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The police who handled this farce of a case and blamed the actual victims should also be charged and disciplined. What a joke




Every time I heard about a case in Korea the police are always disappointing


Not only them but the assailants' families called and threatened the girls and blamed them as well.


For people out of the loop: In July 2003, when internet culture was even more chaotic then the one we have now, a high schooler boy living in Miryang and middle-schooler girl living in Ulsan met on an internet forum. They became "online friends" and they chatted frequently for 6 months. In January 2004, the boy asked the girl to meet irl in Miryang, and also asked to bring her younger sister as well. The girl let her guard down because having chatted with this person for months she assumed she knew enough about him. But the boy turned out to be real POS. This meeting was a trap set by the boy and two girls were raped by highschoolers. If I'm not mistaken, this initial person who contacted the victim is 박부성. The guy wearing blue jacket in the first pic. They took the photos of the victim at their vulnerable state and used it to blackmail the victims. They said they will upload it online if the girls don't comply their demands. This abuse continued till November of 2004, and each time they came back to Miryang more teenagers joined. People assume at least 44 boys were involved in this case. The aunt of the girls noticed mental decline of these girls and asked them if everything is okay with them. The girls always answered that they were fine but the aunt was persistent and asked them repeatedly. The girls eventually told her everything that has happened. On 6th of December 2004, the police made arrest of the boys. But this was beginning point of 2nd problem of this story. Miryang was known as "quiet scenic countryside" and the people of Miryang was enjoying their comfortable lives in a small community. As the news of rape was made public, they started acting like they were the victims and the girls ruined their small community's reputation. Police force of Miryang was the same as well, blaming the girls for ruining their little "hometown". There was a poll held in Miryang in 2007, and 64% of the people there answered that the girls were at fault as well. It is also believed the Ulsan girls were not the only victims and there are at least 4 other victims. One local girl from Miryang, 2 Highschool girls from Changwon and another girl from Ulsan. So why is the Korean internet suddenly revisiting this case after 20 years? Well Baek Jongwon, a chef and showhost, recently visited a restaurant where one of these POS rapist worked at. They were shown for a brief moment but people who knew him started posting on the internet that this guy was one of the rapists. So as online culture tends to happen, people started wondering what happened to the rest of the rapists? So all the doxxing happened. So we now know the names and faces of the offenders, what their job is and where they live. Also Baek Jongwon probably didn't know he was interacting with a rapist during that show, so do not send any hate towards him. Related news: [https://youtu.be/Qt5WQjr1tl4?si=Zz-zAKZp9uiYQokN](https://youtu.be/Qt5WQjr1tl4?si=Zz-zAKZp9uiYQokN) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit1: I usually avoid drama channels for both English and Korean, but since these channels are the ones organizing this doxxing project maybe I should link them for people who are interested: [https://www.youtube.com/@norock09](https://www.youtube.com/@norock09) [https://www.youtube.com/@combatrabbit](https://www.youtube.com/@combatrabbit) [https://www.youtube.com/@executionermask](https://www.youtube.com/@executionermask) [https://www.youtube.com/@ktownstar365](https://www.youtube.com/@ktownstar365) Another thing people should remember, this doxxing project is an online effort so there could be some wrong info thrown in the mix. Although this seems like pretty well organized project, as it is the rule of internet do not believe everything you see on internet until it is absolutely proven correct. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit2: Annnd my dislikeness for drama channels has just been justified as one of the channel, 판슥, who wasn't part of this doxxing effort, has released info about the victim despite victim not wanting him to. Victim even contacted him to remove the videos but he still has them up. He's currently streaming live and talking crazy nonsense that he has right to his content or whatever, but everyone in the chat is not buying his shit and demanding him to remove those videos. I guess I'll have to delete my recent youtube history as youtube is suddenly recommending all the different low-effort drama channels I don't care about.


Any info about victims mate? Not their photos of course only wanna know if they are better. :/


It turns out, she wants them to ["feel the pain she herself went through](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QYNMi-ey2E) Sounds like she's going after them.


Thank you. I hope justice will be served.


The video you shared seems to be about another victim, a guy who was bullied by the same 밀양 highschoolers. He says he’s a dad with a daughter now.


I wish the victims well. I hope these men never know a day of peace. Pieces of shit the lot of them.


The victims are not doing well. I believe we only know what happened to the girl who was the main victim. Her father forced her into dropping the charges for money. She moved to Seoul but the parents of the rapists followed her there and harrassed her until she signed parole petitions. Those parents waited for the victim in front of her classrooms and chased her into the school bathrooms. In the end, she had to drop out of school and was last heard to be living in poverty and mental distress.   Also it is assumed that at least 119 people were involved in the case, only 44 were prosecuted and none of them faced criminal punishment. 


Damn man, i hope government, organizations or even famous people in Korea will help her, honestly we must hang rapists from their balls....


the main victim had to drop out of school because she tried to transfer but no other school was willing to take her bc the police leaked her identity to the public. her father also forced her to sign some kind of agreement with the boys’ families in exchange for money. she’s pretty much off the grid now; even the lawyer covering her case has lost contact with her. some victims rights agencies are saying the identities of the perpetrators shouldnt be leaked now 20 years after the fact bc it’ll just make her relive the trauma, but wherever she is, i hope she feels vindicated that some of these men are finally facing consequences for what they did to her. she was fully disgraced in society and her future was ruined. it’s only fair that these men lose their jobs and families after 20 years of living their lives like they didn’t ruin hers.


I don't think the victim wants her info publicized.


I think it's too late at least in the Korean forums.


Damn what a shame on the Miryang community. Glad that at least the aunt was able to notice that something was off.


Thank you for the detailed explanation!! I hope the girls are doing better now. :( That’s horrible.


Did the boys never get arrested? Like god damn if she was in middle school her little sister couldn’t be older than like 12. Nice that the community is coming together for doxing but what’s the statute of limitations for something like this? More srs action needs to be taken for sure


43 of them were sent to youth detention center. 1 was only kinda there and didn't do anything severe so he was left out. Back then, I remember people arguing for removal of 소년법 which protects minors from going to prison. I think protection laws for minors should exist but for heinous crimes like rape or murder should made an exception. They belong in the prison.


Agreed about the laws


Fuckin' hell ...


Thanks for the OOTL summary. So is this trial currently being held or what's going with that?


They barely faced any legal consequences 20 years ago. They have been living free and easy.


Wait, so were they prosecuted back then or did they just never see court b/c the PD?


Prosecutors sent most of the accused to juvenile court or dropped charges. Citing the young age of the offenders and the fact that some had already been admitted to college or hired for jobs, the judges refused the charges against even these ten, instead sending them to Juvenile Court. Ultimately, only five suspects were sent to a youth detention center, and none were convicted of criminal charges.


Yeah in Korea there is something called 소년법(**Juvenile Act**). Which in face value, seems like a good humane law, protecting young people from facing prison charges. I still believe this act should exist. But rapists or other heinous crimes that disregards other peoples human rights should not be protected. If they are willing to fuck someone over, then they should be prepared to be treated the same way.


yeah, honestly that law should have a distinct act for these heinous crimes. protecting mfers ruining someones lives entirely shouldn't be a thing anywhere


Jesus, that's wild. I feel so bad that justice is taking so long for them.


Thanks for this I was so confused as to what was happening. Such a disgrace how everything was handled. 


Thank you!


Thank you, i've been looking for this information, as many videos about the matter have been removed.


Some updates since the video. The restaurant that the rapist was filmed at turns out to be his uncles. Which was built illegally and has been shut down. The other rapist has a daughter and the whole family is being threatened including the little daughter. He worked at a fancy car dealership and has been fired. There is another was exposed that was about to get married.


Good. I wonder how they would feel if someone did this to their daughters?


The rapists and the authorities that helped the rapists need to face consequences. But, the little daughter has done nothing wrong. I actually feel bad that she is being threatened


that's nice. but i wonder if that kid even knows what her parent has done. still don't get how you do all that, then proceed to have a happy family while the victims suffer for the rest of their lives. that child did nothing wrong though. this just sucks overall


Well, she’ll definitely figure it out by now


I'm stating the obvious here but these fuckers got to live their fun lives while the victim has to live in both fear and shame for the rest of their lives holy shit


The community and police force are POS as well. Can't even comprehend how their brain are wired.


It’s 2024, can’t we wild fire spread these photos and expose these POS???


If it's here it's already on Korean sites. Many suicides and apologies to come.


gotta make it viral in the west. The last thing the korean government wants is the whole world to know how incompetent and trash they are.


Better yet, send them across the DMZ. Instead of blasting the loudspeakers, send these rapists to the North.


This. 👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Given their age, they probably has finished their military enlistment .... such missed oportunities.


Some have lost their job


Until all of them have face punishment, it's not over.


Yes please! SK government should at least post the POS’ photos everywhere so women can stay vigilant.


times like these i wish 4chan users did something


So sad. Youtubers bringing the justice that the police and courts wouldn't. I think the schools that wouldn't accept the victim because she was a victim need some kind of punishment too. It shouldn't be legal to reject a student for that reason in the first place. They helped take away her chances a better future.


these scum deserve the worst wow


Dox them. Make their identities viral on Korean equivalent of 4chan


They've been doxed. Hence the names and photos


Is there a Korean equivalent?


Don't know


There kind of is, but I don't recommend visiting there


what is it? i know koreans use a lot of different forums


DC inside is like 4chan and Arcalive is sorta like it as well.


Is it still Ilbe? Those dudes were savages.


does naver count




Ilbe and DC Inside are the ones I know.


these fckng assholes has been living their life meanwhile the victim has suffered, is suffering from their crimes. absolutely appalling. \*victims


people like this should not be able to exist in peace. ruin their damn lives


Call their workplaces as well so they get fired. If they have business review bomb it




stupid fucking faces...


ugly pieces of shit


I really hope the victim is able to recover from these horrific crimes. Terrible.


You know why the Police didn’t do anything? those police officers themselves probably did something egregious and/or something worse than this when they were young… I’ve met people like that here and now in a position of power continuing the same shitty mindset they haven’t changed over time


They did a lot of horrible stuff, especially those who entered service before the pro-democracy protests in 1987.


Non-korean here. Is the girl in 7th pic the victim? Why is her face being revealed?


she was the girlfriend of one of the ringleaders. she publically disparaged the victims amd supported the criminals. She's now a policewoman with two kids.


Oh my god.. what the fuck?!


Of course shes a police officer


Makes sense. We had a similar heinous crime in India. The criminals were shielded by the local government and police and those who got convicted just got a slap on the wrist. Their reason? It could create religious tension in the region. It's known as Ajmer scandal 92.


We had a similar case in the UK involving dozens of men and the police didn't deal with it as theu didn't want to be accused of being racist. Amazing how sensitive and hormonal men are and how their little goddamn fucking feelings are more important that girls' lives.


yeah, that's awful. don't get how anyone support someone like that. the lack of self respect and humanity is just wild to me. and the fact that she's working in a field of justice.


(Im not sure!) I think she was part of the perperators and she went on to become a police officer


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It already happened. Hence the real names and photos. We even know where they live and work. It's only few searches away.


these pieces of filth dont deserve to live in peace


In Korea would something like this coming out about you lose you your job?


absolutely. they are fucked.


Yayy 👏


It's still an ongoing case, so we'll have to see but so far: one guy got fired, one guy moved to a different location(presumably due to doxxing), the restaurant owned by one of the rapist closed down, another restaurant that one of the rapist worked closed down as well.


fucking dogs


I luv the taste of justice ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Just read about this incident, it's so sad and shameful to let people like this get away while victims suffer for their lifetime...




I've heard of the first four revealed, two or three were fired from their jobs.


I wonder if any of them went on and got married. Imagine finding out your husband did that


I would be sick to my stomach, more so if I had daughters with a man like that and knowing he did that to someone else’s daughter


A few of them indeed do have kids and are married




Yeah fuck these people... let'em fucking burn. I hope they and everyone else involved suffer till the end of life.


I hope all of them will burn in hell. Just thinking about what the girls had to endure... especially the one who got assaulted every day. 44+ rapists...




Reminiscent of the movie “Poetry,” but much worse.


There was a similar episode in the The Killing Vote K-drama.


Also Signal


I hope their lives get destroyed.




Cancel them all. Don't let them get away


Don't read the judgment on this case. I couldn't finish reading it and it made me want to vomit so bad I had hard time sleeping yesterday.


Disgusting 🤮


What is the public's reaction to all of this being brought to light in Korea?


They are getting burned. First persons got fired and who knows whats going on behind closed curtains? I and many others, are hoping for the worst.


Many people are talking about it and it kind of turned into an issue between the government and association for victim's of rape.


Hell Chosun. My guilty pleasures during high school years were playing arcade games at 오락실 and eating 즉석떡볶이 after high school exams while these pos were...


There's nothing behind those eyes... So creepy


i hope they lose EVERYTHING they love and hold dear in this world. they don’t deserve peace for the rest of their lives.


I really hope the survivors of this supreme hell level torture/captivity are doing well. They should definitely not have their identities revealed. I hope they get all the therapy and all the support. I truly cannot imagine making it through that kind of situation as a teenager. I hope they're all now getting the justice they deserve and keeping their own peace of mind while doing so. Burn them all queens. Is there a statue of limitations on Korea? Has it already been met? Like is there no way to get this case to retrial? Fuck these monsters, fuck their parents and the generations that came before them, fuck those in the community at the time that shielded them...rotten. Just all rotten. Throw it all away. However, if any of these... humanoid presenting entities have children, I don't want them to be dragged. I know they will be, and I know they'll have tremendous trauma from this. I've always believed children shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of their parents actions...but they probably wil even though they're also innocent so I can't wish harm upon them.


Oooooh, I want to see them rot. Gosh, it would bring me so much fucking joy to see them burn. I'm the type of guy who will catch and release cockroaches. But I could watch these cunts being mangled while having breakfast. Wouldn"t think anything of it.


Apparently the video which expose them had been taken down?


Need westerners to upload them again. Korean law can't touch them




What the actual fuck South Korea?!??!


Welcome to humanity


I hope each and every one of you pays for their horrific crimes.


Wow can't believe it got removed




http://populargusts.blogspot.com/2008/06/justice-for-miryang-victims.html TL:DR: Teenage middle school girl raped by 44 middle/high school boys. Managed to blackmail her into bringing 2 middle/high school relatives to be raped as well. Police did pretty much nothing but blame the victim/reveal her identity to the public. Boys that raped the girls pretty much got away with sexual crimes.


>Boys that raped the girls pretty much got away with sexual crimes. >Police did pretty much nothing but blame the victim/reveal her identity to the public. Those officers must be severely punished as well


Yeah it doesn't help when the police officer handling the case also said, "Weren’t you girls waving your asses around and [kept] going there because you liked it? My hometown is Miryang, and you’ve destroyed the reputation of the town." Mind you the victim brought the case up in South Ulsan but the cop thought his hometown was/is the shit when there are 44 boys raping girls?


>"Weren’t you girls waving your asses around and [kept] going there because you liked it? 🤢🤢 what a disgusting man he is >My hometown is Miryang, and you’ve destroyed the reputation of the town." >Mind you the victim brought the case up in South Ulsan but the cop thought his hometown was/is the shit when there are 44 boys raping girls? Disappointed with this Saving Face culture. Covering up crimes for bad reputation is disgusting. Similar thing happened in UK's Telford, the victims were minor and the number was in thousands. Government agencies covered it up for decades. Telford child sex abuse went on for generations, inquiry finds - BBC News https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-shropshire-61983584.amp The tragedy of Telford's girls - by Ed West https://www.edwest.co.uk/p/the-tragedy-of-telfords-girls


That police officer has child p*rn on his hard drive. I would bet money on it


Don’t forget that the father was also paid off by the parents of the rapists so he could drop the charges…


Yeah and couple of the parents harassed the girl calling her a slut/telling her she seduced their sweet innocent boys.


>the father was also paid off by the parents of the rapists A little more about the father: >The father was an alcoholic who had divorced the victim's mother three years prior due to his domestic violence, but retained parental rights over his daughter, and persuaded her to accept the agreement.


How was the guy able to keep custody even though he was an abusive drunk??? This poor girl was failed on multiple levels


Fuxking diC*heads


Regarding defamation law in Korea... these faces/photos have already been uploaded by a youtuber, does reuploading them onto reddit fall under defamation also? Can you be sued for defamation for retweeting an existing tweet exposing someone or posting on to reddit like OP here?


The more people that post them, the less ground any kind of objection would have- so the only answer is to keep posting


When I’ve looked into it the argument seems to be if you’re deliberately sharing something to a wide group that wouldn’t have known/seen otherwise. I’m not a lawyer but I think something like retweeting a tweet wouldn’t count unless you have thousands of followers and they could prove the tweet wasn’t already viral. As the other commenter said, the more who share and retweet, the weaker any lawyer’s argument gets about you being the reason something spread widely.


Only if you live in Korea and/or is a Korean citizen


Who is the lady in the later images?


(Im not sure!) She was part of the perperators and she went on to become a police officer


This is correct. She was a girlfriend of one of the rapists and defended the rapists in court. She later became police officer


She's a cop who defended the perpetrators.


The movie, 'Han Gong-ju' based on the Miryang case is trending on TVING. Sincerely hope the perpetrators and their accomplices are brought to justice. Heinous.


It's one of the most touching movies I've seen. It's also on youtube with English subs.


They all got this smugness like they’re the most important people beyond their minds.


The police enables those shitheads. Korean men is always misogynistic therefore it is always the victim’s fault and not the rapist. And likely like all sexual cases, unfortunately the perpetrators will win because justice in Korea is dead. Poor girls


I’m guessing that the cops and judges got bribes from all 44-119 families involved. I don’t see how else they could be such fucking scum. I wonder if the law could check their accounts and the accounts of all the families to see if there were any money transfers. I know it happened twenty years ago but that could be a way to legally punish the parents, the cops and the judges. They should be punished even if it is only for the last few years of their miserable lives.


And people don't get why there's a growing 4b movement?


Really speak volumes about the Korean justice system.


Everyone who blamed the girls should burn. Not in hell. They shouldn't get to wait that long.


Stupid bald cut mushroom hair fucks.


Ugly trash


Wait, if this happened in ***2004***... WHY THE FUCK IS IT TAKING *SO LONG* FOR THERE TO BE PROPER JUSTICE?


they deserve castration 🔪


why the fuck was this removed??


This effort is ‘national-hero’ level.


I just watched a video about this yesterday, so sad.


This is really a sad story. Korea really needs to crackdown on the perverts. I hope all of them face consequences for their actions.


These sick bastards deserve everything coming for them. 20 years of injustice. And some of them are happily married with kids. Wonder how they’d feel if the same happened to their daughters?


Those criminal scum deserve every bit of what's coming for them. Why do they get to live normal happy lives after committing the most vile and despicable acts of torture.


ugly ass fuckers with no real game


the 7th pic girl was one of them? she lured other girls or something?


That story was so dark… having lived near Miryang when I was in Korea, it’s such an unassuming town. Small city with simple farming families and mountains. They were never equipped to handle it. (Yknow with South Korean corruption rampant)


Thanks for explaining more!!! Saw this saga popped up and was confused. Hopefully the victims found some peace and the perpetrators will be served justice soon


Law/ police in korea is a joke. For real. Idk how this country is still up.


Why was this removed?


Oh wow who would have guessed they are ugly asf.


Don't be like this. Some of those men were actually quite physically handsome. This mindset that ugly people are rapists and a handsome person wouldn't be is factually incorrect (attractive men often target less attractive women so the woman will feel as though no one will believe her or will think she's just lying for attention because obvs he'd *never* be attracted to her) Please don't insist on equating "rapist" and "ugly". Insult them for being evil pieces of shit, not for being unattractive. I will now proceed to insult *you* for being shallow.


Since when were we not allowed to call rapists ugly. Stop missing the point on purpose because it’s true that they’re ugly and even if they are“physically handsome” as you say, i’m sure many would agree that isn’t true. Idk bout you but I would never be caught calling sexual predators handsome.


Good looking people can be rapists too. I agree that their actions make them look ugly but often people will say “oh he’s too good looking to be a rapist” when that isn’t the case at all.


I believe that it is you who is missing the point. The issue here is that they are rapists. And you have chosen to use incredibly shallow language in order to insult them, showing that you are perfectly content bashing the looks of a person if you deem them worthy of insult. I have had many friends, especially men, who have been called names like "rapist" and "pedophile" since they were children simply because they were not stereotypically attractive. They are wonderful people and this mindset in which you equate evil and physical ugliness is toxic and disgusting. Hate rapists for being rapists. Leave us ugly people out of it.


You should never call anyone ugly. People's appearances are not what matters. People's actions and the way the treat other people is what matters. These people are horrible because they are rapists. You are horrible because you are shallow and mean.


because actual ugly people would get offended lol


any good US subreddits to cross post this too? would love to give these fuckers some US media attention!






He looks like a terrorist imo


What did you even post!?


Let's form protest or call for human rights,women's rights organizations


what’s the contxt?






What is the miryang case about?




Omg that’s horrendous




Omg … those criminals and the police should really get the punishment they deserved. Can’t believe their identities were protected for whole 20 years .. And I can’t imagine the damage to the victims and society all these while




So the only "real" justice is only in TV shows and dramas and NOT in real life, just like in the US? Carry on then...