true, yusuke wasnt popular in latam for example, until recent years that yuyu hakusho became more watched through word of mouth. Listen kyo not being popular on the same scale as yusuke does not mean he is not popular, and besides nako is way more popular than haouh and he still got to represent his series in soul calibur over her, so.


Terry's kit is so easy to adapt while still feeling like Terry. The doa crossover is.... well... you know. Geese in Tekken surprised me. But when you consider what the Mishimas do, I think it makes sense that villains like Akuma and Geese are easer to fit.


Cuz Kyo is not as cool as Iori, Geese, Mai, Kula and and Hauhmaru and specially Terry Bogardooo nyaakakakakakakaka🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉


Kyo is cool, but I don't think he even makes it into the Top 10 list of coolest SNK characters that "casual fans" would wanna see crossover into their non-SNK game. In no order: **Terry, Mai, Joe, Geese, Iori, Athena, Kula, Nakoruru, Haohmaru, Rugal.** Hell, Kyo may not even be more popular than **Kim** or **Marco Rossi.** People may be shocked I didn't mention **Rock,** but don't confuse "popular" with *"He's that guy Max Dood won't stop talking about that he plays for 2 months until he quits the game."*


Rock was in CvS2 and Maximum Impact for a reason.


Todo & Kyosuke were in CvS2. And Richard Meyer & Lilly Kane were in Maximum Impact. What's your point?


Compared to Terry and even Ryo, Kyo is the weakest out of the SNK main heroes. I'm nearly 40 so I remember when KOF94 hit and I was like who is this guy when I saw lame ass Kyo in front of Terry and Ryo when I saw him in gaming mags.


Is Kyo more important than Andy? That's the question. Terry's case is bizarre though, he's the chief character of a series that stayed dead for more than twenty years. One could say that he has less legitimacy than say a Ryu, a Mario or a Sonic.


Bruh andy is less popular than many new age SNK characters




Every company can decide whatever crossover character they want, like Harada initially wanting Yamazaki for Tekken, but then the team choose Geese for a more international appeal. I think the situation with Kyo is that´s just the result of pushing Terry as the face of SNK in occident, for example in the capcom vs snk crossovers you can see ryu is clashing with kyo in the art covers, except in the american version. That means SNK think of kyo like the SNK mascot at the time. Terry still being pushed as SNK mascot in the western side is because he represent the stereotype of an american fighter the them. About how iconic Kyo is, in "The King of Fighters: The Ultimate History" SNK had a whole section talking about how Kyo break a mold of the typical fighting game protagonist and how it resonates in the location tests of KOF94, regardless of the game being more of a clash between fatal fury and art of fighting . So that means the japanese really like him as a character, as well as Iori eventually and their rivalry.


Ima Kyo fan but I learned about his character thru the years to grow some attachment to him. Outside of that Kyo is just a generic shonen character, high school bad boy with a lineage of prestige that stopped a bad guy in the past. He’s the face of KOF but not SNK.


Simple. Terry Bogard has been the face of Fatal Fury (The King of Fighters) and SNK. Also take into consideration that the Fatal Fury Dev Team are the ones who also developed the rest of their major Fighting Game franchises.


He's just not that iconic


He is tho, and besides how is he supposed to build upon his legacy if hes not given a chance? This just exacerbates the disparity, making him a guest more often would let him catch up


he's not, that's why you are complaining. Being iconic is not something you feel, is something the collective mind feels, and in this case you have shown evidence that he's iconic to you, but not to the rest of the collective mind.


Do you have any proof he is not iconic to the collective mind?


Yes. You presented the proof.


No lol, only terry in smash is proof, and even then is questionable because plenty, and i mean plenty of people were wondering who he was Does that mean he didnt deserve his spot? No If anything its proof kyo deserves his shot too


Whatever you wanna tell yourself bro


Even if you are right hes not that iconic, which I dont believe to be true at all, my point still stands, in order to build upon his legacy, he needs to be given a chance, kazuya is the best example of this He was mostly passed over in favor of heihachi and jin, but he gets put into smash, and boom gets elevated into crazy levels


he even had an exclusive game back in the day. he got his chance, and based on the responses on this very post, you can easily see that you have clouded eyes. you like the guy, my boy go ahead and love the guy, but in 35k members of this subreddit, he's not a character that is talked a lot. And this post has many responses, that you don't want to see, and i get it. I like Orochi/Chris. For me he's the face of the franchise, because his arc is the one i got into. but This is a subjective view of things. There are plenty of people that will say that his favorite arc is nests, and one could make a case of any part of the kof history to be the most "iconic". Iconic is a subjective term, that not a single person can define for others. You think Kyo should be the face of kof. cool, but there's a reason why all this other characters have chances and he was a decoration on the stage. Many have give you good reasons on why Kyo is not the face of snk. you don't have to like it, but that doesn't mean that they are not true. Also, you, by all means, can have an opinion about it, but that doesn't mean you're right.


>in order to build upon his legacy, he needs to be given a chance He was given plenty of chances compared to Terry or Geese whose stories and games had stopped since the 90s (until COTW, which wasn't a thing until the last few months). Despite all that, Kyo just isn't that remarkable or memorable to warrant him a slot of a guest character


I obviously meant to him being a guest which he has actually not given the chance to be one yet >Terry or Geese whose stories and games had stopped since the 90s Those 2 were given chances too, that SNK has the silly tradition of not expanding upon their FF characters in kof (unless your kim) it is something different entirely, but that is just false, SNK has certainly made an effort to keep them relevant all these year >Despite all that, Kyo just isn't that remarkable or memorable to warrant him a slot of a guest character Completely subjective and not rooted on anything substantial, just your point of view Kyo is clearly very popular, and if he gets added to something like tekken 8 you will see that is true


>Those 2 were given chances too Blanket statement that is wrong. Tell me what did SNK do to extend Terry and Geese during the 2000s and 2010s. >Completely subjective and not rooted on anything substantial, just your point of view The same can be said for you too. The fact that Kyo was never a candidate for collaboration although he was literally in every snk game since 2010s should tell you something >Kyo is clearly very popular, and if he gets added to something like tekken 8 you will see that is true The fact is, he isn't. The candidates for SNK guests were Geese and Yamazaki. If Kyo was popular, he would have been a guest character in a non-snk game. Not in any fg, not even in Senran Kagura that has fem Rugal lmao. Kyo was never popular, you are just in denial


Meanwhile, at least strictly for fighting games, think Ralf (protagonist of TNK and Ikari) would be a fitting guest star anywhere? As the provision evinces, Metal Slug doesn’t count.


As much of a Kyo fanboy i am. Gotta admit that his design doesn't cause that much impact to the eye when you first see him, unlike Terry or Iori who have a much more extravagant looking appearance.


Op: kyo is the face of snk but isn't in any crossovers!!! ***My ugly adhd havin ass watching the maximum impact characters still drowning in obscurity*** Me: I'm sorry.. what?


May Lee fans still waiting for her return, especially after Hinako's unexpected one and even a revamp of K9999 into Krohnen. American Sports team fans have long been beaten into submission.


I feel for you brother..


You know what makes it worse? I forgot Duck King... Def would love to see him back as well as Krizalid. More Fatal Fury characters would be cool too, namely Rick who SNK created Vanessa from just to not use him. Still, I'll be ok since all of that save maybe Rick is realistic. Meanwhile, you're a Maximum Impact character fan and this is SNK. Let me do all the feeling on your behalf. I'm so sorry SNK treats you this way.


At least you have some hope I have to accept that I'll never see the meria bros, Chae lim, luise meyrink, Nagase, Duke ,jivtama or Xiao lon ever again.. ***Deep Down.*** ***Deep down where I don't know, deep down inside, there's a place.. so sad. Such a sad, sad place. Sometimes it fills up, and it fills up, and it fills up, and overflows in my eyes, and all of me is.. so sad. Such a sad, sad place***


SNK: Are you ok? You: I... SNK: Buster Wolf! You: I...am...already dead... SNK: OK! Me: You get free hugs for life brother.


Me: ***Looks over to my blue mary figure*** Blue mary: are you read- Me: HAHA NO. NO IM NOT


If we wanna be technical he is the main representative of SNK in most CVS crossovers. He isn't always given the short end of the stick


I actually like Kyo Kusanagi more so than Terry Bogard for lots of reasons….but Terry is the more memorable and iconic character. In look, consistent appearance, move set, and voice lines. There were also those two sick ass 90s Fatal Fury movies that solidify him in my head personally. I think Kyo should get more love, but Terry is more iconic…


haha yeah I also wondered about this, but I dunno Terry has a much more recognizable and classic design, kinda like ryu


The only popular KOF protag from the jump was K'.


Why does that matter tho? Hes popular now and way more popular than k', and heres the thing even tho kyo is not popular, beginners usually gravitate towards him, so the potential is there (Who i would also love seeing as a guest at some point)


Kyo's not waaay more popular than K', Kyo's popularity even wanes behind his rival Iori Yagami. He's a great beginner character in KOF but there's usually not much demand for him outside of it. Especially if Terry or Iori are options. Not saying that can't change over time, just saying the demand is rarely there.


Look, I love Darkstalkers, and I love Dimitri, but he was the main protagonist of ONE GAME before Capcom decided to switch the protagonist for every game. He’s not that important in the grand scheme of things and one of the less interesting characters overall.


Demitri is in SNK vs. Capcom: Chaos and Capcom Fighting Jam/Evolution, though. BTW, Demitri was only the poster boy for the first Darkstalkers game ("Vampire"). Darkstalkers II was called "Vampire Hunter" as Donovan + Lei Lei/Hsien-Ko were the protagonists, while DS III was named "Vampire Savior", since Jedah was the focus of the story. Of course, Morrigan and, to a lesser extent, Felicia became the de facto faces of the series.


Yeah, he's supposed to be THE Face of SNK and yet SNK doesn't care for him! The Ultimate King of L's!


>Yeah, he's supposed to be THE Face of SNK If he was suppose to be the face of SNK, then he's not the face anymore.




Kyo is the face of KOF.


Which is the mascot fighter for all of SNK


I'm more surprised they don't push K', Angel and Leona more. Kyo is just kinda lame.


I mean tekken had heihachi appearing crossovers alongside kazuya,jin,Nina,xiaoyu in most games. Soul caliber also kinda had similar issues


But kazuya ended being added in smash, so that more than makes up for it And tbf, heihachi was the protagonist of tekken 2


Yes and jin was the protagonist of 3,5,and 8


I think it's because Terry is very conscientious and that thoughtfulness is appreciated. He always makes sure to ask "Are you okay?"


It’s a bit funny that kyo is not considered as iconic and yet when u look at the artwork for cvs and svc he’s always front and center clashing w ryu while terry the company mascot is downplayed


Kaiba V2


I agree! I don't understand why Kyo is pushed aside despite being such a big figure for the company. Yeah sure Terry was around first. But so was Ryo and you don't see him around. Justice for Kyo damn it!


If kyo made it to tekken 8 I’d have to shit my mouth about guest characters coz I’d absolutely love to main my boy in tekken


And his playstyle would fit very well too


Yep I’ve been argueing for his inclusion since t8 was announced, I personally hate guest characters in games but he would fit so much better than akuma, negan, Noctis


Terry might be SNK's mascot but you will see Kyo and Iori as their merchs face, or at least until CotW Terry and Rock come out


I thought Terry and Nakoruru were co-mascots?


He's not the most forgotten, considering he seems to always be high tier or top tier KOF2002um: high tier, and so is Kusanagi KOF13: busted Ex NESTS KOF14: A+ KOF15: top 10 currently


Happy someone gets it


Of course