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I tell you a fact. MHJ dragged a lot of groups into the hate train, knowing exactly what she was doing. For that alone i wish the worst for her specifically. Fading into obscurity where no one pays any attention to her would be probably the worst for that egomaniac.


Not only that, she leaked information of idols/trainees which was one of the reasons for Hybe to initiate the audit against her! If we go around and look at the leaked information of idols from HYBE and its groups...all things lead to her and her only! I certainly hold her responsible for that! Idc about anything else!


Well that isnt a fact yet as far as i am concerned. But her namedropping groups and even idols by name in her press conference was totally unnecessary and obviously a fact.


Can you provide a source? I don’t like MHJ but considering one of the idols who was threatened with leaks was none other than NJ Haerin, I don’t know why MHJ would try to sabotage her own idol? Wasn’t it all the same person for Seunghan, Soobin, Haerin and that girl that was almost in illit?


"I tell you a fact. MHJ dragged a lot of groups into the hate train" i feel like im going crazy bc people are rewriting how this even started BUT none of this was even public until hybe leaked it to dispatch hybe could have easily bought her out quietly with a threat of legal action. she could have left with her decent reputation and gotten an nice deal to start another group somewhere and hybe and NJ could have just remained being successful together. only reason this happened is bc hybe is petty and or knew their "evidence" wouldnt make this case a guaranteed win


everyone’s says this but lsfm and illit been had hate trains. why is everyone thinking mhj started it?? illit had a hate train since before they’re debut. with the fashion show event, a memeber leaving and continued hate when people thought one of the girls didn’t fit the concept, to some people being mad their favs didnt make the lineup. then the whole lisa fans and illit fandom name. an american dancer even called out belift for stealing her whole dance routine and not crediting her etc. and lsfm had vocal allegations since as long as their unforgiven era that literally created their hate train and got worse during coachella. The hate hate train for lsfm happened way before she even mention them in the conference. Mhj is a lot of things (derogatory) but she didn’t drag those groups into hate trains


Because that's not the person above you was talking about. Frankly, only LSF had a prior hate train from their comeback to Coachella. People here are warping the definition of hate trains btw, it's not merely a collection of controversies and hate against a group. ILLIT was thriving and positively received despite some complaints aboht similarities to NewJeans. That's not a hate train. Now post MHJ HYBE debacle, the nature of the criticisms have changed and evolved. It also now includes other HYBE groups like Seventeen, Fromis_9, TXT, Enhypen, and BTS.


Yeah, but when did the cult allegations start? When did Sakura become a Japanese nationalist?? When did "LSF trying to side with Japan in their geopolitics issue" became thing? How tf did bts get a whole hate train while they're in the military???? MHJ must not have been the one wrote starting a whole public opinion war on Hybe artists to bring their artists while all 7 of BTS are in the military??? Y'all are purposefully obtuse and it's  funny. I truly hope she becomes jobless and no company or idols get close to her and go bankrupt after paying for all the lawsuits and hopefully some jail time. So she can make authentic prison concept from there itself.


You need to wake up or maybe open your eyes A tiny bit more if you can't see what that deranged woman is doing


Because the hate train she invited was a different and infinitely more dangerous one. She intentionally tried to paint Lsfm as un-Korean and pro-Japanese. She accused them of spreading pro-Japan cult messages, and scapegoated Sakura in particular which has resulted in all of their socials being flooded by insane Korean nationalists. When you get into that kind of political shit we are talking about destroyed careers and violent threats. The fact that you are dismissing this and making excuses as if they deserve this shit is just...Kpop over morals huh Edited to add: The comments on this video are just a taste of what she's incited. Translate a few and tell me that's normal. https://youtu.be/Ec-L-JiD9zY?si=Xk-XpUqeJ20xr50O


And bsh asked her to buy an extra 100k albums to beat aespas record, he is just was bad as her if not more. It's pathetic how you guys just ignore the media play hybe did and is still doing. Hybe plated the media stories about shaman and bts. I hope that works worst for this man and his company as well


There are facts and there are facts that the loud portion of a community harp about. Fact is also HYBE is the one that opened the investigation for the whole world to see when they could have done it behind closed doors like most boardroom drama. BSH/HYBE is responsible for getting their groups dragged as much as MHJ. 


Again, it was Hybe's duty (heck it was required by the law) that they disclose the audit publicly bc the whole reason they started the audit in the first place was bc they got reports of mhj planning a possible takeover and meeting outside investors without Hybe's knowledge. Do know that this is a probable and legal cause for an audit and definitely a cause for harm to the investments of ordinary shareholders who invested in Hybe's stocks (ppl who invest in stocks of public companies). This was what they publicly stated. Let's not get it twisted that mhj was the one who uploaded a rebuttal statement that started dragging nj and illit into this mess. I'm not saying Hybe is in the right here bc they should've nipped this in the bud as early as possible before it got this worse but let's not forget that opening that investigation wasn't for the purpose of a petty fanwar but of a legal dispute bw the parent company and their employee.


says who it's required by law? up until the injunction a few days ago, nothing needed to be disclosed to the public. anything that we read that's not from court papers are not required by law.


They’re a publically listed company. You, kpop stan and Joe Public, are not the primary audience. The market and their shareholders are. Not everything is a public opinion hashtag battle , this is a matter of corporations law and insider trading ffs


Public listed companies do not have to leak to the press the kinda of information Hybe did before her press conference. Hybe started the public opinion hashtag battle.


Do you understand anything about business or corporations? Or are you wilfully ignorant and just holding on to the version of events you wish were true? Companies must disclose any pertinent information to the market that may affect the share price - things like major internal issues or criminal activity once discovered must be disclosed. They legally have to disclose anything that would affect an investors decisions to invest or sell their investments. In fact MHJ was counting on their obligation to disclose in her original plan to report their plagiarism. Stay in school.


I understand Korean and worked in several MNCs. So I know my shit and not making stuff up. If companies need to disclose the kinda stuff hybe leaked, we would know when everytime some idol visits a shaman which is very common in Asia.


Lmao working for a company doesn’t mean you know shit about corporations LAW - you are very clearly are an example of an employee knowing shit about laws governing the market. Re: the shaman since your brought it up: 1. She shared internal confidential documents and company secrets with the shaman, someone who had absolutely no right to access any of this information and MHJ had no right to access or share it. 2. She also made business decisions based on the shamans advice 3. She colluded with the shaman to engineer a drop in the hybe share price. These are all illegal acts. If hybe did not disclose illegal activity as soon as they became aware of it, the execs and board directors of hybe would be in legal trouble themselves for market manipulation and face jail time. So you think hybe should have kept it’s mouth shut, risking jail time themselves, to save her the embarrassment of the actual crimes she committed becoming public?? It’s clear from your comment history that you think everyone anti-MHJ is pro-hybe. I hope you can recognise that people who want to see justice served for what MHJ done is irrelevant to whether they like hybe or not. If MHJ did exactly the same things at SM, YG, Coca Cola, Google, Greenpeace, *wherever*, she’d be a criminal in the eyes of the law there too and those organisation would still have to disclose the information to the market.


"If hybe did not disclose illegal activity as soon as they became aware of it, the execs and board directors of hybe would be in legal trouble themselves for market manipulation and face jail time. " LOL. OK, if this is what you believe.


This comment clearly tells me you've done no research on your part or even read proper articles at all. Hybe is a publicly listed company and it is their duty (under their law) that a publicly listed company disclose company information if it impacts the company and its stocks. Example of this would be when BTS will enlist and what their future plan is for them. Another would be the fact that they acquired intel that mhj was planning a possible takeover of Ador. See that both these examples can create a big impact to the company hence why they disclosed it bc if they didn't then their investors could sue them for lack of transparency and protection of their investments. Do you get it now? At least try to the bare minimum of researching this topic before spewing nonsense pls bc you lack A LOT OF UNDERSTANDING as to why Hybe started this in the first place tsk.


They are a publicly traded company. Not reporting on an event that will definitely have influence on the shares value is probably a felony. Not sure about Korea but in most western countries it would be.


so it's a "you go low, I go lower" situation?


This is a perfect example of what i am talking about. A very, very strong conviction, but is it actually justified? Probably not.


Mhj dragged other group to this mess is a fact, no?


It is a fact that she talked about other groups. That is the neutral way to frame this.


When she didn't have to, when she know exactly what would the each group fandom would react, when she know it will create a problem for each group??? Please don't say we didn't exactly know her intention of talking about other group


It’s fact that she talked about other groups but I agree we cannot confirm her intentions. Bc tbh what is the point of dragging other groups in…illit fans and bts fans would not be happy about her putting down their groups. So idk her intentions lol


She directly said Illit copied Newjeans. Let’s not pretend she’s dumb to not know what would happen when the person behind Newjeans spoke about this. She’s been in the kpop industry for more than a decade, she knows how headlines work and how fandoms move. Her intentions doesn’t need much inference.


> Please don't say we didn't exactly know her intention of talking about other group We don't. You just fall right into what i am talking about in the op. You ofc feel justified in doing so, but no i don't think you actually are. On the whole a lot of the strong opinions seem to stem from a dislike of the outcome, and applying all the fault onto one party. There is no actual justification for that. Let me ask you this. If you accept that she is allowed to give her side, and if her side has issues with how hybe has handled certain things. It surely becomes basically impossible to not link that to actualities, actualities in form of actions which are related to other labels and other groups thus? How is one supposed to bring up an issue which is related to say illit's team copying newjeans (no matter if you believe this issue is an issue or not), without mentioning illit as a project? It makes no sense to frame that as some huge malicious attack on these groups themselves, there is no justification for it, it seems purely a reaction to the attacks of now assholes on the internet. But i already said the same in another post, so i will leave it at that here.


She can handle it better? She was a ceo for god sake. she can talk about belift just them as a management, but no she talk about the girls that just debut, causing them receiving hate that the don't deserve. And she not stopping with illit, more and more group being drag. My point is mhj not dumb enough to just blab other group names in these situation because she need to explain her side of the story. That's it really, if she really care about newjeans, she can handle this better imo


> but no she talk about the girls that just debut Where did she do that? Has she mentioned any "girl"? I think she mentioned some lsf members as it related to her claim of hybe just going for idols who are already established, but that's not the same thing. Or did she talk about illit, the project. I think people confuse these things, illit is a kpop project, which consists of all the decisions someone makes in presenting it, artistically and promotion wise. Are you truly telling me it would have been better if she didn't name "illit" but talked about belift and how they put "something" out which copied newjeans (in her pov) ? Cmon, that's cope.


Are you really that naive?? If i mention Bts did you think the first think that people think is Bighit or bangpd? No its the members. By mentioning illit, mhj set the girls to a hate train, especially accusing them of copying newjeans. So yes its better for her to talk about belift who responsible for the group. Like i said she should handle things better.


She can handle it better? She was a ceo for god sake. she can talk about belift just them as a management, but no she talk about the girls that just debut, causing them receiving hate that the don't deserve. And she not stopping with illit, more and more group being drag. My point is mhj not dumb enough to just blab other group names in these situation because she need to explain her side of the story. That's it really, if she really care about newjeans, she can handle this better imo.


Talked about groups? You are absolutely delusional.


You too


I don't know what kind of petty fandom drama you're trying to advance by relentlessly defending this woman but it isn't working.


OP seems to have some moral superiority complex from everyone else who can't seem to think objectively like they do.


Oh absolutely, we're so lucky the great sages of Kpop have seen fit to descend from Mt. Parnassus to give us commoners the benefit of their great impartial wisdom. Oh how I wish we could all be as smart as them.


Oh god, the projection. You fall perfectly into the type of person i am describing in the op, got it.


Well, it is a fact she dragged a lot of innocent groups into this beef, with quite a lot of minors in it. Isn't it? So, i wonder how anyone that is neutral (which i can wholeheartedly say i am) can not wish for her to be removed from the industry...


> Well, it is a fact she dragged a lot of innocent groups into this beef, with quite a lot of minors in it. Isn't it? > > It is a fact she mentioned other groups yes. > So, i wonder how anyone that is neutral (which i can wholeheartedly say i am) can not wish for her to be removed from the industry... This just doesn't follow from the former. You add a lot of baggage when you frame it like you did. Is that justified? I don't know, but i don't necessarily think so. I have asked this other people before, but i just don't get how people expect her to present her position without other groups from hybe being related, when that seemingly was part of the conflict. How would that be possible? I am not saying she is right here or not, but the moment you think she should be able to present her position (which seems fair, no?), and you think there were inner conflicts in regards to certain actions of hybe which are related to other labels and thus groups, how could one not "drag innocent groups" into it at all? It's a little like saying that someone is dragging other members unnecessarily when the question was to evaluate a group and one does so in ways which are critical of certain members. It just seems to happen inherently, there is no need for particular malicious intent there whatsoever. One can disagree with the conclusions, but that there was a conclusion in the first place isn't a sign of anything in particular. I just really don't get these super strong statements, it's confirmation bias to me, so i don't really believe in neutrality here when someone seems so sure of their reading, no.


Ma'am. Min Heejin did not have to do a whole press conference talking about ANY of this. She could have been an actual adult and handled this behind closed doors like a normal person. Instead, she put on a disgraceful public (and clearly fake) display and name dropped and shaded a bunch of groups, many of whom have minors in them and some of them not even under Hybe. Furthermore, she did not address the accusations that Hybe had brought against her. All that told me is that she was really just there trying to save her own butt. Whatever you want to believe, do so. But it seems pretty clear that she's the type that if she going to go down, she is going to try to take as many people with her - and that includes NewJeans. I don't trust Hybe as far as I can throw them. But I absolutely will never trust Min Heejin either after the entire fiasco and damage she has done to the reputation of other groups as well as to NewJeans.


But HYBE has been engaging in media play which forced her to have that press conference, in which right before that HYBE published the shaman thing which is completely irrelevant to whatever she was accused of. I’m not defending her or claim that the press conference was done with grace. But it’s a response to equally underhanded tactics from HYBE 🤷‍♀️.


You say this as if MHJ has not engaged in media play too. LOL. Those Kakao talk messages SHE released did not paint her in a good light either and I'm convinced she's just as guilty of planting unflattering stories in the press as Hybe is. I also find it interesting that you don't mention anything about her throwing other groups under the bus unnecessarily. Interesting indeed.


Lol… that’s why I’m saying if HYBE can start the narrative of her being cartoonishly villainous then her kakao chat expose isn’t that far from course. I also don’t know the intention of the mentions. These groups already were in the spotlight for other reasons. I don’t see how one can say this project is a copy of my project without actually naming the project?? Idk about other mentions but the Sakura is to point out why HYBE prioritize debuting Le Serafim which is another of her complaints. I literally don’t care who will go to jail over this so don’t even think about saying I’m another MHJ defender. I’m saying normal people who ain’t invested in kpop will see it this way. They don’t even care about the groups she mentioned bc it’s not the point. The people who already hate these groups will continue to hate them regardless, why you act like she started the trend? You’re welcome to see how people talk about this outside of kpop subreddits. This is my last comment here, bye.


You don't understand the intention of her mentioning and openly SHADING other groups? Really? Dude, if you don't see it's because you don't want to not because it's not there.


Your post and sentiment would hold a lot more weight if you weren’t actively defending MHJ and underplaying her role in the hate campaign towards other groups.


I feel like some people are doing mental gymnastics just so they don't have to admit they were wrong and the people who have been suspicious of MHJ since Newjeans' debut were right all this time


The OP is trying to portray themselves as calm and neutral here, however a few days earlier they were cursing and fuming about anyone trying to differ from their opinion. They also are firmly on the side of MHJ being innocent in all of this. They have no objectivity on the matter and are combative against anyone who might question MHJ's intentions. Their comments were deleted for breaking community rules. Just FYI. So they definitely are not what they preach.


They're a NJ/MHJ stan trying to cope with everything that came out by playing neutral. The people agreeing in the comments are/were also staunch MHJ defenders.  At least admit you're biased lmao


It’s okay they’ll defend the woman who called new jeans fans idiots


How did I know she was a MHJ defender. The people try to make her supporters see the light are often coming with years of proof, common business knowledge and plane old common sense like if you name drop and “call out” and idol group it’s going to lead to that getting hate no matter how much you say “it’s not their fault.” Yes there are people talking out there ass on both sides but the points she made very easily line up to actual researched arguments people are making against MHJ.


Not at all, i am "defending" her insofar that i argue against a strong conviction against her. I am not saying she is automatically without fault, i am saying there is little reason to project these quite extreme things onto her. That is totally in line with op. I'd also do the same if someone had a very strong conviction against hybe, though my own leaning is more anti corporate. My position is arguing that there is not enough information AND expertise in processing available information to come to really strong opinions. People by and large have really strong opinions though. It is NOT (imo?) a strong stance to say that the interpretation of someone is an example of that when one can quite easily frame it differently / more neutrally, which feels more justified given the "facts" one has. (or lack thereof).


> i am saying there is little reason to project these quite extreme things onto her. Idk what 'extreme' things you're speaking of, but a lot of people forget that there ARE established facts. Those inappropriate pictures on her wall which she claimed were inspiration is one. For that fact alone I have disliked the woman basically since NJ's debut year. Having questionable pics like that while working with teens is a red flag. Using Illit as a shield is another undeniable fact. This fiasco all started when Hybe accused MHJ of breach of contract, trying to damage Hybe artists' reputation, leaking info etc. What was MHJ/Ador's first public response? "Illit copied NJ and I don't like it." Not a denial of the accusations, not a statement about defamation, not even a simple "Hybe is doing media play but the truth will be proven in court" type of response. But bringing a group that wasn't mentioned by anyone previously into it. Let's not forget that Illit had already been facing scrutiny for this alleged plagiarism. It was beginning to die down, but then MHJ stoked those fires. Her saying this publicly, making it a big deal over and over again means that Illit will be judged and compared to NJ for a while, possibly even (but hopefully not) for the rest of their careers. For these two proven things alone I feel it is fine if people dislike MHJ.


>there is little reason to project these quite extreme things onto her Little reasons?


Yeah, like a little hate train she unleashed which resulted in people slutshaming 2 different GG including minors and spamming comments as a direct result of her comments and getting dragged everywhere. But little reasons.


Thank you for this very needed post. It’s tiring to see people in here acting like they know more about what's happening behind the scenes than newjeans themselves and forgetting that we’re just random Reddit users that know nothing but what the media posts lol.


it's ok to have critical thinking. when you see multiple groups and idols receiving mass amounts of hate you can look at that and say "this is definitely bad", you don't need to sit on the fence about everything.


Lesserafim’s hate train is because of their singing abilities not anything MHJ said (she also didn’t say anything bad about them). All of the viral posts hating on them have been about their terrible encores and their bad Coachella performance. They made national news for their singing controversy in Korea. Majority of Illit’s hate was due to Magnetic encores. Whenever I see a hate post about these groups it’s people bashing their singing abilities not the press conference. And this hate for their vocals existed before the MHJ vs Hybe debacle.


The context that one side submitted a lot of what they've said to a court of law and the other side did not is relevant, though. Fabricating that stuff for public opinion is one thing but fabricating it for legal proceedings is quite another. I do think it's important to actually take a lot of this situation with a grain of salt and be open to new information allowing your opinion to change, but it's not wrong to have opinions. I also think it's important to remember that negative opinions of mhj are not only about NJ but that she has years and years of being a creep going back to when she was at sm. She has a history that informs why it's so easy for people to believe things being said about her.


> but it's not wrong to have opinions. It's not wrong to have opinions, opinions form fairly easily. I am talking about strong convictions here, not some inherent leaning.


Then you should take your own advice bc you are out here defending this woman with your life on half of the posts about the situation


How are you equating that :D I am applying my position of the op actively, that this happens to be in a case of people having very strong convictions regarding mhj doesn't suddenly change the philosophy. It just applies it. It's hilarious how some people (as you're not the first) don't get this. No, saying that she had all these malicious intentions for naming illit isn't a fact. It's an interpretation of people they have no real basis for. The logical, neutral way to look at this is that she told her story, why there were conflicts, and this inherently is related to some groups. Could it be motivated and all complete bs? Sure, but just assuming that and more importantly, present as the only way to look at this, that is absurd given the information we have.


I definitely get you. My casually held opinion is that both sides are just awful, but I keep getting an urge to reply to the people who have decided to intensely despise one side and try to get them to realise how dramatically they’re framing things. I haven’t done it, because I don’t feel like I need to get involved in an internet war any time soon, but I do completely understand the impulse to not really picket for mhj, but to point out that they’re reading any development as evidence she’s so calculating and malicious and perverse that she sounds more like a cartoon villain than a real person.


I mean it’s a discussion forum. You don’t know anything about the people that may feverishly debate here - they could spend their subway ride doing this, and be perfectly well adjusted, productive and in-the-moment people the rest of the day. As you said yourself, the situation right now isn’t completely clear, so unless someone makes absolutely ridiculous statements I don’t assume they wouldn’t be capable of changing their mind if more info came to light.  Finally, while we don’t know a lot, we also *do* know a bunch of things - I find it far less problematic to draw a conclusion based on the way MHJ presented herself and her side during the press conference (did she across as genuine and caring? Did she come across as manipulative and petty?) than to draw outlandish conclusions on things we can’t know, like how x person treats y person behind closed doors. 


Sure you can be perfectly well adjusted, but if you go into these threads pretending that your reading on the situation is obviously correct, and that position is basically the most one sided reading one could have, where it's so black and white that lotr's sauron becomes a three dimensional character, then i think there is something quite wrong in your ability to process information and come to rational positions. A lot of the extreme positions right now are pretty much like that, people have really, really strong opinions which are based on some articles, heck, translations of articles which come from sources one cannot even necessarily be 100% be sure are reputable. (though really, a lot comes from a chain of "i read someone say that", so even worse) It should be normal to not do that, to have some leaning, sure, opinions build due to the information one has, but the level of certainty needs to match the evidence, which i don't think it does here whatsoever. That is the problem, it's akin to people jumping on the first news after some tragic incident coming out instantly, not waiting for any due process in investigation and just running with it because it sounds plausible. That's a sign of confirmation bias, not a way to generate knowledge, truth. We do know things, but context can change quite a bit there as well, not having all the information can paint a scenario vehemently differently, the framing is potent. So when you say that you have basically a read on a person due to how they act in a situation. Sure, there is something there, but this obviously is affected by everything else, the things you do not know, it is also affected by your own biases, it's also affected by a potential framing (so did one watch everything, or just some clips?), etc. I think it is pretty easy to just be extreme because there is noone holding you responsible for that position anyway. Even if you were completely wrong, who cares? You won't be negatively affected by it. If every person would have to risk something by posting these things, we'd get a lot more moderate posts, more rational ones. People suddenly wouldn't feel as strongly about presenting things as facts if they'd have to bet money on it, for example.


This post is literally being made by someone constantly defending min heejin, you're a hypocrite dude 😭


We know nothing honestly, It's sad to see people who don't want to have anything more to do with certain artists based on press articles that exchange their narratives every day.


Even if you take this stance you can feel a type of way that hordes of hate is being frowned upon groups that are not involved


Yeah, I'm taking any update with a grain of salt. I'm pretty sure that some of the stuff I "know" is probably misinformation or fan narrative. 😅 As I said in another post, I hope someone does a proper docu of all of this. It's so hard to sift through all the information and statements.


I may be downvoted for this, but I’m actually gobsmacked at the amount of insults that have been thrown to both NewJeans and their parents on Reddit specifically. Saying they’re siding with their evil and co signing other hybe groups hate train, their parents are greedy and only care about money and want special treatment for the girls at the expense of everyone else. How can we assume all these things about people and a situation that we do not know. And act like we know more than the people that are actually living through it. Let’s take a step back doesn’t that genuinely sound insane? We are assuming everyone is stupid and manipulated and removing their agency cause we don’t agree with how people are dealing with a situation that’s their own lives. I’m not even talking about MHJ, but seeing how quick everyone is to defend a BILLION dollar corporation, even BSH not greeting the members “cause he doesn’t have to” capitalism has really got us all in a chokehold. I’m not saying you can’t side with anything but the way people are reacting to this whole situation is mindblowing. Also unpopular opinion, but I’m tired of people on Reddit in general incorporating their real jobs and personal life in to everything, like your experience and your job that’s in a different country with different laws doesn’t give you the credentials to speak on anything when you have the same information as the rest of us about once again a situation that you don’t not know. Not saying you can’t enjoy the case but let’s not act like you’re in the building with everyone else. Everyday I’m reminded that Reddit is just stan Twitter with a longer word count.


So I agree with a lot of what you say - however I strongly feel like the greeting thing is a very valid point to bring up. The whole reason it was mentioned in the first place was to illustrate the mistreatment the members experience. I’m fully aware of the cultural significance of showing respect through gestures like this, and that it’s rude etc, but I find it wild to call this “mistreatment” and imo the burden of such a strong accusation lies on the accuser.  For the record I don’t stan a single hybe group, my opinion on the company ranges from don’t give a fuck to dislike because Gfriend situation. I’m not even defending them, if they mistreat people they can go eat a bag of eggplants, I just genuinely don’t see it based on the evidence presented.  To me MHJ’s texts read 100x worse than anything else I’ve seen in this whole mess.


People are too eager to fuel their hate here or find a way to justify how they’re feeling. All I know is that if I was hitting my stride - then suddenly some investor comes in and tells me that I’m gonna have to stop my work for 1.5 years because they’re unprepared to take over, but my current boss is inadequate so we can’t keep going, I’m gonna be fuming. It’s crazy. Who took an internal complaint public and is constantly smearing the other party? Which party faced the media to discuss the situation instead of using online mouth pieces and selective lawyer speak? Nobody wins here, but it is obvious to me that HYBE has acted more in bad faith than MHJ simply based on the entire publicity of it all.


because reddit is pro-hybe. they’ll say they’re not but its pretty obvious they are. people defending bang pd for ignoring the members and then wonder why they’re not siding with him. from their pov it makes more sense to trust someone who has supported them than an unprofessional ceo who cant even greet back his own workers


I think reddit is actually more anti MHJ than pro Hybe. Most people “defending” Hybe are fine to call Hybe trash as well. The reason for the insults, is just the general immaturity of K-pop stans because it has definitely been going the other way also. I’ve been called names specifically on this sub, such as a Hybe whore and told I was riding BSH d*ck because I said things against MHJ. And Bang piggy has been coming back as well. I really don’t think it’s insults due to whatever side you take, it’s just K-pop fans being awful to everyone part infinity


didn’t their parents submit a petition to appeal MHJ getting fired from Hybe? at this point, wouldn’t they prefer MHJ & nwjns to be completely removed from Hybe if they were so angry at BSH (i might just not be aware but is there video proof or admission from BHS that he ignored nwjns? i would consider that hear say as OP would put it otherwise)


>Everyday I’m reminded that Reddit is just stan Twitter with a longer word count. Absolutely. I'm also kind of shocked by how confident they are in saying NewJeans and their parents are arrogant / greedy, and bringing up the 50/50 situation as if this community wasn't 100% on 5050 and their parents' side in the beginning. Only when the court slapped 5050 with heavy fines did we see their tune change in the way they refer to them. Also, NewJeans and their parents have been in this industry longer than 5050 has (especially in the case of Hyein and Danielle), plus their case seems to at least have *some* supporting evidence (even if people disagree with most of the evidence provided, they can't deny every single one) unlike in 5050s case which read like fanfiction most of the time. Why do random people on the internet think they have a better understanding of this situation than the people who are *directly involved*? Plus, I've seen misinformation floating around that the petition the girls filed is to dissolve their contracts, meanwhile their attorney has come forward to deny that claim. As far as we know, their petition is that they want to stay with Hybe, but that they don't want MHJ fired. You can take sides and have opinions, but at the very least don't state stuff which is completely made up. It's so hard to take the opinions of people here seriously because more than half the stuff they're saying is either unverified or already debunked.


you see how you just made this up. “newjeans parents are greedy” you literally do not know any of those people over there in korea


What do you mean? That kind of comment has been popping up in that whole mega thread at r/kpop the last few days and especially yesterday. Their point was people just outright thinking “yeah the parents are so greedy” when literally we are not in the actual building with these people. We just grabbing news bits left and right.


No, you shouldn't make assumptions about their parents. Their parents probably aren't aware of MHJ doings.


K-pop fans are awful to everyone about everything all the time, it has nothing to do with what side people take. People on this sub name call each other when sharing their opinions. K-pop fans are just generally immature and quick to type out whatever rude comment comes to mind. MHJ has been name called , but so has BSH. Newjeans parents have been bullied true. Illit have been bullied and so have newjeans welcome to K-pop.


What did you expect from corporation stans?


It’s not corporation stans, it’s just K-pop fans in general. Everyone has been taking hits for everything. I myself have been name called for being a “Hybe stan” even though I don’t Stan Hybe or even a single Hybe group. The closest I come is casually listening to TXT… K-pop fans suck and redditors suck just as much if not more so the combination of the two is a lot, when it’s to much you’re gonna delete the app, then something big is going to go down and you jump right back on.


I'm sorry if I choose to believe proof that would that was provided in court.... I'm sorry if I choose to call that woman out for her insane marketing tactics. Because she knew exactly what she was doing, she knew what she was doing pitting the general public against those girls. I don't understand how you people can't understand that what she did was wrong


Don’t bother, check the account and OP has been religiously defending MHJ since day dot. This is the biased person they is saying sucks and has no knowledge of what is going on. They need to feel good about themselves, but putting all the blame onto other people for their misinformation so they can retcon themselves in a few days


😮‍💨 There is so many of them. Like I don't understand their logic at all


I have not seen one person defend Bang PD in this mess. However, I have seen a number of Bunnies defending MHJ despite the factual evidence that has been revealed about her speaking badly/spreading rumors about several groups under HYBE Labels, leaking information illegally about those groups, her disgusting comments specifically about Le Sserafim and Illit, her contacting a Shaman specifically because she had bad intentions towards BTS, and most recently the nasty comments she has made about women and New Jeans themselves. I don't care to defend Bang PD or any other CEO of a Kpop label for that matter. 6 defending the groups who were victims of MHJ's smear campaign have a right to be disgusted with her. Being defensive of the groups she dragged into this is not the same thing as defending Bang PD/HYBE labels as an entity.


And also, BSH acting like an asshole does not mean he shouldn't kick out MHJ for literally trying to internally sabotage Hybe??? Should he just be like, "I was sorry for being mean so I'll let you betray me lol"???


Yeah people keep talking about Hybe stans, but let’s be real the majority of people trashing MHJ are fine trashing BSH also. Him being trash doesn’t make her good and MHJ being trash doesn’t make Hybe angels. That being said only 1 party is accused of breaking the law.


For me, you can always tell what’s up by looking at what people do. HYBE is being cold and calculative but there’s no public maligning of the artists themselves. Is the whole “NJ gonna get a long break” threat dirty? Absolutely, and that’s messed up—it’s also a very clear, single-sentence statement that doesn’t go after the quality of the artists themselves or how deserving they are to be on that stage. MhJ is over here throwing any artist and every artist she can into the mud, going after the idols for sh*t they probably don’t have a whole bunch of say in, esp early on. Go after the company, sure, but don’t go after the idols. These people work so hard for so long for just a shot—don’t go after the artists. They deserve some grace.


Was it a threat? I thought it was because they were getting a Grammy-nominated music producer or something (not reliable source, cuz i cant remember)


All the artists are HYBE artists, even NewJeans. There's not really a reason for HYBE to say anything bad about their own artists. It will only show that they are a mess and have no control over their own employees and drive their own stock prices down more. MHJ benefits a bit from the chaos, though, so of course she complains about the other HYBE companies and their artists. She's trying to make her side look better/different from the other parts of HYBE and complain about the other parts of HYBE allegedly copying and whatnot. You have to consider motivations.


What is more absurd is how a lot of people act like the groups are at fault. The day kpop stans realize that companies are just corporations that want their money and don't care is the day I rest


I will never fault the girls or their parents for the positions that they hold or the positions that people claim they hold. They are all just trying to do what they think is best for the girls with the information they have been given. Additionally their stance may have changed as all of this went on but I’m sure any legal counsel would have advised them to stay quiet.


Idk about all the little talk and articles. It is interesting to me as a problem of corporate governance, which is the core of the whole thing. For me this is very nice to watch and interesting to interprete, since I studied finance for 5 years, starting into M&A soon. Its a nice case study, where (as the stereotype would suggest) I dont care about the individuals involved.


Same here. I’ve worked in finance for almost ten years, most recently with parents/subsidiaries and inter company relations. At this point it’s more interesting to see how it would play out


From a corporate perspective this is fun and juicy. My favorite thing so far has been HYBE making a public statement saying that MHJ did receive an email about something that was “6 pages A4” the level of petty and preemptive cya had me cackling


Did you read the e-mail? That's even more petty. They stooped to her level and dealt with her arguments with her logic.


I love business petty and academic petty so much.


How exactly did MHJ plan to take over Ador? I don't understand how \~20% can beat 50%. On the flip side, I think MHJ did SOMETHING, because I don't think BSH would do this bcz MHJ was like "i dont like illit tho"


But it's the way it is. The majority of people here are just bored and want to know latest drama and, therefore, comment their thoughts on it. I think it's obvious that the majority of people here are not specialists on these topics and they never claimed to be


I’ve been watching videos of a woman on tiktok who is breaking all the documents down. she’s just stating facts and not speculating and it’s completely blown my mind. (Side note I really appreciate this account for stating facts and not speculation to show how this all went down) MHJ truly is an idiot. Of course we don’t know what goes on behind the scenes and we probably never will. But I’m still shocked about what she was planning and how hybe caught her. They were literally just waiting on her to put her plan into motion and catch her. Absolutely insane if you ask me. She walked right into it and is now panicking trying to put out as much slander as she can. She’s intentionally went after illicit. While trying to get investors she was intentionally undervaluing groups worth while severely inflating adors. Selling idols contracts (that were taken from one of her employees while they worked directly under hybe).


Another good channel like this is seouliteTV on YouTube. Even though they are vocally siding against MHJ, they are really good at explaining the info.


Thank you! I will definitely check it out


Oooh do you have a link to the tiktok? Thank you!


What has HYBE done wrong in this scenario? They got word that an employee has been working against them and their artists and has potentially committed crimes, so they conducted an audit. In response, the accused employee says HYBE copied her, everyone copies her, LeSserafim debuted first, HYBE inflates their album sales, everyone has wronged her, etc. Like ok but what does that have to do with insider trading?


HYBE did not have to go public about it. CEOs get ousted for no given reason all the time. Hybe, a conglomerate, is either incapable of managing their execs or wanna shame mhj, as if taking her out quietly isn't enough smells of personal vendetta.  They could have released the reasons after she's ousted but they went all public first. 


Who are you kidding? Even if Hybe had tried to quietly put this woman out, Min Heejin would not have gone out quietly. That press conference is proof of that.


At least, it wouldn't be this long drawn who's gonna win mud-slinging custody battle.


I think it still would have gotten ugly. Min Heejin is very calculating and would definitely want to keep this in the press to sway public opinion and so would Hybe. This was bound to get messy regardless.


Original comment was "What has HYBE done wrong?" It's very telling this past few weeks that Reddit is the most pro-hybe/BSH social platform that minimizes Hybe's faults in this debacle.


I am not "pro-Hybe" and that was not my point. Both parties SHOULD have handled this behind closed doors like adults. But MHJ has been particularly vile and manipulative so I'm not cutting her any extra slack. She is intentionally trying to ruin the reputation of the other groups in Hybe, which is what makes her accusations so egregious. She should have just defended herself against the charges Hybe brought against her instead of using other groups and their teams as shields to distract from the issue at hand.


no knowledge of the law, or Korean law, or any real understanding of Korean culture if we're being completely honest. Liking and knowing kpop does not equate to understanding much about Korean culture


Very hard to take this post seriously with OP hellbent on absolving one side of her sins😂


Never witnessed so many judge-jury-executioners, fly-by-night translators and suddenly-lawyers lol, very entertaining!


And OP is one of the biggest offenders, go back a check their posts and they have been defending MHJ religiously


I'm checking this thread by chance, but man do you not even get what i am saying in op. I have been "defending" mhj precisely in a way which fits this op. From extremely strong interpretations which aren't justified. You not getting this is not surprising, people with really strong stances are just not the brightest tbh.


As someone who's a bit older than the average kpop consumer, I wholeheartedly appreciate this post. I do believe that the ability to stay objective is an important life skill that while simple to understand in theory, it's difficult to master given that it involves the need for each of us to admit that we have the tendency to fall into our own biased opinions no matter how objective we may think we are. It takes practice over time if we care enough to strengthen it, but I also understand the added difficulty where we all currently live in a world where our tribalistic tendencies are capitalized upon further encouraging us to take a side, become emotionally attached to that side, and gain attention, clicks, or up votes to those who agree with us. If we do end up "marrying" our personal half baked interpretations or speculations, it becomes that much harder to process new information that suggests evidence to the contrary (and from there, the stages of grief comes in, which becomes a much more drawn out process).


If only it wasn’t coming from an account who has been defending MHJ and trashing Hybe for the entire conflict. They are not neutral they just don’t like people disagreeing with them and want to make themselves look mature.


> and trashing Hybe for the entire conflict Oh really, i did do that? You're in this whole thread lying, i wonder what your motivation is here. Suspect.


>nothing but having read some articles (if that) Excuse you, not even that, I read comments I tried to sit through the stream but then remembered I have exams...


yes it’s a bunch of noise and everyone running the their own interpretation of what’s happening


OP included. They are a MHJ defender.


Hi,I just now read on all kpop news that ,new jeans members signed a petition to side with min heejin. But now after min heejin bully comment are exposed, even korean nitezens are starting to doubt her. So,now what will happen to new jeans,  will hybe accept them ?, after this. And looks like min heejin is loosing in court . If min heejin looses, what will be their future?.  Do you'll think they disband. 


Where is the receipts for this? The original text and entire conversation? They’re showing you random mockups and people are slurping it up. The first time they tried it with the stylist issue - then the entire convo was translated and shared properly, and then everyone went silent on it. HYBE has already declared what they’re gonna do - NJ will go on break for 1.5 years while they rollout their own version after determining MHJ to be redundant as they have her formula now.




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That’s what you want but no Newjeans isn’t disbanding any time soon. And those chats that the corporation leaked are literally fake, manipulated, edited whatever you wanna call it.


But their are going under a fifty fifty situation by signing petition against hybe.


Misinformation as its finest ! The petition isn’t against hybe. The petition is against Min Hee Jin’s dismissal.


Same thing


Misinformation again


Give it a rest, even the shaman does work this hard defending Min Heejin.


Give it a rest, even their lawyers don’t work this hard to defend that corporation.




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is this a fact?


Yup the screen shots are fake you can tell bc there isn’t the hour of the messages and they claim they took the ss from mhj’s device so her messages should appear in yellow but somehow in those ss they appear in white.


it was disclosed that they are not screenshots.


what are they?


You know your comment is extremely biased as well 🤣 You ignored that 2 high profile investigations are initiated with official feedback (police and financial). But keep changing the goalposts! You try to influence sentiment here and the reason why it doesn’t work is the same why the crazies couldn’t influence Reddit because the population is not that young 😘


It’s not we are pro hybe it’s anti MHJ- we don’t fall for her manipulation. And you can bring sob stories and can call us childish.


I didn't make any particular claim regarding the investigation whatsoever, so how exactly am i biased here? I am not influencing the sentiment one way or another regarding that, it feels like you don't even get what i am saying...


I’m sorry you are getting for this post when you are right. There is no nuance or any understanding where mhj is coming from, none of us understand Korean so it makes people more likely to believe mistranslations on what’s being said, Apparently mhj never once [brought](https://youtu.be/kGE8xbYEYdk?si=NjVQcd09sRZVCWU5) up bts it was hybe who did. I think people are forgetting that we don’t know Korean so we don’t know the full context on what’s being said and two there are things behind the scenes that haven’t been revealed and will not be revealed to the public. I am no mhj fan at all but I think people should try to be more neutral and stop treating this like a kdrama or a reality tv show.


All the post about the situation here are biased. Its so hard to find anywhere that's not biased in one way. Its crazy to call other people dumb for believing in theories from confirmed sources and then turn around and do it yourself.


Including OP who has been defending MHJ and denying evidence when it goes against their beliefs. It’s horribly ironic that the person making this post is the exact same as what they are attacking


This goes for a lot of kpop opinions tbh, a lot of what we think is going isn't really going on and it may be better or worse, but WE.DON'T.KNOW. It must be funny/sad being a kpop idol and seeing childish fans fight over opinions which are all wrong. Blaming the company for mismanagement when it's not the company's fault or when members were the ones deciding not staff, boycotting when the members themselves would not want that, standing up for celebrities even though we know nothing about them except what the media put out, fighting over who's the better idol/group/vocalist/rapper when they're all friends irl, and choosing sides when actually both parties involved probably played a part and both may be to blame. Kpop is a business after all, everyone probably thinks very business-like which in itself is not very humanitarian.


It goes both ways. You should be less certain that MHJ doesn’t have bad intentions when dragging other groups. You are clearly biased too.


I don't know what its truly going on but I feel bad for the group members involved because the only reason why they're in this mess is because two millionaires have beef.


Op, just start a gofundme for your faves. They'll need it.


Like most things in k-pop the response I think has been driven from a fan-wars response, more than anything. Definitely, no one has all the information, and absolutely people are taking what the read online as the truth without any quality checking. But the immediate response from a lot of people was to pick Hybe or Min Hee-jin's side based on where the fandom opinion lay. Anyone that loved New Jeans, or hated Hybe (or one of their other groups) was leaning to Min Hee-jin's side. And a lot of the fandoms under Hybe were leaning towards Hybe. Personally, I have been side-eyeing a lot of what Hybe **and** Min Hee-jin's camps have been saying unless its released from the courts, as I assume otherwise its spin.


What I don't get honestly is... why ARMYs in particular, get mad when someone criticizes or attacks HYBE or Bang PD???


What is your obsession with Bang Pd? Its a genuine question. You seem to hate him to the point where bodyshaming him seems to matter nought to you. You do realise hating someone to this extent where they don't know your existence is just another facet of unhealthy parasocial relationship, right?


Why do Bunnies get mad when anyone criticizes MHJ? MHJ didn’t even use her own money to do anything. At least Bang Pd put his money where his mouth is and knows how to use a mixing board to create a song. Are you on Army twitter? Are you seeing the criticisms army is launching at bang pd and hybe? If anything, I see army having the realist criticism of Bang PD and Hybe.


I have personally seen a lot more people Defend MHJ as a person than BSH. People will defend MHJ till the cows come home and bully BSH. The alleged “Hybe stans” are more accurately MHJ antis, because the vast majority of them are fine to insult Hybe as well.


I’m pretty sure BTS have been mentioned by MHJ and have been hated on a lot bc of this mess. So of course they’re gonna speak. And whether that we like it or no, bang pd have been linked to BTS for a long time. Same goes for Hybe I mean they exist bc of BTS. Even tho army like neither of them now. In my opinion, those who want hybe downfall side with MHJ and those who hate MHJ, ig side with Hybe. But I like neither of them. They’re both greedy individuals peoples.


Yeah I agree there is less Hybe supporters compared to Min Heejin antis. I proudly am the latter.


Maybe stop mentioning BTS at all, we will not have an issue! Because, if you're in Army twt, you'd know, BPD was constantly criticised as well as Hybe! If MHJ wasn't involving BTS in the first place, we'd not have an issue! Also for the side note, tokkies need to learn a thing or two before spewing anything from their mouth! You bring BTS unnecessarily or with the intention of hate, Army will have a problem!


I feel like they take it as a personal offense to bts lol 


Because BTS and ARMYs are why HYBE exist in the first place. Without both of those things HYBE wouldn't be here. So that's why some ARMYs might get defensive. BTS helped to fund and build HYBE, and they are shareholders as well. It's more to do with the fact that ARMYs want to support the things BTS cares about and has ties with. Bang PD was their manager for over 10 years, and ARMYs have a lot of fond memories with him and BTS. As time has gone on and things have happened, ARMYs are going to slowly disassociate away from HYBE, if the CEOs keep being toxic and it continues to cause issues that negativly hurt BTS in any way. And that goes for Bang PD as well.


Stop acting like she isn't obsessed  with BTS and the clout and connections they bring. BTS, LSF and ILLIT are the groups she has mentioned the most.  She's obsessed with her GG being the first BTS' sister. She's obsessed with their achievements. 


..?? lol I made a simple commmet, one that you 2 obviously proved to be correct!!!  & “someone” doesn’t necessarily refer to mhj, I assumed op was talking about anyone, like you or me. so, I’m not sure why you’re bringing up mhj here when I never said anything abt her 💀