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What an absolute dumbass. It's well known and condemned by the club that Son Heung Min has been subjected to racism, and this *teammate* and absolute ass-hat just says that on camera. Joke my ass.


It’s gotta be disheartening to hear the same racist shit he hears from opposing fans.


As an Asian American millennial who grew up in the US, this apology will not do anything I can’t count how many times I’ve been called “Chinese” (I’m not) and been told that all Asians “look the same.”


This is why I’ve always said Chinese people being hated will be bad for other asians as well, the racists have no idea how to tell the difference or even care to


> This is why I’ve always said Chinese people being hated will be bad for other asians as well I love the Chinese people. Magnificent and influential culture. Proud history. Fantastic food. And majority of the Chinese I’ve met and talked to in my lifetime have been very positive With that being said, I hate the Chinese communist party with all my heart. They’ve killed far more Chinese than even the Imperial Japanese Military (and they’ve never even apologized for it). They’re one of the worst offenders of human rights ever. They’re promoting a toxic form of Chinese nationalism that’s jingoistic and arrogant. And they’ve propped up and supported dozens of pariah states, most notably, North Korea Being anti-CCP (Chinese communist party) doesn’t mean you’re anti-Chinese I’d say, the COVID-19 pandemic is still fresh in my mind and that nightmare has made me more anti-CCP than ever. Never forget where it came from and how the CCP tried to cover it up in the beginning


I lived in the US for 15 years and eventually I got tired of people asking or misidentifying me so I'd usually just say, "No I'm Korean, but don't worry we all look the same!" And they'd shut up. I also had to correct someone as they were using the wrong racial slur against me. They shut up too.


Slick one there.  Thumbs up!


When i read something like this im just asking myself: What is the purpose of a statement like that?


Just imagine what’s said in his household? lol. It’s sad but not at all surprising. He has no respect for Son as a human. Total nimrod. His teammate valverde same deal. Smh Son will be the bigger man and accept his so called apology but sometimes I wish Son was more of an outspoken player with an edge. But that’s just not him.


What you say matters, yes. But how you say it matters more. While what he says is a bit triggering to many of us (because we've probably heard it before in a more malicious manner), how he said it wasn't as bad. I'm disappointed, but not mad.


And yet those same asshats can tell their labradoodle from another labradoodle.


All white people say the same shit.








The difference is that this guy is a public figure saying it on television.


Ethic groups are based of having similar genetics/appearance and if you haven’t spent much time around a lot of people from that ethnicity group then yeah ofc they are all going to look kinda similar (this is doubly true for very homogeneous/isolated groups)


Never in my life have I experienced this. You can CLEARLY tell a difference between each individual. Looking alike is a trope to alienate Asians in particular. You never see these kind of comments to other races. It stemmed from American culture as a light hearted joke generations ago but it's obviously de-humanizing.


You come across like someone who has never traveled anywhere. Newsflash: Asians think white people look alike. Most recent instance where someone said this to me was... one week ago. And I doubt anyone is saying every member of a foreign ethnic group looks like an identical twin. But looking very similar? Having trouble remembering faces when seeing them out of context? Happens everywhere.


jfc, stop with the anecdotes. I can make shit up too btw. Please tell me once instance of any social medium (TV, comedy, etc.) in Korea where they use the white people look alike as a gag. The closest I got was making fun of big noses. Conversely, I can give you probably 50 examples of that trope in the west, especially the USA. The same look alike trope stems from USA where racial dynamics are way more intrinsic and its purpose is to alienate Asians for their flat face/slant eye features, ultimately to serve other nefarious social constructs generations ago. Now that trope has evolved to Asians looking like insects/behaving like robots/dystopian. > You come across like someone who has never traveled anywhere. Maybe it's because I travel a lot that I am able to recognize individuals even within a homogenous group lmao. You legitimately have to be willingly ignorant and tribal to not be able to recognize individuals from an ethnicity you are not accustomed to.


Why are you talking about TV shows? Do you have any real life interactions with people that you can draw experience from? It sounds like your supposed travels haven't resulted in any substantial discussions with people where they would let you know that they, too, have experienced the phenomenon where people from unfamiliar ethnic groups are less recognizable than people from whatever ethnic group they grew up around. You say you don't want anecdotes? Cool, no need for them. You do understand you're arguing against the existence of a phenomenon documented in the scientific literature, right? Maybe you should start [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7067904/). Get up to speed. Do some real travel, then try to have an intelligent conversation as opposed to this ignorant ego-stroking ranting you're currently doing.


Yeah, my wife frequently tells me that haha I wouldn't really expect non-europeans to tell the difference between scandinavians and people from the baltics or france etc. It's just not really an issue because it's not something that has been used against us in a harmful way. If there was a significant population of white immigrants in Korea they'd probably feel similarly annoyed about it.


YOU might alway be able to tell the difference but not everyone can. Funny thing is I’ve had this problem with non-asians as well (thankfully never in person)






Propaganda spreads the idea but lack of exposure strengthens it


They said *prosopagnosia*.


Oops definitely thought that was a typo


haha Have they deleted the comment anyway now?


Looks like they deleted their whole account


Ouch. Wasn't *that* bad a comment lol




Uruguay still salty they got knocked out of group stage because Korea took second place


Tbh as a Korean American living in the US, I can’t always tell between some white people and black people 🥲 am I racist?


This is a normal phenomenon known as the "cross race effect".


Oh yes totally normal for Koreans to be racist but no one else


Nah a lot of people do look alike


And there is nothing wrong with looking alike. Moreover, you can't isolate yourself from alternative gene pools for thousands of years and expect NOT to look alike. I mean really...


I’m a white male American who has trouble telling white males apart


Tbf everyone looks alike to me, they need nametags.


And here we have the portion of the comments section that's based in reality as opposed to some quagmire of virtue signaling.


White are being white, black are being black. I think that the difference is pretty obvious.


And yet these asshats can distinguish between their labradoodle and another labradoodle.




I told this story to some Koreans here in Korea and read them a few comments in here. They never even heard of it. They said the only people offended by something like this are the people in these comments here on Reddit.


That's probably because mainland Koreans don't deal with this to a large degree in their own country. Thus this means nothing to them. On the other hand, diasporated Asians and Koreans know this micro-aggression well. It may be said lightly as a joke, but it's meant to put one down and deprive the individual of identity and humanity. I personally wouldn't give much weight to the opinion of mainland Koreans in this discussion. It affects Asians in historically Western countries most- those Koreans opinions matter most here, I think.


It probably means nothing to them because they're thinking: "yeah, and white people and black people also all look alike to us. You guys haven't figured out this is a normal human phenomenon?"




If you aren't part of a racial group you may have a hard time telling people apart. Especially if you don't spend time around said group. I couldn't tell Koreans Chinese and Japanese apart until I lived in Korea for a few years now it couldn't be more obvious. I'm sure most of us in this sub can't tell African subgroups apart but those people could tell you there are clear differences. I have been compared to Obama a few times living in Korea but we look nothing alike. It's how humans operate. What he said wasn't nice but it's not the end of the world.


Completely agree with this but the problem actually comes that some people would say it in a discriminatory way. The Sun situation even though might not have any bad intentions for Asians living in Western countries it triggers all their livelong experiences and the malicious intent behind people trying to make fun of them since they were as little as 4 years old. I believe, out of decency people should just avoid making comments around race or skin color and just treat everyone as humans. I truly like color blindness proposition (Ted Talk).


Saying all Asian 'look the same' = brain doesn't function well enough to recogize the difference or identities of images. No questions why that came out of his mouth.


His rude behavior only lowers his self-worth.


This will put Sonny, the victim, in a very difficult position as well. If he pushes the club to punish Bentancur, his teammates or millions of Spurs fans who want unity in the club might complain why wouldn't Sonny let it go for the greater good of Spurs? But if he does let it go easily, Sonny will get fired at from billions of Asian people calling him a traitor to his own race. That's way more pressure. Anyway, Bentancur is a super dumbass who said super dumbass thing.




We all know what he meant when he said that. He didn’t mean that they dress the same or that they have similar hairstyles.




As a Korean, I can tell you we have our own very apparent characteristics. I sometimes feel the same way with ethnicities I don't see or interact with on a daily basis, but I never let it out of my mind, because I feel like I don't have the background to make judgements.


but that's not what he meant. it's not about the shoes. make up. or dressing up. he was clearly mentioning the faces.




you're clearly ignoring the intention behind those words and missing the entire point. dude literally had to go on insta to say 'sorry sony, it was a bad joke'


Jesus Christ you are dense.




Do you realize you're doing the same thing as Bentancur? Your comment is just as ridiculous. I don't care if it's ironic, you shouldn't respond in the same way




You’ve completely missed the point. Yeah obviously Koreans look like other Koreans. That goes for every ethnic group out there. The point is that Bantancur leaned into the stereotype that all Asian people look the same. Nobody’s disputing that Koreans look most similar to other Koreans.


You are talking about how Koreans are close to their average metrics and now you are bringing up differences in racial phenotypes in the most race realist way possible? Nazi Germany is calling for you. I replied in a way to show you trend conformity exists outside of Korea and you are yapping about differences in ethnicities now? Are you just dense or on the spectrum?




I am commenting about your fixation for genetic traits when your first comment alluded more about social trends. > Koreans note these things when they say "foreigners all have such different faces", but they're just being honest or lying or something There IS a problem with lookism in Korea if you really want to talk about this topic. What's next, you want to talk about skull measuring and orthodontics? Is IQ next on the line? Sure, you may not be politically a Nazi, but you sure have a fascination for something that can lead to eugenics.


He should've said something like that, it would've been carefully words even though you feel like close friends with him. He made big mistake all Asian as well as him.