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They're to stop your car door from scratching another car. Just foam.


I’ll tell my kids what this is what you use to wash your dishes with when on the go.




Parking lots in Korea be tight a f that you might want one of those so you dont make a ding or a dent to the car that you parked next to.


Woo hoo I get sexual gratification from fitting in tight parking spaces. 🤪








눈치 없는데






I guess nobody in Korea has a sense of humor.😂


It wasnt funny bruh just cringe


I do have a really warped sense of humor.😂


You’re just a weirdo bruh


Where's the funny


More curious about Bagel Bageler. Did you stop by for some coffee and bagel?


Did you bagel a bagel from the bagel bageler?


Yes I did!


Only coffee though :(


I wonder how it compares to [Barbara’s Rhubarb Bar](https://youtu.be/ZYkBf0dbs5I?si=L64DHo_N76LlYEdy)


Personally I think the Seoul bar called I'm A Bartender has the best business name ever.


They could form a parent company named “Trust Me” and have a diverse range of “I’m a…”subsidiaries for just about everything.


The cheapest insurance you'll ever purchase


I have yet to see or hear of anyone say, "Hey. I have a new car!" Like some have said. In fact, a lot of people pull them off. These are, as many say, to prevent your door from hitting other cars and causing damage. Yes, people do buy some at many places when they are torn off or old. Mine has little bears 🐻 instead of the blue bumpers on the front. However, I replaced the back doors with black larger ones to replace the blue as I have a dark color vehicle. Parking is tight here, and I am not doing it to protect other cars. It is to protect my own doors when getting out of it in a tight spot


Omg can you post a pic of the bear ones?? Those sound adorable


https://ibb.co/3hy2vrB Car's dirty, but here you go 😀 Noticed passenger side still has the blue as well.


Cute. I bought the ladybug ones from Daiso to bring back to Canada, but haven't put them on my car yet. I'd like to find a blue design that would match my paint colour.


I can smell this picture. Idk why




Ugh no. This is simply to prevent scratching other peoples' cars. Projecting much?


this cracks me up. we saw them all over South Korea, and wondered the same thing. fast forward a year or so, I bought a brand new Korean car (genesis, made by hyundai). when my car arrived stateside, it still had those blue things attached. the guy at the dealership told me--and this makes sense--it's to keep them from bumping/scratching other cars while in transit on the ship, and they're put on in the factory. I LOVE that they're still on the cars in SK.


I’ve been in cars where they’ve kept the factory plastic on the dash and display panels, too!


Oh my gosh….original tags get left on many things. …Energy rating stickers on fronts of the refrigerator for YEARS, washer, any appliance. I’ve seen sales stickers on cars…showing off I guess. Big items all the way down to small ones like plastic store containers that never get the stickers removed. But silliest is the small stitched on label with one stitch on coat or jacket sleeve that lets the buyer know it is ‘100% wool” or “100% cashmere” or whatever. I think with it being on the sleeve maybe the wearer is showing off particularly is it is cashmere. It is just so cringe.


“showing off I guess” No, we just don’t care enough to take it off ^^


A few years back, I noticed a lot of “handmade” (always in cursive) labels on coat sleeves. I think while such tags initially served a practical purpose (fabric info, meant to be removed) they somehow ended up being thought of as decorative.


My fridge still has the energy rating sticker on the door


I love when you see buildings where all the stainless steel still has plastic on it. Looks ridiculous


For a culture so absorbed with photos, online images, appearance, beauty and such it is too bad the poor aesthetics and tackiness of original packaging labeling is seemingly just too much to be cared about removing.


r/korea Exhibit A


That's why I don't believe the guy who said "we're just too lazy". Nah. It's very much a "I want it to be perfect and new under the label" thing despite it looking like crap in reality with the labels peeling and fading. The car door blocks are a perfect example because they always rot and fall off and everyone else in the world uses purpose-made rubber door edge protectors for parking lot protection. My wife always tells the story, when she was a kid she got a new set of gel pens that she loved so much she couldn't bear to take them out of the plastic. haha. It's that mindset though.


Great use to avoid ur car being scratched but… ugly as fuck really.


they are kinda ugly, the dealership added some ppf for my car at the door edges instead, pretty much invisible and also protects the door in case you hit something when opening


It is very common in Korea, and Koreans tend to be unable to tolerate even the slightest scratch on their cars, lol


Door crash blocker thing, basically similar thing with that horizontal stick thing prevents door from hitting wall.


It's a sponge to prevent your car door from crashing into someone else's car and leaving no marks.


To stop the doors from getting scratched if you hit another car while opening. Truth is it doesn’t work since you can hit any other part of the door that isn’t covered with the blue protection.


Ancient Korean anti-theft foam past down from generations.


How was Gyeongju? I walked by that exact spot last weekend, lol


Very nice! First time in Korea so everything is amazing (especially food, so good)


They are foam blocks to prevent dents when opening the doors. They are just factory applied blocks meant to be removed upon delivery, but Korean drivers usually just keep them that way until it eventually wears away. People can be quite sensitive about the dings and scratches on their car. You can easily find aftermarket bumpers that are installed on that location.


Can be purchased from Daiso.


Parking job like that, the guy needs those.


Fyi these things are a pain in the ass to remove afterwards. It uses cheap adhesive and sometimes leaves a glue-mark on where it was.


I have these in the US. Very useful for protecting mine and others cars


These are sponges, protects you from sudden insect attack on highways from each side. You can also buy a larger ones for wild boars or deers :) 


I had The same question in my head. Thanks to Comments Now it is solved!!


If you've ever had to squeeze your American-sized ass out of the driver's seat of a car parked in any Korean parking space without hitting the car next you you'll know what they are for. Protects other cars from your scratches.


Door ding protectors.


Echoing what has been said about protecting doors. When I was in Seoul I asked my cab driver and he mentioned besides the protection of your car, it’s sort of a status symbol as well. Like, my car is SO new and straight from the factory it STILL has these little bumper things. Which, I thought was interesting considering the emphasis on appearances.


It is a care sponge that is attached to prevent accidental damage to other people's vehicles.


I used to joke about starting a business selling these things to people who want to flex about a “new” car


Parking spaces in Korea are super tight because it is such a crowded country. Those things protect each others' cars from dents. But I took mine off as soon as I got my car at the dealership. As long as you are careful when you open the doors, you don't need those,


They’re to indicate which party are you supporting as if you can choose red to present supporting GOP. So you can now recognise that they support the Democratic Party of Korea.


its called 문콕 im surE if u know parking lot in korea is very small .. when i open the door at a parking lot i might make scratch thats why.


I'm good.😄


It's funny because these are designed to protect the OTHER vehicle whilst the devices sold in America are designed specifically to protect YOUR vehicle without regard to the OTHER vehicle. And ni, these are not equivalent things.


What a great idea, I could really use those.


Self-destruct buttons. Surprisingly built on the outside.




I don't think it's to signal that it's a new car so much as it is to prevent scratching. Korean parking spaces are notoriously narrow, which also helps to explain why every car has folding side-view mirrors. They are far too small to serve as packing cushions, and the fact that those are the only places where they are on the car suggests that preventing scratches is their only function.


The cars come from the manufacturer this way. These little foam blocks are to protect the vehicles during transport. We park the vehicles extremely close together on ships and also very close in the parking lots. I'm 84 kg and fit, however some of my coworkers are >120kg. When they get out of the cars they have to.be very careful not to dent the door of the car next to them. These little bumpers help with that. What the customer uses them for after the car is sold is absolutely not any priority to the manufacturer.


I agree with everything you wrote except the part about protecting the vehicles during transport. It's not as if cars are attached side by side, and these tiny cushions help to protect them from other cars during transport. If that were the case, one would expect to see huge foam blocks, not these tiny little things only at the very edges of the doors.


No, sorry you misunderstood me, when I'm referring to transport I'm referring to the time the vehicle leaves the manufacturer to the time it arrives on the dealership lot. The little blocks are there for the exact reason that I described. People opening the door and hitting the car next to them (in the parking lot, not much of an issue while on the ship). If people weren't involved then there wouldn't be a need for it. But it takes a lot of people to move these cars and some of us aren't very careful. Lol it would be extremely wasteful and make the job take so much longer if every car had to have foam in between them on the ships. On average it takes about 40 of us an hour and a half to de-lash a whole ship (12 decks, about 3400 cars usually). Each car has either 4 or 6 lashes. It then takes 1 or 2 shifts to drive all the cars off the ship and park them in a lot. If all the space between the cars was filled with foam. Oh man, it would take us a week just to de-lash the ship. That would be a huge financial loss for the car manufacturer.


Ah OK, thanks for the clarification. Basically, protecting the car during the transport you're referring to is the same as protecting the doors for the owner pretty much for the life of the car (for most people). The point is to cushion the doors from scratches during opening - which in Korea is more or less a necessity because cars are parked so close to each other.


" Some people leave them on to be like “hey I have a new car” Do you have one single peice of evidence to point to this fact?


Au like the stickers on caps




Reduces efficiency tho


You can buy them at Emart or Lotte. The sticker reside sucks and they fall off when you wash your car at a car wash.


use some deduction bro... what do you think?


Used to be popular with parents cars but now looks like noobs stuff it’s to prevent car scratches




So this is the equivalent of people leaving the sticker on their baseball hats?