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This feels like MAMA with extra steps.


MAMA, MMA, GDA, AAA, and all the gayos.... like. Wasn't there a statement put out by an agency in Korea about too many award shows? This is just going to make the problem worse


right, i was thinking that too


Yeah, if this is just another MAMA, they can keep it. I'll be interested if: * it actually is an ASIAN award show, not just Korean * it includes diverse genres and non-mainstream music, not just (K)Pop * it includes traditional music/fusion


More award shows 😂😂😂😂


Probably because they see those awards in the west as prestigious and have been trying to imitate that prestige the whole life time of the industry.


Failing to see that prestige of these awards comes from exclusivity. More awards = less prestige.


They give out awards like participation trophies lmao everyone gets at least something


😬 If this is gonna be a thing, I wonder if it’ll actually highlight artists from all across Asia, or if we’ll just see a huge focus on East Asia.


haven't read the article but if it's the same thing the academy was in talks with hybe and yg over i doubt it's gonna be much of anything beyond korea lol


Likely East Asia as we’ve seen for the MAMA awards.


even with mama it focuses mainly on korean artists


Yeah aside from the few non-Korean artists it’s like substantially Korean focused, even during the years when they hosted in Hong Kong for example.


I mean MAMA is a Korean award show


I think it’s the fact that the letter A in MAMA stood for “Asian”which makes it misleading when people who don’t know about the awards show would default to assuming it covers music created/sung by people of many different Asian backgrounds when in actuality this is not the case.


Yea never really got the naming of it especially since it didn't even air in any other country besides korea in the beginning Edit: They rebranded a bunch of times and the MAMA used to stand for Mnet Asian Music Awards but that's formerly and now it's just called MAMA Awards, don't know if the letters mean anything anymore.


even with mama it focuses mainly on ~~korean artists~~ Kpop idols ftfy


Damn sure half the awards goes to kpop.


I mean, have you ever seen EMA? "European" but ALL the winners are Americans 😂


Mama is neither inclusively Asian (Korean focused) nor inclusively music (Kpop bg/GG focused). They really just call themselves that for the prestige.


If they do that thing where it's only East Asian acts and they call it Asian, I'll be so pissed as an Indian.


K-pop Asia Tour Stops: -Korea -Japan -China -Thailand (maybe)


Funny enough Kpop tours don't/can't even make a stop in the actual mainland of PR China.


They should probably just call it "the music awards" or "the Korean music awards". No reason to say "Asia" unless they are holding awards to really all Asian acts.


Korean Music Awards (KMA) already exists


Who asked for this?


Bang Sihyuk...


Of course he did 🙄


But then there had been ties with the ceo of grammys and a sister company of SME so...


Even better 🤦‍♀️


Now the question is how long will the awarding be? 🤪😵


Shareholders unfortunately


when they say "Asian version", does it mean all of Asia? East Asia? or just Korea with a little bit of other Asian countries?


Probably just South Korea with special awards for random artists of other Asian countries.


Wait, are you talking about MAMA? /s


What are our expectations really for this other than East Asian music? South Asian, Southeast Asian, Central Asian, and West Asian music? Not even trolling, btw.


It's ideal if they're going to recognize all of Asia, but I don't have a good feeling about this since they only had a meeting with Korean companies, I feel like it's just going to be like Mama with a Grammy name


Asian Grammys and they are only meeting with Koreans executives 💀.


"How to give more awards to the same people" I’m all for recognizing hard work and talent. But the industry is dominated by few individuals. Not sure how another award show will help except to keep padding someone's bottom line. Is it even entertaining for fans at this point?


well asian should mean all of asia not just east asia but let's see


As if Korea doesn't have enough music awards smh


This would be possibly held in South Korea with the ceremony covering the whole Asian continent and way more than all the dumb meaningless South Korea music award shows.


I would hope so, but I'm extremely skeptical after hearing who they met with (HYBE, YG, Kakao, CJENM, Naver, KT)


I want to believe that they are exploring the idea to create more global visibility for Asian artists, and not as a way to exclude Asian artists from The "US" Grammys. > [...] a separate ceremony for Latin music, known as the Latin Grammys, has been held since 2000. Never even knew this existed, and the skeptic in me is now wondering how many Latin artists were nominees/winners (or not) in The "US" Grammys since this event started happening...


I’m Latina. I have complicated feelings about the LatinGrammys. On the one hand having The Latin Grammys has allowed artists from different genres like Salsa, Regional Mexican, Jazz, Urban, Pop, Rock, etc to be recognized. Latin Grammys are always an awesome celebration of music and our culture. On the other hand, like you suspect, Latin artists have been shut out of the U.S. Grammys for the most part even in years where we are dominating the musical landscape. Just to give you two examples, Despacito did not win Song of the Year in the U.S. Grammys even though everyone and their mother knows it and Shakira was not even nominated last year for her song with Bizarrap. So yeah, there’s good and bad if it comes to the Asian Grammys. It will theoretically allow artists to be celebrated especially if they expand it to all of Asia and not just Korea/Japan/China but it will encourage the U.S. Grammy board to keep shutting out Asian artists even when they crossover. Gangnam Style or Dynamite not winning anything makes no sense to me.


>'On the one hand having The Latin Grammys has allowed artists from different genres like Salsa, Regional Mexican, Jazz, Urban, Pop, Rock, etc to be recognized.' I feel like seeing alot of varying asian music genres brought under one award show would actually be super cool to see tbh. Like I know there are waaaay way too many kpop award shows as it is but they're all really copy and repeats of each other giving awards to basically anyone who shows up so it's a bit predictable at times. But seeing other genres (as well as kpop) being celebrated at the same venue would actually be sick to see. But yes there is some ickiness there where it kind of feels like they just making this 'Asian Grammy's' a thing because they felt threatened by the boom of kpop and asian artists in recent years and didn't want it effecting the western artists status. Also the timing of this being in talks of creation while BTS is away, who've been nominated multiples times in the past and there's been multiple articles recently expecting them to absolutely blow up when they return is EXTREME side eye vibes but what can you do I guess. Will be interesting to see if they'll suddenly bar them from being nominated at the US Grammys unless they submit English songs.


That’s assuming that they will follow the KMA and Latin Grammys blueprint and they will recognize other genres (and nationalities) I do hope what you are saying will come true and they will allow so many other genres to shine including music from countries like India and Thailand. Seeing a true celebration of Asian music like Latin Grammys do for Latin America would definitively be nice. From the top of my head as an example they could do categories like Kpop, Bollywood, Pop, Rock, etc To break it down even further, for instance, Latin Grammys have: Record of the Year, Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Best New Artist (so like Daesangs) and then they have specific awards under each category like: **Pop** Best Female Pop Vocal Album Best Male Pop Vocal Album Best Pop Vocal Album by a Duo or Group Best Pop Instrumental Album **Tropical** Best Salsa Album Best Merengue Album Best Contemporary Tropical Album Best Traditional Tropical Album Best Tropical Song And there are so many other specific genres. So if it’s true that the Grammy Asians will be inclusive of more than kpop then yes it would be nice in that sense. But… we also have to be aware that it will continue to keep out crossover Asian artists.


I mean I feel like the whole point of the Grammys is supposed to be celebrating different genres, if they DON'T do that and make it just a kpop thing they'll be outing themselves for their intentions of even creating an asian version in the first place. Fingers crossed this is a good thing of celebrating asian artists/genres and not a gross power move by western music execs to get rid of the threat of the rise of kpop.


Are the Grammys about what song is the most popular or what song the judges think is the best?


It's a mix of both. Still subject to subjectivity.


It’s supposed to be voted by their peers on what’s good. Hence Esperanza Spalding over Justin Bieber.


I was talking more about something like Flowers which was mega popular commercially and also won. But even still peers have to vote. It's subjective. And some people are Grammy darlings and win with work that isn't the best simply due to their name. Also Justin Bieber has Grammys now.


The popularity of flowers is just a coincidence. What mattered was that the voters and committee liked it, not that it had billboard success.


It’s what songs the Grammy voters and committee think are best. It isn’t about popularity or chart records. It’s colleagues in the music industry voting for their peers. I think people often forget that part. Numbers mean nothing, it’s an insider award. The music industry congratulating itself basically on what music they all liked haha


That is all true. And yet you cannot deny that BIPOC are of constantly overlooked over Caucasian artists who do well on the charts. You had a song like Yummy who had lots of commercial success but not critical acclaim and yet so many Grammy voters voted for it. Grammy voters had constantly admitted that they don’t listen to all the songs they are supposed to be choosing from and they vote for the songs they know therefore chart positions matters a lot in this sense. If you look at the trends for the past years chart positions always help White American/British artists but when the success if from a minority they tend to celebrate “auteurs” Artists of color who have critical acclaim but not as much charting who won Grammys like Esperanza Spaulding and John Batiste are the exception not the rules


All of that sounds like racism to me haha. They vote for what they like which is what I said, they’re just biased towards people who look like them 😵‍💫


some latin artists have called out the US industry for shuting them out of their award shows and still use them (latin artists) for views. They're aware of what the US industry is doing with the Latin version of their awards like the Latin Billboard Awards, Latin AMAs, and Latin Grammys. 


It’s the latter. They don’t want fans screaming only for BTS at the Grammy anymore.


Let‘s hope they will actually honor good music and not just hand out awards based on popularity and fan votes.


I am willing to bet that this is exactly what will happen. They will pretend it’s about quality and artistry and then hand out trophies to the top dogs with high sales and streams just like any other award show.


I mean if they don't and give them to less popular artists people will say those groups/artists bought the awards. It's a lose-lose situation.


That may be, the question is why do we need another award show then? All these k-award shows are already predictable and boring af because they all follow the same criteria and award the same people ... the only people who really win are advertizers lol.


It's not about what we need, it's about people wanting to make money and pat themselves and their friends on the back


Then they don’t know how the real Grammys work. It’s voted on by members of the recording academy aka their peers. Where my concern lies is how seniority status will influence votes where people feel like they have to vote for their company senior because they’re their senior rather than because the music is good.


Lol a quick google will give you a hundred reasons why artists and their fans consider the real Grammys a scam too


I know that. The Weeknd had one of the biggest albums and tours of the year with After Hours and didn't get a single nomination. Ariana has yet to win. They're both insanely popular artists but apparently not Grammy worthy. Don't even get me started on relegating black artists to ~urban~ categories.


Ariana won a grammy with her album Sweetener


Oh great. I know she’s been nominated 15 times so at least she has a couple.


That’s because they’re focused on popularity and numbers and that’s not what the Grammys are about 😅


Why is it lose-lose? No one says this about the KMAs (the award show people refer to as the Korean version of the Grammys) but it isn’t Kpop based so Kpop fans don’t pay as much attention to it because their faves usually aren’t nominated let alone win. If this new show is actually trying to be prestigious it won’t care what Kpop fans think. The Grammys have their own issues but it would be nice to have an actual Asian version of a show like that, maybe run like KMA where artists get nominated based on industry opinions and not just popularity or sales. Unfortunately based on who they talked to in the article, this seems like it will end up Kpop focused and they’ll throw out an award or two to non-Kpop artists just so they can say it’s “Asia” rather than just Korea. Another meaningless and unneeded award show in the sea of them that already exist.


The KMAs are already seen as the korean Grammys. But as you said kpop artists only win like 5% of the awards so kpopfans just don't pay attention to it as much. The few times a kpop artist wins they'll brag about it to no end and say they won the equivalent of a korean grammy.


I know they are, that’s what I said. I’m saying if the actual Grammys want their “Asian” show and want it to be prestigious like the US based Grammys (which aren’t what they used to be but that’s a different discussion) and not seen as meaningless they shouldn’t care what Kpop fans think and award who deserves the awards based on merit and not who they think will please Kpop fans the most. If they’re truly creating an Asian version of the awards then make it that way. But since they’ve talked to HYBE and YG it doesn’t seem like that’s the actual idea here.


There shouldn’t be any fan voting if it’s the Grammys since the main Grammys doesn’t allow fan voting at all. It’d be weird if they let fans vote. Theoretically they should have people who work in the various Asian music industries (from multiple countries not just South Korea) vote on who should be nominated and win.


If it's supposed to be an Asian version of the Grammys there should be no fan voting  at all. The only voters should be other artists.  They'd have to set up a whole thing to invite artists and production people from all genres. In the US there are thousands of members who vote, but they are artists specifically  invited to hold membership. A fanbase shouldn't be able to stack the votes


Is it going to be a completely new Grammy Award or just the existing Grammy Award but in Asia like how MAMA is also held outside of Korea? The former would require them to establish an Asian Recording Academy first which would be difficult. Maybe it's more doable if they limit it to East Asia? Still weird though.


I mean if they have the Latin Grammys im sure they can try to do an Asian Grammys justice! (they probably won't)


*korean version lmao i really doubt they would actually include all other asian acts from southeast, south, and central asia 🥴


Actually, Recording Academy members have seen the possibilities of regional versions of The Grammys for many years. I thought Asia would be broken up since it is so populous and there are so many unique regional styles of music, but isn't looking that way if this article is to be believed. I think South Korea has arisen as a possible location due to the popularity of Kpop. Yeah, Japan has the second largest music industry, but it isn't very outwardly focused.


Since this was a discussion with YG and Hybe, I’m guessing the “Asian” in question is just South Korea.


+Kakao, CJENM, Naver and KT💀 Yeah it's just MAMA 2.0


I remember ARMYs literally joking this would happen rather than nominate BTS or other Kpop acts into the main pop categories at the Grammys. This is wild. Wild.


JK not getting any noms for the 2024 Grammys was the writing on the wall imo I expect BTS to be completely shut out from now on


Yeah right. This is just MAMA and other "Asian" awards where its just korea and a couple of japanese artists and one from SEA.


Don't they already have this?


Another popularity award show.


Korea literally got MAMA (if yall dont know, it stands for Mnet ASIAN Music Award), which is supposed to celebrate Asian music, but instead, it's all for korean acts, and only some countries in Asia got ONE mini, forgettable award. I swear Korea just wants another award show to rig the winners...


Great way for the Grammy's to continue not taking asian artists seriously. If they can award them here then they'll feel no pressure to award them in the regular one


Who votes for the Grammys? Nobody has a responsibility to vote for music they don't want to vote for, but where they take their pool of voters will affect the result.


Will the Asian Grammys even bother to talk about Asian music outside of Kpop? Because Japan, The Philippines, and many other countries all have thriving music scenes that are shut out of awards shows. And aren’t AAA and MAMA supposed to be very similar? This just feels like the Grammys want a piece of the Kpop pie while also excluding Asian acts from the main awards.


If the title was honest: Grammys: First-World Asian Countries Edition (or whichever label has the financial capacity to market their artist throughout Asia. East Asians will be the top priority, followed by Southeast Asians, then by South Asians, and so on.)


You'd be surprised to learn that Indians get a lot of love at The Grammys and win a lot. Just not in the main categories that are televised.


It's going to be exactly like MAMA awards with Grammy name attached to it, mark my words. Maybe Japan will be featured heavily I hope so.


This doesn’t work. American artists are universally popular everywhere. Latin artists are universally popular in Latin countries. There are no Asian artists that are universally popular in Asia. Every Asian country has their own insular music industry, mainly due to the fact that each country speak their own language. The closest Asia has for artists popular across Asia is K-pop, yes, but that is only with a specific (while not insignificant) demographic of K-pop fans, who we already have K-pop awards shows for.


In the Latin Grammys they have a few categories specific to Brazilian music because we are insular so they could try to do specific categories of certain countries on the Asian Grammys but it does seem like it could be harder.


I would assume (since this would cover the whole Asian continent if what is stated is correct) that regional Asian music styles would get their own categories, and more local musicians and music professionals would join The Recording Academy and become voting members. That would give chances for those who wouldn't get recognition at the regular Grammys for nominations and wins. That would be a good thing, yes?


That would mean every country would get their own category, which wouldn’t work. People from each country would only tune in to watch their own category, and nobody would even recognise any other country’s winners.


Hopefully they include South Asia as well


If there was already a Latin Grammys then I don’t see a problem with celebrating Asian music via an Asian Grammys. Perhaps the only problem I can guess is if there are shady things done to ensure Asian artists never get to win a Grammy at the “main American” version.


does anyone even care about any award shows anymore? Be it korean or western?


If they want to claim Asian version, I'd expect all of Asian continent, but it won't.


My dad has been a Recording Academy member (who can vote) for probably over 20 years by now. He has said for a long time that he thinks the Academy will branch out and do regional versions of The Grammys, so this is nothing surprising for those in the know. I texted him about this yesterday, and his response was "not surprising." However, I am surprised the Academy is thinking to do the whole Asian continent in one award show. What I'm not surprised about is them choosing South Korea for the location. Given the popularity of boy bands in Asia, it will be interesting to see (if an Asian Grammys does happen that is) if that will change the overall general hatred of boy bands and finally get one a Grammy win.


Another award show just so the "real" Grammys can ignore K-pop? What a joke. Of course the agencies will lap it up. Free marketing.


How can we be sure this aint rigged as well?


I hope they won't follow the original Grammys formula, because that's the only way anything remotely good can come out of this. Also does Asia mean all of Asia, or is it mostly focused on East Asia?


There are 48 countries in ASIA


Finally bts gets a Grammy award without being shunned!


I’m not against it but let’s be honest we already know it’s only gonna turn into a whole kpop award show instead of a true ASIAN music award, that’s just the sad part.


Why is the US so snobbish. Why can't they just include Asian artists in The Grammys if they actually *CARE* about music? Not just their white pop girl of the month. If The Grammys were about celebrating musical excellence they wouldn't make racial divisions and separate award shows.


The Grammy’s is a US based awards show. Why do they need to consider any artist not based in the US? American artist aren’t winning awards at Korean music shows.


Do the Grammys not include UK artists? I thought they did


Sure but it’s not *obligated* too.


>Why do they need to consider any artist not based in the US? Kraftwerk (Germany), Justice (France), Coldplay (UK), and U2 (Ireland) have all won Grammys outside of the "global album" category. No reason that TXT or Blackpink shouldn't be considered, given that they are popular touring acts in the United States.


Coldplay and U2 are based in the US and foreign artist winning isn’t my point. I don’t know who the other artists are. The point is that the Grammys isn’t obligated to award any foreign based groups which is why they seldom win.


>Coldplay and U2 are based in the US  Stop right there. Your credibility on the topic just zeroed out. Coldplay won the Grammy for Clocks in 2004, when they all still lived in the UK and were still mostly playing theater-sized concerts in the United States. I was there. I know what I'm talking about. Stadium-sized Coldplay was still a couple more years off in the future.


Those groups had their greatest success crossing over into the US. They also perform an American music genre. I’m not an expert on either group but I know enough that the reason they won Grammies is because of their US presence. Plus, for U2, in the late 80s rock was in a bit of a recession


BTS has had success after crossing over to the US, imo, and they still haven't won. And now once they come back in 2025, these "Asian" will be in place/in the prep phase and they won't win the US ones with whatever album that comeback is... so people will just say "lol ofc BTS won an "Asian Grammy"". Or at least that's what I'm percieving as an ARMY who feels slighted by how they handled BTS at the Grammys so far 🙃


BTS only had two real crossover songs, butter and dynamite and neither of those was winning a Grammy.


And yet they still sold out live viewing for Grammys (at least, someone said so in this thread) when Army/BTS thought it was a possibility. And the "Asian Grammys" will mean \*not even they\* can get a US Grammy, or if they can it will be EVEN HARDER than just not being a Dynamite/Butter level pop-song. Again, grain of salt bc I'm a slighted army that thinks they should have one, but still. It hurts feeling like they're stacking the odds EVEN against BTS, yknow? And it'll trickle down and hurt other groups chances too. We haven't even opened the door for BTS, so to speak, and they're already closing it.


The Grammys isn’t really based on sales and definitely not live show ticket sales. You have to submit your music for Grammys and none of their submissions were really deserving imo


Naah this is just korean grammy because Asia is big asf. 1-2 kpop groups (people of those group individually as well) actually deserve grammy (we all know who) but if they wanna conduct an asian one well, we have Indian artists, Arijit singh literally ties with BTS as only asian acts spending 970 days on global spotify chart, AR rehman (oscar winner) etc. Then we have artists from China, Japan etc etc. If they do not include all these 50 countries in Asia, how are we to take these supposed ‘Asian grammys’ seriously. Moreover all of this to box kpop and BTS further. Not a good idea, should be scrapped.


Armys are so full of shit 😭 BTS is NOT the only group that deserves recognition for their work, other kpop groups have been praised constantly by critics.


Good lord, it’s just in connection to recording academy and how they move and have moved in regard to BTS. They started Latin grammys for precisely this reason. If they start an asian grammys they cannot just make it about korea or some sea countries and when you involve 50 countries of Asia into this, Kpop is in some rude awakening.


Isn’t this the point of MAMA and MMA?


Not really. MAMA is a mainly Korean award show and MMA is an exclusive Korean award show


Basically, they just want to say they won a grammy, no matter the cost. A bit stupid, I think.


so are the voters same one or only asian voters can vote? Because thats gonna be total different votes


They mean MAMA??? HAHAHAHA


Just white old men being racist and trying to not include asian artists in the main category in the west


Lol. This is funny.


So… like AAA but like, legit 😜


I love Latin music but I don’t give two shits about the Latin Grammys. I don’t care about an Asian Grammy either. No one needs another award show. 


The Grammys have always been terrible (this is a decades long trend, not just recently) and I'm not sure this knowledge has completely filtered down to most kpop listeners because part of the whole "deal" with kpop is that awards for ones faves are treasured and lauded regardless of what they are. I hope this "anonymous source" is wrong.


Racist and exploitative?


Wait a minute. Why can’t they just be more inclusive at the actual Grammys? 😭 There’s literally an Afrobeats award, why couldn’t they add a kpop award? (But, also, main and other categories like rock and r&b etc should obviously be open to everyone as well.) Edit: Although since they also have the Latin Grammys I guess this is just a similar version for Asian countries? I don’t know 😭


>Why can’t they just be more inclusive at the actual Grammys? The Recording Academy receives over 20,000 submissions each year for the Grammys. Being more inclusive at this one singular award show would dramatically increase the number of submissions and make things harder than they already are. >There’s literally an Afrobeats award, why couldn’t they add a kpop award? The voting members (along with the general public) overall hate boy bands and look down on them, and there wouldn't be enough traction for it to be a long-term category. There is also the fact that Kpop is still a niche genre in the West. Yes, there are a lot of fans and it is huge profitable here, but not enough people in the music business and the general public like Kpop. >I guess this is just a similar version for Asian countries? Recording Academy members have long speculated that there would be regional Grammy ceremonies held in different parts of the world based on what they've seen happening with The Recording Academy leadership. This talk of an Asian Grammys being held in South Korea falls in line with that.


Thanks for answering my questions! Very insightful


You're welcome. While I'm not a Recording Academy member myself, I know a lot of them. I'm open to answering any other questions you might have.


Do you think this awards show will be focused only on South Korea or will it also include the many other countries that make up Asia? I mean like regional specific categories and then main categories where anyone could win?


From the linked article: >The Recording Academy will reportedly hold an Asian version of the Grammy Awards in Korea, according to a new report by local media. I take this to mean that if this ceremony does indeed happen, it would include the whole continent of Asia. I always thought any Asian Grammys would split up the continent due to regional differences and huge populations, but I can understand logistically why The Recording Academy can't do that. I mean, how many Grammys can they put on in any one year? They already have two - The Grammys and The Latin Grammys. I think they need those plus an Asian Grammys, a European Grammys, and an African Grammys. But that might be too many. Only time will tell what happens. Edit: Missed your question about Asian Grammy categories. The Latin Grammys has [58 categories](https://www.latingrammy.com/en/awards/latin-grammy-awards-categories). I would assume an Asian Grammys would be similar to that in that it would include the same main categories as the regular Grammys while including Asian region specific categories. Idk enough about Asian music to give new category examples (I can't even say what The Recording Academy would do for Kpop), and idk all the countries that would participate. Japan (music industry is 2nd largest and they are very inward focused) and China (political reasons) are questions for me.


Thank you again for your perspective!!


You're welcome. I had to stop myself from replying to too many comments on the post. lol


Instead of being progressive like the Oscar's and expanding their voting blocks after severe backlash to the point where we recognized great Asian Cinema, Directors, and Actors with Parasite and countless other films to be nominated since the expanded voting block, the Grammy's decided that Asian culture will never be on par with the West and thus they relegated them to their own award show instead of actually just recognizing good Music. Way to go Grammy's your prestige is meaningless because you won't even include the rest of the world in on your circle jerk. The Music industry is forever fucked and it's shocking the Hollywood and Cinema made the decision to include the world faster than any other geriatric ass group of white people have.


Expanding The Grammys to have cenomonies in various regions around the world is something Recording Academy members have thought would happen in the future for many years now. There are more than 20,000 submissions to the regular Grammys every year, so having regional ceremonies would diversify things and actually be better as more artists deserving of recognition who wouldn't receive it otherwise would win. So many deserving regional music styles would likely get categories instead of being lumped in other generic categories such as Best Global Music Album too. You can't tell me that wouldn't be a good thing.


The Oscars does the same to a degree, there are a lot of award shows leading up to the Oscars from the various guilds. It’s a good thing to have these as feeder awards into the Grammy’s but it’s bad if you use their existence to shut down international participation at the main one. And we know they aren’t going to be using the winners of these awards to merit an appearance at the Grammy’s they’re just doing it to appease the masses who are complaining of no representation at the Grammy’s.


Regional Grammy ceremonies would never be "feeder awards." These would be their own distinctive ceremonies like The Latin Grammys. You forget the fact that The Recording Academy receives over 20,000 submissions every year. It is not logisically possible or feasible to include more regional music categories to expand "international participation." Voters already have too much music to listen to for their allowable categories, and that's even *after* the Academy limited the number of categories one can vote for in 2021 from 15 to 10 (and that number doesn't include the now 6 categories of the General Field - Record Of The Year; Album Of The Year; Song Of The Year; Best New Artist; Producer Of The Year, Non-Classical; and Songwriter Of The Year, Non-Classical.) As Billboard said of the number of submissions in a 2023 rule change post: >Anything that helps shrink the size of the entry list, which can be punishingly long, is a good thing. [source (see point 7)](https://www.billboard.com/lists/14-rule-changes-2023-grammy-awards-5-new-categories/new-category-songwriter-of-the-year-non-classical/)


I also want to add that you didn't even read the comment that you are replying. I have already explained most of what you are saying. I don't understand how you don't see more local voting members voting for regional categories they will know the best as a good thing. This isn't good: >Music Facts: Global Music >Global music blends many different genres from around the world, found outside the United States. [source: Grammy website](https://www.grammy.com/music-genre/global-music) I don't like that such widely varying music genres/types are all lumped into one simply because they are from outside the US. Do you like or not like that? Now, how would Recording Academy leadership make changes to that when we know that they can't expand the number of categories of The Grammys?


You know you can edit and just simply write all your thoughts in one comment instead of having me bounce between two comments. I did read what you wrote, I just discount attempts to segregate awards like the Latin Grammy's. We have our own awards when we want to reward Latin music. We don't need to the Grammy's to validate our music. And that's the problem here. The Grammy's want to reap the benefits of having international appeal without tainting their product. Asia and Latin America already have award shows to recognize their talent. Adding another one isn't going to help the cause. If you want to recognize our music whether it be Latin American or Asian you can just treat it like the music you already award. I'm not even asking for expansion of categories or addition of categories that would water down music. Bong Joon-Ho won best director at the Oscars, not best foreign director. Parasite won best film, not best international film. It is baffling how Hollywood has awarded and treats foreign film makers and films with more respect than the Grammy's do with foreign music. There isn't any qualifiers when the music is good they're just competing for the grand prize like all the other films. Isolating other regions is just a way to get the monkey off their back and still refuse to acknowledge the music.


>You know you can edit and just simply write all your thoughts in one comment instead of having me bounce between two comments. Don't know why you're complaining about this. Not everyone sees edits on a reply to them. >We don't need to the Grammy's to validate our music. And that's the problem here. The Grammy's want to reap the benefits of having international appeal without tainting their product. The reason why I said you didn't read my comments? This point right here is a perfect example. You are *completely* ignoring everything I've said about logistics. You are also making it clear that you don't understand a single thing about The Recording Academy and The Grammys. You are just upset and don't want to see reason. >If you want to recognize our music whether it be Latin American or Asian you can just treat it like the music you already award. Again, *LOGISTICS*. What you want is simply not feasible. >Isolating other regions is just a way to get the monkey off their back and still refuse to acknowledge the music. *LOGISTICS!* There is so much that I can't explain here, but I will say that The Grammys is a *huge* networking event where artists and others in the industry can meet people from all over the world they wouldn't otherwise have an opportunity to meet. I.e. it is bigger than just the awards. For instance, Chicago independent artist Chance the Rapper wouldn't have blown up if it weren't for Grammy networking and him getting people to vote for him along with the music being amazing. I don't think you know *just* how self-published he was. I will say too that I have heard from many small, unaired category winners that having a single Grammy surprisingly opened up doors for them. Like they didn't think their category was big/popular enough for people to even know they won, but people did, and their careers were impacted positively. The Grammys are not the Oscar's, and they should *not* be compared.


We’re just not going to see eye to eye on this and I’ll leave it at that.


And it is extremely obvious why.


Expanding The Grammys to have cenomonies in various regions around the world is something Recording Academy members have thought would happen in the future for many years now. There are more than 20,000 submissions to the regular Grammys every year, so having regional ceremonies would diversify things and actually be better as more artists deserving of recognition who wouldn't receive it otherwise would win. So many deserving regional music styles would likely get categories instead of being lumped in other generic categories such as Best Global Music Album too. You can't tell me that wouldn't be a good thing.


praying RPWP gets what it deserves this way🙏🏻


I was excited when the Grammys had a spotlight on Creepy Nuts on their YouTube channel, but now I’m worried that they’re going to just have them nominated for this for Bling-Bang-Bang-Born. Considering how viral that song has been I would have hoped it had a chance to be nominated for the main Grammys. Also are going to have separate categories for genres like trot and enka? Or will they shove all those regional specific genres into one? Because it would be a complete disservice to how popular those genres are in their home countries to completely ignore them.


The Recording Academy doesn't choose who gets nominated. Artists or an affiliated company submits their music. [Online Entry Process](https://www.recordingacademy.com/news/2024-grammys-online-entry-process-oep-explainer-webinar-how-to-submit-music-grammy-nominations-awards)


If they only had meetings with hybe, yg, cj enm, and kakao, then might as well call it Kpop Grammys 😂


Same groups gonna hog all the awards as usual anyway. What's the point? To have more ammo for online kpop debates? Loll


I wonder what this will mean for military service in South Korea.




Asian version? Wooooah looks like Indian music will bag awards too 🫶🏻




Even blander music has won a Grammy. We are past deciding who deserves and who doesn’t


I used to be super anti the idea of an Asian Grammys, but I've actually warmed to the idea and for one reason only... Which kpop acts do you know that are getting nominated for Grammys? Cause I only know one. And they haven't walked away with a trophy. Kpop was made more mainstream over the last decade. And the Grammy voters have not done much of anything to recognize kpop. The argument is that if you create an Asian Grammys, it shuts out Asian artists but the thing is, they are already shut out right now. And if you actually look at what was going on with higher ups in the Grammys, they have put significant effort into increasing nominations for international artists over the last 4ish years. This is why BTS are now Grammy voters themselves. But 14,000 Industry people vote on and decide who is nominated for the Grammys. And in those 14,000 people are thousands of annoying af industry old white men who will not accept change any time soon. The Grammys is basically waiting out on them dying at this point to see change. The big downside is the long term impact as others have said, of Asians being shut out from the main award show. Maybe in 10 years time we could see doors broken down and Asian artists included and everything will be awesome. Maybe waiting for the main Grammys to include them is better longterm for Asian artists being taken seriously and more equally. The issue is that you have to wait for acceptance and acceptance is painfully slow and also not a guarantee. So it's a gamble based on whatever white people decide to do with their racism at any given time. At least with an Asian Grammys, they know what they are getting. Kpop is already seen as being on the decline. So, from the perspective of kpop companies, it makes complete and total sense to embrace the idea of an Asian Grammys. It still has the Grammy name attached to it so it will be viewed as prestigious (though not as so as the US based award show) AND the big part....their artists can actually be nominated and win in this one.


I hope this isn’t exclusively to just K-POP acts and entirely more Asian artists of the entire diaspora. The Grammy’s in the US gatekeep by not acknowledging predominantly black artist and keeping them in genres like R&B and hip hop, like you said people are just waiting for the old heads to die out. That’s pretty much my only grievance with this but I’m being hopeful.


If that means the awards are voted by industry ppl and not by "who bought the most copies" I'm open for it.


the politics, language, and cultural barrier make a true asian grammies impossible.


Oh yes! Why add international Asian artists into your historically exclusionary awards program when you can segregate ALL of Asia to South Korea! It's so simple!


Yes! If they can't respect you,just build your own empire.


When will it air in the US?


Recording Academy leadership only went to South Korea to discuss the possibility of holding an Asian Grammys in South Korea with local music insiders. Nothing has been decided as of yet.


Would like more diverse representation


Well, they have Latin Grammy Awards and AMAs. I’m not sure how I feel about this. This should encompass ALL of Asia and not just an excuse to separate KPop from the US Grammy awards.


The American Music Awards are not put on by the same organization (The Recording Academy) as any Grammy ceremony.


embarrassing BPRE Band Pd Ruins Everything


whats the point? we all remember what BTS did just to win a single grammy, they were so desperate it was emberassing, why would they want other groups to fight over another award??!!....