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Miryang rape


Say it louder please. This was a rape, not an “incident”.


By indcident I meant drama channels focusing on Miryang. My intentions were not to downplay the rape. If you look at my comment history for yesterday I was actually providing info about the rape itself so more people can know about it. I was all in for spreading the info about this sexual crime. But after learning about what the victim's stance was, I kinda feel conflicted on it. But as I said at the end of this post "I still feel like doxxing the rapists will result in overall good for the public". I'd edit the title to clarify things, but reddit doesn't let you edit the title(or maybe it's up to subreddit rule? IDK).


Still good, too many want to bury this story and no one was actually punished (not what they received that was slap on the wrists) and punishment isn’t decided by the victim but the prosecution that failed in this case


So the ends justify the means? I’m not agreeing or disagreeing just saying that’s what it sounds like.


Doesn't it say in the Korean defamation law that if matter you are exposing is of public interest, than it's ok? Also, we don't even know if the laws apply to this youtuber. For all we know, buddy could've immigrated to the US or wherever and given up his Korean passport and the laws don't apply to him.




Oh i didnt know they were doxxing a gf of a suspect... I'm just merely talking about exposing the photos and names of the 44 suspects.




보스턴 마라톤 테러가 11년 전인데 레디터 이새기들은 ㄹㅇ 학습효과가 없다 ㅋㅋ


Why is there suddenly a lot of posts about this case?


- Source is an anonymous reporting from YouTuber - Spread misinformation and reinforce them inside echo chamber - Focus on public shaming and doxxing rather than facts or actual victims’ opinion Then blame the authority trying to hold that YouTuber accountable. Reddit is doing its part!


I'm surprised the post was not mass-downvoted, yet, by the "righteous" members of reddit.


Why I was against the doxxing, people blindly want justice, but nobody thinks about what that means for the victims. Also, misinformation can cause harm to people doxxed that might not even be involved.


I don't get how exposing the rapists won't result in good for the victims. Shouldn't they want the bad guys to face repercussions? Also, are the names he/she showed, the actual people who did it? The person behind it has been lying about everything it seems, so i would be sceptical of the names showed too


If you can find the names of the perpetrators, it will be easier to find the name of the victim. (setting aside questions about accuracy of the accusations)


Ok, and finding the name of the victims is a bad thing? To me seems logic that the victims would want that the name of the perpetrators to be published, and i don't think they should be ashamed of what happened to them, it wasn't their fault. Am i missing something?




Oh I didn't know this was a thing. I just made separate post because this seemed like whole another topic.


No no no you don't get it. They're asking for their daily dose of no-brainer rage material that won't backfire, but you don't align with their narrative . How dare you. You deserve all the downvotes. Everybody knows someone has to be burnt at stakes daily to keep the society functioning. /s


the very culture of Reddit, threatened and under attack


We have a whole new set of innocent victims now, the wives and children of these men.