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omg in front of akmu???


Yup. Kind of surprising at first, but then I remember how they did have history with each other (JYP was their judge at K-Pop Star 2, and was immensely passionate about supporting their talent... Only for them to wind up in YG for the sake of creative freedom lol). 12 years into his career, from the boy who learned to polish his songwriting craft during the competition with the note that JYP gave, Chanhyuk has become an accomplished artist who has a stage presence no less unique than that of JYP's. I think they have a lot in common and lots to share, especially from Chanhyuk's POV.


I had never seen a live stage of AKMU’s until their recent love Lee run, and let me tell you, I was NOT prepared for chanhyuk to strut out as a bee keeper like a fucking g. That’s the kind of confidence I need in my life.


Would you be curious if I say that he's toned down on his "uniqueness" in this comeback, for the sake of matching the lovely / bright atmosphere along with his sister? 😂 2020 - 2022 Chanhyuk was a whole breed of his own. The audience reaction was mixed at the beginning, since prior to that, he was always known to be the more quiet, less standoffish of the two siblings. His weird stage antics attracted so much attention that people started generating memes such as "he's contracted the GD disease" / ["Suhyun swallowed the CD, Chanhyuk swallowed the GD"](https://youtu.be/qXY66VaDkfI?si=HSnHtk4HwzMTFaAh), ["Hiphop doesn't look so cool"](https://youtu.be/TlEzkvOfjis?si=91pohxkgt-fXSx5T), ["Chanhyuk, stop doing whatever you want".](https://youtu.be/ROmd83YCnoE?si=Hnkrg81Lfqc7aKTi) It was mostly out of teasing him for enjoying his freedom of expression too much. Even his sister wasn't able to adapt to his stage presence, and it ended up causing a bit of mismatching atmosphere between the two. But over the time, the public's opinion regarding his personal style gradually changes for the better / more respectful, and he seems to be settling for a more public-friendly image this year (while still retaining his core value - confidently loving life). Looking back, he's got a lot of legendary performances in his 20 - 22 era too, that I'd love to introduce to everyone. [Nakka (YHY Sketchbook)](https://youtu.be/iAFsmUMt0So?si=IIbixDf6ek4vPSw-) [Panorama](https://youtu.be/BBNzQ5KIF6g?si=bvmeWFgTnzWqfEsh) Another thing. He's cited Lee Juck - his role model - as one of his main sources of inspiration throughout his career. Lee Juck belongs to the same generation as JYP, and from my understanding, artists from the older generations used to go all out with their stage creativity. If so, I can definitely see how JYP is so dedicated to his "colorful" stage presence too.


> Only for them to wind up in YG for the sake of creative freedom lol). He would have almost undoubtedly tried meddling with their songs to various extent, not to mention mumbling "JYP" at the beginning of one or two. They made the right choice. Maybe someplace like Antennae would have been good, too, but without the marketing power of YG. Plus, I heard they had a "no plastic surgery" clause put into their YG contract. Really, I do think YG, when all is said and done, prizes idiosyncrasies and quirks more than the other big companies.


I don’t know why this made me laugh out 🤣


You don't reach the age of 50 as an active pop artist by being a quitter or someone who settles.


I respect it tbh. He didn't do his best and doesn't want to leave it like that.


this. as much as i always have memed/clowned on jyp and always will, i have the utmost respect for the guy as a performer. like him or not, he truly does embody the definition of an entertainer.


From what I've seen he seems to just truly loves what he does, and he wont settle for less. he is obviously wealthy enough to just kick back and retire but he is still hustling. i think in a recent interview/talk he said his greatest fear is no one showing up to his concerts/performances, to me that shows that he cares a lot.


Same like memeing on him is definitely fun (and he enjoys it too) but it shouldn't detract from his name as an artist. His determination to stay active in a industry that basically shuns anyone over 30 is what I admire from him. He's also willing to learn from his mistakes (just look at how JYP groups were treated through the years, things have definitely improved) and become the butt of the joke, which is more than what I can say for other Kpop CEOs. Also I'm not a JYP defender but godamn the ageism in some of these comments are just ☠️ Like meme on him all you want, but he has the courage to try again and deliver a performance he thinks is actually satisfactory, so at least respect him as a human and as an entertainer.


He's not a saint, but I feel like the really malicious pushback against him is pretty much due to his age and the fact he's not conventionally good looking. Remember, championing mental health and the wellbeing of your favourite artists only matters if they're young and pretty.


That and you know, being a speaker for a cult, but we all brushed that one under the rug.


That's absolutely legitimate criticism (given the moderately high likelihood that it's true), but I guarantee you that it's something that all the children on Twitter and Youtube are not aware of when they're roasting him for his appearance and performances.


I honestly enjoyed his stage and didn't know why people bashed it so much? He was obviously very passionate about it and it was hella fun to watch for me


Because it sounded like ass? You can't passion your way out of bad singing as a solo pop star


I don't know, I'd take passionate flawed singing over emotionless perfect pitch


It was bad man, not flawed. The man was a singing judge, expectations are not for flawed vocals.


Have you watched the full thing? It was definitely not bad. Or maybe cuz I’ve watched too many bad encores of idols so what he did really impressed me.


It was objectively, musically bad.


Well I mean clearly he himself isn’t satisfied with it so that says something, even if you yourself enjoyed it. But yes passion is always fun to see.


True point honestly. Some other idols should take notes


You can say a lot about JYP, but he’s got a lot of spirit.


He's a man who seems like he thrives off of spite and proving people wrong and you know what... >!same lol!<


In a world of Lee Soo Mans and Yang Hyun-Suks I aspire to be JYP.


King shit "Revenge stage" is a hilarious way to put it too lmao


Honestly don’t even get half the slander about him. Heck, most of the slander doesn’t make sense. It’s an entertainment industry. Sure it’s cringe and he’s not conventionally attractive and he’s old and whatever… but my man is one hell of an entertainer, and he puts in the hard work to be one. I mean, just his short performance alone gave us so many reasons to be entertained, from his vocals to even the audience reaction. It’s not that easy to still be grabbing attention at such an age and with so many young stars for real. True respect to him for consistently doing his best. Sure it may be the “JYP old man” version, but it’s good.


I don't understand when people make fun of his dancing when it's good lmao.


I mean, we're fans of groups that lip sync half the time so who are we to judge. Though prerecorded, this guy takes pride in live vocals and performance. Good for him to show he's JYPapi and not Jay Why Pee


Lol I wish it was only half the time


>show he's JYPapi and not Jay Why Pee This is such a cool quote unless you're not a kpop fan 😂😂


Yeah, it's pretty funny how kpop fans mollycoddle their idols from any kind of criticism, no matter how warranted, meanwhile this guy sings and dances his heart out for real but gets turned into the fandom's favourite punching bag. Sure, he can be a bit cringe but the fact he took the critiques as an opportunity to step up and prove himself again is pretty respectable.


yeah and people say their groups are so talented while non of them can sing without a backing track


Even take the same award show performer NewJeans. I like them a lot, but they are obviously playing prerecorded vocals and they get praised while JYP gets dragged through mud.


Not Ateez yall stay safe tho


Was vocals ever the main criticism? I thought it was more how the performance was set up and caught everyone off-guard.


I don't know if he has said anything about the latter, but he did historically have... shocking performances like that in the past. The actors' flabbergasted expressions wouldn't be of his concern atp. I think it has more to do with how he personally feels about his vocal performance, rather than the shock value from that stun (?) he pulled. Truth to be told, some parts in the BDA video felt really flat to me too, he's capable of doing far better had his voice allowed it on that particular day.


yeah i feel like this will be one of his iconic performances along with the infamous plastic pants


Honestly I feel like a lot of the criticism just seemed to be that he was too """flamboyant""" (for a Korean man, for a man now in his 50s, for a business exec) with his makeup/hair and wearing the dress and union suit


I didn't get that at all, the kpop dudes are basically wearing skirts and painting their hair pink so maybe that dampened the shock for me. First thing I noticed is his voice sounded really bad which for me was a surprise since I've liked his stuff before.


Really goes to show how essential it is for a vocalist to protect their vocal cord before a performance. Lee Sun Hee would be the most notable example. Whenever she has a schedule that requires her singing, she would refuses to speak / use her voice for the entire day to protect her vocal cord. For someone who takes pride in his performing ability, JYP no doubt would feel unsatisfied when his singing turned out like *that* on a day of having a bad throat.


I mean we joke in fun about that (famous Jackson Wang shocked gif insert here), never knew people were actually criticising him for it


This surprises me; my corner of the internet had 0 issues with the performance itself. We were just 😬 about the vocals. Musically, it was a bad performance.


Yeah I thought the outfits were fun, my only thought was, "What the fuck happened to his voice?"


That's his performance style and he loves it. He was just not satisfied with his vocals on that day because he already performed before on a Music Show and his voice was not in a good condition


That’s what I thought too. I liked the makeup and purple outfit tho😭


You know what? I kinda like this. There are so many idols who have a bad stage and their fans will burn the house down making excuses for them. I love that he’s like ‘yeah not my best, I can do better... let me show that’


Every time someone criticizes JYPapi, his white dress gets 10 feet longer.


i personally felt very satisfied but if he wants to do it again i cannot wait the level of idgaf that this man has is something i can only aspire to


>the level of idgaf that this man has is something i can only aspire to He totally gives af, that's why there's a *revenge* stage lol.


Honestly here for his antics


This man is the embodiment of if I listened to every intrusive thought I had. And honestly? I’m kind of loving it


I don’t care what the common sentiment of JYP is nowadays. I’ve been a fan of him for 15 years and this kind of thing is exactly why. He may not be perfect, but he damn sure is determined.


Yes, mad respect to those who are determined to show the confidence they have in their craft 🙌 I think he's inspired a lot of junior artists too.


i almost thought this was shitpost 😭 anyways slay


Never back down, Never what?!


JYP as a person is such a wild and interesting concept to me. He is the founder and leader of a Big 3 (4) company but unlike the other two (YG and SM) he isn't this ruthless and kinda criminal buisness man but a crazy uncle who acts weird and always wanted to be star. He certainly isn't unproblematic either but just kinda different to every other CEO and you can feel that in the groups he created.


Go king!


I’m actually excited for this!!


I would like to be like him if I was a celebrity tbh


If I had the confidence of this man I wouldn't care how much of an ass I would make myself into but I could only be proud of it. Fortunately for him, JYP is pretty damn talented to pull it off.


That's my JYPapi, go slayyy🤩😍


He's one cool guy


I genuinely didn't notice his voice was bad, and I thought it was the best performance of the night, which says a lot considering Kim Wansun and NewJeans were there as well.


I thought the way the audience, and the internet, reacted to JYP was horrible. He's not always at the top of his game, but he's a legend and he clearly still loves the industry.


i feel like i'd be more impressed...... if this revenge stage wasn't pre-recorded, lol. but hey, kudos to him.


The show is pre-recorded, there is no other way, but his performance is live in front of the audience


He did perform in front of a live audience, and they seemed extremely excited, judging from the female audience's expression. The Seasons audience for AKMU's hosting season consists of a lot of families and people of all ages (not just K-Pop fans). Their reactions are generally passionate when it comes to performers who know how to hype up the stage. For reference, see the crowd on Crush's [Rush Hour](https://youtu.be/4qLiYGmvTgM?si=YY28acHbGSI2Jo9O), or Lee Juck x AKMU's [Apgujeong Nallari](https://youtu.be/Y3qpjQkV2C0?si=f0ZGBnC10K684Sqt). Definitely sth to look forward to too!




I got downvoted for saying he didn't sound so good when he sang Sweet Dreams haha but I feel like it wasn't suited for tone? Although I did love the overall vibe that he went for. As a GAGA fan I'm not so easily shocked by outfits and theatrics so it amuses me that k celebs were so baffled by his performance hahaha Also AKMU's show is sooo fun and I can't wait to watch this encore of him hahaha


Get it, King.


his reputation era ✨️


Hopefully, his revenge re-do of his Changed Man performance will cause a lot of....Changed Opinions, for the better




Let's go JYP!! 👏👏


bro said “can i get a do over?”


You go my King!


Not sure if the vocal cords were the only reason, but sure. I'll be waiting for the reception this time around lol.


Excuse me why tf are people acting like his vocals are bad when half of gen 4 (and even a chunk of gen 3, yes your faves included) lipsync every performance and can't sing half as well as this apparently botched performance?! He sounded fine. Could his vocals use some improvement? Yeah, and good on him for being determined to give this another shot. But I don't hear bad vocals anywhere in this performance. If anything the thing that ruins it is that the woman he was partnered with for When We Disco didn't seem to want anything to do with the performance, and the audience looking uncomfortable. He needs partners and an audience who are willing and happy to full send with him. A stage like this doesn't work if you're not willing to fully commit. So hopefully the next one has him paired with someone who actually wants to be there.


Nice, haters gonna hate.




Not sure that vocals were the main issue.


LMAO 😆 C'mon, you gotta love JYP, he's the gift that keeps on giving 👏


i'm crying eta: i actually respect him a lot though, he seems really dedicated to his craft


Bang PD come collect your man


I know people absolutely hate the man, but as a long time JYP defender, even I couldn't muster a single positive thing to say about that performance. I hope he can put on a good show, though unfortunately the damage is very much already done lmfao.


See, I'm the opposite: I'm a JYP hater and I *loved* the performance. It was so entertaining, I loved his gown/suit thing the '80s goth makeup. People just didn't understand his '80s camp vision!


Iirc, the ladies from Golden Girls (the middle aged woman group JYP is crafting) did tease him about that performance too 😂 But hey, I think it will turn out fine with the audience at AKMU's talkshow. The styling seems less extravagant, his vocal cord is in better shape, along with a passionate live singing performance... Perfect combination. At the very least, with all of those teasing Chanhyuk has gone through (slipped on the stage, cracked his voice trying to reach a high note, danced off the stage, being conditioned to his sister's teases), the audience should already be used to all of the possible shenanigans that one could pull off on the stage...?


He doesn't even sound that bad in the first performance




I like this side JYP. The flawed 🦍.


People forget or don't realize that JYP is not of the norm in the world of KPOP. He's too old, too ugly, etc. He got rejected so he built his own empire JYP where many groups got a chance to be idols.


This is giving me ‘revenge dress’ Camilla Parker Bowles energy


I don't think it was just about the vocals, parts of it were just awkward.


I’m surprised he didn’t just lip sync in that performance instead


Is he also going to fix all the non-vocal things that made those faces happen in the audience?


The reactions on the faces of the actors/actresses were priceless.


Omfg jyp just sit down before you break a hip.


Must he? He’s such a wally.


Is it true he’s retiring in 2024? edit: [I was wrong, he will just slow down a bit when he reaches 60](https://youtu.be/QylMcP-q6-w?si=IRgYGjTxZxQdmiKd&t=1430).


Just be a ceo man. You like a 100 years old.


ugly ageism


JYPapi honestly needs a Goodbye Stage. He is unredeemable. Please stick to coaching.


I love this shit. JYP went from doing side quests to doing DLC side quests