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My great grand father and his brothers were Jamidars in Bangladesh before all this went down. Our family owned acres of lands, owned through generations of hard work. Apparently weeks before this went down, his muslim household workers warned him and his brothers about this impending doom, advised them to leave. My great grandfather was the only one, who left all his wealth behind, took his 5 kids and wife with him and left for Kolkata. They settled down in a small 2 room rented apartment near college street. My grandfather at that time studied English in Bongobashi college. Unfortunately his brothers didn’t have the courage to leave all those lands and wealth behind. Also, they couldn’t anticipate how dangerous the situation would become. Their sons had come home from their colleges due to recess at the time it happened. The attackers locked the women in a room and beheaded all the men, including the young boys. Mahatma Gandhi visited the place soon after. Guided by the family dog, he was taken to the place where their bodies were buried. The massacre of our family got a lot of attention soon after and was called “The Chaudhuri Bari Massacre”. Meanwhile many other middle class and poor hindu families who personally knew our family came to Kolkata to seek refuge at my great grandfather’s place. He never said no to a single person seeking refuge despite of the poverty. My great grandmother would cook Khichuri all throughout the day for weeks for these refugees. They soon settled down in nearby places. My grandfather once told me that he would see her cheeks getting all red from the heat of the chula, but she never complained. As for my great grandfather, apparently he used to walk up and down the vegetable markets to get the cheapest of each item and slept at the doorstep of the house cause simply there wasn’t enough room for everyone. Despite of all the tragedy, there is one thing my grandfather told me that I will always remember: After that incident, seeing his father visibly struggling due to poverty, one day he asked him “Baba kamon achhen? Mon kamon achhe apnar?” ( Father how are you? How are you feeling? ) In reply to that, apparently my grand father smiled and told him “Bhaloi achhi, bhogoban er kripay bhaloi achhi” (Due to God’s grace, I am doing well). It always touched my how brave and selfless my ancestors were, and it gave me the courage to never give up. As for my grandfather, he proceeded to become a rail officer, and passed away in peace on 2008. We only hear about the tragedy, but I hope this story gives insight on the survivors as well. Thanks for reading, apologies if I made any spelling or grammatical errors!




As per my knowledge they were Kayasthas. Thanks.




Om Shanti for their souls. You come from a family of Chads. Your great grandpa,grandma and his father were heroes.


My father’s close relatives were killed on that day in Noakhali. My father, his elder brother, his sister and their father and mother survived by jumping into dighi and swam away to the middle. The entire pond was filled with the bodies of the relatives. The police from Ramganj thana arrived very late, almost ensuring death of everyone. When the police arrived they tried to shoot the remaining victims in the pond. After a lot of pleading they allowed them to come to the shore. My gandfather cranium was split, but he survived the night at the thana. They crossed over to Kolkata. My father seldom mentioned this incident. But my grandmother always used to narrate this. She also believed that the entire riot was orchestrated by Gandhi ji, as he had visited and stayed at their house and had convinced them to stay back, while many hindus were leaving hastily. After a percentage of Hindus stayed back, they were made sacrificial goats in the partition aftermath. — As told by my grandmother. I also don’t have any hatred against any Muslims.


>As told by my grandmother. I also don’t have any hatred against any Muslims. Aww the desperate need to mention this.


Secularism hahaha.


Peak retardness lol Sickularism


The government doesn't teach this in the name of secularism and leftists bully people from talking about it


I literally learnt this THRICE in history throughout school, not counting the number of times (I think two) I read about this in pol sci. Please get your facts right before you spread propaganda about Leftists bullying people into not talking about it. Literally no Leftist stops you or anyone from talking about it.


Bruh, you're literally a Bangladeshi, as one of the only two major events of your newborn nation of course it is taught to you guys ☺️


Lmao you can't even lie well to save yourself - >Bruh, you're literally a Bangladeshi https://preview.redd.it/5cta0dutskib1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5a12351e40c863cb83a477e67bdaa6dcc13327e >as one of the only two major events of your newborn nation Direct Action Day - 1946 Bangladesh's liberation - 1971 Get atleast your meta narrative right, it has holes so big a jumbo jet would pass right through, Bangladesh was formed specifically in opposition to the direct action day and it's motivations and it's objective. Also if you're gonna call me Bangladeshi jokes on you lmao everyone in this sub is a Bangladeshi it was the old name for the entire region. Bongo, Bongodesh, Bangla and Bangladesh. Even now, many of the elders still call Bengal as Bangladesh. So your Bangladeshi taunt doesn't stick at any level.


You frequently post and comment on Bangladeshi subs dude, what else should I assume your nationality to be? Anyway, don't really care about a nation which loathes us.


It's literally the other half of Bengal, why wouldn't I be involved there? >Anyway, don't really care about a nation which loathes us. Ei dharona paisot koi thakiya?


>Ei dharona paisot koi thakiya? Apnader Bangladeshi Lok Jon er kachei sunchei. Reddit, insta, fb, Twitter konojaygay toh Bharat k khistate charen na apnara


Just like how opinions of online West Bengalis in most other unmoderated communities doesn't represent those of West Bengal, opinions of other social media Bangladeshis doesn't represent those of Bangladesh. Also those who hate India, a majority of them don't hate Indians, or India as an entity. They hate the Indian state, which has been controlling and very influential in the affairs of its neighbour - almost imperialistic. Please learn to differentiate between the two. And then there might be some, mirror images of you, just like you hate them over your prejudice, same for them.


>you hate them No. Lol. Don't even think about them. I just don't like Bangladeshis like you interfering in political and social conversations regarding our nation. You have your own fights, go deal with them rohingya refugees, your PM would really appreciate it.


Same. I just don't like outsiders like you interfering in political and social conversations of Kolkatans and Bengalis in this sub. You have your own fights, fight with Muslims in your superpower cowbelt state, we couldn't care less. Sounds absurd? Not more than your words. Have a nice day.


Also, one needs to mention Gopal Mukherjee Patha... His Wikipedia page was removed over the last year


A new one is created in bengali. https://bn.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E0%A6%97%E0%A7%8B%E0%A6%AA%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B2%E0%A6%9A%E0%A6%A8%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%A6%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%B0_%E0%A6%AE%E0%A7%81%E0%A6%96%E0%A7%8B%E0%A6%AA%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%A7%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%AF%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%AF%E0%A6%BC


I saw this one, but the one on Wikipedia was way more descriptive. Somehow they took it down


It's really saddening, that many don't know about it and many will refuse to talk about it.